Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Its hard when older dogs arent getting along, I would just make a big effort to keep hunter away from your dog, its not fair to either of them, put the older dog away in your room while hes up or in the bathroom but away from your kids.
Thats scary about the snake, im so glad ireland has none!

So todays 6 dpo and got some more intense cramping like af is about to show! Ive had it since yesterday but this morning is worse
I usually have them outside and hunter goes out there and plays with them and if he is nasty I just bring him in for half an hour to try and calm him down but he thinks it's all a big game. It's sad because when hunter was younger up until he was about 18 months really they were like best buddies and now pav hates him going near it :(

The twinges could be implantation!!!! Fx thats what it is!
6dpo is pretty spot on i had my ib with hunter at 7 dpo. Hows your temp looking? I can only see up to monday on your chart

I caved tonight and bought a test as I am sooooo bloated and the cramps haven't gone away and it came back negative so I think it is just my body trying to get af started a again. If my ics come in the mail in the morning I will test again just to be sure but pretty certain I am not pregnant. I hate this bloated feeling though I forgot what it was like to feel that yuck in the stomach before af because between hunter and phoenix I think I only had like 3 periods maybe 4 I think. But with phoenix sleeping between 7 - 10 hrs straight through the night and feeding every 3hrs during the day I would say there is a fair chance I will get it soon. It's strange I am kinda bummed that it's negative but it's the best thing for us at the moment with where we are at financially and with phoenix being so young I guess.
Thanks hun im feeling pretty bloated too, I keep needing the loo too, but it could be from too much tea! Its like someone's clawed me! I lost my thermometer :( I couldnt find it after Monday! At least I was able to confirm ovulation and I think maybe its a good thing, now im not stressing over temps, If this cycle doesnt work I'll buy another for next cycle
That definitely could be a blessing in disguise losing your thermometer, its awful when you are having trouble ttc and there's all these things you have to do like temp, checking cm, check Cp and god knows what else its hard to not obsess as you have to get into the nitty gritty its make me a little coocoo I reacon especially the peeing on a stick part omg I have peed on so many I couldn't even count them all! I was pretty proud of myself for not testing like crazy this time! When do you think you will test?
Having a bad day here too Kirstie :(

Was up late with contractions last night. Dh told me after 7 last night he needed cupcakes for work in the morning. Wtf!? Then between dh and DS I've been woken up every 20-40min and sadly that's not an exaggeration. Logan woke up hrs early and has been a total brat. Not a cranky brat but hyper and wants what he wants. Then I couldn't get my coffee mug out of the dishwasher and broke my nail down past the cuticle (dh loaded it of course).

I'm about to have a fucking breakdown. I'm so effing over today and it's only 9am :cry:
Aw Darlin you poor thing! It is so awful those kinds of days all you want to do is cry and patience is none exist any especially because you are pregnant I found I had a lot less patience when I was pregnant. Big big :hugs: to you hun. Get some chocolate or something that you will enjoy sit down on the couch and watch an hr of your favourite show or a movie that will make you happy. Do you have a playpen? Or an area where you know Logan will stay and play? If so get him so toys set him up and put your feet up.

Afm: I love where I live but over the past few weeks I am starting to get not so crazy about it! We have a massive invasion of ants in our house and they are literally everywhere and we have bombed the house and sprayed all around it and it makes no difference they are even in our bed and these little bugger bite and it is not a good feeling having them crawl all over you during the night! We have had heaps of spiders also and I am forever having to sweep and vacuum the floor because of all the red sand and now the snake :( desert life isn't seeming hat great right now.
Also I thought hunter was getting better but he has ju set broken out in a fever so off to the drs for me :( its 3 am here I don't think I will be getting much sleep for the rest of the night!
Kirstie- I am so sorry to hear about your dog situation. I know how you feel because we had to get rid of our first dog that we got before we even had Zoai because she bit one of my friends kids in the leg, drew blood and left teeth marks so I didn't want to risk her biting Zoai.
I know its hard but maybe you guys should think about re-homing the dog if this is a recurrence. I know the dog is old but I cant believe it bit him in the face..thats not okay:( poor Hunter.
Sorry to hear about the bfn but remember your not out till the witch shows:thumbup:
We also have ants right now, I think its because its about to be spring over here and thats when the little suckers come out, I hate ants they are the worst.
Awh I hope Hunter feels better soon, sorry momma that your having such a rough time lately, Ill keep you guys in my thoughts:hugs:

Redrose- Good luck! Im trying to hold out until the 30th but you know how that goes lol. I made a testing thread if you want to come join:) Kirstie you can join too if you would like:thumbup:

Darlin- I hope your day gets better, sorry to hear about your contractions and your nail(ouch):hugs:
Im sorry ladies but ants!!! Ive a huge fear of them, I hate hate hate them I cry if there anywhere near me! I also hate spiders but not scared, like ants, I dunno why we dont even get biting ants here!
Have u thought about moving it sounds so nasty that far out!

Well im trying so hard not to ss but my boobs r now sore, heart burn and I had a bad craving for chicken tikka... I craved it constantly with jamie lol.

Ooh ill join in hun!
I don't care what it is. I don't even want ladybugs in my house! Bugs gross me out. I think it's because they are so small and can get anywhere they want. We buy a special spray that can be used inside and out so Bret sprays the base boards and along the outside of the house.
Livid! Dh came home early because DS had an episode. Well what has he done? Nothing but nap on the couch! I fucking told him I needed a break tonight. He knows I've had a shit day and to top it off I think I'm getting a cold :( I tried making him get up and watch Logan and he just rolled over and went back to sleep!
Abi: yeah its definitely not ok about the biting but today I just made sure I watched them very close and constantly told hunter to play gentle and we had no incidents they were even cuddling at one point so I think I will see how it goes.
Hunter is really really unwell. I had to take him to the drs this morning as last night his temp shot up and them this morning he was so lethargic and just laid in my arms and when I got there his temp was at 39.8c!!!! She said his tonsils are extremely inflamed he has another ear infection and his nose is congested :( the worst part is he hadn't eaten really in a few days and I am struggling to get his antibiotics and panadol and neurofen in him to help his temp come down so I think we may end up in the hospital tonight. His temp has finally just come down to 37c and he has just fallen asleep but I think I will stay up another half hr and see what his temp does. Poor bugger I hate seeing him unwell.
As far as pregnancy I definitely aren't we had unprotected sex over 3 weeks ago now so it definitely would have showed and unfortunately with bf I won't get a period for quite a while unless af shows soon which is what I suspect all the symptoms are from.
But I can't wait for you and redrose to start testing!!!!

Redrose: after the week I have had with a red back in the letterbox the snake in the backyard and the ants in my bed I am highly considering moving back home!
Pocono your symptoms sound positive hun and it is so damn hard to not ss especially when symptoms appear without thinking about it!

Darlin: sorry your having a rough time :( What kind of episode did poor Logan have? His croup again?
It's so hard I know mick has had days off and was suppose to be looking after hunter but yet I end up doing both the kids and he sits and watches tv or when i was pregnant and I was unwell the same things would happen. Some men are just hopeless and I know that won't make you feel better but you are definitely not alone :hugs:
Ah feck im sure ive a kidney infection :( my back has been hurting so bad for so long before I ovulated so def no a preggo sign! Its so intense where my kidneys r! I was worried it was the clomid but s not the right signs for ohss. Im drinking water, but were broke til the end of the month, luckily I have my medical card which covers the cost of the dr and most of the meds but still a small fee and I cant go anywhere in this pain or bend over! I cant get to the drs til tonight ot tomorrow morning, im so sad its gonna interfere with implantation :( feeling v sad
I have a cold now :( And ds still has his. Woke up with a very achy lower belly. Wondering if maybe I slept on it wrong? I feel better sitting. DH has an issue with his throat starting to close up sometimes and that happened this morning :dohh: Luckily he took some allergy meds and it stopped. It's not life threatening or anything but it's very uncomfortable. His throat doesn't actually close but the hangy ball in his throat swells. I'm ready to just move on from all this sickness and emergencies. I seriously can't take it anymore :(

Kristie I would want to move too!! That is just too much for me. We always hear about the wildlife horrors in Australia and I just think "Nope! can't do it!" :haha:
Abi: yeah its definitely not ok about the biting but today I just made sure I watched them very close and constantly told hunter to play gentle and we had no incidents they were even cuddling at one point so I think I will see how it goes.
Hunter is really really unwell. I had to take him to the drs this morning as last night his temp shot up and them this morning he was so lethargic and just laid in my arms and when I got there his temp was at 39.8c!!!! She said his tonsils are extremely inflamed he has another ear infection and his nose is congested :( the worst part is he hadn't eaten really in a few days and I am struggling to get his antibiotics and panadol and neurofen in him to help his temp come down so I think we may end up in the hospital tonight. His temp has finally just come down to 37c and he has just fallen asleep but I think I will stay up another half hr and see what his temp does. Poor bugger I hate seeing him unwell.
As far as pregnancy I definitely aren't we had unprotected sex over 3 weeks ago now so it definitely would have showed and unfortunately with bf I won't get a period for quite a while unless af shows soon which is what I suspect all the symptoms are from.
But I can't wait for you and redrose to start testing!!!!
Awh well Im glad they got along, hopefully they will keep at it:)
Poor Hunter, I hope he feels better soon. Have they said what he is sick with yet? keeping you guys in my thoughts hun:hugs:
Have you and your hubby talked about you guys ttc?
Well we ended up having to go to the hospital :( they gave me suppositories of panadol to put in his bum :haha: the poor bugger but it brought his temp down a little but not enough to break the fever and the poor thing has hallucinated a few times during the night, I hate seeing him so unwell and his tonsils are so swollen he is constantly drooling rather than swallowing as it obviously hurts to much. Mick is having today off work as phoenix is also sick now and I won't be able to deal with them both together be a use if phoenix catches what hunter has he will be in hospital for sure.

Redrose: you poor thing! Have you got some asparagus in the house? They said if you eat that 3 times a day it is a natural detox for your kidneys from infection maybe give that a go if you do.

Darlin: that really sucks about being sick and really awful and scary about Logans throat condition that would not be nice for any of you when it happens. I really hope dh starts helping you out soon because you need to save all of your energy for your vbac, you don't want to go into it exhausted!
Lol about the horror stories people always say that but it's not very common. Where I live you would never come on holiday (maybe a day trip) but never for a holiday so you wouldn't be close to the danger at all. Where I use to live there is nothing like that although near my mums is a huge reserve and they is quite a few snakes in there. But where you would holiday day like Queensland melbourne city morning to Sydney places like that the only wildlife you will see is that in the zoo. Other than the beach you will see dolphins and what not if you go out but I would say you guys would have the sea life also yeah? If you went to bond beach Sydney there is quite alot of shark stings there as well. Lol I am not making it sound very good am I!
Hey Ladies. Ariana Louise arrived on the 22nd :) Story and Pic over here if you want details :) (
Yayy, congrats Mrs.B! going to read your labor story now:)
Ladies guess what..I finally got my bfp today:happydance: so I guess it was my husbands masturbating that was keeping us from conceiving after all:dohh: but now comes a whole new level of nervousness lol
Here's my test:)


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