Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

My ultrasound is this coming friday now!! The 12th. Im having family out that weekend and giving them all choc cupcakes again with the pink or blue filling. But this time i am thinking of only filling 1 cupcake with filling, that way no one knows who holds the answer.

Looovveeee ur names!!!! Love the name nate!! When is ur first official appt? Do you plan on changing your birthing plan this go around?

Im opted for no drugs last time but broke down the last 2 hrs of labor and got a spinal. Im thinking of just going with the epi from the get go this time. It was hard to be social and cheery going through contractions.

One thing im dreading is being away from lo during labor. We've never been apart more than a few hrs....its gonna be tough :cry:

Darlin: def want to see pics! Hope its a blast!! What is a vbac btw?
My ultrasound is this coming friday now!! The 12th. Im having family out that weekend and giving them all choc cupcakes again with the pink or blue filling. But this time i am thinking of only filling 1 cupcake with filling, that way no one knows who holds the answer.

Looovveeee ur names!!!! Love the name nate!! When is ur first official appt? Do you plan on changing your birthing plan this go around?

Im opted for no drugs last time but broke down the last 2 hrs of labor and got a spinal. Im thinking of just going with the epi from the get go this time. It was hard to be social and cheery going through contractions.

One thing im dreading is being away from lo during labor. We've never been apart more than a few hrs....its gonna be tough :cry:

Darlin: def want to see pics! Hope its a blast!! What is a vbac btw?

Oh wow. They offered you a spinal during labor? Here they only do epis for labor and spinals for sections. How numb were you? My spinal numbed everything below my shoulders including my arms. I had trouble bf'ing in recovery :dohh:
They offered a spinal since it was too late for an epi. I looovved the spinal. I felt absolutely nothing from the waist down and kept having to ask if i was pushing because i couldnt tell if i was or not.
I even was walking within a half hour of birth. And i was able to bf immed after baby came out.

What is a vbac? I think we told our labor stories before but how did urs end up going?
They offered a spinal since it was too late for an epi. I looovved the spinal. I felt absolutely nothing from the waist down and kept having to ask if i was pushing because i couldnt tell if i was or not.
I even was walking within a half hour of birth. And i was able to bf immed after baby came out.

What is a vbac? I think we told our labor stories before but how did urs end up going?

Vbac= vaginal birth after cesarean ;)

Hi ladies :hi:
Congrats kirstiedenman :happydance:
Armywife yay for gender scan time! :) hope you get a pink cupcake;) every papa needs a princess.
Darlin hope you get to :sex: on your wedding night;) Lol when I got married I didn't get any on my wedding night because one of the groomsmen gave my DH a Viagra and it made him super sick. :haha: Poor guy, his heart was in the right place I suppose :rofl:

Afm, had more labs done yesterday. Will see next week if we get the all clear to ttc :)
They offered a spinal since it was too late for an epi. I looovved the spinal. I felt absolutely nothing from the waist down and kept having to ask if i was pushing because i couldnt tell if i was or not.
I even was walking within a half hour of birth. And i was able to bf immed after baby came out.

What is a vbac? I think we told our labor stories before but how did urs end up going?

Yeah VBAC is a vaginal birth after c-section. You must have had a diff med cocktail in yours :haha: LO was breech so we went in at 39+2 at 5am to have him turned. nobody told me not to eat past a certain time or drink so I snacked around 2am (a very not worth it snack :():dohh: They had to make me wait til noon to try to turn him with no food or drink, not even ice chips :shock: he wouldn't turn so they told me I needed a c-section and they could get me in at 5pm. I was hesitant but went ahead with it. Still not food water or ice :( But they explained that at this point going into labor could be dangerous with him breech because cord could come out first or get wrapped around his neck. I was so sad not to get to try for a natural waterbirth like I wanted but with his heart condition he may not have survived a vaginal delivery even if he was head down. LO was born @ 5:33pm 6lbs 6oz July 9th :D I actually enjoyed my extra time in the hospital binding with LO and getting waited on hand and foot :haha: People brought me whatever I wanted and I slept whenever I wanted too (even if I had company :rofl:) I honestly couldn't help it though. MIL, FIL and SIL came for a visit and I had no clue I fell asleep sitting up until I woke up and they were gone :blush:
They offered a spinal since it was too late for an epi. I looovved the spinal. I felt absolutely nothing from the waist down and kept having to ask if i was pushing because i couldnt tell if i was or not.
I even was walking within a half hour of birth. And i was able to bf immed after baby came out.

What is a vbac? I think we told our labor stories before but how did urs end up going?

Vbac= vaginal birth after cesarean ;)

Hi ladies :hi:
Congrats kirstiedenman :happydance:
Armywife yay for gender scan time! :) hope you get a pink cupcake;) every papa needs a princess.
Darlin hope you get to :sex: on your wedding night;) Lol when I got married I didn't get any on my wedding night because one of the groomsmen gave my DH a Viagra and it made him super sick. :haha: Poor guy, his heart was in the right place I suppose :rofl:

Afm, had more labs done yesterday. Will see next week if we get the all clear to ttc :)

I hope they come back good! I go back this month to get my levels done again. I am so afraid to ttc again. I just can't handle another loss and I know I will be panicking about it the whole time.

If they come back good are you going to immediately try again?
I definitely don't think labor was as bad as I thought it would be but it doesn't tickle lol. It would be great if you can have a vbac! It's a great experience.
Ooooo can't wait for the pics! I'm sure you will look stunning!!!

I probably will. They said I was a perfect candidate for one. They see it going very well for me as long as I don't have multiples...which do run in the fam :blush: lol It's my generations turn :dohh: I was heartbroken having a section with Logan because I was supposed to do all natural water birth :( But because of his heart condition he prob would not have made it through birth (We didn't know this til after my section)

Well I guess everything happens for a reason then and thank god your son didn't have to go through the trauma of labor! It's great that they think you are a good candidate! I love hearing stories of mums who have a vbac and they got there natural birth they wanted. So fx for you it works out which I'm sure it will.
My ultrasound is this coming friday now!! The 12th. Im having family out that weekend and giving them all choc cupcakes again with the pink or blue filling. But this time i am thinking of only filling 1 cupcake with filling, that way no one knows who holds the answer.

Looovveeee ur names!!!! Love the name nate!! When is ur first official appt? Do you plan on changing your birthing plan this go around?

Im opted for no drugs last time but broke down the last 2 hrs of labor and got a spinal. Im thinking of just going with the epi from the get go this time. It was hard to be social and cheery going through contractions.

One thing im dreading is being away from lo during labor. We've never been apart more than a few hrs....its gonna be tough :cry:

Darlin: def want to see pics! Hope its a blast!! What is a vbac btw?

Aw that is a great way to announce the sex!! So clever.
We stick with team yellow so we don't get to do any cool things like that lol.

Not to sure about the birthing plan. I opted for a drug free water birth but I walked my whole labor up until the last 45 minutes I couldn't stand to be sitting or lying down so there was no chance for water. I did have a shower at one stage but the water made me feel sick lol. I had gas and air and I asked for the Epi but I was transitioning then and jess midwife said the only thing your having us a baby and 15 minutes later hunter was born.
So this time I think I will just go in with an open mind and ask them to have a room with a bath so I have the option but yeah I definitely want to try either drug free or just has again I don't want an Epi hate the thought of a needle in my spine eeeekkk makes me cringe lol and I dunno I enjoy the pain and the process (which may sound sick and weird lol) but I was lucky enough to have a quick labor so I might not be saying these things if I had a long one.

I had never even thought about being away from hunter till you just said that! It's going to be really hard for me because my husband doesn't wake to him crying so I am going to have to make sure I have someone there that can wake him if hunter wakes he is bloody hopeless!!!! It will be really hard for me also to be away from him :( I guess it has to be done though.
I am the same as you we have never been apart longer than a few hours so I know he will probably handle it just as bad as me....

I started having some light bleeding yesterday which sucks but I am not to worried as my tests keep getting darker and my digi now says 5 weeks. It was only for about 3 hours and then stopped and I was suppose to be on rest and then today silly me didn't I did some gardening changing my veggies from there seedling pots to big pots and sure enough a few hours later I started lightly bleeding again!! I have an appointment tomorrow with my baby doctor (we don't have ob/gyns where I live and she will just give me an anti d (I am a- blood group) and either give a scan and take bloods or just bloods. I am not really stressed about it though as I bled like this (well actually a bit darker) for 14 weeks when I was pregnant with hunter I thought I would have an easier pregnancy this time but obviously not!
I already have morning sickness, heartburn and fatigue!!! None of which I got till I was 7 weeks the first time
Essie: hope all goes well and u get the thumbs up to proceed!

Darlin: i feel the same way about my hospital stay too! I loved having lo next to me and nurses and cooks there for me whenever. I remember i was sooo hungry too since i went in 3am and didnt give birth until 5pm ....that sucked lol. We ordered some stuff crust pizza immed after birth lol. It was also girl scout cookie time so mil had tons of thin mints and samoas to snack on. Whenever i eat samoas now it reminds me of labor with ds. I bought some to have for this labor too.
If u get a vbac are u planning on nat. Waterbirth ?

Kristie: do you guys know what you will do with ds during labor? Are hubby's allowed to stay with you durig your stay?
Your not finding out the gender?!? Shucks! Lol i wanna know!!! Do you just buy gender neutral stuff?

Afm finally got a pic uploaded on here from hubbys phone! almost the total weight i was givig birth to ds :dohh: i never lost all the baby fat lol...
Also got a bit of a b bump likr i had with ds. I hate it...but coverig it with my hand seems to work lol.
Essie: hope all goes well and u get the thumbs up to proceed!

Darlin: i feel the same way about my hospital stay too! I loved having lo next to me and nurses and cooks there for me whenever. I remember i was sooo hungry too since i went in 3am and didnt give birth until 5pm ....that sucked lol. We ordered some stuff crust pizza immed after birth lol. It was also girl scout cookie time so mil had tons of thin mints and samoas to snack on. Whenever i eat samoas now it reminds me of labor with ds. I bought some to have for this labor too.
If u get a vbac are u planning on nat. Waterbirth ?

Kristie: do you guys know what you will do with ds during labor? Are hubby's allowed to stay with you durig your stay?
Your not finding out the gender?!? Shucks! Lol i wanna know!!! Do you just buy gender neutral stuff?

Afm finally got a pic uploaded on here from hubbys phone! almost the total weight i was givig birth to ds :dohh: i never lost all the baby fat lol...
Also got a bit of a b bump likr i had with ds. I hate it...but coverig it with my hand seems to work lol.

It all depends when we have another. I have to be monitored the whole time and right now they are not water proof. The midwife said they are trying to get water proof monitoring equipment though and by the time we have another they may have it.

I didn't get offered much food. I got to my actual room after 9pm and they offered me some jello and graham crackers to make sure I could keep it down. She also offered a turkey sandwich. Well after the jello I was still starving so I asked for the sandwich and she yelled at me and said Bret would have to go to the little cafe downstairs to get me something. They really didn't provide me with food except my 3 meals that were never much
Thanks ladies :)

All these birth stories are making me broody! I had a c-section with DD and will probably have another. Out of hospital in 2 days, DD out at the same time. She was a little sluggish at first though. She didn't cry right away and had to be suctioned and stimulated to breathe a lot. Super scary and I didn't get to hold her until after recovery but I was amazed at how she rallied. The diligence of the nursery staff in getting the excess fluid out of her lungs made all the difference. And Darlin unlike your hospital I had great food and nurses that always wanted to feed me, loved that part :haha: They were actually bringing me food from their personal lounge that staff catered in for them, :thumbup:

It's actually hard to keep from ttc this month. I will probably ov near the end of this week and I should have my thyroid panel results by Wednesday......hmmmm. :winkwink: If tests are good we will probably get started this month. DH just started a better job and is broody as well. I'm scared of things going wrong but I will always be scared of that. Just going to try being as healthy as possible and see what happens.
Armywife like you, I have never been away from DD for more than a few hours. She has never stayed away from home either. I'm a little worried about what to do with her if I get to have another one. I suppose DH will have to take her home overnight to sleep and granny can help with her in the hospital or take her out to the park during the day. I'm thinking that juggling 2 kiddos will be a constant scheduling conflict :wacko:
Thanks ladies :)

All these birth stories are making me broody! I had a c-section with DD and will probably have another. Out of hospital in 2 days, DD out at the same time. She was a little sluggish at first though. She didn't cry right away and had to be suctioned and stimulated to breathe a lot. Super scary and I didn't get to hold her until after recovery but I was amazed at how she rallied. The diligence of the nursery staff in getting the excess fluid out of her lungs made all the difference. And Darlin unlike your hospital I had great food and nurses that always wanted to feed me, loved that part :haha: They were actually bringing me food from their personal lounge that staff catered in for them, :thumbup:

It's actually hard to keep from ttc this month. I will probably ov near the end of this week and I should have my thyroid panel results by Wednesday......hmmmm. :winkwink: If tests are good we will probably get started this month. DH just started a better job and is broody as well. I'm scared of things going wrong but I will always be scared of that. Just going to try being as healthy as possible and see what happens.

The way I look st it is if the food is all I have to complain about then I'm not really complaining! :haha: I was super happy with the rest of my experience. My hospital was amazing. Plus I had great midwives, Dr.'s and the best anesthesiologist I could ask for! Made me so comfortable before, during and after. He explained everything perfectly and truly cared. Kept me from feeling a thing!

I hope whatever you decide things go well for you. I'm actually kind of scared of a :bfp: now because I'm afraid my thyroid won't be right and bean won't stick :cry:
Thanks ladies :)

All these birth stories are making me broody! I had a c-section with DD and will probably have another. Out of hospital in 2 days, DD out at the same time. She was a little sluggish at first though. She didn't cry right away and had to be suctioned and stimulated to breathe a lot. Super scary and I didn't get to hold her until after recovery but I was amazed at how she rallied. The diligence of the nursery staff in getting the excess fluid out of her lungs made all the difference. And Darlin unlike your hospital I had great food and nurses that always wanted to feed me, loved that part :haha: They were actually bringing me food from their personal lounge that staff catered in for them, :thumbup:

It's actually hard to keep from ttc this month. I will probably ov near the end of this week and I should have my thyroid panel results by Wednesday......hmmmm. :winkwink: If tests are good we will probably get started this month. DH just started a better job and is broody as well. I'm scared of things going wrong but I will always be scared of that. Just going to try being as healthy as possible and see what happens.

The way I look st it is if the food is all I have to complain about then I'm not really complaining! :haha: I was super happy with the rest of my experience. My hospital was amazing. Plus I had great midwives, Dr.'s and the best anesthesiologist I could ask for! Made me so comfortable before, during and after. He explained everything perfectly and truly cared. Kept me from feeling a thing!

I hope whatever you decide things go well for you. I'm actually kind of scared of a :bfp: now because I'm afraid my thyroid won't be right and bean won't stick :cry:

Lol, I loved my anesthesiologist to! My Doc introduced him as the most famous guy in the hospital :haha: Said he gets more flowers than a teenage prom queen :rofl: I guess lots of thankful, pain free, new mamas send him flowers. :flower:

When were your last thyroid tests and how were they? My doc gives me the go ahead as soon as my tsh is 3 or below. I'm worried about another mc as well but going to dive in anyway. I know now to take nothing for granted :nope:
I know you ladies were excited for pictures so here is a taste of what's to come :winkwink: Started on Favors and this is the first of 33 :haha:


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Thanks ladies :)

All these birth stories are making me broody! I had a c-section with DD and will probably have another. Out of hospital in 2 days, DD out at the same time. She was a little sluggish at first though. She didn't cry right away and had to be suctioned and stimulated to breathe a lot. Super scary and I didn't get to hold her until after recovery but I was amazed at how she rallied. The diligence of the nursery staff in getting the excess fluid out of her lungs made all the difference. And Darlin unlike your hospital I had great food and nurses that always wanted to feed me, loved that part :haha: They were actually bringing me food from their personal lounge that staff catered in for them, :thumbup:

It's actually hard to keep from ttc this month. I will probably ov near the end of this week and I should have my thyroid panel results by Wednesday......hmmmm. :winkwink: If tests are good we will probably get started this month. DH just started a better job and is broody as well. I'm scared of things going wrong but I will always be scared of that. Just going to try being as healthy as possible and see what happens.

The way I look st it is if the food is all I have to complain about then I'm not really complaining! :haha: I was super happy with the rest of my experience. My hospital was amazing. Plus I had great midwives, Dr.'s and the best anesthesiologist I could ask for! Made me so comfortable before, during and after. He explained everything perfectly and truly cared. Kept me from feeling a thing!

I hope whatever you decide things go well for you. I'm actually kind of scared of a :bfp: now because I'm afraid my thyroid won't be right and bean won't stick :cry:

Lol, I loved my anesthesiologist to! My Doc introduced him as the most famous guy in the hospital :haha: Said he gets more flowers than a teenage prom queen :rofl: I guess lots of thankful, pain free, new mamas send him flowers. :flower:

When were your last thyroid tests and how were they? My doc gives me the go ahead as soon as my tsh is 3 or below. I'm worried about another mc as well but going to dive in anyway. I know now to take nothing for granted :nope:

They don't give me the numbers. I go back later this month and he will tell me if it is better. They just tell me if it's still low and adjust my meds accordingly. I think I will get pregnant easily. Last time was on the 1st try. So I need to make sure my levels are good and stay that way. Plus I am thinking maybe we need a new house before we ttc. We have a 1st floor master and if we put LO up in his room and there's an emergency there is no way I could get to him in time. If we have another we can't have two in our room. :dohh: A lot of decisions and convincing OH.
Okay ladies... So I told OH that we need to move before having another LO because of our awful floor plan. He told me that I would be waiting a while then. LO sleeps in our room in his crib. OH wants to move him upstairs. I said heck no because I couldn't get to him in an emergency fast enough. He told me he wasn't going to have him in our room much longer. Next week we are going to move into the 2nd upstairs room and put LO in his room. However this will not work if we want another LO. No way there is enough room for all 3 of us upstairs :( Idk what to do. Thinking maybe we could sell the house and find a cheap condo that we could later rent out and buy our forever home. We will get a nice little profit from our home since we got a steal. It was a fixer upper and the houses around us go for considerably more than ours did. Was a foreclosure. Idk what to do at this point :(

Also, OH found a job he could apply for that would pay him what he makes at time and a half right now. The money would be great but I don't like the idea of being at home with LO by myself at night. I've never been on my own at night and have horrible anxiety. I don't think it will mix well :( He is going to apply and we will go from there I guess. We have a lot of tough decisions to make.
Ok so I have tried to reply to you army so many times and my dad phone wasn't working lol.

I am hoping that family will come over so that way there will be someone with hunter and I am also keeping fx that I go into labor in the morning and then he won't have to spend over night some where he still hasn't been away from mick and I for a full night yet. Husbands aren't aloud I stay with you whilst in hospital but I don't mind that because the less destraction I have to get my breastfeeding down pat before I leave the hospital the better it will be. He will probably just come in every day with hunter until I discharged.
What about you who will be looking after your lo? I think I remember you saying husbands are allowed to stay?
Yeah definitely not finding out I love not knowing lol I don't mind about being organised we have plenty of neutral stuff from when I was pregnant with hunter and I actually have 2 girl onesies that a friend bought me which was really strange lol I got them for my baby shower. But I remember when hunter was born and I had so many outfits before I even left the hospital every person that came in brought at least 2 outfits it was great! Wow only 3 days left till Friday!!!!!! How exciting! And you said you are hoping for a boy??
Armywife like you, I have never been away from DD for more than a few hours. She has never stayed away from home either. I'm a little worried about what to do with her if I get to have another one. I suppose DH will have to take her home overnight to sleep and granny can help with her in the hospital or take her out to the park during the day. I'm thinking that juggling 2 kiddos will be a constant scheduling conflict :wacko:

Thats exactly what i was thinking of doing. Mil has offered to take ds the whole ttime which is so nice of her but id think id rather have hubby do then it isnt so much change at once
Ok so I have tried to reply to you army so many times and my dad phone wasn't working lol.

I am hoping that family will come over so that way there will be someone with hunter and I am also keeping fx that I go into labor in the morning and then he won't have to spend over night some where he still hasn't been away from mick and I for a full night yet. Husbands aren't aloud I stay with you whilst in hospital but I don't mind that because the less destraction I have to get my breastfeeding down pat before I leave the hospital the better it will be. He will probably just come in every day with hunter until I discharged.
What about you who will be looking after your lo? I think I remember you saying husbands are allowed to stay?
Yeah definitely not finding out I love not knowing lol I don't mind about being organised we have plenty of neutral stuff from when I was pregnant with hunter and I actually have 2 girl onesies that a friend bought me which was really strange lol I got them for my baby shower. But I remember when hunter was born and I had so many outfits before I even left the hospital every person that came in brought at least 2 outfits it was great! Wow only 3 days left till Friday!!!!!! How exciting! And you said you are hoping for a boy??

Thats crazy you'd rather not know! I love planninng and being prepared ......not much for being surprised lol.
I saw u updated ur ticker!! :happydance: does it feel real yet?
my pregnancy hasnt ever felt real besides still peeing 4 times a nighht BUT last night i think i may have felt first movements! So its slowly starting to actually feel real to me..

Ya hubbys stay in our private room, they have a foldout thing for them to sleep on. Hubby says he really wants to stay with me to help me, like last time he helped me go to the bathroom and change my pads and change lo...he was such a sweetheart.
i do want him there with me again but i also want ds to have him too..

Mil wants to have him for the duration and bring him to see me everyday. Im leaning more towards mil having him during the day and hubby can bring him home at night.
i do feel a bit more prepared this time and feel confident in handling it myself at the hospitall. We shall see. We havent talked detaills yet with mil.

Def hoping for a boy! Just be nice having clothes already for him and havinng them share bunkbeds. And hopefully share the same interests since they will be so close in age.

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