Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Thanks. It sucks but oh well just gotta keep movin. This pushes ov closer to vacation. Now it's set for the weekend right before we leave. That's good because then I don't feel like I will need to limit myself as much while we're gone.
mega confused right now.. i got a nearly positive op on cd 11/12 (may 18/19) and my last cycle was 26 days and i had ewcm around then and since then the second line was barely visable! today ive got so much cm thought either af or wet myself and again a nearly positve opk! could it be im actually ovulating now ? ive been having some odd symptoms since about 5 dpo. i had bad cramping sharp pains that day. also from 6 dpo ive had swollen sore gums! ive had bouts of diarrhoea too. sore bbs and on off creamy cm and today its very wet and lots of cm! dunno what to think :shrug: im thinking we should bd today just incase
I have a DS that is 4 months old and EBF. We are not trying but would like to in the next few months. I have not had AF yet so it is hard to know when I'm ovulating. I am trying to monitor my cycle to see where I am - would OPK help if I start taking them regularly or does anyone have advice?
Thank you ladies for making me feel so welcomed:] love you guys already:haha:

ArmyWife1984: Awh sorry for your loss as well. Thank you though, you gave me some hope:]

d1kt8r: Thank you:flower: usually I get alot of bashing because of how we decided to spell her name, but I appreciate that. Haha and thats okay! we did try for our daughter so I had a poas addiction also:haha: which might happen again so we might be poas addict buddies xD

Darlin65: Awh sorry for your loss:flower: I do like this group already:happydance: and thank you for the dust, sending it your way too, so sorry to hear about af visit:nope: hope you feel better soon:hugs: I just noticed that your lo is a week older then my lo haha

Kirstiedenman: Awh thank you!:flower: yes it is different but thats why I like it:] it would of been spelt Zoei but I made the mistake of telling someone and they used it haha. It took alittle over a year to conceive her, and I finally had heard about pre-seed so we used it and the first month we used it we got her:cloud9: this time though, I am only going to use my period tracker app, we want to see if it will happen more naturally without help i guess:blush: and congratulations on your bfp!:hugs:

RedRose19: You should post a pic of the opk:thumbup:

tryinginNJ: Yes, opk's are helpful. I used to take them everyday from cd 11-12 until the positive then bd like crazy haha

Have any of you ladies went on the pill to regulate your cycles, then go off to either ttc/ntnp? how did it work for you? I have been on bc for about 2 months trying to regulate my cycles, currently I only have 2 active pills left and then I will take myself off bc to ntnp. I've heard alot of horror story's saying it takes a long time to conceive after going off, is that true?
We are NTNP #3 and #2 is only 6 months old lol. Our oldest was only 6 months old when I got surprise pregnant after my husband returned from deployment. So he was 15 months old (14 months and 3 weeks) when #2 was born
Welcome daddiesgift! ! :wave:

My lo will be 18months when #2 arrives......i must ask you!!! ..How is it with 2 under 2? I'm extremely nervous. I am most worried with the first few months.and living off of practically no sleep i would imagine....did you find time to sleep??? Sorry for all the questions....its just nice asking someone who knows firsthand!

Must not of been too bad if you want another one :thumbup: :)
Welcome daddiesgift! ! :wave:

My lo will be 18months when #2 arrives......i must ask you!!! ..How is it with 2 under 2? I'm extremely nervous. I am most worried with the first few months.and living off of practically no sleep i would imagine....did you find time to sleep??? Sorry for all the questions....its just nice asking someone who knows firsthand!

Must not of been too bad if you want another one :thumbup: :)

You can read my journal if you want though I just started it so your missing out on the early days information :haha:

Honestly it wasnt that bad at all. I was really worried and freaked out. When #1 was around 6 months you think of adding a baby to a 6 month old baby but its not like that! 15 month old he was feeding himself fine, sttn, good at playing alone, walking made it easier for sure. We co sleep with both kiddies the first 2 weeks I spent on the couch with the newborn as I didnt want to wake the toddler and hubs and I was trying to breast feed as much as possible. Cosleeping is great for us as I didnt have to get out of bed to go help baby. I can just roll over and help him. I got on a routine real quick! Feed toddler same time in the morning and try to get my bite of eat then, lunch and dinner same way. Baby swings and bouncers have been great for us before baby was wanting to play with stuff. Also a baby carrier if you need to help toddler but baby is mommy needy. Get breaks as much as you can with family or your OH. Times I need to bathe and kids are awake and Im home alone I just bathe with them! Even if they both need baths and I dont want to bend over the tub I just throw them in the tub with me! I always put toddler in the car or stroller first then the baby. Freezer meals the first weeks is great. hmmm bet Im missing something. Oh and if you need to go grocery shopping just leave the baby with daddy and go with the toddler or alone. The early days was a nightmare taking both of them!! Baby no matter if I fed in the car before going in store he was scream starving once we go inside:wacko: Even now I take the toddler with me so we can have some alone time and I get him a little treat. He also loves driving the car shopping cart that little brother cant fit in :haha:

I made sure to try and spend time with both equally even if it was just sitting on the couch. I would kiss baby then kiss toddler ect. I tried to let toddler feel involved with baby so he wasnt resentful. There was some hard days but over all its been pretty "Easy" and not as scary as I thought it would be.
oh and something I learned with #1 is everything else can wait, sleeping is a must! The early days the baby sleeps so much that the odds the baby and toddler will fall asleep same time is likely so just nap then!
Thank you! I co slept with ds too and loved it. It made it easy to sleep and feed.

Good luck to you with #3!

Hooah!!!!!! :)
Idk how you cosleep :haha: I mean I did it at first when bf'ing but after a while I was ready for my bed back lol DH kept pushing for him to be in his own room even and I held off on that to about 9 months. I absolutely LOVE it! :haha: But I wouldn't have done it a min sooner looking back. I think it was the perfect time for transition for us.
Have any of you started weaning your LO off bottles/formula? We are starting the process tomorrow and tips would be helpful :) Think we are going to wean off the bottle and then slowly take away the formula at the end of the month. I'm cutting him down to 20oz a day for now. Pediatrician said nor less than 16oz and no more than 32oz.
Idk how you cosleep :haha: I mean I did it at first when bf'ing but after a while I was ready for my bed back lol DH kept pushing for him to be in his own room even and I held off on that to about 9 months. I absolutely LOVE it! :haha: But I wouldn't have done it a min sooner looking back. I think it was the perfect time for transition for us.

Its not so bad! We tried over and over to transition our oldest and it was a nightmare so hes staying in our bed till he wants to leave! My OH says he'd want him out by 3. We both enjoy it so I think that helps. He sleeps inbetween us then the babies crib is side carred to our bed. Pretty much one side taken off of his crib and connected to our bed so its just extends our mattress. They both have learned their place so for the most part its no crazy sleeping :haha:

Have any of you started weaning your LO off bottles/formula? We are starting the process tomorrow and tips would be helpful :) Think we are going to wean off the bottle and then slowly take away the formula at the end of the month. I'm cutting him down to 20oz a day for now. Pediatrician said nor less than 16oz and no more than 32oz.

10 months is still pretty young so dont stress it too much. We let our LO self wean himself off the bottle so he was 14 months old about the time the baby was born! He would never drink out of a sippy up he just didnt like it but one day he picked that up and never picked up the bottle again! I felt like it was a form of comfort not just food so I didnt want to take it away sooner than he needed. We offered only milk in the bottle and always provided a sippy cup of water just in case he wanted it and one day he did! So I say just keep offering the cup and one day baby will not want bottle anymore. If you want baby off soon just offer sippy more often than bottle. Our LO had a protein allergy so he couldnt have cows milk till recently but we switched him off the special formula at 11 months old and went straight to almond milk. We would make 75% of the bottle formula then 25% milk, then 50/50, 25/75 then 100% almond milk! Just so he would get use to the taste and he had no issues doing it that way! So he was done with formula at 11 months and done with bottle at 14.
LO was on allimentum and now is on a new one called total comfort they just started selling. It 's a step closer(and cheaper). The doctor said we can give him whole milk though and we do. He likes the formula as more of a comfort thing. He is totally fine with a sippy cup of milk until he gets tired and cranky and it is nap/bed time. Then he wants a bottle of formula. He's already almost 11 months old so I want to start the process since we have just over a month to go. He has weaned himself with everything else pretty easy. He decided when he didn't want to bf anymore and when he was done sleeping in his swing and ready for the crib. Hoping if I steer him in the right direction this will be the same.
I got my hands on some OPKs so I did one early this arvo about 1:30pm this is the pic :) when do you think I should take another one? its now 8pm.
Thanks Ladies.


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im getting a second opk surge... dunno what to think, we have been bd just incase
D1: i usually take them once a day around 2pm..looks like your getting close to o. I would take one at 8pm too since its getting close!

Darlin: going from formula to whole was pretty easy.. i just did equal parts for awhile, then 2 to 1 for awhile and eventually just whole. I used to warm it up for him to so he was still getting warm liquid...but eventually stopped that too when i realized he didn't care either way lol..

Still working on bottles....he loves his bottle i think i'm gonna let him have it until he decides he's ready to move on

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