Thank you ladies for making me feel so welcomed:] love you guys already
ArmyWife1984: Awh sorry for your loss as well. Thank you though, you gave me some hope:]
d1kt8r: Thank you

usually I get alot of bashing because of how we decided to spell her name, but I appreciate that. Haha and thats okay! we did try for our daughter so I had a poas addiction also

which might happen again so we might be poas addict buddies xD
Darlin65: Awh sorry for your loss

I do like this group already

and thank you for the dust, sending it your way too, so sorry to hear about af visit

hope you feel better soon

I just noticed that your lo is a week older then my lo haha
Kirstiedenman: Awh thank you!

yes it is different but thats why I like it:] it would of been spelt Zoei but I made the mistake of telling someone and they used it haha. It took alittle over a year to conceive her, and I finally had heard about pre-seed so we used it and the first month we used it we got her

this time though, I am only going to use my period tracker app, we want to see if it will happen more naturally without help i guess

and congratulations on your bfp!
RedRose19: You should post a pic of the opk
tryinginNJ: Yes, opk's are helpful. I used to take them everyday from cd 11-12 until the positive then bd like crazy haha
Have any of you ladies went on the pill to regulate your cycles, then go off to either ttc/ntnp? how did it work for you? I have been on bc for about 2 months trying to regulate my cycles, currently I only have 2 active pills left and then I will take myself off bc to ntnp. I've heard alot of horror story's saying it takes a long time to conceive after going off, is that true?