Yeah we get paid fortnightly as well it can be very tough sometimes!
I can sympathise with the doctors it costs me $80 every time I have an appointment and for the first 8 weeks a had an appointment every week! It was very rough on our cash flow. We only get free maternity where I live till after 26 weeks so I will still have to pay $80 for all my appointments till then. If I still lived in Melbourne where we moved from it would all be free and our ultrasounds outside of my doctors office like the 12 and 20 week ones are $280

luckily I don't do the 12 week scan but will still have to pay it at 20 weeks. I also have to travel 6 hours for my 20 week appointment as well as any other appointment they need me for and I have to be out of town at 36 weeks as there is not hospital here that can deliver so I have to pay for 4 weeks of accomodation if my friend ends up moving but if not I will have someone to stay with. It's crazy!!!
I truly hope this is a definite positive for you and the ms is a very good sign!