oooo yay!!! im gunna wait another week incase that small amount of spotting i had was implantation, (i doubt because we havent bd since the 3rd) lol im slack and i have a very very sick little man at the moment im going on 24 hours and no sleep not even a minute.
We went to a wedding last night. Was so hard because sil is pregnant and then I was holding other sil's newborn baby (3 or 4wks old) and everyone kept asking me if it made me want another one now I had to lie and be like "No, not yet." Then today my mom was trying to tell me we should wait for our next for a few yrs Just kinda said yeah and shook my head. Little does everyone know we are 100% trying next cycle. Not something I really want others to know and judge me about
i will never tell people when we are 100% trying again, all i got last time is gosh its taking a while, maby you have fertility issues, weight blah blah. non of anyone elses business
Sorry to hear max is sick....its so tough when they aren't feeling well..
We went to a wedding yesterday too. It went well but it was soooo hard leaving ds. I cried and cried the minute we pulled away. He doesn't recognize grandma and pa yet since he doesn't see them was tough more on me than him. Mil said he did great though and even laughed a few times.
I dont know how i am gonna handle being away from ds during labor
Does anyone else find it really hard being away from LO?
My mom made me so mad, she didnt understand why i was sad leaving my lil man for the day...she just blamed my pregnancy hormones .....pregnancy or not i would have cried just the same...
I think what made it harder was he waz napping when i left so didn't get to say goodbye and felt bad he would wake up not knowing where i went
Aw darlin I know how u feel my baby girl will be one on July 20th. I'm excited for her party but I wish she could stay this little forever!
Armywife I have the hardest time leaving my dd. she does fine without me but I am not ready to be with out her. She has stayed away from me two times now. so hard. I dunno how ill feel after having #2.
I find it a little tough leaving DS but not really We left him from an early age though so it makes it easier. I still think about him and miss him when we are gone but it's not overwhelming. I'm worried about being alone in the hospital DH won't be able to stay all week like he did last time (he was unemployed) He was there 24/7 last time. He is really upset about it too. the inlaws will stay at our house and bring Logan to visit us each day so that doesn't bother me too much. I told DH to try and save his vaca time after our trip next month and to just use his 2wks when the baby is born
I feel insane. My test was neg and I know it won't work but I have this urge to pee on the rest in hopes one will be I didn't think it would bother me as much to get a "bfn: this cycle L(
Aww I hope it turns into a BFP! I think I'll feel the same way at the end of this cycle even though its our first month. There is always still a little hope and desire that u will get it fast. Good luck! And baby dust!
Hello all may I join this thread? LO is almost 9 months old and due to medical issues we are NTNP for #2 because we of how "hard" it is for me to become pregnant.. which I am starting to rethink because I was feeling a bit off this month and took a hpt test that I can t tell if theres a line or not! Im nervous about having two LOs close in age but I know this is what I want it would be nice to have others to talk to
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