Oh no, I'm so sorry I though AF hit a little bit ago but still nothing yet. UGH hate the waiting part! Just come already so I can start over or give me a damn BFP!!!
sorry darlin at least this is the month you and oh are def trying now so yayy
i got a flashing smiley on my clearblue digi i was so sick of looking at lines trying to tell if they were positive or not! so fertility is high! yayy so the bd begins... although really is already started last night
id love to get preg this cycle.. id be due march 27
ive got achey pains in my sides and lots of ewcm so im thinking it could be any time from 2 days to 4 either way i dont mind i just know were on the right path to oving
Good luck redrose what have u been doing this cycle to help your chances?
Mrs b. : i haven't used clearblue before so i'm of no help...and my cm always seems dry...but if you had creamy cm i'd think you'd be o'ing or close to it
Well still no AF for me but no BFP either. Not sure if I am out or what??
I have never used OPK tests, so I don't know either, sorry! I am thinking about trying them this next month if AF shows(which I am sure will be any day..ugh )
well ive been taking a agnus castus vitex herbal thing my friend made for me shes a herbalist, ive been taking evening primose oil, folic acid and of course my thyroid meds which i take every day anyway lol.but if i ov in the next four days it will make my cycle 4 days shorter im hoping slowly my cycles become more regular!
darlin couldnt u take opks anyway hes not going to know if u take one in the morning
AF suppose to show today and I took a .99 cent cheapie. I didnt think I saw anything but OH says he does. So heres two crappy pics I took I have a FRER but I just went pee again and it was completely clear so Im assuming its too diluted? Ugh I cant believe I threw out the FMU! Think hes just trying to wig me out
Since AF is due today I think Ill wait a day or two before buying another to take. Weve decided to actually wait to have another! I will be super happy of course and already feel excited but I also feel scared since we decided to wait till at least one of our boys was out of diapers, we have TWO vehicles that can fit three car seats, BOTH boys sleeping in their own rooms and I lose 15 more pounds.
I think i see a line on the 1st pic daddiesgift!
so if af does show your not gonna be trying again until maybe another yr or so!....depending on how potty training goes!
Don't be a stranger around here either way i'll need support from a fellow 2 under 2 army momma hooah!
Feeling upset ladies so I knew with another baby I would be giving des less of my time to Logan and I was fine with that... Until today. Watching Tucker with Logan made me realize how little I would be spending with Logan and how much that upsets me idk what I want to do now...
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