I will tell you how I make mine. Keep in mind they are very labor intensive and take about 3hrs or more (if you don't bake your cake ahead of time)
1.) Get whatever boxed cake you want to use and bake it however the directions say. Let it cool completely. For cake pops it is ok to use cake that is a couple days old.
2.) Make your buttercream. You can use store bought icing but it isn't as thick and it's way more sticky and harder to manage. I use this recipe...
I cut the recipe in half. if it seems a little runny you can add more powder sugar or if you need some extra milk that's normal too. It should be pretty stiff but not rock hard
3.) Crumble up the cake in a bowl so it's as fine as you can get it. I usually cut off any rough edges 1st so you don't get lumps.
4.) Add frosting a couple spoonfuls at a time until you get like a dough consistency. You need to be able to roll them into balls.
5.) Place a peace of parchment paper on a cookie sheet and scoop out balls of your cake mixture. I use a cookie scoop so mine are uniform and then roll them in your hands so they are smooth.
6.) place them in the fridge to harden a little.
7.) take your lollipop sticks and dip the tips in a little bit of melted chocolate then stick them in the cake balls. I usually melt a small amnt of 5 or 6 chips for this because you will not need the whole bag yet.
8.) return them to the fridge or the freezer to harden back up. DO NOT leave them in either too long or they will crack. You can't start this process and then finish them later they have to be finished that same night. I usually give them at least 10 min.
9.) melt your chocolate as the bag states. I only use the wilton kind or the nestle chips we get at a local baking shop. The candy melts don't melt smoothly enough. If you use the microwave heat at 30sec at a time or you can scald your chips and they get grainy.
10.) I next remove about 10 pops at a time from the fridge to dip in chocolate. You can tap most of the extra chocolate off and set flat on parchment paper or tap off the extra and stick in a piece of styrofoam so they are like actual lollipops. Don't tap too hard or they will fall apart/break. They are VERY fragile. Once completely dry (20min or so) You can decorate them as you wish

When finished if you won't be eating them within 24hrs I would say stick them in the fridge.
These were my test run pops for Logan's party. I am making Mickey ones. All I had at the time was white chips and fondant. The ones for the party will be black with the bottom half double dipped in red with 2 white dots for buttons so they look like real Mickeys.