Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

I was pretty much in your situation with my last attempt muncho. I had one dominant follicle and a few smaller ones. Thankfully I didn't have to make a decision as my clinic wouldn't carry out the procedure with less than 3 follicles. I didn't push it though, so not sure if they would have gone ahead with IVF id we had have insisted on it.

Personally we probably wouldn't have gone ahead with one follicle, due to financial pressures. We were also on our first cycle then and as much as it devastated me, we knew that we would have plenty more opportunity in the future for a better response from subsequent cycles. I am only 25 so I have time on my side. If I had been further down the line I might have considered going ahead with it.

Consider whether you could have another go at IVF in a few months if this cycle is unsuccessful if you spend the money now. Does your age give you time to hang on for another few months?

Then again you have to consider your sanity lol It's a very personal decision but we decided to give up and try again.

I know big decisions are hateful but you will feel so much better when you've made up your mind.
Mrs R you are right about the money side of it. And even thou we dont have lots of it. we can afford it and i think most people would make the decision based on the cost as its not bloody cheap
We are lucky as the clinic lets us decide.
Also i donated eggs for my sis and the last time (4 years ago) i only got 3 eggs! all fertilised and she got bfp. She had the last one frozen and last year they decided to try again. it went to blastocyst - 5 day!!!!!!!! 4 years on and it was still quality, anyway it dies after that but thats not the point. Having said that i now have endo and that can affect egg quality

also im 39, so time isnt on my side, i think you did do the right thing for your situation
its so difficult isnt it.
Thanks for your response and im so lookign forward to hearing how you get on this time.

Oh well hope for the best now :)

P.s i wish i was 25 again :)
Honestly, I'd still go for it. I totally agreed with what you said about how stopping makes you feel like you have no chance and having no 'what if' feeling.

And I'm 27 and as you ladies have said have time but I'd still go for it. But thats maybe just my personality and how I think about things xxx

Hope that helps in some way xxx
Oh bum!

Sorry to butt in girls, but I just googled my estrogen level from today and it's way too high. It's at a level that indicates OHSS!! I read about cycles being cancelled when the results are 4000, mine is nearly 8000!! My clinic have reduced my drugs so I hope it doesn't go wrong in that I overstimulate. How crap would that be!!

Why can we never win???
Jo Jo thats what i kinda thought. Dh and myself are determined people. especially me> if i cna run a marthon (having never ran before) and only train for 7 weeks and then get a major injury and still complete in within my target , im sure somehow i can try to be determined to make it work,
dh has said to me 100 times not to get worked up as the chances are low..

Well it's just after 9:30pm for me, at 9:30 I took my hcg trigger injection. My egg collection is Monday at 9:30am. Today they said I've about ten follicles on either side.

Out of the 20 they've told me to expect about 60% of them to contain eggs. So hopefully around twelve eggs. Fingers crossed
Good luck JoJo and Mrs R for your impending ECs. I really hope you both have some success.
hi ladies,
an update- had ET today. Out of the 9 that fertilized, 3 were on target in terms of cell development, so they transferred those three. Here in the US, 3 is pretty standard for us over 38 year olds...
I feel fine, but I've been anxious today- trying to be positive for my embies. But, I can't help but wonder, why didn't those other 6 develop? But gotta let them go and focus on these three. I'm PUPO!
Guess what!! In Jan this year i read that the Lister fertlity clinic were offereing 21 free cycles of IVF. I was umming and ahhing as to whether i should do it. I had 2 days left before the closing date, i thought id give it a go

This cycle is wuth the Lister anyway. Today i recieved a letter to say we fit the critera and we have been chosen....WOW!!!!! amazing.
Its like someone ahs given us a cheue for £7k. This includes EVERYTHING, drugs,, scans, bloods etc.

How Brilliant is that?

Mrs R, sorry i cant help with the E levels, sorry. what happened?
JoJo, good luck for Monday. How exciting, all looking good.
brooklyn , brilliant, put your feet up and let the wait begin xx
muncho- just wrote in your journal...that is really amazing. Congrats, it must be a huge relief to know you have that.

Jojo, yay for the trigger shot and your 20 follicles- that's a really great response! Good luck for Monday.
Mrs R, I hope the reduction in your dose helps. I do think that they take the E2 level so that they can adjust meds and hopefully prevent OHSS, but I don't know too much about it.
MRS R i just remembered the reason they didnt increase my dose is because my E2 levels were good. SO thats good that they have reduces your dose and the E2 will drop..
Muncho, that is fantastic news!! Now you can go through your current cycle with the knowledge that if you unsuccessful this time (you won't be though!) that you have a back up plan. Good for you.

Jojo, best wishes for tomorrow. Please let us know how it goes when you're feeling up to it.

I'm going for my CD11 scan tomorrow. I'm still very nervous but im also beginning to feel very bloated, uncomfortable and sick. If I'm having EC I hope it's soon as I feel I' about ready to pop!
Maz- it's so good to hear from you. Thanks for the well wishes. You'll have to PM me your facebook details. Been thinking about you lots :hugs:

Muncho- Your news really put a smile on my face this morning!! I am beyond pleased for you. :happydance:

Mrs R- They had to reduce me down towards the end too, from the 225 to 150 so my levels must have been a bit high when they did the bloods too. They just didn't give me any numbers. Lots of love and good luck for your scan tomorrow. I'm keeeping everything crossed. :thumbup:

Brooklyn- Wonderful news, you def now need to be a pupo lady of leisure!!! I just know that BFP is coming soon for you! Try not to think about why the other six didn't develop as well as the others. That would be part and parcel of a natural cycle each month. Think about your beautiful three embies in your tummy and enjoy being on :cloud9:

I can't believe that tomorrow my eggies will get to meet my hubby's spermies!!! Wonder if I'll get any :sleep:tonight. Prob not!!!!!!
Hi everyone,

Good luck JoJo and Mrs R.
Muncho congrats great news 4 u!
Brooklyn great news.

Well the reason i havent been on in a while is because i was in shock and staying away from the internet! Was waiting on Jan. AF to start my ivf cycle and took a test when it was very late and it was postivie! Very very nervous, keep thinking i am going to m/c again. Trying to be positive as hard as that may be. Have my 1st scan on friday praying all is OK. Will keep you updated.
oh patboy that is great news, good luck all will be fine x
Patboy thats great, that makes 2 of you n this tread now. Congrats..

Last last took the trigger at 11pm. I fell asleep and it took DH ages to wake me up. It was a good job i was half asleep. I couldnt get the needle in and it took a few goes.

Later he told me it was a lot bigger that the other ones ....
Lets hope this little egg ripens..
Patboy great news!!!! Am thrilled for you!!

Well I'm home just over an hour from my egg collection. Was uncomfortable for a while, had quite a bleed. It's stopped now though and the painkillers have kicked in. Out of the twenty follicles they got twelve eggs, which is what they told me to expect 60%.
The embryologist was happy with the hub's sample. So just hope enough of the eggs were mature. They will ring me tomorrow with how many have fertilised. Bit emotional but ok overall.

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