Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

great news jojo! 12 eggs, that's great. This is a hard 24 hours, but I'm sure you will have some good embies by tomorrow. It's also the toughest day on your body, so relax, lay on the couch and don't do too much. I was amazed that after feeling so crappy on the day of EC, I felt almost back to normal by the next day.
Thanks Brooklyn that's so good to know cos I feel pretty rubbish at the minute!!! Lol! Hope you're feeling well yourself xxx
JOJO thats great. Hope you are relaxing,
I have mine tomorrow so i hope its a big fat healthy egg

cant wait to hear your fertilization number.

Take it easy
good luck tomorrow for your EC Muncho! Will be thinking about you and sending lots of good vibes your way. :hugs:
Am relaxing indeed. On sofa with a duvet and plenty of trashy tv!! Lol! Muncho lots of pma and good wishes for tomorrow Xx
Hey Ladies

Just thought i would write a little about my last couple of weeks as i have been avoiding the computer because i keep making myself paranoid looking up every twinge ! They managed to get 9 eggs from the 9 follicles we had at EC on Mon 25th Jan which we were very pleased about as i have low AMH levels but they said i reacted very well to the drugs. It was a very stressful wait but they phoned the following day to say that 5 had fertilized which again we were thrilled at. I then had the agonizing wait till the morning of transfer (thur 28th) to hear if we had two suitable for transfer which thank god we did. We had 2 very good 8 cell embryo's to transfer the other 3 they said were a little slower so they said they would leave them until Sat and then see if suitable for freezing! The transfer i found quite emotional as they show'd me and DH the embryos on a large screen beforehand which i didnt know they did. Very nice feeling! Anyway i havent had any bleeding from ER or ET but very bloated and crampy which is to be expected. We rang Sat morning and unfortunately the remaining 3 embryos werent suitable for freezing so we was gutted because we dont have anything to fall back on as this was really our only go as it has crippled us saving up for this, but i should be thankful we had two little one's to transfer. Anyway here i am on the dreaded 2WW, i have tried to stay off the computer as the first couple of days i was driving myself crazy reading stuff. I have been told to test on Sat 13th ( which is actually 17 days past transfer which i thought was quite a long time ). I nearly succumbed at weekend and was going to do a HPT but decided better of it and am just going to stay strong until this Sat. I had some sharp pains in overy area over weekend so that has worried me but they have stopped now and have just gone back to having the odd twinge now and then. This has to be the hardest thing i have ever done as i am sure you will all agree. I am going out of my mind analizing every little feeling.

Mucho - Thats great news about the free treatment, and good luck with the EC. xx

I am going to go to bed now so i dont start checking the net for symptoms etc. :-@

I havnt had much time to read all the threads but good luck to everyone with up and coming appointments, i will keep my fx'd for you all and please do the same for me.

Hello ladies,

Just wanted to let you know that my scan went well yesterday. Had 20+ follicles!! All 18-22mm! I was shocked.

My EC is tomorrow so we're heading to Manchester tonight! It was an absolute panic yesterday to get flights and hotels arranged and suitcases packed but I think we're done. I'm absolutely knackered as we weren't expecting to go over quite so soon.

Anyway, it looks like ET (if all goes well) will be on Saturday and I'd like to come home on Saturday night if the doctor says it's ok to fly so soon.

I can't fit the laptop in my bag so you probably won't be hearing from me until Sunday. Now the only thing left to do is go and tell my boss why I'm disappearing for the next week at 4 hours notice lol I hope she understands........

Talk soon ladies. Best of luck to everybody who having something done xxx
Mrs R that's a super response. Will be thinking about you. Good luck...

Out of the 12 eggs I got 7 were suitable for injection. This morning only 1 had fertilised. They are going to check them again this afternoon to make sure the other six show no sign of fertilisation. Its unlikely but I think I'll ring to check anyway. Not what we were hoping for at all. In one way we are gutted but it ain't over til the fat lady sings!!

I am hoping that our little embie is as determined as me and is fighting and dividing away. Please keep everything crossed that we make it to ET on Thursday. If not it's back to square one and I really don't know how I'll cope with that.... :cry:
Hi jojo,

Just thought I'd stop by quickly before I go to the airport. Just remember that one little emby is all it takes. Think positively, although I know it's hard. If muncho can have PMA with one little follicle, you can have PMA with one little embryo!!

Best of luck for today muncho, hope you get the great result you deserve.
Good advice Mrs R. At the mo I am trying to be very hopeful and just praying our little embie has multiple cells by tomorrow morning. The other 6 didn't change. The sperm was just 'sitting in them' when I rang this afternoon. But the embryologist said our one embie looked 'perfectly normal'. Am so worried the cells won't increase. This has been a pants 24 hours!!!!!! :growlmad:
Jojo, I'm so sorry you're going through this. But you do have that embryo, and it's growing! I'm crossing my fingers and sending lots of good thoughts to that embie.

Mrs. R, good luck with the EC! Hope you get lots of eggs- sounds like you will, that's a ton of follicles.

Muncho, thinking about you today, hope all is well.
Sending good thoughts to you Mrs R and Muncho!

JoJo, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your embie.
JOJO , thats is so disappointing for you, at least i went in knowing i had only 1.
Do you know why, was it poor sperm,egg? lets keep all our PMA for your embie and my fertillisation..

MRS R: great news, gosh you must be so shocked

Thank You everyone for your good luck wishes.

Got to the clinic and at 8.30am the consultant said she needed to do another scan to check the folicle hadnt shrunk. I was due in at 10.30am so obviuosly for 2 hours i was worried that ill be going home without EC.
the scan showed i had 1 follicle....phew!

When i woke up i was told there was 1 egg....double phew!!!

When i saw DH i cried ,i dont tknow why, it was all so overwhelming.

I hope and am a little confident that it fertilises, its normally the dominant follicles that fertilise and as i only have one im assuming it is the best, but who knows.

Now that i have the egg , i really want to get to ET, even if its a BFN, just so i can give it a go.

Letrs hope tomorrow brings some good news xx
Great news Muncho!!! Am so pleased for you!! Wouldn't it be lovely to go all the way with just one?? That's what I'm hoping for...

Just been a massive come down for us today. Twenty follicles and 12 eggs. Seven mature eggs selected for injection but now just one. The embryologist was looking at them again today. So I'll hopefully get speaking to him personally tomorrow.

We were going for ICSI for male factor alone and we knew the hubbies previous SA results were far from good but had high hopes. The embryologist said in the other six there didnt appear to be any problems with the eggs but the sperm were to quote her 'just sitting there' where they had been injected. Maybe have more info tomorrow :cry:
That's great news Muncho! So glad to hear that they got that egg. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for fertilization.
Hi Muncho - great news!! I really hope you get even better news tomorrow :hugs:

JoJo - I wish you lots of luck and hope you also get good news tomorrow :hugs:
JoJo, if you don't mind me asking, what type of male factor problem are you guys dealing with? We are about to start ICSI due to male factor only and am just wondering if this is the case with all ICSI situations done b/c of male factor. I know one good embie is better than none at all, but if you get something other than what you are expecting, it just sucks. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Jojo and Muncho - I hope the embie report today will be a good one.

Mrs R - you probably won't see this, but wishing you a smooth EC and that they find lots of eggs in there!

I had my first buserelin injection last night. Finally on this road...

Hopesforababy, ICSI is usually done with male factor or where there are few eggs retrieved, to increase fertilisation rates, so they don't have to take a chance with putting the sperm and egg in a dish and the sperm not finding the egg.
hey peartree i just left you a message on 4 clover but just wamted to lots of luck for you ICSI journey.
Now that some of us have been through our cycle we can hopefully help you if you have any questions..
JoJo, if you don't mind me asking, what type of male factor problem are you guys dealing with? We are about to start ICSI due to male factor only and am just wondering if this is the case with all ICSI situations done b/c of male factor. I know one good embie is better than none at all, but if you get something other than what you are expecting, it just sucks. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

The dh had undescended testicles as a child. Not corrected until around six years old. His count is around 1.4 million, poor motility and when they did the first SA there wasn't enough sperm to test morphology. Still waiting to hear about whether they'll implant our little one tomorrow. Good luck with your ICSI x

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