JOJO , thats is so disappointing for you, at least i went in knowing i had only 1.
Do you know why, was it poor sperm,egg? lets keep all our PMA for your embie and my fertillisation..
MRS R: great news, gosh you must be so shocked
Thank You everyone for your good luck wishes.
Got to the clinic and at 8.30am the consultant said she needed to do another scan to check the folicle hadnt shrunk. I was due in at 10.30am so obviuosly for 2 hours i was worried that ill be going home without EC.
the scan showed i had 1 follicle....phew!
When i woke up i was told there was 1 egg....double phew!!!
When i saw DH i cried ,i dont tknow why, it was all so overwhelming.
I hope and am a little confident that it fertilises, its normally the dominant follicles that fertilise and as i only have one im assuming it is the best, but who knows.
Now that i have the egg , i really want to get to ET, even if its a BFN, just so i can give it a go.
Letrs hope tomorrow brings some good news xx