Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

good idea, have a daily task....

John terry has twins, do you think they were IVF? if so thats is even more mean to chaet on his wife after all the ivf crap...

True!!!!! And there are more allegations about Ashley Cole and naughty pics being sent. Biggest surprise was Vernon Kay, I thought he was a real family man. Tess is beautiful!!! Needs his eyes tested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fool:
Just had a good old :cry:

Don't really know what happened. Am still crying now and can hardly see the screen! LOL!! Just started to think about things and Mr. Negativity creeped in. I know I should feel lucky that I have a lovely embie inside and I know some people don't even get to experience this but I can't help but worry.

This is one mega hard journey at times
you know jojo when having ivf, the 2 ww is even worse because you know you have something in there. When you are ttc naturally you dont even know if you have concieved!

so its normal to get upset. i cant get it out of my mind. Also i think this is my 1st ivf and i think for you too??? so we havent experienced this before and the 1st time is always the hardest. we just dont know what to expect.

I said to dh yetserday i wish i could talk to my friends but no one knows so cant even do that. So the whole thing is diifucult and quite lonely, even thou dh is fab , he keeps telling me to stop thinking about it...but you cant can you?

I cant even think of something to cheer you up :(
Yeah this is our first IVF too...

I honestly cannot stop thinking about it at all. Its at the front of my mind all day. 'This Morning' is all about babies today! LOL!!

Oh dear... think I better start to laugh or I'll never stop this crying!!! Made appointment to get my hair trimmed this aft, maybe that will cheer me up
im watching this morning!

the hair cut will def cheer you up.

tomorrow i will get the negativity thoughts and ill expect you to cheer me up :) only kidding

You know what, id live to go for a massage or something and we cant even do that..arggghhhh

tanya from eastenders had twins thru ivf and claire nazeer from GMTV has just come back from mat leave after having ivf...

so it does work !! says me banging my head against a wall!!
I know isn't it great that they were honest and came out and said it. Apparently Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony had their twins through IVF but have never confirmed it.

I was thinking the same about massage etc... In the hair dressers they have massage chairs at the sinks and I don't even want to risk that! First time Ive driven since ET, but am sure it ok now.
should be ok to drive, ill go for a walk tomorrow i think.

Have a graet afternoon and enjoy your hair cut, mine needs a bloody good wash!

just wanted to wish you ladies good luck, it must be the hardest time in this whole process, i really hope you get a positive outcome. I look forward to catching up with you soon :hugs:
hi ladies, this has been what I've been experiencing for the past 10 days. It's really hard. Muncho, I was a googling mad woman for the first few days too, then like you got bored even with that...DH's nice little suggestion to forget about it for a while is absurd, and I even had a little breakdown with him the other day where I said, 'you try and forgot about this when it's happening in your body!' I've definitely found that taking walks helps a lot to clear my mind and at least get me feeling a bit more positive. Sitting around the house thinking about it usually ends up with bad thoughts for me...
TMI alert, but I've had the worst gas pains these past few days. I keep thinking it's AF cramps, but it's higher- in my abdomen. It's really painful. Could this be from the progesterone?
Thanks Brooklyn , good to know you were feelign the same as well. Its 1st time for all of us isnt it, so thats doesnt help

I too have had lots of gas and it def the prog for me. It may be different for you thou as you are close to testing, Hopefully for you it will be preg signs

Fingers crossed xx Do you feel better or worse than last week. we still have a week of this :(
hey muncho, I'd say that emotionally I feel a bit better (maybe because I'm closer to knowing one way or the other), but physically I feel a lot worse. This is non-stop fun!
Aww Brooklyn, it's anything but easy but you're so close now!!! Yesterday I felt great physically but was very emotional all day. Slightest thing seemed to set me off but today I feel happier.

Def have two more symtoms, am sure from the progesterone. I too have a windy and slightly crampy tummy. Possible TMI alert- and am def going to the loo more regularly than normal!!

The second is my boobie doobies!!! Last night when I took my bra off they were so painful and felt really heavy. I couldn't just wear my pjs and had to put a tight vest on for support!!! Def not as bad this morning, just slightly tender!!!!
Brooklyn gald that you are better this week than last!

JOJO boob symptoms is good right? when you say you are going to the loo more, is that no1 or no2?
Im weeing alot more but thats coz im drinking 3 litres a day

Last night i had a dream i had a baby, i wrote about it in my journal.
I also had a few twinges/pulsing sensation in the uterus. Def didnt come from the ovaries. Dont know if it meant anything but i felt it

Thats it, its chichking ot down outside, so going for a walk is out of the question.
JOJO i got your friendship request and i have accecpted but i dont know what to do with it, i know you can message each other. God i sound thick!!

How is the haircut?
I'm going to the loo more the no2 way. No 1 as well but like you say that's cos I've also really increased fluids. I've had nice dreams and nightmares about having a baby. Must visit your journal and read.

I don't really know what the request allows us to do either! LOL! what are we like?!!! Must have a nosey and see! That sounds super bout the twinges in your uterus, could def be implantation!!!!!!!

Hair cut was well needed!!! Still cried when I came home tho!! Went into Mamas & Papas, I know silly!!!! Bumps everywhere, don't think that helped. Taking it easy today, we're off to see 'Strictly Come Dancing- The Tour' tonight so maybe that will take my mind off things for an hour or two anyway.

Any other symptoms? Have read lots about BFPs eleven days after transfer.... makes me want to test early even more :test:
TEST are brave..
batterey about to die but quickly wanted to say i went to see strictly a few weeks ago at the 02, it was brill

write later
TEST are brave..
batterey about to die but quickly wanted to say i went to see strictly a few weeks ago at the 02, it was brill

write later

Maybe more silly than brave!!! Cos if it's BFN I'll be gutted. Patience is just not my thing!!!!!!! That's great bout Strictly, can't wait!!!!!
ill try and send you a message

yes the strictly thing was good, you wil have a brill night and it will keep you mind of all this..

implantation? im not sure, It wasnt cramps just pulsing. When we were ttc naturally i know for a fact i didnt get any twinges after ov. But tbh with ivf i think everything is a bit different .
i have been talking to my embie (i know , i know crazy or what) and asking IT to make itself comfortable for the next 9 months. Hopefully IT heard me yesterday..

i havent cried yet...sugar , maybe i need to watch a film or something today, c;mon i wnat to be hormonal!!

i went for No2 4 times on sunday (sorry) it was def coz i was putting the tabs rectally so now i have changed again. But one f the side affects is getting the runs !

do you reallly think you will test early??when???
I probably will test early, maybe next Mon or Tues. I've been trying to work out when AF would have been due.

I have a 27/28 day cycle. Which means if the drugs haven't changed that I'd be due next Sunday or Monday anyway. I'm still counting the first day of my last period as day one, which makes my egg collection day 14.

So I'd be testing two weeks after ec as opposed to two weeks after et. If I test on the Monday it would be eleven days past et.

Do you think I should wait? I have no patience at all, not for anything!!!!
yes i se what u mean. im going on my last af as well. the next one should be next thursd.
i wanted to go away at the weekend and test on sunday , even found a nice hotel , but dh said that wasnt a good idea. so i dont know when. ill see how i feel next week.

i dont know what u should do as its easy to say dont test but jeez im sure we will want to cave in. knowing me i will wait till nearer af as ill be too scared..

did you get my friendship message , not the pm?

btw: the prog can delay or make af come early!
Hi girls :wave:

Bet you thought I got lost!!

Well do I have a story for you.....

As planned I went for EC last Wednesday. You'll remember I was having a good old moan about being really uncomfortable and feeling like I was going to pop.... well that was because they collected 31 eggs!! You heard me, 31!! I had 40 follicles, no wonder I thought I might explode.

Care were very unimpressed with Belfast's scan notes as Belfast indicated I had 20 follicles, not 40! If Care had of known there were 40 they told me they would have cancelled the cycle (so I guess it worked out ok for me!)

Anyway. Care then delivered the bad news that with cases where over 30 eggs are collected, they do not continue with fresh embryo transfer due to risk of OHSS. I was devastated!! :cry: They told me they would freeze everything and I could come back in a month for an FET :growlmad:

We told them we would take the risk of OHSS and still wanted a day 3 transfer, but they refused. They told us they would see how many fertilised and would consider a day 5 blastocyst transfer if I wasn't showing any signs of OHSS by day 5.

Now were were supposed to fly home on day 3 after the transfer, so we had to change our flights in the hope that they would agree to the day 5 transfer if we got any blastocysts.

So anyway, 22 of our lovely little eggs fertilised (DH's count was 110 million!) and they decided to freeze half on day 2. So we had 11 to work with and just had to sit and wait for the phone call from the embryologist everyday so see how they were getting on. I guess we lost 2 a day, and by yesterday (day 5), I appeared to have avoided OHSS and they were happy to go ahead with the transfer.

We had 2 good quality blastocysts (woohoo!) put back yesterday. Again, the consultant argued that because of my age, health etc he strongly advised that we only put one back, but we made up our minds a loooong time ago that we wanted two. So he made me sign a disclaimer that I had gone against his advice lol and he put both in!!

And OMG it was the most painful thing ever!! They told me it would be like a smear but they lied lol They discovered mid transfer that the neck of my womb is very far back and hoked and poked for ages. They eventually had to call for the head embryologist to come and rescue me from dying of the pain! But they got them in eventually and my poor DH looked like he was about to fall over.

After the transfer, we spent all day travelling and only made it home at 10pm last night. I puked my guts up when I got home!! I have never been so glad to get home in my life. I'd been quite unwell through the whole thing due to having so many eggs and I was so constipated (sorry TMI!).

But we're home now :coffee: and I'm dying to have a read and see how how everybody is doing......

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