Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

Thanks ladies. I'm waiting for you to join me!
Muncho, I've been trying to figure out what has been going on with me this past week, and I'm still really confused about what has been the progesterone and what's pregnancy....I think I felt some pains in my uterus around implantation, but I'm not completely sure. It definitely wasn't pronounced. No bleeding at all. I know that I have been really thirsty these last 4 or 5 days, so that could have been something. My body is such a mixed up mess right now, I don't know what's going on.
Thanks ladies. I'm waiting for you to join me!
Muncho, I've been trying to figure out what has been going on with me this past week, and I'm still really confused about what has been the progesterone and what's pregnancy....I think I felt some pains in my uterus around implantation, but I'm not completely sure. It definitely wasn't pronounced. No bleeding at all. I know that I have been really thirsty these last 4 or 5 days, so that could have been something. My body is such a mixed up mess right now, I don't know what's going on.


Your news gave me a lump on my throat and goosebumps all over. YOU GO, GIRL!!
Congratulations brooklyn, fingers crossed this is it for you!!!

When is ur official test date?

I'm guessing the hcg takes about 10 days to get out of your system so any hcg being picked up now should definitely be all yours.

P.S jojo I'm also taking progesterone pessaries, messy little buggers that they are! I know most of us are told to drink 3litres a day, but I also have to measure my 'output' (as in pee in a jug and tally it up at the end of the day!) All to do with the OHSS
MrsR!! I had thought you had disappeared off the face of this earth! So glad things worked out for you!

I was just writing in my journal that I finally had 19 eggs retreived but because of 'abnormal' sperm they changed IVF to ICSI aswell. So 6 eggs were IVF and of those 3 fertilised but the rest were ICSI and only 2 fertilised!!! I am so peeved at the embryologist .....what a dumb embryologist who doesnt know what they are doing! They said that the rest of the eggs 'didnt survive the ICSI process' which means that the technique is rubbish and they squished my eggs :(

I had hope for more to freeze....I hope that the 5 survive till thurs when I will have ET fx

JOJO, Muncho...I didnt realise its been less than a week since your ET??? GOsh it seems like forever! I am so not looking forward to my wait.

Brooklyn over the moon for you!
Wow Mrs R - what a story! But :happydance: for 2 blasties on board!

Brooklyn - Congratulations again for the BFP! :excited:

:dust: again for all you ladies in your 2WW.

Did you ladies take time off after EC and ET?
My clinic does 2 day transfers, and do the EC on a Wed, with ET on Friday. They advised that I would be fit for work on the following Monday, and would probably be better off going to work to keep my mind off things. What did you all do?
I was planning on taking a day or 2 off work following ET but to be honest, I feel like I've been run over by a bus!! I'm knackered and I'm aching all over and don't know when I'll be back on my feet.

I think the OHSS might be creeping in to tell you the truth, my ribs and upper back are very sore and I'm a little short of breath. The only thing i can do is drink plenty of water and hope for the best..... might phone me GP tomorrow just to be on the safe side
Hi Ladies - I am secretly stalking you - as I will soon be coming up to ivf and cause you are also all so wonderful.

Brooklyn my eyes filled with tears for you. This is it!

Thanks all for sharing your experiences about EC and ET.

Love to all.
Morning ladies,

Been thinking about our chances during the night, and am wondering out of the four of us at similar stages muncho, jojo, brooklyn and myself (not sure exactly what stage ur at Trying4ever), what are the chances of success??

Obviously it looks like Brooklyn has already got her BFP (fingers crossed!) but what stats did your consultant give you??

In the initial stages, I was told I had 50% chance due to my age (I'm 25). Then when we went to blastie stage, I was told one blastie gave me 55% chance i think. Or maybe they meant that with 2 blastocysts on board I have a 55% chance?? I'm very confused lol

I'm afraid to google it! I'm a bit of a pessimist so to me, I still have a 45% chance of not being successful. I think that's a thing I do to protect myself, make any sense?

I know that both muncho and jojo have had one embie put back, and I'm such a pessimist that I can see you ladies being successful whereas I'm not. Oh God I'm having one of those days, aren't I? And it's not even 9am yet!!!
Morning ladies,

Been thinking about our chances during the night, and am wondering out of the four of us at similar stages muncho, jojo, brooklyn and myself (not sure exactly what stage ur at Trying4ever), what are the chances of success??

Obviously it looks like Brooklyn has already got her BFP (fingers crossed!) but what stats did your consultant give you??

In the initial stages, I was told I had 50% chance due to my age (I'm 25). Then when we went to blastie stage, I was told one blastie gave me 55% chance i think. Or maybe they meant that with 2 blastocysts on board I have a 55% chance?? I'm very confused lol

I'm afraid to google it! I'm a bit of a pessimist so to me, I still have a 45% chance of not being successful. I think that's a thing I do to protect myself, make any sense?

I know that both muncho and jojo have had one embie put back, and I'm such a pessimist that I can see you ladies being successful whereas I'm not. Oh God I'm having one of those days, aren't I? And it's not even 9am yet!!!

Mrs R welcome to the paranoia club, JOJO and i are avid members..

Well 1st of all you are 25, so that REALLY is good. I dont know how old Jo is.
Poor you thou to go throu all this at 25 and no wonder you got so many follicles.
im 39, so my chances normally would have been 20-25% with 2. As i only have 1, i dont know wnat my chances are. i dont want to know. I have been having acupuncture and that can increase your chances.
I think the clinic thought we were crazy to go ahead with 1 egg but we are taking a chance and its an expensive gamble but me and dh are fighters and we are hopign our little embie will be the same.
Try no to google (easy to say i know)

BUT you ahve great chances due to your age and the blasts!
i dont think this is a symptom but it is strange

i woke up this am and my nickers were really damp, i could see the bits which were damp. Strange!! Now i know i am taking the pesaarys at night and when i wake up there is alot of white residue but NORMALLY its really dry. today it was damp. Im not thinking much into it coz i think we can drive ourselves crazy but i thought it was weird!
Oh you've moved on from paranoia to symptom spotting!! lol

I think I might be able to avoid symptom spotting (to some degree) if I go back to work next week, will keep my over-active mind occupied. Are you off for the full 2 week wait muncho?
yes pretty much, I go back to work around the time im due to test!!
Im 'working from home' if u know what i mean,My boss is on hols so taking advantage of that. Have not done any work. Made a few calls but thats it.
You may feel implantation? not everyone does , but you never know!
Muncho- I was just logging in to report exactly the same symptom as you!!! Last night we went to see a show and I was sitting for the duration. When I stood up all I could feel was how damp, bordering on wet my pants were. Lovely I know!!!!!!

I nearly burst into tears than and there as I was so convinced it would be AF!! Got to the toilet and it wasn't AF- Thank God!!! Wasn't ewcm either, just damp. Like you Muncho I could see the wet patch- TMI again!!! And I hadn't had a pessary in from the morning!!!!

Don't know whether to be excited by this or not. Some months right before AF I would clear discharge anyway as well as sore boobs etc... I just hope it's for a different reason this time.

I'm 27 ladies. Mrs R I was due to be off this week anyway but have yaken next week too. My job stresses me to the maximum so I just thought I would be better off. Spoke to GP and she agreed, said a line was no prob. My employer has known from the start and has been wonderful.

Nearly half way there Muncho!!!!
i dont know what to think about the DAMP thing but ltes hope its a sign

I really would like to move over to 1st tri with you guys and brooklyn :)

i dont want to talk to you 'spring chickens' , im jealous of your age :(
lol only kidding. I need to have a baby before i get tooooooo old..
Oh I've still got 9 days to go, and I've only waited 2!! I'm supposed to be testing on the Friday morning, but I might save my morning pee and test after work when I get home. I don't think I could face going to work if i got bad news, and I don't think I could drive in a straight line if I got good news lol

What are your testing plans??
havent got any yet, it depends on what dh is doing as i dont want to be on my own when i test :)

wen to for a shower about 8.30am. i just went to the loo and i have the same dampness
i have my lucky nickers on ( pink and frilly) i wash them every night and wear them during the day. im laughing as i write this at how pathetic it sounds. In my normal life i am a profession woman who is now talking about her damp foo foo!!!

anyway im sure they were dry when i put them on,

wen to for a shower about 8.30am. i just went to the loo and i have the same dampness
i have my lucky nickers on ( pink and frilly) i wash them every night and wear them during the day. im laughing as i write this at how pathetic it sounds. In my normal life i am a profession woman who is now talking about her damp foo foo!!!

anyway im sure they were dry when i put them on,

LOL!!!! I have lucky knickers too that I wore to egg collection, washed them and wore them again for embryo transfer!!! Mine are black and spotty and frilly! HAHA!!!!! I too am a professional, what a laugh!!!!!! Go team damp foo foo!!!!

Oh Muncho Im so glad you and I are going through all these things together. The hub just looks at me when I describe these sorta things to him and then says..... ask Muncho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :haha:

wen to for a shower about 8.30am. i just went to the loo and i have the same dampness
i have my lucky nickers on ( pink and frilly) i wash them every night and wear them during the day. im laughing as i write this at how pathetic it sounds. In my normal life i am a profession woman who is now talking about her damp foo foo!!!

anyway im sure they were dry when i put them on,

LOL!!!! I have lucky knickers too that I wore to egg collection, washed them and wore them again for embryo transfer!!! Mine are black and spotty and frilly! HAHA!!!!! I too am a professional, what a laugh!!!!!! Go team damp foo foo!!!!

Oh Muncho Im so glad you and I are going through all these things together. The hub just looks at me when I describe these sorta things to him and then says..... ask Muncho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :haha:

OMG i nearly peed in my pants lauging at that!!
thats so sweet of DH. i havent told him about the damp foo foo as he is away but he would think im a crazy woman talking to another woman about my damp foo foo
I dont ever wnat to meet your dh knowing that he knwos i have a damp foo foo... i cant stop laughing. You have really cheered me up!
I think i have peed for real....:happydance:
i told dh last night about brooklyn and he was dead happy!!

JOJO i wore my pink and frilly to EC, ET and on the day they told me my one egg had been fertilised. So ill be doing the same routine every night, wash them and wear them aagin in the am

LOL i have even started having showers as soon as i wake up so i can monitor my foo foo and put my frilly's on!!

Today the sun is shining, my foo is damp and im laughing!!

MRS R you need to damp your foo foo then we are all on the same page :kiss:

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