Mrs R- as Dilek says vitamin c can really help. Pure orange juice or (sorry) prune juice, figs, drink plenty of water or a hot water with lemon in it. Or weetabix with hot milk, you could put sugar or sweetener in, makes it like a porridge.
Trying4ever- to answer your question, 'what is a grade one?'
To give us ladies the best chance of getting pregnant the best quality embryos are selected for transfer. Embryologists assess the embryos and grade them. The top graded embryos are then selected as these are most likely to implant in the womb and continue to develop. Found this on the net:
They do this by applying a system of grading, using criteria for early stage embryos such as:
* the number of cells present
* how fast the cells are dividing
* whether the division is even
* whether there are any fragments of cells present this means that some cells have degenerated.
Different grading schemes are used for embryos when they reach the blastocyst stage (around day 5 of their development). Grading systems vary slightly, depending on your clinic, but they all produce similar results. My little embie was grade 1- no fragmentation and even cell division. My embryologist said a grade 1 is perfect. Hope that helps to explain X
PS Only about 20% of embryos are grade one and other grades will still make healthy babies. Just embryologists believe lower grades are less likely to implant. But I've read on the net ladies with 2cell grade 3 embies that still gave them a BFP
TRYING: here are some pictures of grade 1, 2,3 embryo
BUt remember you can still get fp from a grade 3 . my sis did!