Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

Mrs R- as Dilek says vitamin c can really help. Pure orange juice or (sorry) prune juice, figs, drink plenty of water or a hot water with lemon in it. Or weetabix with hot milk, you could put sugar or sweetener in, makes it like a porridge.

Trying4ever- to answer your question, 'what is a grade one?'
To give us ladies the best chance of getting pregnant the best quality embryos are selected for transfer. Embryologists assess the embryos and grade them. The top graded embryos are then selected as these are most likely to implant in the womb and continue to develop. Found this on the net:

They do this by applying a system of grading, using criteria for early stage embryos such as:
* the number of cells present
* how fast the cells are dividing
* whether the division is even
* whether there are any fragments of cells present – this means that some cells have degenerated.

Different grading schemes are used for embryos when they reach the blastocyst stage (around day 5 of their development). Grading systems vary slightly, depending on your clinic, but they all produce similar results. My little embie was grade 1- no fragmentation and even cell division. My embryologist said a grade 1 is perfect. Hope that helps to explain X

PS Only about 20% of embryos are grade one and other grades will still make healthy babies. Just embryologists believe lower grades are less likely to implant. But I've read on the net ladies with 2cell grade 3 embies that still gave them a BFP

TRYING: here are some pictures of grade 1, 2,3 embryo

BUt remember you can still get fp from a grade 3 . my sis did!
Morning everyone

MRS R: how is the constipation?

JOJO: how are you today?

Trying: good luck for today :)

me: im fine . No symptoms now. Im feeling really tired but thats because im not sleeping uring the night. Im used to this though so its nothing new.
Last 2 days at home , so i ahve some really good films to watch later...yeaaaa
Well.... another twist in our journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My husband has to go to England on business. Guess when????? Today week, my test day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko::wacko:

So, looks like I'll def be testing early, one day early anyway.

First Response Early Pregnancy Tests (2 pack) are buy one get one free in Superdrug at the mo. It seems to be a good sensitive test, detects 25 mIU. So I caved and bought them!!! So I now have five tests in the house LOL!!

Not feeling very positive these past two days. I feel totally normal, certainly dont have a 'pregnant' feeling!!!!!
Morning everyone

MRS R: how is the constipation?

JOJO: how are you today?

Trying: good luck for today :)

me: im fine . No symptoms now. Im feeling really tired but thats because im not sleeping uring the night. Im used to this though so its nothing new.
Last 2 days at home , so i ahve some really good films to watch later...yeaaaa

Muncho, I was very worried about having no symptoms these past two days.

Mrs R, hope you're stocking up on all no:2 relieving products!!

Trying4ever, You're in my thoughts today. Big hugs your way :hugs:

Brooklyn, How are you our pregnant friend???
JOJO: good reason to test early!! i def want dh to be around as well so i dont blame you. You want some one to share you good news with right!!

i bought those dam tests ages ago, never use the FR ones . i dont think i shoudl use the POAS ones as they dont work. Even when i was ov it never showed up. So may just have to go for FR straight away.

Glad you dont have nay symptoms either. Almost every single friend i have NEVER had many symptoms so early on. this is a bit controversial what im about to say.

I read on TTC thats people say thay have all these symptoms and TBH i think some of it os in our heads We wnat this so much that you will make yourself believe anything. I have said beofre your mind is very powerful
Having said that i am one of the lucky ones that NEVER has amy symptoms of af so its easy for me to say. the one time i got pains i went to docs and later got diagonosed with endo :(

I know soem women do get bad af pains and i guess thats were its hard to know whats af and whats BFP pains.

Phew got that off my chest. Back to our banter..

Im really thinking whether to test oin sunday, DH leaves home most days at 6.30am and i dont want to take the test then he has to leave , whatever the outcome is.
If its negative i want time to get myself together before i go to work on Monday. Also JOJO it will be just under 2 weeks from EC so its not tetsing that early. Im sure you should test 2 weeks from EC as that is in theory when you ov.. am i right?

what do you think ?
Morning ladies,

Had a bit of a lie in this morning as my dog spent the whole night howling and keeping me awake. Poor DH was for throwing a bucket of water over her at 2am (I didn't let him) Also had a nightmare so that didn't help either.

I've been stocking up on the weetabix and fruit and will get some OJ later. Not feeling too bad just yet but think I'll have to get used to no poo-poo's for at least another week (might only need progesterone for another week)

I just realised this morning that I have 2 days of training next week in work so I'll be in for 2 days, then training for 2 days then it's test day!

I would test early too jojo if my DH wasn't going to be here. Not something i want to do alone.

I was counting and my test date is actually 16 days after 'ovulation' or EC. Unfortunately my AF generally arrives 14 days after ov (that's on the one or two occasions I actually o'd on my own lol) So if it's BFN for me I might well know before I test. Or would the progesterone slow up AF? Oh I think I might be in the obsessive stage!!
MRS R prog tabs can make af early or delay.

Af normall arrives 2 weeks after ov for me too, which makes it next tuesday.

Welocme on board the obsessive train :)
I agree totally Muncho!!!!
My friends had no early symtoms either. In fact my friend had a late AF and tested, it was negative. Took another good fews days before hcg was strong enough. She was five weeks before the test was positive and told me the other day it was weeks later before she actually felt preggers. So much so that at about seven weeks she did another test!!!!

I get sore boobs on the odd month. Would nearly always have ewcm around ovulation. So symptom spotting means nothing to me anyway cos it is just like any other month. Our situation makes us much more aware of every twinge. We had invasive procedures and really the twinges could be our ovaries healing after ec.

I think I'll test on Sunday for the same reason. I mentioned a girl I know who got BFP from her 2nd IVF a few weeks ago. She got her BFP 10 days after et. Sunday is ten days after for us too.

Yes egg collection is technically ovulation day for us. So it's two weeks since conception all but one day for me and two days for you. Let's hope our little embies and emitting plenty of hcg!!!! :hugs:
Oh god, why do they make us wait knowing we'll be on knicker watch like crazy ladies!

Personally I'm totally against testing early because I think I would die if I got a positive result and then AF arrived. I'd rather just avoid that situation altogether, so much so that I'm considering leaving it until the Saturday again when I'm off work. That way, if it's negative, I can tuck into a bottle of wine at 6.30am and not get the sack lol

How have your DH's been feeling about it all this week?
I have a 27/28 day cycle so techincally I'm due AF on Sunday or Monday. Which makes me think I' not really testing early. But these pessaries etc really give us no idea when we are now due. GGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :wacko:
Oh god, why do they make us wait knowing we'll be on knicker watch like crazy ladies!

Personally I'm totally against testing early because I think I would die if I got a positive result and then AF arrived. I'd rather just avoid that situation altogether, so much so that I'm considering leaving it until the Saturday again when I'm off work. That way, if it's negative, I can tuck into a bottle of wine at 6.30am and not get the sack lol

How have your DH's been feeling about it all this week?

Knicker watch!!!!!!! LOL!!! Love it!!!!
I didn't think there was such a thing as a false positive??? I know it can be too early and hence a false negative but I thought a positive meant definite hcg. I know some things can affect it but the trigger shot will def be out of our system by two weeks.

My DH has been at work so think that's kept him busy and occupied his mind a good bit.
I have a 27/28 day cycle so techincally I'm due AF on Sunday or Monday. Which makes me think I' not really testing early. But these pessaries etc really give us no idea when we are now due. GGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :wacko:

for me its technically mon or poss tuesday

Yes u are right when you dont have any symptoms you do notice every tiny twinge, i do get cm around ov but i cant remember if i get it after ov. def dont get any around af. I have had a bit of browish cm last few days but i havent mentioned it as i dont know if normally get this.

SO sunday it is then? ill have to talk dh into it. he doesnt want to test early..

MRS R : is test date late next week for you?
My test date is Friday next week, seems like a life time away! I would just be afraid of testing positive and losing it very early jojo, as we all know is common. Couldn't face it, so I won't Put myself through it. I know we're all different though.

My DH is knackered as he went straight back to work when we returned from Manchester so he's still's falling asleep all over the place. I'm here on my own all day, then he falls asleep at 9pm. It's very boring. But I'm into work in the morning to pick a few things up and then back home to work from my sofa.

It's probably a good thing though because I keep 'accidentally' flicking onto the baby programs on Sky. I blubbed my way through one this morning where a couple had IVF and ended up with twin girls. It's so not healthy for me! I might go and look up holidays or something as a consolation prize in case it's bad news.... my pessimism is actually annoying me now, PMA PMA PMA.........
Muncho that sounds like implantation to me. Everything I've read about it says how it is a pinkish or brownish cm. And not necessarily red like AF. I def think you'll get a BFP!!! Wish as was as confident about my own. I think i'll get a BFN, I really feel 100% back to normal.
PMA jojo, PMA!

You're so right!!! PMA....PMA..... PMA....
Another friend had a baby several week ago. Off to see them today. I know I'll be fine while I'm there. But it's when I leave... I know I'll be thinking when will people come to my house to see my baby....

Hopefully the answer to my own question is November
Much better jojo!!

I'm off to do something productive for the rest of the day (like watch films lol) Speak soon ladies as I'll be in work tomorrow morning
Muncho that sounds like implantation to me. Everything I've read about it says how it is a pinkish or brownish cm. And not necessarily red like AF. I def think you'll get a BFP!!! Wish as was as confident about my own. I think i'll get a BFN, I really feel 100% back to normal.

keep up your PMA girl. !!
there was so little its not even worth mentioning it. it def wasnt white. im not even sure it was brown. so again could be my mind making me think something that isnt true.

Have a lovely day seeing your friend. People will be coming to see in Dec, you might want a month on your own recovering from the birth !!! lol

MRS R: enjoy your films. im watching one this afternoon. i dont have any of those sky channels. good job otherwise i would be hooked.

catch u ladies later :hugs:
Thanks Muncho and JOJO!! Had ET from ICSI and one from IVF....the embryologist came to tell me that thats whatthey will do and I was lying on the table saying 'but no I want them BOTH from IVF or one or the other not both'. She looked at me blankly and my OH gave me a stare like 'WTF??' I had been thinking last night that if they put one ICSI embryo back and one IVF then I will be forever thinking which one are you? The ICSI child or the IVF one? LOL Then I thought 'dont get ahead of yourself darling it might not even work :( Then I shut up and told her fine to go ahead with it...Bizarre I know I am acting all erratic!
Thanks Muncho and JOJO!! Had ET from ICSI and one from IVF....the embryologist came to tell me that thats whatthey will do and I was lying on the table saying 'but no I want them BOTH from IVF or one or the other not both'. She looked at me blankly and my OH gave me a stare like 'WTF??' I had been thinking last night that if they put one ICSI embryo back and one IVF then I will be forever thinking which one are you? The ICSI child or the IVF one? LOL Then I thought 'dont get ahead of yourself darling it might not even work :( Then I shut up and told her fine to go ahead with it...Bizarre I know I am acting all erratic!

I havent been in that situation but does it matter which one they are from?
Or do you just want to know
Great news about 2 thou, i take it they told you the grade?

Make sure you relax now and drink lots of water and keep us updated.. x

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