Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

LOL really interesting to read that. I'm supposed to be working from home but I don't seem to be getting much work done which is worrying me more than if I was at work!!

After ET tomorrow I think I will take the weekend to relax and then go back to work next week...I will try and take it easy at work.......Brooklyn what did you do? Everyone else taking the full two weeks off?
LOL really interesting to read that. I'm supposed to be working from home but I don't seem to be getting much work done which is worrying me more than if I was at work!!

After ET tomorrow I think I will take the weekend to relax and then go back to work next week...I will try and take it easy at work.......Brooklyn what did you do? Everyone else taking the full two weeks off?

hey im glad we are amusing you..

def take the weekend to relax, you will need it. Our bodies have been thru alot with the meds and EC and then ET
You must be so excited about ET, are the clinic calling you today to give you an update on the embryos?
Trying4ever that's brilliant that you'll be joining us on the 2WW tomorrow!!!
I'm only 2 days post transfer ladies, so I'm a few days away from the damp foo foo club!!

I've just eaten two bags of crisps so I'll just be in the 'fattie' club on my own for a few days until I have the privilege of joining you.

Trying4ever, any news from the clinic on how your babies-to-be are doing?

I'm hoping to call into my office this Friday to pick up a few things and then work from home on Friday and be back on Monday.

I have to admit, I'm actually getting really bored sitting around at home and this is only my second day. How are you all keeping yourselves entertained? I attempted hoovering downstairs this morning and then decided I'd exerted myself too much and got back on the sofa!
I keep double posting, don't even know how I'm doing it
Trying4ever that's brilliant that you'll be joining us on the 2WW tomorrow!!!

I know I'm getting excited now...its just so surreal. Is it finally happening? Mrs R I didnt even ring the clinic today...should I? I was going to then thought I better let the little things grow and not hassle them! I said to my husband that my egg and his sperm have finally met for the FIRST time ever!!! There is fertilisation..but I hope they stick when they put them back in tomorrow. Any tips for me? I have a retroverted uterus and I just hope that wont cause them to much trouble :(
hi Trying4ever, exciting that your ET is so soon! I also have a retroverted uterus and I was worried they'd have trouble, but they seemed unphased by it- they did use a bent catheter I think to get around a curve between cervix and uterus. DH was joking that his little swimmers couldn't figure out how to get around that curve and that's why we haven't gotten pregnant. Since we're unexplained, I guess you never know!

As for the tww, I was off for the whole two weeks, and I wouldn't do it like this again. I think being home for 4 days after is great- you need it to relax and recover. But after that I got a little bored, and it was too much time to think, obsess, and google. I would have rather been at work and distracted. But that's just me....
ladies, I just read all the way back (this thread seems very active in the UK morning when I'm asleep!)...I love the recycled underwear and damp foo foo conversation.
So, I also had some dampness this week- not as damp as you ladies are describing, but definitely some sort of clear, watery discharge. I keep looking for the creamy discharge that people talk about with pregnancy, but it's impossible to tell if it's creamy or not because it's all mixed in with the progesterone which is white and chalky. I think it's clear.

My DH knows about you all as well. Whether he likes it or not, I tell him little things that you've said and funny anectdotes. He's taken to saying, 'why don't you ask your ladies about that?' And I usually do because he's hopeless with this stuff.
ok so went for acupouncture today. ill keep it brief as you girls dont have acu.
Normally you use needles to regulate the hormones and relax you.
Today he took my pulse first (the 1st time was when i went to see him in NOv last year)
then he said he was going to do something different today without any needles. this was ot nourish the blood, then he did his bit.

When he finishes i asked him about my pulse and why he did something different today.
He said my pulse was faster today which means implantation could have happened and thats why he had to do somehting different. Now he is very laid back and said this very casually.
He said from now on we will be working on norishing the blood. I asked 'is this because you think im pregnant?'
he said yes!

I said 'what if im not?'
he said 'then we go back to the needles and regualte the blood not nourish it'
TBH im a bit confused, im takign it with a pinch of salt, I know that they can tell by your pulse as its something to do with the circulatory system working harder.

well, i hope he is right!

tryting4ever, i think we have all had a bit of an issue with ET somewhere along the line. You did well not to ring the clinic, im too nosey .

Good luck for tomorrow and we look forward to you joining our damp banter:hugs:
ok so went for acupouncture today. ill keep it brief as you girls dont have acu.
Normally you use needles to regulate the hormones and relax you.
Today he took my pulse first (the 1st time was when i went to see him in NOv last year)
then he said he was going to do something different today without any needles. this was ot nourish the blood, then he did his bit.

When he finishes i asked him about my pulse and why he did something different today.
He said my pulse was faster today which means implantation could have happened and thats why he had to do somehting different. Now he is very laid back and said this very casually.
He said from now on we will be working on norishing the blood. I asked 'is this because you think im pregnant?'
he said yes!

I said 'what if im not?'
he said 'then we go back to the needles and regualte the blood not nourish it'
TBH im a bit confused, im taking it with a pinch of salt, I know that they can tell by your pulse as its something to do with the circulatory system working harder.

well, i hope he is right!

tryting4ever, i think we have all had a bit of an issue with ET somewhere along the line. You did well not to ring the clinic, im too nosey .

Good luck for tomorrow and we look forward to you joining our damp banter:hugs:

wen to for a shower about 8.30am. i just went to the loo and i have the same dampness
i have my lucky nickers on ( pink and frilly) i wash them every night and wear them during the day. im laughing as i write this at how pathetic it sounds. In my normal life i am a profession woman who is now talking about her damp foo foo!!!

anyway im sure they were dry when i put them on,

LOL!!!! I have lucky knickers too that I wore to egg collection, washed them and wore them again for embryo transfer!!! Mine are black and spotty and frilly! HAHA!!!!! I too am a professional, what a laugh!!!!!! Go team damp foo foo!!!!

Oh Muncho Im so glad you and I are going through all these things together. The hub just looks at me when I describe these sorta things to him and then says..... ask Muncho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :haha:

Wait........ I've got to get me those lucky knickers too!!! My appt. with my doc is this Friday, he will then decide whether another EC or just FET (ok, remember - Pink and Frilly, pink and frilly)

wen to for a shower about 8.30am. i just went to the loo and i have the same dampness
i have my lucky nickers on ( pink and frilly) i wash them every night and wear them during the day. im laughing as i write this at how pathetic it sounds. In my normal life i am a profession woman who is now talking about her damp foo foo!!!

anyway im sure they were dry when i put them on,

LOL!!!! I have lucky knickers too that I wore to egg collection, washed them and wore them again for embryo transfer!!! Mine are black and spotty and frilly! HAHA!!!!! I too am a professional, what a laugh!!!!!! Go team damp foo foo!!!!

Oh Muncho Im so glad you and I are going through all these things together. The hub just looks at me when I describe these sorta things to him and then says..... ask Muncho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :haha:

Wait........ I've got to get me those lucky knickers too!!! My appt. with my doc is this Friday, he will then decide whether another EC or just FET (ok, remember - Pink and Frilly, pink and frilly)

lol.. thats so funny!

I bought these 4 years ago with a matching bra. I had just met DH and it was going to be our 1st night of passion and i wanted to look sexy..
I dont really wear them that often as i prefer thongs..:haha:

Jeeze i didnt think at that time i was going to be washing them every night during my 2WW

good luck for Friday. let us know how you get on.
I only own several pairs of full pants as I prefer thongs myself. So the full pants I do have are all quite OTT!!! In my head the jazziness must make up for there being so much material! LOL!!

Muncho- that's brill news from the acu man and such a positive and hopeful sign!! I hope you didn't share the details of a particular dream!!!!! hehe!!!
LOL this gets funnier and funnier...brooklyn you're rightthis thread is very active in the morning!

Well I caved in and I did ring the clinic at 4.55pm ....look what you made me do??!!! LOL

From the 5 fertilised we have 4 left.....1 is at the 3 cell stage and 2 at the 2 cell that good? I have a feeling its not great on 2nd will they get to 6-8 cell stage in 24hours? I am going to send my little embies some good positive vibes to grow grow grow by tomorrow! I need two good ones to be put back! Ps whats grade 1?
thats good. they pretty much double every day so dont worry

Glad that you rang. Tomorrow you will find out the quality :)

i think we all wake up and get a little carried away. I will miss this banter next week when im at work as i dont work in an office :(
I think this thread is so active in the morning because we're all off on the 2ww and lying on our bums!! It'll be much less active next week.

Girls I need to ask a serious question (not a damp foo foo related one). Do you know what I can take for constipation on an on-going basis? I'm guessing it's progesterone related but i'm going days on end without so much as a rumble! What's safe to take, and please don't suggest prunes lol
I think this thread is so active in the morning because we're all off on the 2ww and lying on our bums!! It'll be much less active next week.

Girls I need to ask a serious question (not a damp foo foo related one). Do you know what I can take for constipation on an on-going basis? I'm guessing it's progesterone related but i'm going days on end without so much as a rumble! What's safe to take, and please don't suggest prunes lol
I think this thread is so active in the morning because we're all off on the 2ww and lying on our bums!! It'll be much less active next week.

Girls I need to ask a serious question (not a damp foo foo related one). Do you know what I can take for constipation on an on-going basis? I'm guessing it's progesterone related but i'm going days on end without so much as a rumble! What's safe to take, and please don't suggest prunes lol

Sorry to but in, but ive been told vitamin c is a like taking a laxative. I take it with my iron tablets and im very regular and well all know what iron can do to our bowels. Hope it helps.
Mrs R- as Dilek says vitamin c can really help. Pure orange juice or (sorry) prune juice, figs, drink plenty of water or a hot water with lemon in it. Or weetabix with hot milk, you could put sugar or sweetener in, makes it like a porridge.

Trying4ever- to answer your question, 'what is a grade one?'
To give us ladies the best chance of getting pregnant the best quality embryos are selected for transfer. Embryologists assess the embryos and grade them. The top graded embryos are then selected as these are most likely to implant in the womb and continue to develop. Found this on the net:

They do this by applying a system of grading, using criteria for early stage embryos such as:
* the number of cells present
* how fast the cells are dividing
* whether the division is even
* whether there are any fragments of cells present – this means that some cells have degenerated.

Different grading schemes are used for embryos when they reach the blastocyst stage (around day 5 of their development). Grading systems vary slightly, depending on your clinic, but they all produce similar results. My little embie was grade 1- no fragmentation and even cell division. My embryologist said a grade 1 is perfect. Hope that helps to explain X

PS Only about 20% of embryos are grade one and other grades will still make healthy babies. Just embryologists believe lower grades are less likely to implant. But I've read on the net ladies with 2cell grade 3 embies that still gave them a BFP
I think this thread is so active in the morning because we're all off on the 2ww and lying on our bums!! It'll be much less active next week.

Girls I need to ask a serious question (not a damp foo foo related one). Do you know what I can take for constipation on an on-going basis? I'm guessing it's progesterone related but i'm going days on end without so much as a rumble! What's safe to take, and please don't suggest prunes lol

i think you think you can take lactose, but its best to go to the pharmacy and tell him. They will know best

Can i ask a dumb question. I dont think i have ever had constipation. Is that that you cant go but you want to it does it takes ages when you are on the loo ( i have lad the latter before)
hope that helps

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