Hello girls can I please join u? I am starting IVF number 1 again. Start 2 DR around the middle of February. My history... been ttc 2 years, FSH 12 wee bit high!... had 2 m/c last year and now starting ivf again.... as i got pregnant naturally last time while i was in the middle of DR. Short lived unfortunately. After my second m/c few months back I wanted tests done. So I got tested for anticardiolipin antibodies. One of these results has come back slightly elevated so as of last week my ivf doc has put me on half a tablet of aspirin a day. Thats all on me so far!
Great thread muncho!
Glitterqueen can I ask you how you reduced your FSH.... what is tcm?
Heres hoping 2010 is our year girls - good luck!
hi Welcome. Fingers crossed this time you have alot more luck.
I aslo reduced my fsh from 11.1 to 9.1 in 2 months. I did this with acupuncture and wheatgrass, i love wheatgrass and am its No1 fan. Farmers give it to chickens to boost egg production!!