Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

Hello girls can I please join u? I am starting IVF number 1 again. Start 2 DR around the middle of February. My history... been ttc 2 years, FSH 12 wee bit high!... had 2 m/c last year and now starting ivf again.... as i got pregnant naturally last time while i was in the middle of DR. Short lived unfortunately. After my second m/c few months back I wanted tests done. So I got tested for anticardiolipin antibodies. One of these results has come back slightly elevated so as of last week my ivf doc has put me on half a tablet of aspirin a day. Thats all on me so far!
Great thread muncho!
Glitterqueen can I ask you how you reduced your FSH.... what is tcm?

Heres hoping 2010 is our year girls - good luck!

hi Welcome. Fingers crossed this time you have alot more luck.
I aslo reduced my fsh from 11.1 to 9.1 in 2 months. I did this with acupuncture and wheatgrass, i love wheatgrass and am its No1 fan. Farmers give it to chickens to boost egg production!!

This is a very obvious question, but have you asked your GP if they're willing to prescribe your medication on the NHS?

We bought our first lot in Care as we were starting right then and there, but we ran out when they upped my dosage a few days in, so we were very cheeky and asked our doctor at home.

She was more than willing to prescribe everything! She's saved us a fortune. It's worth asking the question x

Well thats interesting Mrs R - My GP called yesterday and said the surgery couldn't fund the drugs and that it wasn't a case of it being different in other surgeries that it was the directives for all practices-do you mind p'm me with your practice-if it is too private its ok I just want ammo for my gp-who has been wonderful with everything else but I am really pissed off with NHS as the have been investigating me for 6 years doing nothing then when i need ivf they won't fund it cuz i am too old- I am full of pmt at the min so up for a real fight i am even writing to the trust to complain about my treatment over the last few years and boy am i mad!!!
Hello girls can I please join u? I am starting IVF number 1 again. Start 2 DR around the middle of February. My history... been ttc 2 years, FSH 12 wee bit high!... had 2 m/c last year and now starting ivf again.... as i got pregnant naturally last time while i was in the middle of DR. Short lived unfortunately. After my second m/c few months back I wanted tests done. So I got tested for anticardiolipin antibodies. One of these results has come back slightly elevated so as of last week my ivf doc has put me on half a tablet of aspirin a day. Thats all on me so far!
Great thread muncho!
Glitterqueen can I ask you how you reduced your FSH.... what is tcm?

Heres hoping 2010 is our year girls - good luck!

welcome patboy x
tcm is traditional chinese medicine and i have been taking the herbs, accupuncture and about a thousand supplements- evening primrose oil, pregacare, wheatgrass. I am having ivf in march so i just wanted to keep my fsh as low as possible. x where are you having your ivf?
we have our IVf appointment 26th march, had to push it back cos currently waiting to miscarry i'm 9 weeks at the minute.
we are going to a different clinic to do the the IVF. was currently seeing another fertility clinic but they dont' do IVF.
new clinic want new bloods doing, the usual cd 3 and cd21 for a whole range of tests, just wondering i suppose i should stop taking my fertility meds for these bloods otherwise they will be artificially good. what you think?
I've been meaning to ask you wheatgrass ladies- do you get a shot of it at a store or do you make it yourself? Just thought I'd start if possible, but don't think I'm ready to take on the juicing process.
I've been meaning to ask you wheatgrass ladies- do you get a shot of it at a store or do you make it yourself? Just thought I'd start if possible, but don't think I'm ready to take on the juicing process.

Brooklyn i cant believe you are takign wheat grass im SO SO Excited...
i have been taking the powder but today i got my fresh wheatgrass delivered with my new juicer, so i will be using it tonight . im so exited..I dont know how difficult it is, will let you know later..

i dont know what im more excited 1st injection later or fresh whaetgrass

GUM: what fert meds are you on, i think it may affect your results, I had to start the pill this month on the day i had cd3 bloods ( after the test) so it would give a tru reading xx
i'm on femara cd 3, ammoxycillin cd 12-16. pregynl injections 3,5,7,9 dpo. oh and LDN every night.
maybe i should ring the clinic and ask?
Yes i think thats a good idea. i wouldnt want to advise you incase its wrong..
good luck..
Yes i think thats a good idea. i wouldnt want to advise you incase its wrong..
good luck..
Ladies i had my first injection of buserlin today. It was an interesting experience.
We faffed around for ages because i didnt know whcuh colour needle i needed to inject. Anyway i went for the yellow one in the end.
when i first put the needle in it hurt a bit and then i injected too quickly and MAN it hurt so i had to slow it down

YAAAAAHHH i have started and im so excited...
LOTS OF PMA now :)
Ladies i had my first injection of buserlin today. It was an interesting experience.
We faffed around for ages because i didnt know whcuh colour needle i needed to inject. Anyway i went for the yellow one in the end.
when i first put the needle in it hurt a bit and then i injected too quickly and MAN it hurt so i had to slow it down

YAAAAAHHH i have started and im so excited...
LOTS OF PMA now :)

Not good that it hurt you pet but good advice for us gals right behind you! lol!!! How have the other jabs since been?
I've already had six days of my tablets, only two more to go. It's went so quickly! Wahoo... scan on Thurs. Am so excited but not looking forward to the injections!!! Just heard a friend of a friend, here in Northern Ireland had egg collection on Mon, they got 17 eggs. Two embies grade b put back yesterday. So a good start. Nice to hear a success story every now and again

PMA all the way indeed!!!!!

Jo jo good luck for you scan today...good news about your friend. I will not get that many but as long as they are good quality i dont mind.

Last night inejction was better but i have having major sleeping issues since DR, i am so tired now . I dont know if this is one of the side affects but its annoying me now..
Thanks glitterqueen. I'm at the Royal, starting my weekly accupuncture sessions again next week and have been on pregnacare plus for a few months now. Where can i buy wheatgrass in Belfast ? & is it easier to take tablet form or liquid im a bit of a woose! Where is your treatment?

Muncho hope you are getting on better with the auld jags... Good luck! Hope u get plenty of Zzzzz over the weekend.

Hi JoJo hope the scan went well.

Hello to everyone else!:wave:
muncho, glad the second injection went ok. I find that it hurts some nights, and other nights I don't feel a thing- maybe the angle or the spot I'm injecting, I don't know. I've also had sleep issues while down regulating. I wake up a lot at night and feel tired in the morning. Hopefully this will get better once the dose is reduced when we're on stims.
Hi Patboy
i go my wheatgrass from holland and barrett its dried and its yuck - bit gritty- so hoping for some fresh stuff somewhere cuz I really can't stomach it. I am self funding at Care Sheffield-can't go NHS missed the age by 6 months and the royal private waiting list is 1 year!! My friend was at the royal and had icsi and my wonderful godson at second attempt so good luck x
Just to let you know I am thinking about you xxx good luck not long now xx
Ladies i had my first injection of buserlin today. It was an interesting experience.
We faffed around for ages because i didnt know whcuh colour needle i needed to inject. Anyway i went for the yellow one in the end.
when i first put the needle in it hurt a bit and then i injected too quickly and MAN it hurt so i had to slow it down

YAAAAAHHH i have started and im so excited...
LOTS OF PMA now :)

Not good that it hurt you pet but good advice for us gals right behind you! lol!!! How have the other jabs since been?
I've already had six days of my tablets, only two more to go. It's went so quickly! Wahoo... scan on Thurs. Am so excited but not looking forward to the injections!!! Just heard a friend of a friend, here in Northern Ireland had egg collection on Mon, they got 17 eggs. Two embies grade b put back yesterday. So a good start. Nice to hear a success story every now and again

PMA all the way indeed!!!!!


Good luck JO JO xx
Hi Muncho,

Thankyou for the Abbreviations link. Sorry not replied before now but computer been down but back on line now woohoo.
Of course i dont mind you asking why we are on IVF. Well here goes...
Me and my DH have been trying for 6 years now, we have had all the tests and they just put it down to unexplained. I have a daughter from a previous relationship ( she will be 17 in april ). I was on clomid for 6 months, then we had a one go at IUI, when that didnt work we decided to save up for IVF. I went to a new clinic for this and when they did a AMH test they said it was on the low side (4.3?) and suggested the short protocol because of this. So here we are many months of saving later, i started Bursilin and Fostimon injections on 13th Jan, my oestrogen levels where quite high on Mon 18th so i have been reducing my dose all week. Went for my blood test and scan this morning, said there was 10 good sized follicles but i had an agonizing 2 hour wait for blood results because they said if my oestrogen levels hadnt come down i would have to cancel as too risky. But got the call at 12.00 to say we can go ahead with egg retrieval on Monday so i am so relieved and so excited and nervous. Fingers crossed we have some nice eggs in those follicles.
I have also had trouble sleeping, not sure if its the drugs or just worrying. Hope you feel better soon. How long have you got left until egg retrieval?

FX'd for everyone xx
Hi lisa

great news about your eggs,my amh is 4.4 so that gives me some hope. do you know what your fsh was this month.
Its such a stressful journey isnt it, all the not knowing :(

Lots and lots of luck for monday, keep us updated, I think you could be our 1st bfp!
i start stimm on 27th
Hi Muncho

FSH ? Sorry would the nurse tell me that because i dont remember them saying anything about my FSH. God i sound so stupid dont i but i dont have a clue ?

BFP....god i hope so. I am trying to be positive but i also dont want to get my hopes up to much if you know what i mean. You are right it certainly is a stressful journey!

Yes i will keep you upto date and i will keep checking on your progress!

Wishing you lots of luck.

From Clueless (lol)

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