Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

Your AF dance worked Trying4ever lol. AF finally appeared today after 12 days! I was very close to going mad, thought it was never gonna happen.

I'm on a short protocol which means I start stimming right away, so tomorrow is the start of injections for me. EC should be in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed as I didn't even make it that far last time.

I'm sooooooo excited to get started again.

How's everybody else getting on??

Hi, I'm going through poor response to stims - do you mind sharing your story with me? Did they up your dose but still had low response? I'm so anxious as I go for my scan tomorrow and if I haven't responded it will be abandoned!
Sorry, just realised you did tell me your experience! My brain is a bit wasted at the moment!:blush:
hey ladies.
day 3 of stimms tonight. Its going ok. started to feel a bit of tingling today so hopefully that means that all is working well.
Im finding it hard work eating so much protein, my stomach looks big, i dont know if its bloated or im getting fat :)
Wahoo!! Mrs. R I'm mega pleased for you that AF arrived!!!!

I took mine on Tues nite (26th Jan). Had my scan yesterday and started my injections today. Had one at 6:30a.m. and the second at 6:30p.m. I'm on 3 vials menopur, which makes 225iu with two solvent.

Fiddly is the word Muncho!!! Don't think the shaking hands this morning helped much though!! LOL!! Did first into my leg but second into my tummy. Much preferred the tummy!!

Tomorrow I have my a birthday party to go to, son of a friend. Will need to make an excuse to go home for my injection and as to why I'm not drinking. No doubt they'll all think I'm pregnant. Oh the joys!!!! NOT!!!
jojo I know what you mean about having to make excuses about not drinking...I'm being a hermit this week. Don't want to deal with not drinking and having people suspect i'm preggers when I'm dealing with all of this madness.

Muncho, yeah, definitely hard getting in all of this protein. It's so filling!

Last night I switched to injecting in my tummy and I think I like it better. I didn't think I would, but it seemed to sting less and the spot wasn't irritated after.
Wahoo!! Mrs. R I'm mega pleased for you that AF arrived!!!!

I took mine on Tues nite (26th Jan). Had my scan yesterday and started my injections today. Had one at 6:30a.m. and the second at 6:30p.m. I'm on 3 vials menopur, which makes 225iu with two solvent.

I'm on the same dose as you jojo. But I only take it once a day. Last cycle i took it after work, but decided on mornings this time, just to mix it up (no pun intended!)
best of luck ladies, the whole not drinking thing drives me bananas
i dont' drink at the best of times and its always ooh and i would if she is pregnant
tell them to butt out, or be brutally honest and saying i'm doing IVF they will never ask another woman that question again x
Hi all, well we went to the hospital for a scan and blood test to see if I had responded to the upping of the stim drugs but unfortunately things had not progressed as they should, although things had got bigger and the womb lining was thicker we were told it had not come on enough and therefore the treatment has ended. The Doctor informed me that i need to wait for another period and then start the short protocol but this was not confirmed and I have to book a review appointment. I am very disappointed but trying to look at this as a 'false start' and they just got the dose wrong.:cry:
Hi all, well we went to the hospital for a scan and blood test to see if I had responded to the upping of the stim drugs but unfortunately things had not progressed as they should, although things had got bigger and the womb lining was thicker we were told it had not come on enough and therefore the treatment has ended. The Doctor informed me that i need to wait for another period and then start the short protocol but this was not confirmed and I have to book a review appointment. I am very disappointed but trying to look at this as a 'false start' and they just got the dose wrong.:cry:

oh gosh how frustrating! its bead enough waiting as it is. I guess you wnat to be at your best at the beginning to get the best results for a bfp.
Roll on 4 weeks and the you can get started again x
I'm 34 my IVf clinic is Hammersmith
scan on 11th Feb
completely new to the chat thing:winkwink:
I'm 34 my IVf clinic is Hammersmith
scan on 11th Feb
completely new to the chat thing:winkwink:

Hi and welcome. Have you started any meds yet or will it be after your scan?
why are you having IVF. If you go to the 1st page of this thread you may find some useful info.
good luck xx
Hi all, well we went to the hospital for a scan and blood test to see if I had responded to the upping of the stim drugs but unfortunately things had not progressed as they should, although things had got bigger and the womb lining was thicker we were told it had not come on enough and therefore the treatment has ended. The Doctor informed me that i need to wait for another period and then start the short protocol but this was not confirmed and I have to book a review appointment. I am very disappointed but trying to look at this as a 'false start' and they just got the dose wrong.:cry:

Oh you poor thing. It's so frustrating when they get the dose wrong, but just look at it as trial and error. They'll get it right next time :hugs:
lynseyolgy, yes, it is incredibly frustrating, but they do know now that you need the short protocol, so that's good. My friend told me that they used to do a trial run for everyone with IVF- a cycle where they would stimulate but not do EC and ET...for this exact reason. So now they know how your body works and what it needs. You'll be there soon!
Hi Lynseyology, sorry to hear that your cycle ended. Can't imagine how you must feel. X

Hi Lilacmay, welcome along!! This is a great wee thread to be part of! X

Ladies, this is my third day of injections. I've had five injections of 225iu menopur so far. Scan is tomorrow morning. Am just a little anxious as I have a pain in my left side, where I imagine my ovary is. It's not unbearable or anything but it's quite sharp at times. Only have a slight niggly feeling on right side. My amh is 15.8 and am late 20s. Anyone else feeling lots of movement in the ovary area????

Hi Lynseyology, sorry to hear that your cycle ended. Can't imagine how you must feel. X

Hi Lilacmay, welcome along!! This is a great wee thread to be part of! X

Ladies, this is my third day of injections. I've had five injections of 225iu menopur so far. Scan is tomorrow morning. Am just a little anxious as I have a pain in my left side, where I imagine my ovary is. It's not unbearable or anything but it's quite sharp at times. Only have a slight niggly feeling on right side. My amh is 15.8 and am late 20s. Anyone else feeling lots of movement in the ovary area????


Hi JoJo

Tonight is day 5 for my menpour and im worried that im not feelign anything. ocassionally i feel a twinge on my left but used to get that before so i dont think its the meds.
I think maybe for you its a good sign that you are feeling something.
Your AMH is good so hopefully you should get a good number of eggs,
Mine is 4.4 and mt follicle count is 9 - which is ok not great thou.
I have my scan on Tues, so ill be interested to see how you get on tomorrow
Are you also taking buserlin or somehting like that.? I am
taking buserelin as well.
I'm just taking the 225 of menopur on its own. Had two injections on Fri, two on Sat then down to one today. Although I think I'm starting cetrotide possibly tomorrow or soon anyway. I sometimes have a mild feeling around ovualtion time normally but this is def stronger. If I wasn't going in the morn I'd be quite worried...
Hi All, Not feeling so good today, it takes time for things to sink in with me and I am feeling quite negative today but I am sure it will pass soon enough. I just wanted to let people know that my husband is writing a journal which is in this part of the forum and you can see that the thread has been started by me but it is my husband giving his own views on the journey. I think it is important for other men to read through as often they can be forgotten in this journey and I know my husband goes through every up and down with me! It may be helpful for your DH.

Thanks for all your support
Hi All, Not feeling so good today, it takes time for things to sink in with me and I am feeling quite negative today but I am sure it will pass soon enough. I just wanted to let people know that my husband is writing a journal which is in this part of the forum and you can see that the thread has been started by me but it is my husband giving his own views on the journey. I think it is important for other men to read through as often they can be forgotten in this journey and I know my husband goes through every up and down with me! It may be helpful for your DH.

Thanks for all your support

Sorry to hear you're not good today. It's just one massive and horrible emotional roller coaster. Hard to be positive all the time, especially after your disappointment. Have to say Mr. Negativity has got a bit of a grip on me today too!!

I think it's lovely that you and your husband are completing your journal together. After all you're on the journey together so why not do the same with the journal. I'll def get my husband to read it. Keep your chin up pet X

Lots of hugs your way :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
lynseyology , i agree with Jojo.
Try to keep positive (annoying when people keep saying that)
hi ladies, not started the IVF but i'm stalking it cos i'm joining you all soon
hope you are all doing ok and really do wish you all the best xx

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