Anyone starting IVF Jan/Feb..want to join me

Hi Ladies! I go for my Saline ultrasound on the 17 of feb 2010. I heard different things and was wondering,...has anyone had this done before starting the drugs? Or after the drugs? or both?
Hi Ladies! I go for my Saline ultrasound on the 17 of feb 2010. I heard different things and was wondering,...has anyone had this done before starting the drugs? Or after the drugs? or both?

I had scan before i started to down reg to ensure my lining was less than 5mm - which it was . I dont know if thats the same as yours!
Jo jo good luck for you scan today...good news about your friend. I will not get that many but as long as they are good quality i dont mind.

Last night inejction was better but i have having major sleeping issues since DR, i am so tired now . I dont know if this is one of the side affects but its annoying me now.

Sorry to hear bout your lack of sleep! I know that's one thing I don't do too well without!!! Try plenty of lavendar baths and maybe some on or near your pillow, it's supposed to be good for inducing relaxation and sleep :sleep:. My scan is this Thurs and cant wait. Finished tabs yeasterday so just waiting for the :witch: to arrive! LOL!! Wish it would hurry up and get here!!! Only two more weeks of work for me then it all begins!!!

Also, welcome along to the other lovely ladies that have joined this thread. Lots of baby dust to you all:dust:

Patboy, you may have seen my post about the friend who went to the Royal, 17 eggs collected and two transferred. She loved the Royal, said everyone was fantastic and it was first class care xxx

Good luck for what this week brings everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Arghhh just wrote a massive post and lost it !!!!!!
glad you are all ok and still enjoying your tcm..

im starting acu twice a week from wed as ill be stimming, so hopefully it will work wonders..

happy bd to you all xx
Jo jo good luck for you scan today...good news about your friend. I will not get that many but as long as they are good quality i dont mind.

Last night inejction was better but i have having major sleeping issues since DR, i am so tired now . I dont know if this is one of the side affects but its annoying me now.

Sorry to hear bout your lack of sleep! I know that's one thing I don't do too well without!!! Try plenty of lavendar baths and maybe some on or near your pillow, it's supposed to be good for inducing relaxation and sleep :sleep:. My scan is this Thurs and cant wait. Finished tabs yeasterday so just waiting for the :witch: to arrive! LOL!! Wish it would hurry up and get here!!! Only two more weeks of work for me then it all begins!!!

Also, welcome along to the other lovely ladies that have joined this thread. Lots of baby dust to you all:dust:

Patboy, you may have seen my post about the friend who went to the Royal, 17 eggs collected and two transferred. She loved the Royal, said everyone was fantastic and it was first class care xxx

Good luck for what this week brings everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:

good luck for your scan xx
Finished tabs yeasterday so just waiting for the :witch: to arrive! LOL!! Wish it would hurry up and get here!!! Only two more weeks of work for me then it all begins!!!

Having a brain fart here, but are you taking Provera to bring on AF?

I finished my tabs 8 days ago and I'm still awaiting AF. I am VERY fed up!! :wacko:
Jojo good luck this thursday with the scan! I did read your post about your friend at the royal. Can I ask you how old she was and was it her 1st attempt at ivf? Where are you having your treatment?

Muncho hope all is going well with u and the injections.
Mrs R - hope AF arrives soon!!
Glitterqueen - thanks for al the info!

Still waiting on AF myself should be this week and then i can start 2 DR on day 21.

RE: Wheatgrass what is the best way to take it.....tablet form or is there drops?
Thanks and hello to everyone else!
OMG I am not only fed up but totally peeved that my AF hasn't arrived 8 days after my last tablet of provera :( What is wrong with me? But I have also been DR for 4 weeks now. Cos on my scan 2 weeks after starting DR my lining was thick the FN suggested I take provera and so have another bleed but it just aint coming...can the lining just disappear by itself?

Mrs R what do you mean when you say that in your first IVF it was abandoned as you did not respond well? Is that the same as my situation? As my lining grew even though I was on Buserelin. I started on cd2 and am theoretically on cd28 so should get AF around now anyway.....

Would I then start stimm straight away? Is that the protocol in 'poor responders'?

Finished tabs yeasterday so just waiting for the :witch: to arrive! LOL!! Wish it would hurry up and get here!!! Only two more weeks of work for me then it all begins!!!

Having a brain fart here, but are you taking Provera to bring on AF?

I finished my tabs 8 days ago and I'm still awaiting AF. I am VERY fed up!! :wacko:
Having a brain fart here, but are you taking Provera to bring on AF?

I finished my tabs 8 days ago and I'm still awaiting AF. I am VERY fed up!! :wacko:[/QUOTE]

Hi Mrs R, I was taking Northisterone 5mg, twice a day for 8 days. Nurse told me I'd take my period within bout two days of finishing them. It's nearly three days but tonight I have slight spotting. Wish it would arrive properly since I have scan on Thurs. Waiting is one big pain in the ass!!!!! LOL!!

Hope you don't have to wait much longer either :hugs:
Hi Patboy,

My friend is 30. It was their second attempt. The first time she got as far as egg collection. So much better result this time!!

We are going to Origin Fertility Care in Belfast for our treatment. Who have you seen so far in the Royal? During out initial tests we were referred to Dr. Traub. I know he also practices in the Royal.


Hi everyone:cry:

Hope you don't mind me posting here, I am on day 6 of stims and had a scan monday which showed everything was going fine but I was still bleeding. That has just stopped but at this mornings scan I was told I hadn't responded to the stims and my womb lining was thinner and follicles smaller. I had to see a doctor who has upped my dose and wants another scan on saturday but if I haven't responded it will be abandoned. Anyone had this? I need help!
try not to worry ( easy to say) quite often doses are increased. To give you some hope, i donated eggs to my sis 3 years ago. 6 days into stimms there was NOTHING, i was devasted, they increased the dose. I got a few eggs - about 4 but they werent great size. She got preg. Its such a horrible waiting game.

Are you doing all thr right stuff with diet , water etc?
try to keep positive xx
try not to worry ( easy to say) quite often doses are increased. To give you some hope, i donated eggs to my sis 3 years ago. 6 days into stimms there was NOTHING, i was devasted, they increased the dose. I got a few eggs - about 4 but they werent great size. She got preg. Its such a horrible waiting game.

Are you doing all thr right stuff with diet , water etc?
try to keep positive xx

Thank you, we have 9 follicles but they are not doing anything! I drink loads of water, we turned our diet to organic although this is hit and miss. We take zita west tablets and we both have accupuncture so we are trying our best! Such a worry though, now I know what people mean when they say IVF is a rollercoaster.

You gave eggs to your sister? Wow that is fantastic but it must be hard for you?
OMG me and you are exactly the same , i too have 9 follicles and zita west tabs etc etc

Oh god thats got me worried now.Im starting stimms tonight.. YOu are doing all the right things. lets hope the next scan brings more positive news, when is it?

yes i donated 3 times and she got pg twice, so docs say that a good sign but that was 6 years old.. erm i dont have any regrets as i did the right thing at that time, im sad that i ahve to do it but at least im more prepared than other people for their 1st cycle.

keep me informed with your progress, im really interested.. Just one final thing PROTEIN is good for egg growth, do you eat enough? about 50-60g a day. if you eat meat then you prob will get that. Im starting today with my 50 grams, im veggie, so its hard for me.

BTW were you ovulating before you found out you had to have IVF?
OMG me and you are exactly the same , i too have 9 follicles and zita west tabs etc etc

Oh god thats got me worried now.Im starting stimms tonight.. YOu are doing all the right things. lets hope the next scan brings more positive news, when is it?

yes i donated 3 times and she got pg twice, so docs say that a good sign but that was 6 years old.. erm i dont have any regrets as i did the right thing at that time, im sad that i ahve to do it but at least im more prepared than other people for their 1st cycle.

keep me informed with your progress, im really interested.. Just one final thing PROTEIN is good for egg growth, do you eat enough? about 50-60g a day. if you eat meat then you prob will get that. Im starting today with my 50 grams, im veggie, so its hard for me.

BTW were you ovulating before you found out you had to have IVF?

Hiya, Sorry to get you worried! This was the last thing I was expecting as they told me I was at risk of over stimulating. I was ovulating and all my results came back ok but my husband has poor sperm motility and when we first found out his count was very low but accupuncture, change in diet and other bits and bobs have helped bring the count up to normal but not the motility. We have been told all along that because things seem fine with me IVF should be straight forward! I do eat a lot of meat, eggs and fish so hopefully I am getting enough protein but thanks for the advice.

We have our next scan on saturday. I have been doing my stims at 10pm but I have done the injection just now as I think it's good to have it in my body for longer (if that makes sense?) and my husband did the injection in my stomach in the hope it will get to where it needs to go quicker! All probably a bit obsessive but I will try anything to try and make it work!

So glad things worked out for your sister, it was an amazing thing for you to do.
Hi Patboy,

My friend is 30. It was their second attempt. The first time she got as far as egg collection. So much better result this time!!

We are going to Origin Fertility Care in Belfast for our treatment. Who have you seen so far in the Royal? During out initial tests we were referred to Dr. Traub. I know he also practices in the Royal.



Thanks for that. Im with Dr McFaul at the Royal. I was in middle of DR last Oct but found out i was pregnant 2 weeks in - whats the chances! - but as you can see short lived.
Good luck with your treatment.
OMG I am not only fed up but totally peeved that my AF hasn't arrived 8 days after my last tablet of provera :( What is wrong with me?

Mrs R what do you mean when you say that in your first IVF it was abandoned as you did not respond well? Is that the same as my situation? As my lining grew even though I was on Buserelin. I started on cd2 and am theoretically on cd28 so should get AF around now anyway.....

Would I then start stimm straight away? Is that the protocol in 'poor responders'?

Trying4ever, any news on AF? I am so frustrated, I want to cry as I finished my Provera 10 days ago and there's nothing happening.

In my first attempt at IVF, I didn't respond well to stims and my dosage was upped quite a few times to try to get them moving. Unfortunately a few days before EC I only had one dominant follicle so the cycle was cancelled.
I was on the short protocol so I didn't need to DR so don't know if it's the same thing or not lol
Mrs R. cant believe Af still hasnt arrived, how frustating for you! did you get many replies on your thread, have you rang the clinic?

Just took my 1st stimm and it was a bit fiddly but was ok. im mixing 1.5 bottles of solvent with 4 vials of menopur. the solvent bottle cracked in my hand as i tried ot snap the top off..great start!
It was really slow to inject as well, i guess there a high concentration of fluid. Anyway i think i did it right, now the eggs just need to grow! Its still stinging a bit as well at the moment.
MrsR AF came today on the 10th day after stopping provera!!! God I was happy to see it! Doing an AF dance for you to help it along while i'm cramped in pain but I'm happy if that means it pushes things along! I hope my lining is thin enough by next week to start stimms. What stage are you at?
Your AF dance worked Trying4ever lol. AF finally appeared today after 12 days! I was very close to going mad, thought it was never gonna happen.

I'm on a short protocol which means I start stimming right away, so tomorrow is the start of injections for me. EC should be in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed as I didn't even make it that far last time.

I'm sooooooo excited to get started again.

How's everybody else getting on??

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