Oh and to make matters worse, the doctor I saw did not make me happy. First she asked if I planned on breastfeeding and I said yes, I plan to EBF until I go back to work and then I'll be doing a combo of pumping/nursing if my supply allows me to do so. She then made a comment that it's ok to just give the baby the bottle so my husband and son don't resent me for having to spend so much time feeding the baby (wtf???). Then she asked me what we were going to do to "prevent us from being here again in a year" meaning not get pregnant again. She said, "Because clearly the barrier method failed for you guys" as if this pregnancy was unplanned or that we have no business planning anymore babies.
Then I talked about Paraguard because it's hormone free and long term and she flat out told me I'd hate it because it doesn't get rid of periods and I should just go with something filled with hormones -_-
Needless to say, I will not be seeing her again.