Hi Ladies,
Just checking back in and stalking like I promised...lol.
Ok...I'm going to try to remember everyone, but sorry if I forget anyone.
Newlywed...I'm sorry about your bfn, but you sound like you are in at least decent spirits and ready to move on to May. Fxd for this cycle!
Mel...I know...wth! I would be really confused too. And it does make it complete torture when hello!!!...this is the whole point. Keep your head up. You never know, miracles happen. Maybe you O'd later than you anticipated and your levels are rising at a normal rate. Do you feel any different other than what you mentioned? I think waiting and testing in a couple of days is smart. I knew a lady who would always piss positive (sorry for the expression...I'm a pretty blunt person) but couldn't get pregnant. But her levels were always high, so I don't think that's your case. Keeping my fxd that your baby is just taking his/her time and teasing you a bit, and that you get your bfp in a few days!
Nik...I'm waiting....tick tock, tick tock. What's the verdict? Your chart is looking good girl. Fxd!
Fisher...stay positive. You're not that far out from O. I know it's hard to wait but hey...it's ttc which stands for "always playing the waiting game". I know the amount of words is way more and the letters don't match up, but it is what is...lol. Hopefully your LO is suggling in tight, or about to, and in a week or so you'll have good news. Fxd!
Chiles... welcome and ugh at all the appts. I know how badly you want this and then you already have to do the appts. Now you have to go so often. That's one reason I said I was going to take a couple months and try naturally with God. I've already missed 6 days from work this year in regards to ttc, and that doesn't include all of the appts. Hopefully something will pan out for you. But yay for all your follies. It's a lot, but apparently you can do something about the amount which is good, and if you want to have 2 or 3 then you can which is good too. Fxd for you and all of your babies to be!
Greeneyes...welcome. I know all to well the signs of ohss. My fs told me that wasn't the case with me based on my initial scan and bw which was done in February, but March and April ovulation told a different story. In March, I was in so much pain, I told hubby I wanted to go to the ER. I looked like I was six months preggo and the pain put me down for about 3 days. So I researched it and sure enough I had all of the symptoms and fell into the "more likely for" category. So for my April cycle I did what I read to do in this case and it really helped. If I can offer any advice drink TONS of water. I know it sounds weird cause of all the extra fluid floating around because of all the follies, but it is true and really works. I mean drink about 10-12 glasses, more if you can, of water a day. Drinking the extra water helps you to go to potty more, which helps you get rid of some of those extra fluids floating around. Contradictory I know, but it works. My April O was still a bit uncomfortable, borderline on the painful side, but was no where near as bad as March. I was able to still go to work and function...a bit more slowly than normal, and rather than three days, the pain only lasted for about a day and a half. It seems like every month I'm on clomid the pain/symptoms get worse and I guess in March it finally got to that stage.
AFM...I'm good. I actually had to look at FF to see what day I'm on...feels good. It's day 4. Af was kind to me this month...well, af and naproxen, lol. Still relaxing. Tonight I'm having some wine and tomorrow I'm celebrating obtaining my Masters with a bbq...go me! I'm excited. Still haven't decided if I will use opks or not, after all I know when I O...I can feel it. But other than that, and the fact that I've been a bit of an irritable pms bitch for a couple of days, things are good. It's funny, because I never thought I had pms until I started ttc and charting my symptoms. I always thought I was pretty laid back...and maybe I was before the clomid. But after eight months of clomid, I'm a complete bitch...lol. I know I am, my hubby doesn't need to tell me.
Well, fxd for all of us ladies, I will check in soon. Sorry if I missed anyone.