April Mummies 2011

two times a month? geez, i think we get to my parents every 2-3 months but like you we stay for a few days so they get quality time with her
:hugs: Katherine, 45miles is nothing these days! I was chatting to someone today who's daughter lives in Wimbledon, she lives near brighton and every week she travels to do the childcare for her grandkids! She did say its a lot but to just visit it'd not be any distance. And its not like you're moving out of choice.

we rock and rolled last night too, in bed by 11.30 but did see new year in thanks to eddie deciding it was party time again, lol. xx
She does skype but "its not the same"... and i tell her that it will be more quality time rather than just popping in for 15 minutes then leaving because her husband has dinner in the oven.
she has never and will never stay overnight. anywhere. shes always got excuses but basically she just doesnt like it. she even admitted that she would only ever visit for a day at a time but then STILL went on to say she expected us to consider her "needs" and get a 4 bedroom house JUST IN CASE she ever changed her mind. (itd cost us an extra £50-100,000 and our mortgage will only just cover 3 bedroom houses.)

she hasnt always been like this. up until recently we were extremely close which i think makes it harder because shes feeling like ive betrayed her for moving further than the current four minute drive from her house.
nothing will make her happy. everything has a spin on it to make it bad or wrong or like im not thinking about anyone but myself*

eh. i give up. she'll come over in a few days. it'll be awkward. she'll cry. i'll want to tell her to grow up and think about someone other than herself for a change, but i wont say anything because im chicken and then she'll post some self pitying quote on facebook hoping i'll take the hint and i'll respond with some passive aggressive status update about giving zero fucks and whatnot and that'll be it.

*in a way its true. im not thinking about her when buying my family home- im thinking about my family. me, husband, children. she doesnt need her own bedroom, shes not my child and shes not living with me.
Katherine get a blow up bed. That can be her 'bedroom' for If/when she decides to stay. Its your own little family home... not hers.
Its crazy how far everyone lives from thier parents! My mums always lived in the opposite close to grandad and now I live only like 15 min walk from my mums and my nan is in the next road to me. Were crazily close (living) to each other.

How was everyones new years?!
the only way i'd get an extra bedroom just for a family member is if they're helping me pay my mortgage. otherwise, pick a couch or bring an air mattress.
I agree with Dana! Katherine, your mom is not being helpful at all. It should always be about you and your family. 45 miles is nothing! I live over 1900 miles from my family and I still see them several times a year. You are doing the right thing and ignore her antics.

We had some snow come through this morning so dh had to leave earlier so he didn't get stuck here. Made me sad but I'm just glad he was safe. Isis misses her daddy of course. I just hope the house sells so I can move out of this frigid nightmare of a state! We have windchill advisories overnight again. :/

So as much as I hate resolutions, I'm going to use this new medication as a launch into a healthier me! I have right around 50 lbs to lose. I've been going to the gym with dh while he was here so I'm going to keep doing that and add in some aerobics and weights.
too true dana!

gem I live stupidly close to my mum, like 2mins max walk away lol. We both moved house last year and just so happened to end up very close lol, they downsized and we upsized.

arrrr eddie is up AGAIN tonight, he only went to bed at 8.30, 10.05 and 3rd time up :/...when does the 4mth regression end!?! or are we in another now?
Gem I too live close to my family. My brother is 2 roads away my sister is a 5 min drive and my mum is a 10/15 drive away.
Funny thing is I never really see my brother unless it's a family occasion lol

Poppy sleep has gone back to being horrendous. Last night she was up from 00:40 til 05.20 and had only an hour nap today and didn't go to bed until 21:00 tonight!! I was late on my first day back to work coz we 'slept in' til 08:20 this morning when luckly poppy woke me up!
Familys are funny things eh haha!
When I lived at my mums house I was living in the same HOUSE as my bro but since he rarely comes out his bedroom besides to go to work, I could go a couple of weeks without seeing him still! Crazy!

My cousin had a beautiful little girl 2 days ago. She had to have an emergency c section since the cord had wrapped around her neck but shes here ok now and very beautiful! :D Going to meet her next weekend hopefully.

I have another chest infection... might aswell just say I have a constant one really haha. Its making me feel like crap though this time, just no energy at all.

Oh, and its not on facebook because people always interefere but.... I got a belated Christmas present.... A BOYFRIEND! Haha :)
Weve been dating since September... he never lets me pay for anything, pulls out chairs for me, gives me his jacket if Im cold. Yes hes THAT kind of guy - a good one! :p
He got me converse for my birthday and then the other day he gave me a Pandora bracelet with a little doggy charm on it to represent my new pup :) And thats when he asked me to be his Girlfriend.
He treats Ollie like his own... even bought him some christmas presents.
Hopefully this one lasts because this is honestly the best Ive EVER been treated by a guy!
Lovely news on your man, Gem :thumbup:

Urgh, it's back to reality tomorrow. Back to work for DH & me :( The Christmas hols have been so lovely & relaxing. 13 working weeks left til mat leave. That's sooooo long! And with so much to do to get ready for baby's arrival. As I head to third tri, I'm starting to panic!!! We need to clear, decorate & re-furnish the guest bedroom as a 'big boy' bedroom for Rex. Then re-paper a wall in the nursery (thanks to DH's botched DIY :dohh: ), touch up the paintwork, lay a new carpet then get all the baby stuff back out. So much to do!!!! Argh!!!
Oh wow sazzler. Keeping busy like that though will make the time fly over and then youll have your new little'un here before you know it :) How exciting!
you'll be amazed by how much time you have left sarah, I moved house at 21wks pregnant with eddie, we unpacked, got new windows, facias gutters in. decorated alexs new room and the nursery, did new carpets, had hall decorated (cheated tho and did decorator), had garden mostly relandscaped and were still waiting for his arrival at the end :).

right now we have no kitchen as its all been ripped out and nearly no lounge...fun!

ria, I hope poppy sleeps better soon! x
We've re implemented the reward chart. Since we have she's either easy to go down and then up many times in the night or nightmare to get to sleep but will then sleep through.
Truth be told I prefer the latter lol
Think I need to do a sleep reward chart again with you, Ria. After a brief spell of good sleep following the back of his ear infection, Rex is back to his old tricks & I'm seriously exhausted. I'm not going to make it til Easter if he doesn't let me sleep & with no daytime naps anymore, I can't even sneak a little snooze in for myself :cry:

He was up 3 times last night for no reason. Then it takes me a while to get comfy & drift off again & I could've strangled DH for his snoring last night!! I ended up in the spare bed at 4am just to get a couple of hours in. Then I heard Rex go up to DH not long after but I let him deal with him as a punishment for his snoring even though it was meant to be my night :haha: I'm not letting him in our bed until after 5am cos of baby coming but the exhausted part of me thinks we'd get more sleep if I let him in the first time he wakes. At least the night feeds won't be a shock to my system. Wish I could drink coffee all day today to get me through! :dohh:
We will join the non sleep club !
Aleena has always been a terrible sleeper :(
She went to sleep at 11 pm yesterday (she doesn't nap) and was up at 5.30 wanting to eat!! Ughhh, it's 7.30 now and I'm hoping she will go back to sleep soon !

How I'm going to deal with her & a newborn?? God knows...

My milk has been drying up for the past few months and is now completely gone . Aleena's always preferred breastmilk over food and has lost 2 lbs over the past 4 months (cause she's adjusting to no more milk & she is a very picky eater and on top of that she can't have dairy).
I just bought a new blender and I'm going to start making her coconut milk smoothies with banana and some other stuff.. Hoping she will drink those to gain some weight back as she is only a lil over 22 lbs now.
But knowing her she will refuse , she refuses most foods or will eat 2 bites and then say she's done.
Ollies the same lilly... very fussy! He can eat dairy though and thankfully loves all things dairy.

Oh yeah he was back to the consultant the other day... my baby boy has grew!!! Only a couple of cm but still hes grew :) hes STILL in 9-12m clothes lol.
Hes starting speech therapy too once the referral goes through.
Ladies :( my quad test has come back with a 1:5 risk of downs :(

Am thinking of doing the nipt test. Am heartbroken :(
Oh Gertrude :hugs: Sorry to hear those odds. But that's still an 80% chance that baby is just fine. Do you have to get the NIPT done privately?

Naima, I totally understand what you mean about coping with a toddler & a newborn. I've told DH that Rex will become his sole nighttime responsibility!

Rex has fussy food days & days where he'll eat whatever you give him. I just keep giving him things he refuses. I figure he'll eat them one day & I aren't getting into the cooking multiple meals :nope:
a bit more research and we're going with amnio if they can fit us in this week because the results are just so much faster :(

I've told work, I've told friends and I just know it's going to be bad news :( and as much as people may hate me for this, I really couldn't cope with a baby with Downs :( I know life isn't predictable at all and who knows what might happen to any of us, but I just don't think I could bring a baby into what is already a mighty fucked up world with downs :(

I can't stop shaking, I fucking KNEW this would happen :( and yes whilst there is 4:5 chance there is nothing wrong, 20% chance there is is fucking high :(

Waiting for the call back from the hospital tomorrow.
I know exactly where you're coming from, Gertrude. DH & me have discussed what to do if the results came back high & each time we've decided that we wouldn't continue with the pregnancy should anything be wrong. We know we couldn't cope. :hugs:

I hope they can do the amnio really quickly so you can be out of this horrible limbo :hugs:

We're always here to hear you vent it for support x

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