April Mummies 2011

It's not just how we would cope now though. I'm 37 as it is, what do we do when I'm 70 (and they'd only be in their 30's). The welfare/care system in this country is fucked and thanks to the tossers in power is being dismantled left right and centre. We know our generation will never have the money our parents did/do. So what happens when I'm too old to work? Or to do the care that is needed?

I know there are risks in every aspect of life but I don't have control of those.

I hope to hear if they can do the amnio this week tomorrow. I really hope they can or it'll be next week now and that's just shit :(
amnio is pretty accurate so hopefully they can squeeze you in and get you your results. either way, there's no judgement coming from this house. my friend and i were out to dinner on friday and saw a couple in their 70's with their son in his 40-50's who obviously had life long paralysis. her and i were discussing what would happen when they died, how sad to have to deal with that all your life, not to mention that child/adult. what an unfair life for him and wondered if they had the technology then that we do now if they would've had the child. i said no way. i couldn't do anything late term but i certainly don't judge anyone who does. luckily our tests in the US are done no later than 20 weeks.

we were never given high risk of anything with abby or our conversations would've been much different, however she was a risk enough i got a slight look into the sadness you're feeling. i cried when we set up her crib, picturing a downs baby knowing i couldn't handle it. you need anything we're all here and here's hoping the amnio comes back that baby's fine.
No one will judge you hun. You have to do whats right for u and your family.

I work with family's everyday who's children (although the children are now adults) have disability and know how hard it can be. I also on the flip side know how rewarding it can be to.

Anyways fingers crossed for you hun xxx
Gertrude, no judgement here either. Hubby and I have had the same discussions. I have a cousin with downs and I know I couldn't deal with what they've gone through. Our test came back with incredibly low odds with Isis but as I'm getting older (36 in March) it's something we've discussed. Massive hugs!! I hope the results come back good! Amnio will give you the best results.

Many hugs to the mamas with non-sleeping littles! Isis has been getting better lately but still coming to my bed between 4 and 6 am. Luckily she just snuggles in my bed and goes back to sleep.

It's absolutely frigid here! Air temp was -20 f and the windchills last time I checked were -45 f. They closed daycare and they never close daycare! So I'm taking the day off. Actually the only reason I left my bed and electric blanket is because Isis needed breakfast. I'm considering going back in there soon!
It's absolutely frigid here! Air temp was -20 f and the windchills last time I checked were -45 f. They closed daycare and they never close daycare! So I'm taking the day off. Actually the only reason I left my bed and electric blanket is because Isis needed breakfast. I'm considering going back in there soon!

i feel like we're the same person....:haha:
Stay safe with the extreme cold weather us ladies xxx
Oh massive hugs Gertrude! I can't even imagine what you're going through. I'm hoping everything comes back normal!

It's still brutally cold so I'm refusing to take the trash to the end of our driveway. I know that sounds pathetic but it's a good few minutes walk to the end of our driveway and last I checked we're at about -25f windchill (-32 Celsius) so it's not as bad as the night before but I'm a wuss. I'll probably chuck it into the dumpster that's next door for the new house going in :D and after it warms up a bit!
Appt booked for 1.30pm today. I've been squeezed into a full clinic. I get the feeling that doesn't bode well at all :(
oh gerturde, massive hugs, thinking of you today. no judgement here either and I work with disabled kids xx

ladies I hope we all get more sleep soon, alex keeps waking at night.

those whos kids had dummies...how did you manage to get rid of them? I'm debating whether to actually buy more as he sooo seems to need one to sleep and they're going into holes so he's loosing the non hole ones at night then waking us cos he cant find a good one, but maybe we should just embrace loosing the dummy?
Who would be losing the dummy, Alex or Eddie?
I remember Toby had a dummy for sleep but somehow weaned himself off by about 10 months. I cant remember how or why so I'm dreading it this time around. I want to get our Eddie less reliant on them as he doesn't settle in the cot without one, even with Dylan there for comfort/company.
I had hoped that giving them their bedtime bottles in the cot would help Eddie relax and need less of the dummy, but he just drinks the whole bottle then whines until he has the dummy. :dohh:

Thinking of you today Gertrude. I hope everything goes smoothly and you get your results as soon as possible xx
alex, weirdly enough eddie just wouldn't take a dummy. alex is so addicted to his, I feel like the dummy police at times!
Caroline, one day we got so fed up with Isis needing her pacifier that we just magically lost them all. They were just gone :shrug: she did fine. She would ask about them but we would just say that they were gone. I just weaned her on Thursday and did the same thing and she hasn't asked for milkies in 2 days. I told her they were owies and put bandaids on them. She's just moved on. Unfortunately when DH had been gone for a while I broke down and gave her a pacifier again so I'll have to get rid of them eventually again. I'm not doing anything until we're all together and certainly not this soon after weaning.

Gertrude, I'm thinking of you! I hope everything goes well today! :hugs:

Katherine, I think some babies just have a stronger need to suck than others. Isis has a huge need. She still loves her pacifier and will suck on it all day and night if I let her.

Well back to work after my unexpected 3 day weekend :) I am so glad to just be out of the house! The last time I had left the house was on Saturday! Can you say cabin fever?! I did take on a new project, making Isis a quilt for her bed so I had that to work on during those days...

Ok, back to doing real work!
So that went OK. The Dr and nurse were lovely. The procedure took much longer then expected as they couldn't get the needle through my membranes and I felt really faint by the end. BUT they got a good sample and it's gone off to the lab now. We are hoping to hear on Friday, but it might be Monday. Happy Fucking weekend to us.

The Dr had a quick look for soft markers when scanning and she said she couldn't see any but also that it wasn't a detailed scan and that that means nothing really.

I'm still so anxious and scared of those results. I just have a feeling.

So just waiting now. Have to rest (but not stay in bed) for the next few days and be aware of any signs of infection or bleeding/fluid loss.

This is going to be a fucking long week :(
:hugs: Gertrude. I'm glad they got you in today. Fingers crossed for the results coming on Friday & being good news. Make sure you take it easy :hugs:

Caroline, we have a full on dummy addict here too :blush: Just like Alex, he seems to honestly need it to sleep :shrug: I keep them away from him during the day but if he spies one, he'll have it. We had planned to ditch them just before Christmas in exchange for presents but his ear infection put paid to that :( I couldn't take them when he was so poorly. I'd really like him to not have it when he turns 3 but I don't know if I can face taking them away when I'm so tired :(
Hugs Gertrude.

Poppy is a dummy fiend. She only has hers a night. We keep sowing the seed about the dummy fairy but she is having none of it currently. I would like them gone by the time she is 3 I had mine til I'm 5 oops! I'm trying to sort her sleep routine out at the mo so getting rid of the the dummy at the same time would be a double killer!!
back in June i told abby one night that i lost all of them. was about 20 min of screaming and that was it. the next day i told her again they were lost and we haven't used one since. she found the ones i hid about a week later and could've cared less. my niece who's 3 months younger than abby still eats baby food and still uses pacifiers.

i say it's just time to take the away, especially since they're almost 3 and don't "need" them, but you ladies know your kids the best. hell, we may not have paci, but we have yet to pee on the toilet, lol.
Dana, I want to do that when we move.

What's funny is at home she NEEDS it to fall asleep but when she was sleeping with her cousins one night she fell asleep without it and then when she woke up she threw a fit for it and we couldn't find it. We assumed she had it when she went to sleep but it was in the family room.

Take care of yourself Gertrude! I'm still thinking positive for you! Sucks that its such a long wait! I know how they generated the results in the early 2000's and I don't know how much has changed but its pretty tedious. Back then they had people scanning the karyotypes looking for abnormalities. I'm sure they have better technology now.

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