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April/spring babies 2013

Thanks hun, we are going to have a PJ day on friday so i will try and boob him (what huby calls bfing LOL) all day and see how he goes :thumbup: at least i have plenty of milk in the fridge ready if he cant cope with it :thumbup: ermmm i dunno if i can hear swallowing but he sounds the same as when he is on the bottle but he has also been taking the bottle after latching so maybe hes not taking much? :shrug: How is layla doing with her feeds?

Aww our mothercare doesnt have one of those but might see if i can find one near by that does they are lovely photos :thumbup:

I know what you mean about not saying no, i have just been spending on MORE clothes for him (he has plenty as it is :wacko:) i just love fussing him :haha: xxx
Hi ladies hope you are all well, these babies are all coming on brilliant , time passing so quickly. I cant believe Tom was 9 weeks yesterday :) we went to our first baby massage yesterday, oh came along too it was really good. Oh was only daddy there lol.. He wants to come when he can. Theresa good chance Tom will be our last so we want to make most of every minute.

Sm fab news that dj is latching!!

Beautiful pics kw, & rah I'm going to have a look in mothercare in Preston to see if they do them :)

My oh,s eldest daughter is 19 and just had a baby boy so Tom is an uncle lol at 9 weeks. He will have a nice little buddy to play with as he grows up. Only thing is I've been made a step granny in my 30,s not cool lol...

I've started to dread going back to work :( im not due back until mid December but think I'm going to take annual leave over Christmas. I'm lucky this time to have family looking after Tom but still dreading it :( I know it's daft but I feel nobody can look after him like me and his dad x

My eldest left school last week!! Feel well old lol..he went out after with his whole yr group. I got a phone call at 10 pm asking to pick him up. I arrived to find him stood in his boxer shorts and vest wet through and full of sand!! Don't ask lol.. He thinks he is in only way is Essex, designer clothes and fake tan lol, drives me bonkers!! All he talks about is what car he wants and next hair style !!
Hey again ladies!! so happy everyone is progressing so well, babies are starting to latch etc!

and adorable pics everyone... they grow so fast don't they?!

My time has been spent working and exercising and having some precious family time. And most recently helping out a friend who had a baby girl 5 days after me, and her BF turned out to be a total douche bag and now her whole world is falling apart. Really hits home now that you have a child and you see another baby being caught in the middle.

Also recently I got my sex drive (sorry if TMI) back for the first time since getting pregnant.. and boy did it come with a vengeance. I think I'm enjoying sex more now than I ever did before getting pregnant... and I enjoyed it plenty back then LOL






Preston does have a studio in mothercare
fab pictures doll face! I had my stitches checked at the hospital yesterday, my muscles are weak and she said i cant do jogging/running or major exercise for 6-8 months until i can hold my muscles for 10 seconds at a time for a few weeks. Ive got to start doing three fast, and three slow exercises, and hold the exercises for 2-3 seconds.. which is hard for me :nope: but ive got some aquaflex weights that you insert to help strengthen them.
she asked if we had had sex and was excited like 'im so happy you have!' when i said we had because she would know if we had any problems that need sorted. luckily it wasnt painful, the scar just ached afterwards, tmi but DF said it felt even better than before :blush::winkwink:


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Hi all fab pictures, thought I'd update with my little dude x


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I love seeing pics of the lo's they are growing so fast

Layla has decided sleep is not for her and fights it till the end she can even do fake tears now when I leave her in the cot to go off so far she's only happy in the swing at night I feed and put her in the cot no problem so give up lol

Sm how did Friday/boob day go did you drop the bottle? ?
Ohhhh wow such gorgeous babies!!!!!!! :cloud9: they really are growing so fast, how on earth did we come so far?!? only feels like a couple of weeks :flower:

Apple, are you still going to baby massage? Im thinking i might try and find a local class too :thumbup: dont think hubby would come with me though :dohh: I know what you mean about dreading going back to work already, for me its cos time is going so so fast its frightening how fast :dohh:

LOL Rah how cute is Layla faking tears!!! I caught DJ doing this too LOL he was crying at the docs cos we woke him up for his 8 week check and then he just decided to carry on and sounded so fake was really funny :haha:

DJ has now grown out of his moses and we have a mini cot in our bedroom for him and a travel cot downstairs, he was refusing to sleep in the moses turns out there was no room to stretch like a star fish! he now snoozes anywhere he can stretch out as wide as his arms and legs can go :haha: cheeky monster :winkwink:

Boob day didnt go so well, he is still mainly on the bottle but if i catch him just after a snooze and he is ready for a feed he will boob for a little bit and top up with the bottle :thumbup: its progress :flower:

KB how are your muscles/exercises going?

Doll, how is your friend getting along? Im so sorry she is having a tough time :hugs:
Baby brain alert, posted here a while ago and wondered why no one replied.. I never clicked post after reading it. Can't remember what I put but, Lucy is two months today, in 3-6 month clothing because her feet and torso are so long :dohh: we put her in her cot a few days ago she loved it she is still in the same room as us, and had a really good sleep last night she slept for more than two hours :happydance: meeting my friend tomorrow and my sister on Tuesday for catch ups :D my pelvic floors are still weak I keep forgetting to do them :( had lucys check up doc only checked her hearing sight and heart, nothing like the other doctors did, and all he did with me was ask if I was ok, I replied yes and we were off on our way again, pointless. Lucy needs to go back though she has a pile on her bum :(
Hi ladies,quick check in. Hope you are all well. Went. Away for a few days last week which was nice. Still going to baby massage and joined two clubs now so getting to know some. Other mums. I started slimming world today fingers crossed I do ok. Tom doing fine got to go for an ultra sound in next two weeks for that lump on his back. Pray he is okay xx talk soon xx
Apple I started slimming world today too! Was horrified at the scales I really didn't realise how it I have gone :blush: think it's cos was used to looking at Peggy me :blush:

Hope Toms ultra sound goes well :hugs: DJ has to have a scan for his kidneys cos of the two prong cord :wacko: I think he will be ok he does plenty of wees lol

I'm thinking of starting baby massage but its expensive, is it worth it? I also started a group on Wednesday ohh how I cringed singing wheels on the bus ...by the end I was enjoying it way more than DJ :blush::haha:

KB I'm about to put DJ in 3-6 month stuff now too cos his feet poke at the ends of 0-3 now :dohh: boy these babies are growing fast :wacko:Hohhot and defo think cots in the room are the way to go, DJ was the same, he now sleeps 9 till 5 ........well, most nights anyways lol and he is now in size 3 nappies, the 2s kept leaking :dohh:
Lucy is in size three nappies, they keep leaking though, regret buying two boxes of huggies! She's had her needles today poor sod, keeps crying. One of her theigh folds is bigger than the other so think her hips will need scanning.
Hi all,

Sm I get baby massage free at local childrens centre:) maybe worth ringing your local surestart.
I will be glad when we get scan sorted:(
I'm doing ok. At the min with slimmingworld first weighing on Monday lol, I was shocked when I got on scales lol!! I want to lose 2 still ideally.I made a big pan of chilli with turkey mince which was good, saved half for next day to save messing about. :)

Tom is in size 3 now. I got pampers yesterday from Morrisons as on offer at minute. Tom had second jabs this week too :(

Getting so big

It's my oh birthday on Tuesday. I have ordered him a picture of Tom on canvas. I'll post a picture when it arrives.

Hope you all have good week

Lucy is in size three nappies, they keep leaking though, regret buying two boxes of huggies! She's had her needles today poor sod, keeps crying. One of her theigh folds is bigger than the other so think her hips will need scanning.

Hope lucy ok hon, my eldest had problems with his hips best getting a scan, his problem wasn't detected for quite a while, ok now though x
I did the same with size two but mothercare exchanged them for me, must be a rookie mistake lol!! Awe poor bubba I think DJ has his next ones in two weeks :wacko: horrible but at least they will be safe :thumbup: hope Lucy's hips are ok Hun :hugs: these babies like to worry us :hugs:

Apple thanks Hun ill look into sure start, not heard of them :thumbup: would be fab if we could get classes free :happydance:

Ooh fingers and toes crossed for your weigh in :thumbup: I'm sure you will do fab :flower: I need to spend some time reading what a's and b's we can have I think they have changed. You will knock off the two stone in no time Hun :hugs: I think I need to lose at least 4 stone :dohh: I weigh more than ever before :blush: horrified! But I keep telling myself I'm doing the right thing and doing something about it rather than putting my head in the sand :thumbup:

Aww that sounds like a fab pressie it's my hubby's b day in a couple of weeks and I was thinking of getting him a desk frame for work and putting pics of bubby in there for him but I love the canvas idea even more! :happydance: looking forward to pics :flower:
Hi everyone
Lalya id going into 3-6m baby grows as well where are our newborn babies going??
We struggling with sleep she still feeds 2 in the night she fed 2 hourly the other night killed me I was like a zombie lol
I have my name on the baby massage at our sure start centre will hopefully be sept but I have been on Google and do bits now

I'm in centre parcs at the mo but will be joining sw when I get back I want to loose 4stone as well going to br hard changing habits I have since having Layla

Hope all scans go ok xx
ahhh its been so long since I was here!!

Ok so Elijah is in size 3-6months and in diapers a size 2. He is now almost 15 lbs! man do they grow up fast!

He is so interactive now, smiles, giggles, laughs, can push himself forward when doing tummy time. Progressing with leaps!!

here are some recent pics, you can click them to see them bigger! Doesn't look like no preemie does he?!





Hi all, hope all well. Just a quick check in lol. Oh loved his canvas this am. I also got him a print of toms foot in bronze. It is really good, one of the ladies at one of my groups told me about it. It was well worth the money. OH filled up when he saw it. We are offto lakes today so in bit of a rush. Will put pics on later to show you.
These babies are all doing so well. Still not heard from scan department :( wish they would hurry up.
Oh yes and I lost 3/ and half pound!! LOL x
Enjoy the lakes and well done on your loss thats fab
still haven't gone the doctors, you have to ring at 8am to get appointments.. :growlmad: me and df have been engaged a year today, when we got engaged i came home to find petals on the bed, so this morning i got up and put petals on the bed and got his breakfast ready. I brought him a ring, he always complained that people know im engaged but dont know he is, so he now has a ring that everyone will assume is a wedding ring :dohh: but he can put it on his r4ight hand when we get married anyway. weve got to take it back and change it though because its a size too big but they didnt have the smaller size in stock when i brought it. :wacko: just brought MILs birthday presents a month early.. thats VERY organised for us :haha: I was lucky that two days pp I went from 10 and a half stone down to nine. now Im around 8 stone 8. pre preg i was 7 and a half, looking back i must of looked ill, cant imagine loosing a stone now. but i need to tone up ALOT and exercise will help with my pelvic floors too :blush:
I just bathed lucy with df holding her and used the lavender baby bedtime bath stuff, then used talc to dry and moisturised all her skin.. usually she screams her head off when she comes out the water but she loved it. now shes passed out, defo going to do that every night from now on.

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