April/spring babies 2013

Hi ladies sorry it's been a while, so hard together on these days. Had a bit of crazy couple of weeks. OH dad collapsed and had heart attack in front of us :nope: and ended up having to have quadruple bypass so oh been at hospital twice a day. We have had his mum for tea every day bless her she is no bother but it's all extra isn't it. Only way I felt I could help but have been so tired with it all. My poor oh is shattered :(

Anyway glad to hear you are all doing well.

Sm glad op went well now dj doing ok.x

Jenny glad you are feeling bitbetter x

Rooster fab pics, well cute x

Kw I like your new profile pic x

Doll, sounds like lo is doing brill, they come on so quick don't they :)

Rah glad lo is doing ok and feeding better x

Tom is doing fab, getting a little chunky monkey. I'm still mix feeding and its working out well. Bf at night and mix in day. He feeds roughly every two to three hrs in day and goes from 10 till 2 at night then wakes again at 6 most nights. He they lies next to me and is on and off :).

What do you ladies thinks out co sleeping? Myhv suggested it but I've read loads of mixed views.i did it for a little while but couldn't relax so decided to put him back in his moses basket,although he much prefers it next to me.I just don't want him to feel Insecure when he gets older and obviously the risk side.

I've been looking at some women only gyms,definitely need to start and do something. Mywill power is rubbish with sweet stuff but can't get into anything :wacko: just doing lots of walking.
Tom xx love him so much xx


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Apple: Tom is so cute!!

I'm so sorry about your oh s dad! That's horrible! My oh would be a mess too and is most of the time since his dad is constantly hurting himself working construction.

We do Co sleeping about 95% of the time and love it! I and the baby sleep better and longer and its just so much easier to feed an soothe him. We love it!
Doll how often do you give Eli formula? We had a horrible night last night, DJ was up every hour and a half to two hours and then i would pump which meant i got about an hours sleep every now and then :wacko: the formula did not save my sleep last night :dohh: DJ is awake lots too, he seems to love staring at the lights and shapes, my MIL says its a sign of intelligence :thumbup:

Apple im so sorry about your oh's dad :hugs: hope he recovers soon, do they know how long he is likely to be in hospital? Must have been an awful shock for you all :hugs: your doing so well helping out though hun and im sure they are so pleased to have your support :flower:

Awww Tom is so adorable :cloud9: he really is growing isnt he :thumbup: how much does he weigh now? DJ was 9lb5oz at wednesdays weigh in but im sure he has piled on the weight since then too :haha::winkwink:

I think i have to wait to be signed off before i can do any strenuous exercise but i been out walking at least twice a day and going further each day :thumbup: im now in a dress size bigger than my pre prego size but managed to get my pre prego jeans all the way up but cant do them up yet :dohh: i really did go some on the old sweets though :rofl: so may take a while to lose the extra Tyre round my waist haha!!

How do you do co sleeping? I presume its only useful if bfing? DJ still not interested in the boob :cry: will keep trying him though :thumbup:
Hi, I was advised. By health visitor to. Lay in recovery position next to Tom,so that way you can't roll onto them. I've only done it couple of times. Baby can just latch on easy x i do put tom back into crib tho now because it was hurting my back staying in one position. It's personal choice, many still don't like to take the risk. My hv advised it last weekend it was on tv this morning advising against:dohh:.

OH dad is home now so hopefully things will start to get bit better now at home.

Tom getting little monkey wanting picking up all the time:wacko: I've got myself to blame tho :dohh: he is so irresistible lolx
SM: We give Eli formula when ever I feel like I need to catch up. So if I only have one bottle in the fridge or we are completely out DH will feed him formula all day till get I get home from work. So we do it when ever we need to. Sometimes too like yesterday when he just isn't staying asleep I will give him a bottle of formula and that usually knocks him out!

Even though I'm not BF'n I co- sleep with Eli almost every night. We have a king size bed and he sleeps in between us and our 2 dogs and a cat. We haven't really taken any "precautions" when it comes to co-sleeping I can just sense where he is at and we have quite a bit of room. He just seems to sleep a lot better and longer in the bed with us!

the night before last he slept from 11 pm to 7.30 am!! and last night from 12 am to 4.30 am =) so getting there!

All these pics are amazing very cute LOs !!!
Doll you look fab
Apple so sorry to hear about OHs dad hope he makes speedy recovery
SM Layla is only happy when looking at lights or the window drives me mad
I dont co-sleep personally i dont like it but i think thats my professional head on (paeds nurse) so its something i would never do but can really see why people do

Our night out sat night was great went to watch the hangover 3 MIL had Layla i fed her as we left so knew she didnt need a feed but left milk anyway when we got back MIL had woken her up to feed her and change her we were gone for less than 3 hours i wasnt impressed but hey,
Layla is now feeding at 7pm then again about 2am then 4 and 7 so i think we will get there soon if only she wasnt so lazy she falls asleep at the first chance even if its after a 2 min feed not the normal 10min if she did that i would be laughing but no and nothing i do can wake her i change her poke prod everything she sleeps like i used to
I weighed her on my scales today 10lb8 yay
Isobelle and Layla in the hospital

Layla last week
Ow fab pictures,
doll I want your work out, lol Eli is so cute
Rah you girls are beautiful,
I haven't had Tom weighed for a while with everything that has been going on at home but just put him on our scales ( not electric) and he is just under a stone! Haha. He was 10.3 about a month ago so probably about right :) He also loves looking at lights and shapes. I booked us in for baby massage and baby yoga yesterday, they even do baby zumba lol, whats that all about lol. We are going to take him swimming soon ,

On a different subject my eldest boy was 16 this week, just seems two mins since he was toms age, he is getting ready for his school prom next month lol, wants a tailored suit lol, they cost a fortune as they get older!!
I'm on the waiting list for baby massage at 3 different centres so hope one comes up soon I can just about remember it from Isobelle so will prob start it once Layla has had her 6 week check. we were talking about swimming last night she's not due jabs for 2 weeks so cant go till then but she loves the big bath so that will do her for now
We go away 5 weeks today can't wait only to centre parcs in suffolk but I don't care

I can't believe how big proms are now getting like America I think its great something to celebrate end of school properly. My neice has hers soon her dress is stunning so different to when I left ours was a meal in a hotel then to Mr Smiths a big nightclub ha ha can't believe they let us all in

My day so far has been sorting out all Laylas clothes all clothes too small have gone and ocd kicked in and very organised clothes ha ha

Off topic hubby got electricuted last night was quite funny he was trying to charge the laptop and the wire was dodgy once I knew he was ok we couldn't stop laughing buying a new charger today
Fab pics girls, such gorgeous babies <3<3<3 Doll you look amazing!!! Lucky moo LOL i still have my jelly belly :blush: Eli has grown so much bless him :flower: Rah Layla looks like she is growing nicely too :thumbup: your girls really are beautiful :flower: DJ is now 9lb11oz :D he's a greedy munchkin :haha: Apple sounds like Tom likes his food too thats fab weight gain :thumbup:

Wow i cant imagine having a 16 yr old :wacko: must be nice to have suck a big gap means you can really enjoy them both :flower: ohhhh and i cant wait to take DJ swimming, i think i have to wait till 12 weeks??? :happydance:

Rah im glad you had enough milk for your escape for the night :flower: was it nice to get out? my mum and nan took DJ out for 2 hours a couple of weeks back and i missed him like crazy but i knew he would be fine, he got nanned LOL they fussed him so much he was in such a deep sleep when he came home was fab :D

DJ loves the lights too haha! People in the shops laugh at him staring at them as we go around LOL bless, he is no way of a routine, he does as he pleases...how on earth do you get a baby in a routine??? He slept till 4.40 last night, i wouldnt mind repeating that!!!! was amazing, then he went to bed at 5.15 and slept till 7.30 wooooopppp i was in heaven haha!! I have stared giving more formula for the last 2 feeds before bed and then just expressed milk after that :thumbup: not sure if thats whats helping him sleep through but i darent change it LOL

With the co sleeping im still not doing that, we use the moses basket but sometimes in the morning i let him lie in the bed and we both close our eyes but i dont fall asleep as im so worried i will roll on him :wacko:
Why would you have to wait will 12 weeks? As long as they have had 1st jabs will be fine and if you have had all clear from 6 week check your good to go
Was odd leaving her but worst was Isobelle staying out over night she doesn't stay out only done it 10 nights ever lol

Layla seems to be going sleep about 8 wakes for feed about 2 5 7 so just need to get her down in the cot been keeping her down so don't disturb Isobelle
She also likes to be upright all the time so can see everything nosey thing lol
I dunno LOL someone told me that but i prefer what your saying haha will look in to groups where i can take him :happydance:

wow she goes 6 hours from 8 till 2???? thats amazing, do you sleep that whole time? hopefully she will move later and later so its over night eh :thumbup:

I would miss my little man so much over night :dohh: but im sure the full night sleep is amazing :happydance:
I should sleep but don't have some quality time with husband the catch up on tv lol
I tweeted Dr dawn and asked her she replied and said after 1st jabs so going with that
Isobelle was 14months before her first sleep over Layla not be sleeping out for years can't let my baby go ha ha
Hubby will be giving a feed of expressed bm tonight so i can sleep I bet I will be awake watching and telling him he's doing it wrong ha ha nice thought though

Think af has got me today :-(
How did it go with hubby giving expressed milk hun? Im exactly the same, drive hubby crazy hovering around him fussing and telling him MY way to do things with the baby LOL :dohh::blush:

haha yeah i would be the same, tv and hubby time for sure! :thumbup::happydance:

Ohh i think i might be gtting mine too :( got cramps and a bit of old blood :shrug: i thought it took months to come back though :shrug:

I'll defo be going with that that :thumbup: how exciting just 2 weeks till swim time :happydance: :shipw: DJ loves his baths so i think we will have a right water baby on our hands :winkwink:
She took the bottle ok gave me a bit more sleep I expressed for this afternoon as well went to see my aunty who is elderly so didn't want to feed infront of her (don't mind strangers though)

TMI ...I didnt get cramps but I don't normally I'm getting fresh blood now but very light mainly when I wipe going to as Dr on Tue when at my check up as people on here said could be pp bleed again didn't know that could happen but I didn't think af would return so soon was 6months last time maybe longer

I put Layla in the bath with Isobelle now as she just laughs and splashes in the bath crys when I take her out lol
finally managed to check in.
Lucy slept for 7 hours last night, I was so shocked as she usually goes three hours max and that's rare. we put her on her play mat yesterday she loved it she lay there wriggling around. She loves bath time as long as you keep pouring water on her belly lol.
I've noticed my boobs are really sagging now my milks gone. (I went from b cup to e/f cup when I was engorged, so theres excess skin :cry:
Hi ladies! My hubby has suddenly gotten a passion for cooking and he is cooking the most amazing gourmet things! And this from a guy who could barely make a sandwich!

I have been working out pretty much everyday. The other night did 20 minutes if pilates, followed by 45 min cardio workout, followed by 50squats! (doing the squat challenge which means you increase the amount everyday) needless to say i was sore the next morning. There fore took this weekend off.

Eli is about 12.5 lbs. Don't know for sure because he hasn't been able to see a doctor because we had to switch. Our old doctor wouldn't see us anymore because we chose not to vaccinate. So tomorrow i gotta make sure they switched the name of the doc in the medicaid card so he can be s seen tomorrow.
I'm meant to be starting the 30 day shred today I'm not convinced I will though will prob spend the day in the sun since its the 1st hot days we have had this year
Went to southport yesterday managed to burn so will be careful today
No shred yet but I do go on a nice 2hr walk with Layla
Got our letter for her 6-9 week check today will the do her imms at the same time?
I managed just and I mean just to get the swing out of the loft I did nearly die going it but its up and she's sleeping in it as I type yay me shame I have to disturb her in 40 mins (if she sleeps that long) to get Isobelle from pre school at 3

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