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Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

oh my gosh what a bunch of cuties, no misktaken 2 healthy beanies in there!
what are their heart beats?
congrats again

Exactly Meggs just take it easy until the scan, when are you booked for it hon?

Not booked yet. Still waiting on my calendar to arrive via email. She had tons to send out!
Congrats Mamamirfy! They didn't give me my heart rates but with one being a little smaller I hope both of mine stick around. When's your next scan?
They didn't tell me either but I found it on one of the pictures of them solo'd out. I'm not sure when it is. He just asked me where I wanted to have the babies and referred me to a Dr in my area. He did tell me I will be getting an ultrasound each month until they are here because of having twins. Yours will both stick around! One of mine is a bit smaller but he said they are both measuring great. So exciting :)
Oh, this is all so exciting! I can't wait to join in on the scan fun! Waiting on my email from the clinic still! :hissy:
oh Mamarifry, I am so jealous you get to see your little bubbas every month! Dh and I have decided after our 18 week scan we will pay for a private one at about 24 weeks, cant bare to not see him/her until 40 weeks!!

Meggs- I hope you hear from the clinic soon too!!!!!! Can you call them?
They didn't tell me either but I found it on one of the pictures of them solo'd out. I'm not sure when it is. He just asked me where I wanted to have the babies and referred me to a Dr in my area. He did tell me I will be getting an ultrasound each month until they are here because of having twins. Yours will both stick around! One of mine is a bit smaller but he said they are both measuring great. So exciting :)

I may have to look closer at my pics to see if there's a heart rate. My doc said that by looking at them he could tell that the rates were good. He also said that although one was smaller both were good sizes and that both should make it. My next scan is the 4th.
welcome ahbon :flower: i'll add you to the front page - you got an EDD? x x x

oooohhhhhhh mama!!!! that's amazing news :) they look very at home there hun!!! double congrats x x x

megg - step away from the beta counts!!!! ;) listen missus, you've had a rough couple of months, please be lovely and kind to yourself x x x the counts are rising sweetie and that's the main thing. our clinic doesnt seem to do betas - so i'd take that as a sign of them maybe being unreliable? :hugs: i do understand your apprehension though cherub x x x

dilly - i saw green on your post that day and that triggered it!!! pleased you like it :) didnt make the bath yesterday - went back to bed and there i stayed.

managed to get up today and leave the house (big step!!!), and we're braving the supermarket shortly (that really will be the ultimate test!). am so desperately hoping that the worst is behind me, i'm a bit worried about falling into depression already. Does anyone else get the "don't talk to me or i'll vomit" feeling?? last night when my DH came home from work, he laid on the bed talking to me about his day and i just had to put my hand up as if to say "SSShhh"!!!!! i felt so very rude! but i couldnt help it!!! my poor dh, he's taking some flack at the mo!

x x x x x
mamammirfy - fab scan - congrats.

Mrs F - EDD should be 15 aug but i'd hold off for the moment - have started to bleed this pm - am hoping for a scan at the epau tomorrow to see what's going on :(
I've turned much more positive. This is, by far, the best chance I've ever had. So, I'm not going to spend the whole time being a nervous wreck. I'm just going to enjoy!

As far as the email... I don't even know if they're working today. If I haven't heard from them by Monday, I'll call then. I know my meds aren't changing, and its just the scan date that I'm waiting on. So, nothing I can't live without. It'll just be less time to wait when I do get it! :)
mamammirfy - fab scan - congrats.

Mrs F - EDD should be 15 aug but i'd hold off for the moment - have started to bleed this pm - am hoping for a scan at the epau tomorrow to see what's going on :(

Red or brown? Let me tell you, it's an awful feeling. About 2 weeks ago I woke up to brown bleeding. I freaked out (I've had a mmc and a chemical). I called out of work and went for a scan that day. They did a sono and blood levels and everything was ok and the bleeding seemed to have stopped after the initial flow I saw that morning. But not for long. I woke up the next two days with the same thing. I was so upset. The doc told me not to worry but that was easier said than done. I was ok for 2 days then woke up with brown spotting. Since then thankfully nothing but I know exactly how you feel. If your betas were ok you're probably ok but the waiting kills you. Big :hugs:

was a brown discharge into a towel last night - but really not a lot... then today after unbunging myself if you get what I mean it seems to have gone from a little reddy colour when inserting progesterone pessary to what feels like full flow..and looks like it.. am on clexane too so not sure if this will have made any difference to how it is.... had 3 embryos put back but we're not too hopeful anything can get passed this.... :(
Is everyone ready for Christmas?

I hope everyones doing ok, abhon -fingers crossed all ok for you and hope the worry doesn't spoil your Christmas.

My midwife appointment went ok, I've put on 2 kg since I was weighed on the day of EC and have a definite podge! Does anyone else? I can only get into 2 pairs of my work trousers! Is anyone considering going shopping in the January sales for maternity or baby stuff or do you think it's too early for me? I love buying clothes in jan sale but no point buying normal stuff this year!

Mrs f - hope your oh is good at cooking if your still feeling bad on Christmas day! I'm feeling ok still, nausea seems to stay with me from the moment I wake up till I eat at lunchtime but generally doing well.

Got my mum and dad coming to stay for Xmas so looking forward to that.

Take care everyone and happy Christmas if I don't get to post again x

was a brown discharge into a towel last night - but really not a lot... then today after unbunging myself if you get what I mean it seems to have gone from a little reddy colour when inserting progesterone pessary to what feels like full flow..and looks like it.. am on clexane too so not sure if this will have made any difference to how it is.... had 3 embryos put back but we're not too hopeful anything can get passed this.... :(

The progesterone can cause bleeding. Any cramping? The waiting is the worst part. You'll feel better when they take a look at you tomorrow. Sending good luck your way.
Is everyone ready for Christmas?

I hope everyones doing ok, abhon -fingers crossed all ok for you and hope the worry doesn't spoil your Christmas.

My midwife appointment went ok, I've put on 2 kg since I was weighed on the day of EC and have a definite podge! Does anyone else? I can only get into 2 pairs of my work trousers! Is anyone considering going shopping in the January sales for maternity or baby stuff or do you think it's too early for me? I love buying clothes in jan sale but no point buying normal stuff this year!

Mrs f - hope your oh is good at cooking if your still feeling bad on Christmas day! I'm feeling ok still, nausea seems to stay with me from the moment I wake up till I eat at lunchtime but generally doing well.

Got my mum and dad coming to stay for Xmas so looking forward to that.

Take care everyone and happy Christmas if I don't get to post again x

I'm behind you so I'm not thinking about clothes at the moment. I'm sorry you feel sick. As crazy as it sounds I kind of wish I had more in the way of morning sickness. I get very queasy sometimes but I feel like if I had something all the time I'd be less nervous! I am very sleepy that's for sure but that could be because of a whole bunch of things. Merry Christmas to you too!
I get a bit of an "uneasy tummy"... the only way I can word it... several times during the day. Usually when its been more than a few hours since I last ate. I wish I had some full on morning sickness to reassure me right now. My head in a toilet on Christmas would be a great gift right now! LOL

I have to admit to having done something very stupid tonight. Maybe you can give me hope, even if its false hope! So, I was having a bit of a freak-out about my levels not having doubled, even though I promised I wouldn't worry about it. So, I decided I wanted to "prove my husband wrong" by showing him that things weren't really okay, and I took my last FRER. Let me preface this by saying that the last one I took was Tuesday morning (around 10am) with FMU. Tonight's was taken at about 12:30am (half past midnight on technically Friday). I had peed at least 2-3 other times since 8pm, and I had had at least 24-30oz of water since 7pm. So, let's just say that the testing scenario wasn't optimal. In fact, it was really bloody stupid to test under those conditions. Even I thought my urine sample looked a bit weak. Anyway, the test had a perfectly strong line at the top... and sort of at the bottom... but there's this weird bit of the test line that's fainter than the rest and makes the test look funny all around. You tend to focus your eyes on the fainter bit because it stands out. But, we spent about an hour comparing photos of the 3 tests I've taken at the same state of "dry"... and it seems that the darkest part of tonight's line is just as dark (or maybe ever so slightly darker) than Tuesday morning's line. The lighter part of the line is awful, but we are trying to focus on the fact that the darkest part of the line (almost being the majority of the line) has to be the most accurate part. There must be a glitch in the lighter part. So, if my levels were falling or weren't rising (about 62 hours between tests, but under very different conditions), would tonight's be lighter? Or, am I losing this baby? :( At first, we both freaked! But, as it finished processing and started to dry, it wasn't nearly as bad as we thought. I know that I shouldn't have tested late at night after drinking loads of water and peeing a whole bunch of times... but its too late for that now. It was also the last test I had in the house. :dohh: So, do I need to be worried? Or, was it just a really stupid thing to do and everything is fine if the darkest part of the line is still looking okay? Does the water consumption and peeing matter THAT much at 16.5dpo?

Don't lie... Give it to me straight. If I'm losing this baby, I need to know its coming. I don't want to be caught off guard, iykwim?
ahbon :hugs: i'm so sorry to read your news hun - if there's no cramping though, a wee bit of spotting can be ok - I too had some at about wk6. You're in my thoughts x x x

megg :hugs: sweetheart, you sound quite freaked out x x x dry tests always look darker - funnily enough, before i logged on, i was looking at our +ves and was thinking how dark they looked now!!! Like you said, i think also that your wee was diluted, it was toward the end of a very long day, are all things that would skew a result. IMHO? I don't think you have cause to worry sweetheart x x x honestly x x miss megg, do i need to come over and kick some pregnant lady-butt??!!!!! :winkwink: please post soon so we can see how you are cherub x x x

mrs-g, we're off to my sister's tomorrow so no cooking this end :happydance: although i shall prob only be eating rice! i will 'fess up - one of my fav internet shops had a big sale on the other day and i bought £50 of nursery stuff for £20 - i could not resist it! and, yesterday, i spent £30 in the next sale online on 2 pairs of maternity linen trousers and undercrackers - absolute steal!!!! it's my birthday next week and i always save my christmas and birthday money and go and see the personal shopper at debenhams (free service, but it makes me feel rich ;)), but this year i wont be. Me and DH are going to London, so i'm gonna hit some maternity shops and finally buy me some trousers - i dont think i can get away with wearing pj bottoms and trackies to work......

maxxi - my morning sickness is the nausea variety - i've only been sick a few times, but the constant nausea is unbearable. Sleep is an excellent symptom - you're bean is growing at such a phenomenal rate, it really does knock the stuffing out of you x x x

i shall be back later ladies - i actually have some energy today so am making a valiant effort to do some housework.....

x x x x x
Hi dears!
Can I join you all? I'm also a LTTCer and took Metformin and Clomid.

Am also about 4 weeks and v. cautiously pregnant. I have no cramps and all. BUT I do have this stabbing / dull ache on my lower right side (which is where I ovulated).

Does anybody have that? I know that stabbing feelings are quite common but I didn't think it would only be on one side? I'm concerned about ectopic, but I did have HSG done 2 mths ago and it was all clear. And I'm thinking if its ectopic, it shouldn't be hurting sooo soon???

I'm just concerned that its predominantly on the right side. Does anybody have that too? The ache / stabbing comes and goes. And sometimes I'M sure I feel it on my left too.
welcome to the thread Cheerios :flower:

firstly, many congratulations on your long awaited BFP!!!! can i be cheeky and ask how long it took you to conceive? this thread is all about the christmas bfps!!!

with regards to the stabbing pains, i dont think i had any - but i had a frozen ivf cycle and never normally ovulate anyway. I have heard of many ladies with pains like you describe, and they turn out to be normal part of pregnancy. i would give your doc a quick ring if you can, and see if someone can put your mind at ease. I have no real knowledge of ectopic symptoms, but i'm sure again your doc will be able to help you out :)

hope it passes soon, and it's good to have a newbie on board :) x x x
Hi cheerios! I get stabbing pains all the time. They usually go away with rest. When's your first appt?

Megg - your urine was dilute I'm sure. Those sticks are evil! If you need to go in earlier to see the doc to help relax you I'm sure you will be able to. The worst part of this whole thing is that there's a lot of stuff out of our control. You've done everything you've needed to do, you're taking care of yourself now and the rest is in someone else's hands. And you're always going to be caught of guard when it's something bad that's happening. I spend all day long still not convinced that something bad won't happen and you're way more positive than me which I honestly think will help you in the long run with all of this. No more sticks!

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