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Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Okay! Okay! No more sticks! I'm going to blindly assume that everything is fine then! Thank you! Yes, I need my pregnant-lady-butt kicked! LOL

Hi dears!
Can I join you all? I'm also a LTTCer and took Metformin and Clomid.

Am also about 4 weeks and v. cautiously pregnant. I have no cramps and all. BUT I do have this stabbing / dull ache on my lower right side (which is where I ovulated).

Does anybody have that? I know that stabbing feelings are quite common but I didn't think it would only be on one side? I'm concerned about ectopic, but I did have HSG done 2 mths ago and it was all clear. And I'm thinking if its ectopic, it shouldn't be hurting sooo soon???

I'm just concerned that its predominantly on the right side. Does anybody have that too? The ache / stabbing comes and goes. And sometimes I'M sure I feel it on my left too.

I have a weird throbbing/pulsating pain/cramp that comes and goes that's on the lower left side. And, sometimes I have one a bit higher up (but identical) on the right side. I also feel ovary cramping on my left side sometimes. I don't know what any of it means. LOL
Welcome Cheerios- congrats on your bfp! :hugs:

Meggs- yes the time of day or dilutedness (is that a word lol?) does matter! bigtime actually!! I only tested with fmu and only every second day for the first 3 tests, that was the only way to see if there was change and even with 2 days apart I remember one of the tests wasnt much darker at all. I wouldnt have dared tested in the afternoon as I know it would have freaked me out.
I know its hard not to worry but try and relax and wait for the scan momma!
I've also come to realize (after looking at my FB pics) that the test I took after my trigger (and we know how much HCG is in a trigger shot) still didn't produce a line stronger than the control line. And, there's no way my HCG is anywhere near the 1000's yet! So, I think I was expecting miracles! I'm not freaking out anymore. Thank you for bringing me back down! :hugs:

Merry Christmas Eve, btw!
Welcome Cheerios!

thanks for all the kind words ladies.

Megg - No more testing at night. Especially after drinking a buttload of water. I know you wanted to ease your mind but you made it worse :) To even get a line after drinking water and testing after midnight is good though.......so smile and relax.
You're totally right. Thank you! I promise to stop worrying... for the moment! LOL
ladies just wanted to update: after totally believing yesterday it was all over....... we went to the EPAU today and had a scan (6+4)..... which showed two gesational sacks, two fetal poles and two strong beating hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cloud9:

This Christmas can't get any better!

I sincerely wish you all as happy a one as we are now having! :hugs:
:happydance: Ahbon :) double congrats my lovely!!!

Megg - you make me smile hun :)

to all of my AC ladies, i'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a :baby: New Year. If, like me, you were feeling despair last year after another fruitless year, just think how far we have all come. I never thought i'd ever spend this Christmas with Beany snuggled in on board, and that for me is the best present I could ever have wished for. My MS has died right down and i feel the most energetic i have done in weeks, and i am truly grateful.

In 6, 7, 8 months time we will all have met our miracles

To us ladies, we did good :) x x x x x
Congrats Ahbon! I'm so happy that it turned out to be nothing. I'm still traumatized from when I bled!

Happy Merry Christmas Eve to everyone too!
welcome to the thread Cheerios :flower:

firstly, many congratulations on your long awaited BFP!!!! can i be cheeky and ask how long it took you to conceive? this thread is all about the christmas bfps!!!

with regards to the stabbing pains, i dont think i had any - but i had a frozen ivf cycle and never normally ovulate anyway. I have heard of many ladies with pains like you describe, and they turn out to be normal part of pregnancy. i would give your doc a quick ring if you can, and see if someone can put your mind at ease. I have no real knowledge of ectopic symptoms, but i'm sure again your doc will be able to help you out :)

hope it passes soon, and it's good to have a newbie on board :) x x x

Hi MrsF!
Thanks a lot!

Sure thing! I was NTNP for about 1 yr from July 09 to Aug 10. Had one problem after the next with PCOS, IR, irregular cycles .... And just when I thought my issues were clear, we realized hubby had issues. So his took another 3 more mths.

From Sept 10 to Dec 10, I was put on Clomid 50mg and finally got my BFP on my 4th cycle. It has been a long wait for me, but I'm sooo thankful it finally came!

And I scared myself today such that I went to A&E to check out the stabbing pains. It turns out everything looks ok and doc even saw smth resembling the yolk sac (which even I could see on the ultrascan) but she said that its too early at 4wks to say for sure. And that 5 wks is the earliest one can see the yolk sac. So I'm reassured that little bean is in the right part! :)
Ahbon - Congrats on your twins!!! Woo hoo!!!! Double blessing!
Megg - I know how you feel about HPTs! I've also tried POAS to see if the lines get darker. And in general they are getting darker. BUT there was one that looked darker but not much and I was getting worried too.

But you know what? Every baby is different!!! I don't need my baby to be textbook perfect. So I'm going to stop myself from POASing!!!!
Hi ladies, can I play in your thread? I'm 7+4 with an IVF baby. :happydance: I am just soooo happy to finally be preg!
Thanks, Cheerios! Definitely true! :hugs:

That's great, Abhon! TWINS!!! :baby::baby:

Welcome, Ruth!!! Congrats!
Oh my god, so many bfp's for Christmas, who says the odds of ivf are low!!!!

Well done all you double bubbles!!!

Merry Christmas all, enjoy and relax, we have finally made it and we bloody deserve it, so positive thoughts from now on!!!! Megg!!!!

Have a lovely sober Xmas x
Welcome Ruth!

Ahbon!!!! Thats wonderful :)

Merry Christmas!!!! (had to come on and test out my new laptop)
Congrats Ruthalaska!!

The other ladies - How are you dealing with the first few weeks of pregnancy? I know that most of you are like 7 weeks on and I'm only 4 weeks on.

But I find that after such a long time of TTCing, I can get sooo paranoid about movement, what I eat, what I feel etc.etc. Today was the first day I did some housework after 1 week! I didn't want to do anything that resembled work!!! Ok, I continued going to work (which cannot be helped) but everything else, I just couldn't bring myself to do it!

And finally I said to myself to, "You got to get on with your life! Your baby WILL stick, whether or not you decide to do the vacuuming / cooking!" So yeah! I did do the housework and am sooo much happier with a cleaner and nicer house again!

Can someone tell me I'm not over-reacting here? I just find that everybody's cautious during the "risky" first trimester.
Heya ladies :) just a flying visit cos i'm so tired, but couldn't go to bed without checking in!

Welcome Ruth! :flower: many congrats hun!!! this thread is moving fast, and that's bloody fab!

Cheerios :hugs: you are not over-reacting hun, it's understandable after all we've been though! be nice to yourself :) x x x

I'll catch up properly tomorrow when less :sleep:

night night ladies, enjoy the rest of your Christmas :) x x x
Merry Christmas everyone!

Congrats Ruthalaska! Are you in Alaska? One of the only states I haven't been to.

Cheerios - I haven't overexerted myself at all. I do work full-time so I am doing that and even before I got pg I wasn't cooking or cleaning so I don't have to worry about that :flower:. But everything else is on hold. I used to run, ski, do Pilates, play tennis - no more. I travel a lot but because I freak out when there's turbulence I'm not traveling right now. We can't have sex either until I'm out of first tri because I had bleeding during my 5th week (unknown reason) and I was told that since sex can cause bleeding it's in my best interest to hold off till after I get out of first tri. I analyze everything to trying to figure out if something bad is going to happen. I've had a mmc and a chemical and am normally neurotic and so I'm going to be like this for the forseeable future. So I know how you feel.
Hey maxxiandniko
Thanks for your reply. How far are you along now? Did the doc really say you can't have sex during 1st trimester? Wow, I really need to ask my doc all these questions too! I hope everything turns out well for you! Now, I'm just researching about stitch-like pain on my right side. I'm convinced there's nothing wrong, since I've already got it checked - but it doesn't seem like a common pregnancy symptom! Hmmm.
Hey maxxiandniko
Thanks for your reply. How far are you along now? Did the doc really say you can't have sex during 1st trimester? Wow, I really need to ask my doc all these questions too! I hope everything turns out well for you! Now, I'm just researching about stitch-like pain on my right side. I'm convinced there's nothing wrong, since I've already got it checked - but it doesn't seem like a common pregnancy symptom! Hmmm.

I'm 7w2d at the moment. I don't think there's any problem at all with having sex during the first tri. I think my doc was trying to avoid my having another bleed since sex can cause that (not why I bled the first time though) and getting all upset and stressed out and running into the office to get another sono and more blood work. Any possibility that your pain has to do with constipation or gas?

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