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Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

My DH and I have decided that I won't be doing anything strenuous at all for the first few months. We just can't really chance it. Many docs will actually say to avoid vacuuming for a while, because it is more strenuous than people think it is. But, most other cleaning (that doesn't involve harsh chemicals) is fine. We're just walking on egg shells because of the 2 previous losses. And, I'd rather know that I did all I could to "be safe" than to regret something. We have had sex though... 3 times since finding out. LOL Damn the extra blood flow in my body! But, we've seen no bleeding or spotting, and would have ceased it immediately for many weeks if we had. We just try not to be too rough so that he doesn't hit my cervix.
Evening my pregnant friends :) how are we today? x x x

talking of cleaning, i was up and out of bed at 9am (which is bloody good for me!!) and cleaned the whole house (bar the hoovering!!!) and i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! i didn;t gag, feel nauseous, or out of breath! I took it very steady, and used vinegar and olive oil (a tip i'd read yonks ago for bringing things up nicely) and i feel very virtuous!!! i did check on the hb halfway through to check bean was ok, and the hb is as strong as ever!

i do believe i have left the yuckness behind now and, dare i say it, am finally starting to bloom! I am 14 weeks tomorrow and think the worst could be over, thank the lord as i was really starting to get down in the dumps. We're even cooking - yes, cooking - tonight's dinner and my mouth is finally watering :happydance:

i'm even gonna go shopping tomorrow - i've been on about needing trousers for ages now, and now the nausea has stopped, i feel confident i can do it!

megg - hat's off to ya gal - doing the deed 3 times!!!!! High five lady - i still dont fancy it - i guess i'm still paranoid about the bleeding.... plus my girls are far too sore and tender to be jossled.....you'll have to take one for the team hun ;)

hope you're all getting through the festive period not missing the beer too much! - first one for me ever - not doing too bad, although i really did fancy a voddy earlier when dh cracked open the wine!

much love ladies x x x x
I'm bloody well annoyed with my parents who need to criticize everything I do at this point... but I'm well otherwise.

Sounds like you had a productive day, MrsF! Good for you! More than I intend to do all week! LOL

RE: DTD... I'm trying to do it now before I lose the desire completely. Because I have a feeling that when I get to that point, I probably won't snap back from it for a very long time. LOL I did have a bit of a disturbing (even though I was forewarned) discovery last night though... My progesterone suppositories are causing me to lose some of the top layer of tissue from within. At first, I thought I had found blood... but it wasn't blood at all... and it was obvious that there was no blood because the toilet tissue was still very white except for the piece of tissue that had come off on it. Its put me off a bit, honestly. I don't think our next session will be nearly as soon now. LOL
Hey maxxiandniko
Thanks for your reply. How far are you along now? Did the doc really say you can't have sex during 1st trimester? Wow, I really need to ask my doc all these questions too! I hope everything turns out well for you! Now, I'm just researching about stitch-like pain on my right side. I'm convinced there's nothing wrong, since I've already got it checked - but it doesn't seem like a common pregnancy symptom! Hmmm.

I'm 7w2d at the moment. I don't think there's any problem at all with having sex during the first tri. I think my doc was trying to avoid my having another bleed since sex can cause that (not why I bled the first time though) and getting all upset and stressed out and running into the office to get another sono and more blood work. Any possibility that your pain has to do with constipation or gas?

Hi dear
I have no problem with constipation - been going too often TBH (Sorry if TMI). I don't know about gas though! I've never had sharp pains from gas before...so I don't know how that feels. Hmm...
I have awful gas pains... and I'm going back and forth between constipated and going too much! :dohh: My body can't decide!
Hi Ladies, found you :happydance: hope you have all had a lovely christmas!

For those who have just got their BFP congrats to you xx
Hi yomo!

Cheerios - and you had a scan to make sure you don't have a cyst? The other thing is maybe your ovaries are still large. I know mine were the last scan I had. Supposedly not enough to cause a problem but that can always cause discomfort.

Mrs F - I can't believe you're 14 weeks.

Hi everyone else!
Megg - I have the same problem....either I an't go for a few days or when I do have to go it's right that second. Not my favourite part of this...but still so happy to be pregnat. I'll take it :)

MrsF- My EDD is Aug 12,2011. Dr. said they'll most likely be born 3 weeks early but they keep the EDD the same.
Hey, Yomo!!! :)

Hi Megg, Congrats on your BFP, it's a great feeling aint it!


It is... but a bit scary!

Megg - I have the same problem....either I an't go for a few days or when I do have to go it's right that second. Not my favourite part of this...but still so happy to be pregnat. I'll take it :)

MrsF- My EDD is Aug 12,2011. Dr. said they'll most likely be born 3 weeks early but they keep the EDD the same.

Exactly like that! So worth it though!

Hi yomo x

I was told by the clinic no sex, no lifting/carrying, no baths, no hoovering and to generally treat myself with extreme caution until I get advice from midwife, when I went to see the midwife she just told me to carry on with what the clinic have said, at least until I finish my pessaries on the 17th jan (about 12 weeks) so I'm trying to obey the rules!

Felling a bit yukky this afternoon, bit nauseous and small headache.

I've finally come out as well so I've no longer got to try and hide my symptoms at work which feels good. Also got 3 pairs of maternity trousers and 1 pair jeans in the new look on line sale today, my work trousers are already uncomfortable but I think I'm just getting fat, I am continuously hungry!
Hi yomo!

Cheerios - and you had a scan to make sure you don't have a cyst? The other thing is maybe your ovaries are still large. I know mine were the last scan I had. Supposedly not enough to cause a problem but that can always cause discomfort.

Mrs F - I can't believe you're 14 weeks.

Hi everyone else!

Hi Maxxi!
I'm going to have my 5-wk scan tomorrow. I'm thankful for that too. At least I can finally ask my doc my questions about my stitch and put to rest the fear about any ectopic possibility.

It would be great to hear the heartbeat, but that would be another 2 more weeks!

Anybody else feels like the first week of being pregnant feels like one month??? My days seem to be dragging!!!!
Hi yomo!

Cheerios - and you had a scan to make sure you don't have a cyst? The other thing is maybe your ovaries are still large. I know mine were the last scan I had. Supposedly not enough to cause a problem but that can always cause discomfort.

Mrs F - I can't believe you're 14 weeks.

Hi everyone else!

Hi Maxxi!
I'm going to have my 5-wk scan tomorrow. I'm thankful for that too. At least I can finally ask my doc my questions about my stitch and put to rest the fear about any ectopic possibility.

It would be great to hear the heartbeat, but that would be another 2 more weeks!

Anybody else feels like the first week of being pregnant feels like one month??? My days seem to be dragging!!!!

You'll feel much better after your scan that's for sure. My days are dragging. I think it's because I want to get out of first tri so bad.
I agree......i want out of first tri too. I'll feel alot better. The first week did seem to go very slowly though. Speeding up a little bit now :)
My 1st week is taking a full year! Seriously! How can time drag this much? I just keep thinking... "Not even 5 weeks yet? WTF?"

I talked to my clinic. They cleared me to travel the 4 hour car trip I'm supposed to make Thur. I think I'm only on lifting restrictions (nothing over 10 lbs)... and then the obvious stuff of not being around chemicals, not messing with cat litter, etc.

My ultrasound is scheduled for Jan 7 @ 8:45am! Nervous! I'll be 6+3! Think heartbeaty thoughts for me?
Ladies do you find your symptoms fluctuate each day?

Yesterday my (.)(.) were not too sore, but I felt very sick and had bad gas pains, and today I am relaxing much more, but I don't feel sick or havve gas pains, but my (.)(.) are very sore.
Yes... definitely changing each day... some days are full of symptoms and some almost none. They "off" days scare me.
My chest is sore almost every day, I'm tired a lot and my appetite has increased but my queasiness comes and goes and more often is gone. I focus on the fact that I have no ms to the exclusion of everything else. I'd relax more if I had ms but oh well there's nothing I can do. When's your scan Blue?
hey ladies, my symptoms came and went tons at the beginning, I had no MS and still dont. I was worried there wasnt a baby in there on both scans because of my lack of major symptoms, but there was :)
I actually have more sore boobs now at over 13 weeks.
feeling like I have a bit more energy now for sure, but still tired very early.
The first tri is sooo tough! hopefully it will start to go more quickly

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