Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

ok didn't end up going to bed after all....................

MarsMaiden - huge congrats - seems like our babies couldn't wait to meet us eh! Glad all is ok - mine didn't need any intervention either despite being small (only kept in as we insisted on trying to breast feed..... wish I'd given up on that earlier so we'd have been able to come home!)............. anyway *huge hugs to your little ones and the proud parents!*

Any news of Britt anywhere?

Mrs G - hope all is ok :)

Mrs F - I am still so emotional (I've cried more in the last few weeks than in the last few years!) and am so tired... (hubby let me sleep for 10hrs yesterday - feel so much better for it now!). Hope you feel better soon - remember we're all going thru it too *hugs*

DM - how do you breast feed? I found rugby balling them was the only way when I felt safe that my boobs wouldn't squash / suffocate the girls..... am still going to try breast feeding now home (wish I'd have said bottles earlier in hospital as I'd have been allowed to go home earlier - was only kept in due to feeding girls with a tube as we kept trying to breast feed but they just wouldn't latch on)

ok now i really need to write a birth story to explain all... but it's feeding time - going to go get the girls who are sleeping upstairs with daddy - this is the longest I've been away from them and I'm missing them! xxx

hugs to all and laters xxxxx
So nice to read your stories. I'm currently
7 weeks after my first try at ICSI. I'm really worried though that there's nothing there, despite the symptoms! I'm still on progesterone pessaries see and maybe he symptoms are to do with those?!

So lovely to read happy endings! I hope I have one too!
Welcome beadyeyes and congratulations, I had very few early symptoms and it didn't feel real, even after my 6 week scan, it all kind of gets real at your 12 week scan , then at 20 week scan it starts feeling like a normal pregnancy and you start to relax! Good luck, this feels like a lucky thread, most of us now have our babies.

Congratulations ahbon, we were both going through it on the same day then! Don't know about staying on that long though, must have driven you insane!

Afm feeding going well, every 2 hours in day, going 3 at night. Oh went back to work today and we did just fine, midwife came again and did swabs to check if my infection gone, lo seems to be getting better but still has severe trumps!!! Went to breast feeding support group today to make friends, it was a little awkward at first but think it will get better the more often I go!

Hope everyone's ok, mrs f, are things looking up yet?
Evening all!

Welcome beadyeyes! Congratulations - it really does take a few months before it seems real!

afm, all going well enough here. Soph is feeding well still and Bf seems easy this time, after being a complete ordeal with Harry. She sleeps 4-6 hours at night and naps lots. She's a grumpy bugger in the evenings but she's so bloody cute that I don't mind :D
:hugs: thankyou for your kind words ladies and that link dm x x x x

beadyeyes - welcome hun, this is the lucky thread indeed :) when's your first scan? i think mine was at 8 weeks, although i booked in for a private viability scan at 6 weeks as i had bled a bit x x heres to a H&H pregnancy x x x

ahbon :) huge congratulations, doubley so :) you guys must be over the moon :) pleased the girls, and you, are doing well x x x

well, afm, feeling pretty crappy tbh. like sophie though DM, even harry's grumpy face still keeps me going. i think id put that we went to the docs last week and she said he had colic, but i felt there was something else. kept a "day in the life of" type thing and i was convinced it was reflux - so went back today and they have given me some infant gaviscon. well, his 7pm feed was far easier and he didnt seem in as much pain and managed to take 210ml (60 more than normal), and he even smiled lots too. he went down easier, seems more peaceful in his sleep. so fingers crossed. i dont think i said before but he had horrible vomits that came out of his nose and mouth and he couldnt breathe, twice - was awful. i was so close to ringing the ambulance. i had to turn him over and give him a "slap" on the back. he went all floppy,, it was so scary. he recovered in a few mins, but i was so scared. made me decide to do a baby first aid course.

i spoke to the hv today and shes gonna come round more. the pnd symptoms are defo there which is a shit. still not got the all clear to drive, so am in the house quite alot. am hoping that now dh is off nights, i can catch up on sleep and just feel a bit more confident in what im doing. hormones are rubbish.

much love ladies x x x
Hi and thanks for the welcome!

My scan is next Monday when I'll be exactly 8 weeks by my working outbur hospital have said I'll be a few days behind.. I'm so so nervous. Terrified that there won't be anything there!
You're not alone! I was convinced I'd made it all up, when they confirmed that I had a baby growing and showed the flicker of the heartbeat I was so relieved I cried!
Ahbon sorry only just noticed your question - world of my own! When I had harry I was told that because of my gigantasaurous boobies that the rugby hold would be the only way I could do it but I hated it - there was just no way of nursing discretely in public, I always had a huge veiny boob on full display. I tried just holding her in my arms and nursing this time but I kept suffocating her but the MW explained its because I had her body facing a different way to her face. So I hold her in my arms with her whole body facing into me. Once she is latched on I adjust her head so that it tips back slightly, keeping her nostrils completely clear. I can't believe how much easier it is like that. xxx
beady good luck with your scan - its perfectly normal to worry that there;s not going to be anything there - I've had that with both of my kids!

F why can you not drive? My miserable b@stard GP told me EIGHT WEEKS. Given that I have no nerves down there so don't even feel like I've had a bruise down there let alone an operation, I spoke to my insurance co and they said when I feel ok to do an emergency stop. I've been back on the road over a week. I do think that would be a big help to you, getting a bit of independance. I had evil PND after Harry for about 18 months. I can fully understand. I used a combination of group therapy and meds. I think I prolonged it though by taking myself off the meds when I felt better. then within 2 weeks I would crash again! I have gone straight on them this time and am going to stay on them til at LEAST after Christmas.
Isobel has been driving me insane today! Am I allowed to say that after all we've been through?

She has only slept for about an hour, refuses to be put down and is in constant need of booby! My house is a mess, I only managed to get showered and dressed late afternoon, aaaaggghhhhh! I've obviously had it too easy so far, can't wait for dh to come home but don't think that will help as she just won't stop feeding!
Am having the same day, G. Don't worry, is just a growth spurt. Will pass in a day or so. i use the baby bjorn to get jobs done when she's like it x
Mrs G - don't worry at 4am I felt the same and this was only when I was looking after one whilst hubby fed the other (he'd left me in bed so I just had to make sure the first one was ok - she was having a paddy at the time!). We fought so hard to have our children but it doesn't make them angels 100% of the time! *hugs*

MM - think you're now on another forum I'm on (twins and multiples thread) haha hope you and your little ones are ok :) x

DM - thanks hun - my little one was desperately searching for boob yesterday but still just ended up playing - her little mouth is just too small to get more than a nipple in there and so I just end up with sore (er!) nipples. Bigger one hasn't asked for it again yet - I will endeavour to keep trying them on the boob but to be honest was so stressed out by the whole 'do it this way' 'do you mind if i touch it *yank*' I had I'm not sure I'll be able to feel good about b/f'ing - although getting fed up with expressing now too!

hope everyone is good :) MIL, SIL and family visiting today - wish me luck!
Ahbon, I have no idea how you're coping with two. Isobel was a right madam all day and all evening and half the night. This morning fingers crossed!

I had problems in the early days with my nipples but I persevered and that lasinoh cream helped greatly! Isobel has a small mouth and doesn't get a lot in but nipple, I've also decided that she is suffering from a bit of colic so I'm going to invest in some infacol today x

Gotta go cos she's settled and I need to get ready!
Soph has a small mouth too so i had a lot of pain both from latching and let-down for the first two weeks, i was told it gets better when your boobs get used to it and "man up" to the task. Mine duly manned up but they didn't with Harry so I feel your pain!!

Sophie has broken out in horrendous eczema. I had it as a baby and passed it to Harry and now I have passed it to Sophie. Why do we pass on our shit genes? Surely this goes against what Darwin was always banging on about?
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been the best poster -- but I've followed your progress with great interest! So, finally . . . little Cannon Raleigh is here! Born July 30 @ 04:43. 7 lbs, 14 oz, 20 inches. I love him more than I even thought possible.
The birth was, in a word, dreadful. 23 hours of labor (with an epidural), followed by a c-section (failure to progress). And the recovery has been hard, too. Breastfeeding finally taking off yesterday -- milk's come in. Before that, too many tears to count over my failure to b-feed. Ahbon, I could've written your post re. the yanking & the small mouth/big boob!

Anyway, Here's a pic or two. . .


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Wow mercy congratulations. Love the name and so glad you're loving being a mum, it makes the labour worth it doesn't it! You look fantastic, well done and enjoy x
It's so awesome to be talking about breastfeeding instead of pregnancy symptom spotting!! Yay for us all. We've been through so much more than a lot of women -- and the rewards are wonderfully sweet. :cloud9::cloud9:
I really hate being the bearer of bad news, but I got a message from Britt. She had her little girl a few weeks back - Kinley Paige. Unfortunately if sounds like her hospital let her down horribly. They were too busy and nobody listened to Britts repeated pleas that things were not right. to cut a long story short, she ended up in theatre and they both nearly died. In order to prevent Britt haemorhaging further she had to have a hysterectomy. Worse still, baby Kinley was deprived of oxygen for approx 15 minutes, leaving her badly brain damaged. If she survives she will be severely disabled. All because they were too busy to listen to a mothers instinct that things were not as they should be and took it for granted that nature would do their job for them. And poor Britt and her daughter have to pay the price for that. :cry:
I really hate being the bearer of bad news, but I got a message from Britt. She had her little girl a few weeks back - Kinley Paige. Unfortunately if sounds like her hospital let her down horribly. They were too busy and nobody listened to Britts repeated pleas that things were not right. to cut a long story short, she ended up in theatre and they both nearly died. In order to prevent Britt haemorhaging further she had to have a hysterectomy. Worse still, baby Kinley was deprived of oxygen for approx 15 minutes, leaving her badly brain damaged. If she survives she will be severely disabled. All because they were too busy to listen to a mothers instinct that things were not as they should be and took it for granted that nature would do their job for them. And poor Britt and her daughter have to pay the price for that. :cry:

I am sitting at work crying as I read this. I nearly threw up when I saw this. Britt, if you read this, all of my love and hugs to you and and the beautiful Kinley, if you need anything please do not hesitate to message me.

All my love,

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