Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

so, still freaked out by the programme....feeling a bit queasy now, think i'm gonna have to turn over!

and watch something else before sleep......
Am watching one born every minute (a documentary on Ch4 over here in the UK - a maternity unit with cameras filming births...) and i know i shouldn't, but i can't turn over.....i am such a wimp - i'm trying the whole desensitisation thing, but it's really making my bum go funny........ i don't think i have thought this through.......

anyone else feeling a bit iffy about labour and birth????? i know we all gotta do it, but it is freaking me out a little bit - i'm crap with pain! I went loopy over the weekend cos my nose was blocked!!!!!

just as an aside - maxxi - how come icsi's are encouraged for NTs and amnios hun? Am a bit worried now :/ i was ok with not having one 4 weeks ago, I'm sure everything will be fine, but now i wish i had had one for peace of mind....

i think i'm having a freak out moment......!!!! i must go and brew a camomile.....

we were going to do IVF/ICSI and the only increased risk with ICSI as per the documents we had to sign was a slight (like 1%) increase chance of Klienfelds disease...okay I totally spelt that and said it wrong (would have to look it up) but basically it only affects males and they are fully functioning but they have a few abnormalities like larger breasts, they may be sterile and my have a slightly lower mental functioning - but just slightly.
according to our clinic you are not at any more risk for downs or anything else.

this is hard ladies, but I am sure everything will be fine.

thanks Mamarifry- oh boy, that would be so exciting, do you think that based on the "nub" or just a guess?
I don't know if it's the nub I saw ....but I saw a darker white sorta line that could be a nub? just my guess :)
One born every minute was so much scarier than the last time I watched it!!! (when I wasn't pregnant!) I ended up yelling at dh 'What have you done to me??!!' But then seeing the little babies at the end and how quickly the mum's recovered, I know it will be worth it. I have no idea how I'll cope with the pain, I screamed all the way through my HSG! But then I have no hesitation in saying that I will take whatever pain meds are on offer but I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get to it!

Have been feeling really uncomfortable all day yesterday, just a constant tightness through my tummy with cramping thrown in, went to bed really early last night and just lay on my back all night but couldnt really sleep. And today it still feels really awful. Did another test this morning (dont laugh!) and it came up really dark really fast but I just cant help feeling really worried and doubtful. Wish I didnt have to work, just want to go home and lie down. When does uncomfortable and cramping become something I need to worry about? I just have no clue
haven't dared watch one born every minute yet - hubby wants to watch it with me - he didn't watch the last series and says he may regret it but wants to have an idea.... hope he doesn't get freaked! hahaha

we had ICSI - not heard re more boys than girls.

Congrats on the ladies finding out what they are having..... we can't wait - if it were one we would wait, with two we want advanced warning haha.

Had first consultant appointment yesterday (due to age, ivf, thryoid, twins etc etc etc!). They didn't seem worried re amniotic band or the still having old blood discharging but have arranged another scan for us for next week (10wks) to reassure us. Got appointment the week after for thyroid results update, then week after tha the 12wk scan and nuchal..... think we're ona long journey now lol

community midwife said we'd not see her unless worried as i'm under consultant care and due to twins they need more scans rather than just measurements etc..

have a good day all x
Oh I didn't watch one born every minute, is it repeated? I've set up for series link from next week.

My morning sickness has cone back, actually was almost sick all over lounge carpet this morning, no actual sickness still though, just a heave! My friend tried reassuring me today, 'you'll feel better by 14 weeks' I thought great, internets been telling me I'll feel better by 12 weeks! Doh!

I'm a bit confused as to which week I'm in, i'm 11 plus 1 but am I in my 12th week of pregnancy? If so at what point do they say the risks reduced, actually at 12 weeks or in the 12th week?
Do any of you ladies know when it is normal to start feeling stretching pains? I think I feel some, but I think it is too early?

I feel so lacking of pregnancy knowledge compared to infertility and ivf/icsi knowledge ahhhh! LOL
MrsF - Britt is right (except she meant to write Klinefelter's :winkwink:) There's a slight increase in risk for genetic issues with ICSI.

MrsG - Sorry the ms came back. I've given up on getting mine.

Mars - I was having pains not too long ago. Felt better when I changed positions. I'm sure you're fine.

I'm not even thinking about labor or birth! I need to get through my amnio. I saw the ob again today. I'm averaging weekly appts which helps my anxiety. My nuchal scan is scheduled for Jan 28th. Nightmare.
Blue - do you mean the ligament pain....feels like a pulled muscle in your stomach? I started getting those at 6 weeks! They say you're not supposed to until second tri but I felt them early...i get it when i cough or try switch positions sometimes. Doesn't feel wondering if i got them early because im carrying twins?
mamamirfry - ok so now you've freaked me out! Having been having pains when I cough or sneeze for a few days now and am six weeks today! Had assumed it was just because my tummy was tight from the bloating, and now you say it could be twins???!!! :p

For you ladies who have had tx in the UK, when should I make an appointment with my gp? I havent yet as I assume I am still under the care of the hospital? Do they sort out midwife appointments etc after the scan or should I be sorting that now through the GP? I am so clueless!
OH WOW..... missing for a week and soooo much to catch up on!!!!!!

Firstly CONGRATS Megg on your perfect little heartbeat am thrilled for you

Congrats to MrsF on a BOY!!!! an Yomolicious for your GIRL (although i have gone on about it in your journal!!!)

I can't bring myself to watch OBEM!!!! Its too scary.... I want a section!!!!!! Haha

Ok ... I had ICSI so watch this space for a Boy or a Girl... i was convinced it is a Girl for the first 8 weeks now i think its a boy...i clearly have no idea whatsoever!!

I have my 12 scan on Monday and nervously excited like you all, I saw the midwife this week (who was lovely) and she explained the tests and risks, apparently amnio is absolute last resort. So hopeful all is ok.

Re the prog, I stopped 4 weeks after ET! Been ok i think.... each clinic has such different criteria!

Mars I would book it in now cos the GP usually refers you on for secondary care/scan etc some people wait until they have their IVF scan but you can go along anytime, I went at 6 weeks cos my Hospital is really popular and can get overbooked!

Big kisses to the rest of you lovelies xxxxxxxxxx
yo mommas :) x x x

mars - get yourself booked in for gp hun, i left it til after clinic discharged me so they had to rush the appointments through, but even if you go at 10 weeks, they'll still have to scan you at 12, that bit won't change. You might find your midwife is booking up so the sooner the better really as it gets you in the system - but dont panic, you're absolutely fine :)

stretching pains - mine felt like period pains in the first tri, and now they feel like i've done too much ab work at the gym. i'm getting a right bump going on now! it's starting to worry me about how big i am actually gonna get!!!

had an awful day yesterday. Met with the midwife and told her how ill i've been, how my legs started to crack and bleed after i got out the bath the other day, my headaches, etc, and it appears my body is not very tolerant of the hormones and they're giving it a good old bashing. She also says i have antenatal depression as a result of the hormones and constant illness :( feel like such a letdown. have had various blood tests done to see what;s going on, and she's signed me off work for a bit. gotta go back in two weeks for an update. she was very lovely and said i need pyjamas and soup.

so, here's hoping some time off and lots of :sleep: will put my body back in balance. it better had anyway cos i cant' afford to start mat leave early....

much love huns x x x
MarsMaiden - Not saying you have twins heehee. Just saying it's common in all pregnancies...i was just curious because i felt it early on if it's because i have twins. A friend of mine felt it early too and just had the one. Don't worry. Everyone's different so for them to say you only experience something in a certain trimester...doesnt make sense. Didn't mean to alarm you :)
Mrs f, you need to be looking after yourself Hun x

Re gp appoint, I didn't book mine until after I got signed from clinic which was at my 6 week scan, took about 3 weeks to get an appointment so still plenty of time, if no heartbeat was seen at 6 weeks they wouldn't have signed me off till a heartbeat was seen.

I'm still exhausted, stressed at work but generally feeling ok, nothing really to report x
Mrs f, you need to be looking after yourself Hun x

Re gp appoint, I didn't book mine until after I got signed from clinic which was at my 6 week scan, took about 3 weeks to get an appointment so still plenty of time, if no heartbeat was seen at 6 weeks they wouldn't have signed me off till a heartbeat was seen.

I'm still exhausted, stressed at work but generally feeling ok, nothing really to report x
OMG 3 different people pointed out my bump at work today, for gods sake I really need to stop eating!!!!!!! I'm only 11 weeks, it's gotta be fat rather than bump, surely it's too early for a bump!

Is anyone taking weekly photos? I've done myself a little slideshow to music week by week, can't see much in it yet, in fact I looked bigger at 6 weeks than at 10, well photo day tomorrow so I'll see whats what.

Only 4 more pessaries to go or maybe 6, if they say stop on the 17th would you take them on the 17th? I think I might, just in case!
Yup....I would take them the day they said to stop taking them.

I noticed a little bump...I'm only 10 weeks! But I do have two babies and two placentas lol. Does yours start a couple inches above panty line Mine is flat for two inches above and then starts to stick out. I know it's going to grow like crazy now.
MrsF - glad you've been given some time off. Hope you can take the time to really recuperate and that you'll be feeling so much better by the end of it.

Mamamirfy - haha, I was just kidding! Mostly! Actually there is a little bit deep inside that would love twins as much as it would be impractical, stressful and financially impossible for us! Just over a week til I find out!

MrsG - I started taking bump pics at 5 weeks so I have all of 2 at the moment! My 6 week was slightly smaller than my 5 so I realised that the dreaded bloat really was going down a bit even if I didnt feel like it was. I think it will be really lovely to have a whole series to look back on at the end of it all.

Thanks for all the advice about the gp ladies, I will try and get myself along next week work permitting. I'm sure someone is gonna start asking questions soon as to why I need just quite so many doctors and dentists appointments in such a short space of time!!

Have been feeling a bit more positive the last couple of days after constant worrying that I am going to have an early miscarriage because I do have symptoms/don't have symptoms. (I wonder if it is just us LTTTCers that have such huge anxieties....).

I even managed to miss the bottom step of the stairs yesterday and went totally ass over tit!! Scared myself silly! But after that, I just thought, things are either OK or they're not and the only way I will know for sure is at the scan, there is no point trying to second guess it. In reality the scan is only ten days away even though that feels like an eternity. In the meantime I have a little mantra that I make myself say whenever doubt crosses my mind 'I am pregnant. There is a strong, healthy baby growing inside of me.' So far it has worked!

Hope all you lovely ladies are well! And Hey, it's Friday!!! :D
thankyou for your kind words ladies. So, am officially bedresting for the forseeable week. just contemplating a nice bath with a lush bath bomb my friend bought me - but worried in case my legs split again! so very sleepy today, feeling very "not with it," like i'm somewhere else, but i guess it beats being stressed and crying.

my bump seems to have vanished today! i think maybe because i've not really eaten much for past couple of days, there isnt much bloating. when we listened to his hb last night, it was so loud and strong it sounded like he was playing drum and bass in there! DH spoke to him "through" my belly and frightened the poor bean out of his skin! he jumped and kicked and it was so bizarre!! think dh was too close to my belly, he must have sounded so scary!!!

mars, sorry to hear about your tumble, beany is tucked up nice and cosy so i dont think for a minute you hurt him x x x

mrs-g we're doing photos every two weeks, and when i can see a definite difference in weight gain!!! My bb's have just gone crazy!!! i've thickened around waist, and in the last one, you can see the start of a bump. If i did one today though, you wouldnt put it at 16 weeks! i'm quite flat! nice idea of putting it to music x x

have a nice day ladies, will catch you soon x x x

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