Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Yay for growing baby, mercy! :) That's great!
Mercy, how can they move you forward a week when you know exactly when you embryo fertilised, that's weird! Was you scared? I've got mine on Friday and I'm a bit nervous about it but really excited, think it will seem a bit more real after we've seen a proper looking baby and also being in main stream care. Just hoping everythings going to be ok, I've become quite attached. Being pregnant is an amazing feeling, despite the sicky Delong, tiredness and moods, the feeling of actually having a son or daughter inside you! It's really quite fantastic!

I'm in a better mood today, we've spent the day clearing out and redecorating our spare room. It looks really clean and fresh now, can't wait to turn it into a nursery.
mercy - :hugs: was getting worried bout you hun!!! yay for 12 wk scan! and you've skipped a whole week!

mrs-g - sounds like today has been far more positive, and very organised :) i think the doc's move you on sometimes cos of how fast bean is growing (but dont quote me). i was moved on 2 days, but i just know he'll be two days late now!!!! it also depends on how stretched out beany is when they measure him, my lady said if she could get him another mm or two, the date would change again - dont think its an exact science (i could be totally wrong though!).

had another bath today - minus the dog! Far better experience.... and slept for england. i'm very surprised i've not been bored being in bed all the time, i've quite enjoyed it! been looking at doing pregnancy yoga to see if that'll help me - has anyone here done it? any feedback gratefully received vefore i spend my money - tis quite pricey.

speak soon ladies x x
Mercy - glad to hear from you! Was getting worried. I can't believe you're 13 weeks.

MrsG - Baseline I'm cranky and have little tolerance for people (it's amazing I have as many friends as I do). I've been more cranky lately and picked a fight with my husband this morning. Well I did have a point. His parents live down South so I only go visit once a year (hee hee) and he goes maybe one time more than that. He comes from a very different background than me though and he's very close to them. We've come to an understanding that I'll never have the kind of relationship he wants with them. Thankfully they don't live close by though because I'm sure he'd be over there a lot more and that would drive me nuts!

Britt - I can't believe your gender scan is in a little under 3 weeks!

For all those having multiples, anyone measuring different dates? Twin A is 10 weeks 4 days and Twin B is 10 weeks 1 day. My ob isn't concerned but I'm always up for getting anxious about everything and I was wondering if anyone is having the same experience.
maxxiandniko - had my 10wk reassurance scan this am and mine are now measuring 10+2 and 9+6. Midwife happy with those so try not to worry - mum said bet ones a boy and one a girl!

hiya to all - sorry no personals - am knackered!
Oh dear my bad mood is back today, brought on by my boss mainly but I just feel so bloated in the afternoons and evening, I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm going to the loo regular each morning, anyone else having this problem? It's making me feel a bit out of sorts hence why I let my boss really get to me this afternoon.

Hope everyone else is feeling ok, although it's a little quiet on here tonight so perhaps your all as grumpy and tired as me!
I'm definitely tired... and more irritable than grumpy. I only get grumpy when people are stupid. That being said... I get grumpy any time I leave my house! :rofl:
Hey Ladies.....sorry I have been a bit MIA...

Hope you are all well....glad to hear you are feeling a bit better MrsF, I do yoga and pilates and have done for years, just started back a few weeks ago and LOVE it, i think its worth every penny!!!

Oh all those hormones floating around girls are the best excuse for being snappy and grumpy...go with it!!

We had our scan on Monday and it was amazing to see the little one whizzing around in there....what a fidget...we have named it disco dancer!!

Unfortunately this has been tinged with a little bit of sadness... I was called by the midwife yesterday to tell me I am high risk for Downs...1:130 and in our borough anything below 1:150 is considered high risk.

So a very emotional afternoon and evening OH and I had a long talk last night and have decided to have the CVS done, the outcome will not affect our decision....disco legs is here to stay....but we feel we would like to be prepared as we can be and organise a support network, if the result comes back positive.

So lots of tears yesterday but today is another day and positive vibes will be heading down to the little one... it seems we can have the CVS tomorrow the midwife is organising it at the best hospital for it in London so I feel at least we are less in limbo and more in control.

Love to all you lovely ladies xxxxx Will keep you posted x
DillyC remember 1 in 130 means 129 not downs...I know it makes no difference but stay strong :) x
She's right, Dilly... 129/130 of not having Downs is still pretty good! Its not like its 50/50 or anything. Its 0.77%... Less than a 1% chance! That's lower than the failure rate on condoms and BCP's... which work pretty darn well! But, you're right... knowing in advance would be good... that way you can prepare yourself if Disco Dancer does have it! Tons of positive vibes to you and your LO!
Thank you so much Girls...

I totally agree I am lower risk within the high risk group which does make me feel more positive but it was just a bit of a shock yesterday.

I had a long chat with a lovely friend of mine who is head of Maternity and Gynae services in Norwich (we trained together a long time ago!!!) who totally put my mind at rest about the procedure but felt the risk was high enough to have the CVS, she had a baby with cleft palate and wished she had known prior to the birth and it was such a shock and not picked up at all beforehand.

Looks like CVS will be Monday now as they are fully booked tomorrow and don't do procedures on Fri as they can't be checked at the weekend???

So am on a cancellation list for tomorrow...just in case. As with the IVF 2ww...its out of my hands now.... just praying for the best.

Am feeling much calmer today about it.... keep chatting to the LO!

Thanks again for your support xxx
Aww! That's good that she helped you worry less about the CVS. I'm sure everything will be fine, honey! :hugs: Happy 13 Weeks!
Dilly, I am so sorry you are going through this- I tried to prepare myself for that situation as well, its so hard and even though its less than 1% chance of a complication of the CVS its nerve wracking to be put in that situation. We are all very attached to our LO's.

I have done a lot of reading on the NT and testing and apparently there is a very high rate of false positives. There was one lady on here given a 1:5 chance of downs and her amnio came back completely normal, baby was born and is perfect. Did you just do a NT or blood work as well?
I also read that if you get your NT closer to the 13 week mark the fluid level will be higher and you cant get it done after 13 weeks.

we are all here for you, but I feel good that you and LO will be just fine

Oh thats interesting Britt..... I was 12+5w

My NT seemed to be normal and low risk on its own....2.3. But had 2 hormone blood tests too.... HCG was raised and the PAPP-A was also raised (apparently with downs this one usually drops) and due to age (37) all puts me in the risk group.....hmmmm.

I feel happier that I am having the procedure with the best fetal medicine unit in London... luckily my Hosp is attached to it and refers all its patients there.

I just feel as it has been flagged... i should just check and hopefully put my mind at rest and find out one way or the other x

Dilly - I can't add much to what everyone's been saying since I'd say the same things to you so I'll just agree. I bet it'll turn out fine. And the risk with doing the CVS really comes down to the experience of the person doing it and it sounds like you're going to a reputable place so again I bet it will be fine. I know how you feel though. I have my nuchal scan next week and if that comes back as high risk I'll have to do the CVS shortly after. And even if it comes back low risk I'm scheduled for an amnio towards the end of February. I'm sending positive energy your way.
yeah I have mine in 2wks and at 40 am considered high risk no matter what. With twins though they can't do the blood test with it. Not sure if hubby and I will do any more testing dependant on the results... would be nice to have the info at least to deal with but it's a scarey time for all eh!. :hugs:
yeah I have mine in 2wks and at 40 am considered high risk no matter what. With twins though they can't do the blood test with it. Not sure if hubby and I will do any more testing dependant on the results... would be nice to have the info at least to deal with but it's a scarey time for all eh!. :hugs:

I'm 39 and did ICSI so my ob, perinatologist and fertility specialist were like not doing an amnio is not an option. In the end it's my decision but with all those people strongly recommending me to do it I think I'll regret it if I don't.
Thanks for your input ladies.... with the worry of the last 24 hrs i just crashed out on the sofa for 2 hours!!!!

M&N: I agree.... i have been researching and the risk does seem to be related to the experience of the practitioner doing the procedure....Oh hon will be thinking of you NW and hope everything goes well... If you had the CVS would you then not have to have the amnio then later in the pregnancy...? Its harder with twins as they rely on the NT test too.

Ahbon... I know this age thing is against us....Good luck in 2 weeks... i agree it is a hard decision, and something we had discussed prior to the test quite a lot but it was still a shock and ultimately each couple has to do what is right for them, with the information they have..... aaarrrgghhh you think in 2nd tri the worries ease!

I will keep you all updated once we have had it done

Dilly, if your fluid was ok, then I've been told that my meds from the ivf can still be in your system so when the bloods come back they can be inaccurate.

I've got my scan on Friday, I'll be 12w4, I'm petrified, especially as I made the mistake this morning of browsing 1st tri forum!!! I haven't even googled cvs and have no idea how it's done but I'm dreading having to do anything, I'd kinda been thinking that the best egg went in and the strongest sperm selected then the best fertilised egg selected so what's the chances? Dilly however, you've just shown me that it can happen, you seem to be handling it well. Good luck x

We weren't buying or planning anything until after our scan but today my boss has recruited my maternity cover and she starts Monday!!! So fx my scan results are ok! I've also spent 6 years getting to the salary I'm at and my boss has just recruited someone at the same salary with no experience, that's pissed me off, or is it my hormones again?!?!?

I really need to start being more cheerful, it's really annoying being this moody!
I was just about to say the same thing MrsG that I thought I heard from some other girls here that the IVF drugs can raise your blood levels.
The CVS will put your mind at ease and I am sure everything will be fine but it is scary times

thinking of you ladies, I remember my 12w5day scan, I could hardly relax. I couldnt even enjoy baby moving on the screen as I was so fixated on the fluid behind the neck and wasnt able to smile until the doctor came in and told me everything looked good. After that I couldnt see baby anymore, so please enjoy your scans- at this stage they are so active and cute and move tons.

on a note from me, I just got back from a doctor's apt, had a bit of a scare as I hadnt felt flutters for 3 days and just felt off and felt I wasnt as "big" as I should be. Happy to report baby is just fine and HB is great and the LO is moving around in there tons, even kicked at the U/S probe lol

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