Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

updates done :) x x x

Mars - you wont be on your own hun, we all appear to be creatures of habit, so we'll either stay here forever, or we'd drag you to any new thread hun, dont you worry ;) x x x
Yeah one of each in thread so far, we ought to do our own poll on ICSI vs IVF sex.

How are we so far....yomo are you ICSI and mrs f were you ivf, I'm sir you've got it in your signatures but tbh I'm too tired to look, just woke up from much needed nap!

Well first steps towards baby today, sold my king size bed that was in the room that will become nursery, feeling a little naughty though as i didn't expect it to go in first week, I was hoping to reach 12 weeks first before doing anything drastic. Oh is motivated to decorate to, starting with nursery, neutral colours like it ias anyway, nothing typically nursery flavoured.

I am going to have a big clear out though and do a boot sale, we don't really need to make cash but we do need a clear out and the cash can go directly in the baby pot.
okay ladies, thanks for having a look and taking a guess. Here is my scan pics, click on it to make them bigger. Now the obvious part that looks like the "nub" may acutally not be. I am confused, my dad thought it was part of the other foot bent over but then its feet would be in a very weird position. Is it the nub we can see very clearly? and if so where is the other leg, behind where we cant see it?

thanks look forward to your input and guesses :hugs:


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Love the scan, Brit!

I like the gender poll on IVF vs ICSI! I'm ICSI... and I have girl vibes... but definitely won't know for a while yet! Come on, 20 weeks!
cool Meggs, any guesses on my scan pics? is that the nub or is it part of the foot?
I'm guessing :pink:... but it had nothing to do with nub. I'm going on placenta theory... It almost always pays off. I assume that was transabdominal... so, left=right and right=left. Left placenta = girl!
I've just caught up on everything. Congrats Yomo and MrsF! I can't believe that you guys are at the point of finding out what you're having. Doesn't it seem like yesterday that you guys were waiting to test?

Britt - No clue but the picture is so sweet!

Megg - congrats!

I can't remember who posted the question about showing already but I most definitely feel bigger. I've gained 7 pounds which on me is a huge difference. Oh well!

I have another appt with my ob Tuesday. I feel a little more relaxed but still always worried about something. I have my nuchal translucency scan coming up within the next week or so and I'm so nervous. I feel like you guys are so much calmer than me about these tests!
oh neat, I had no idea that you could look at the placenta for possible gender. The only thing the u/s tech told me is that my placenta is posterior which is great so I can feel baby sooner...I have already felt some flutters:hugs:

Maxxi- everyone has fears on their 12 week scan, I did- I was really excited and then I got very nervous and scared the day before. Even at the scan I couldnt fully enjoy it until the doc came in and talked to us.
I am sure everything will be perfect
Oh god... I wish 7 lbs would be a huge difference on me. I don't think most people would notice 20! Total heffer here!
I'm looking forward to my 12 week scan but I'm really scared about the tests.I've read that the blood test can be in accurate due to the fact I was on lots of drugs through ivf cycle and that the reading may be a false high risk, so just hoping the fluid looks normal. My age is a factor too, I don't know how I'll handle it if anything is wrong, I know people do and lots of you have had a tough time in the past but this is my first ever pregnancy and it's really really scary, not sure if I'm tough enough to deal with bad news at this stage, so I'm just not gonna think about it!

I've put on about 5 pounds since I weighed myself at the start of the cycle, but I'm only at my normal post holiday weight. I'm feeling chubby and o have a definate bump, especially if I'm relaxed, but I can also breathe in and it looks better so I'm kinda thinking it's just the extra food I've been eating!

Well back to work today so I'd best get ready. Have a good day everyone x
heya ladies - so sorry for falling off the radar - surprise surprise i've been bloody ill - AGAIN!!!!! Am getting really peed off now - in 5 weeks i have had the sickness bug, the flu, and now i'm on my 2nd cold :( actually managed to take the pooch for a walk today....gonna attempt a roast chicken in a mo. but firstly, catch up!

Yomo - many congrats on team pink hun :happydance: your scan pic is ace!!!! you'll have to read to the end to find out mine ;) x x x x much love hun - and we really need to sort out a meet up!

Dilly - keep reading - names are at the bottom ;) and fab news on hearing beans hb!!! it's just amazing isn't it - such peace of mind!

Megg - so so pleased for your scan! Another bean looking very much at home gal! :happydance:

Mrs-g - re weight gain - :wacko: i've put on 5 kgs since beginning this cycle to date (i think that's about 11lbs?) i put on a lot with the hormones. I'm normally a size 10, but that's shot now! My bb's are have gone from a 34d to a 34FF!!!! ouchy! i packed away all my jeans and trousers today, mainly to make room for my maternity bits - feels quite good! But am uber motivated post birth to become fit again - mainly cos i'm so fed up of feeling poo!

and thankyou ladies for your updates - i've written them down and i'm off to update the first page.

Coming off meds - i was petrified, but it really did clear my head, literally, when i stopped them I think the clinics put you on them for longer than is needed, just to give you that extra peace of mind. You guys will be fine, i'm sure x x x

so - pink or blue??? am pleased to say we are 75% sure it's BLUE - would be pleased either way, but my gut is blue, and with what the sonographer said, it just confirmed it. Got my 20week scan beginning of feb so we'll know 100% then. Names were 100% agreed yesterday : Blue = Harry Robert Forsyth (middle names are family trad - not sure about Forsyth, but that's DH's only request), and Pink: Ellie Grace :happydance:

much love ladies, am off to update front page x x x

Yayyy team :blue: that's great news hun, and I love the name :thumbup:

Have you not got your scan pic? you need to put it on. We deffo need to sort a meeting out now christmas is out the way.

Hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year ........ well a sober one lol xxx
hey ladies!

Megg - congrats on the scan hun, your pic looks gorgeous! Makes me very excited! I am really nervous about stopping meds too, I heard that a sudden drop in progesterone can trigger a miscarriage so have been super paranoid about taking mine. At the same time though, I worry that taking them could mask if there was a problem by stopping me bleeding or prolonging a failing pregnancy! I guess I just worry a lot really :p Not sure how long I will be on mine, will find out at the scan I guess. (which is still two looooong weeks away - why is time going so slowly??!)

Yomo - yay for a girl!!! I know that people always say 'as long as its healthy' and all taht but I am secretly hoping for a girl!

Britt - nub was a new word to me til I got to this part of the forum so I have no clue really! Looking at it though, could that be the bottom of the foot so you are looking at the heel straight on iykwim??

MrsF - sorry you've been poorly again, hope youre feeling better now! Yay for a boy! I wonder how many people have a gut feeling about sex and turn out to be right? Love the names you have chosen! My girl's name is Emily Grace! (not technically selected but that has been my choice for about ten years, just need to cajole DH!)

As for weight gain, I am so blah about it! Unfortunately I was at the top end of my ideal weight range before the BFP and now with all the bloating I am definitely not feeling comfortable in my own skin which is my normal guide for when I need to diet. Of course dieting is out the question now and I honestly dont mind gaining weight, I would do anything for this bean but I just worry about gaining so much so early! My tummy feels solid as a rock, like one big piece of muscle almost (TMI alert but I had the big o during dtd last night and it was the most uncomfortable muscular feeling ever - not doing that again!) My only hope is that although its not going down, it doesnt seem to be increasing much so I just hope that I have sort of plateaud and wont get too much bigger now until I'm actually meant to!

Hope everyone is well! *huggles!
Well... RE: the meds... I have enough progesterone injections to get through 11 weeks, rather than just 10 weeks. So, I'm going to do the extra week of that. I see no point in leaving it to sit in a bottle. The pessaries... I have enough to go through 12 weeks, I think. They said I could stop those at 10 weeks, but I think I'm just going to use them up too. They're expensive! LOL I think I'm going to finish out my steroids too... I don't have THAT many extras. I can't find any harm in continuing... So, I'm just going to finish what I was given and then call it a day. Its the path of least regret for me!
thanks Mars, I think you are exactly right, I think that is part of the foot like you said, I guess baby crossed its leg lol? talk about lounging in there :) Okay I am going to let it be now until Feb 7, I can wait until then.

MrsG- I know exactly how you feel, I was so nervous before mine too. I didnt know that the IVF meds could affect those test results, so I would just focus on the fluid level in the scan.
My gf had a bad NT scan but it also showed fluid in the baby's lungs, so it was pretty obvious that something was wrong. If everything looks good on u/s but the blood work comes back high, I would still think that is a normal result. we are here for you hon, I am sure everything is great with bubs

hello to everyone else
Thanks Britt.

MrsG - you're scan is next week right? I'm going in for another appt tomorrow and then I'm hoping she tells me to go for the nuchal scan the following week. I'm doing an amnio too so really I won't be relaxing for some weeks now. Oh well. Are you doing an amnio?
britt - i'm not convinced it's the foot, lol!!! - my thought process - it's really white compared to the other foot - but then again, i'm not really practised when it comes to nubs!!! :wacko:

i do need to upload the our scan photo - but it's not on the pc yet - i've got it on memorystick so i'll see what i can do tomorrow :)

i'm an icsi chick!

marsmaiden - you have stunning taste in names gal ;)

thanks yomo :thumbup: a very sober christmas indeed hun - but i'm sure i'll make up for it next christmas ;) x x x

maxxi - it does feel like yesterday i tested, but at the same time, it feels so long ago!!! It certainly seems to be going quicker now i'm further along, i wonder if it's because more stuff is happening (flutters, bump-growing, etc)

mrs-g :hugs: i can understand your anxiety about the NT hun, but do remember that the bloods and scan can be inaccurate - my friend came back as high risk (1 in 150) following her tests, but the amnio came back fine. Think about what our IVF odds were, and we beat that - 1 in 150 is sooooooo small hun (which is classed as the "high" risk band). thinking of you babe x x x

well, i have got a cancellation with the midwife in the morning, thank god, i just need to know bubba is ok after all the illnesses i've put him through :( bit of reassurance and advice.

much love ladies, catch you the morrow x x x
Thanks for all the reassurances, I think I'll only have amnio if it comes back high risk after scan. I really don't fancy amnio though, remember it from childcare lessons at school. Scared the s**t out of me, that big needle and risk of miscarriage.

I've got 2 weeks to wait for my scan, 1 week left of pessaries, oh, its all about counting down. My iPod app says I have 29 weeks to due date.

Mrs f - yeah for packing away all your clothes, I'm thinking about doing that but I haven't got the energy yet, plus all my work colleagues are telling me I'll never get in them again, so I kinda want to try and wear stuff a bit longer, even if it's a bit uncomfy!
Mrs-g *gasps in shock*!!!!! Where is your PMA lady?!!!! Of course we will all fit back into our pre-pregnancy clothes!!!! granted, it may take some time, but we WILL do it ;) (bloody hope so anyway, i can't afford a new wardrobe :dohh:) x x x

countdowns and waiting hun, it's a flippin nightmare, but i guess it's helping us be uber-patient parents :hugs:

x x x
Thanks for all the reassurances, I think I'll only have amnio if it comes back high risk after scan. I really don't fancy amnio though, remember it from childcare lessons at school. Scared the s**t out of me, that big needle and risk of miscarriage.

I've got 2 weeks to wait for my scan, 1 week left of pessaries, oh, its all about counting down. My iPod app says I have 29 weeks to due date.

Mrs f - yeah for packing away all your clothes, I'm thinking about doing that but I haven't got the energy yet, plus all my work colleagues are telling me I'll never get in them again, so I kinda want to try and wear stuff a bit longer, even if it's a bit uncomfy!

Apparently even if the nuchal scan results come back as low risk I'm strongly encouraged to do the amnio because I did ICSI. I'm less worried about mc than about the results. But yes that needle is going to freak me out and I can't take anything to calm me down!
Am watching one born every minute (a documentary on Ch4 over here in the UK - a maternity unit with cameras filming births...) and i know i shouldn't, but i can't turn over.....i am such a wimp - i'm trying the whole desensitisation thing, but it's really making my bum go funny........ i don't think i have thought this through.......

anyone else feeling a bit iffy about labour and birth????? i know we all gotta do it, but it is freaking me out a little bit - i'm crap with pain! I went loopy over the weekend cos my nose was blocked!!!!!

just as an aside - maxxi - how come icsi's are encouraged for NTs and amnios hun? Am a bit worried now :/ i was ok with not having one 4 weeks ago, I'm sure everything will be fine, but now i wish i had had one for peace of mind....

i think i'm having a freak out moment......!!!! i must go and brew a camomile.....

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