Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

:wave: ladies... hope you are all well today!

Mercy... you made me laugh... Skeletor used to scare me as a child! I always wanted to be She-ra! :haha:

Mrs G... ahh that explains it - seeing the heartbeat flicker but not hearing it... thought i was going bonkers! Jack is a lovely name - what if it's team pink though?! you never know!! Just think... any time now there will be fluttering in your tummy... soooo exciting!:happydance:

Maxxiandniko.. you'll be a tummy full of arms and legs before you know it!!:baby::baby:

Britt - :yipee: for big proper kicks and for DH calling you 'his girls'... lovely!:hugs:

Mrs F... lovely picture and a boy to boot! :wohoo:

Mrs S... scan next week :yipee:

AFM... went out at lunchtime to buy a skirt that wasn't garoting my middle from all these IVF drugs (see cakes :haha:)... and proceeded to examine my (.)(.) in the changing room to make sure they were still gigantic and veiny! What a weirdo! :rofl:
by gosh do you lot chat :thumbup:

congrats on Harry Mrs F - we thought of that name too but I have a nephew with the name already

after a week of headaches, sickness and funny tummy I went to the midwife who recommended the EPAU - thought we'd get a reassurance scan but my consultant said no need as we'd had one just before I was ill and no reason .... :nope: symptons seem to be going a bit but today still got nausea :happydance:..... so we ended up buying a doppler - even though we know with twins we wont be able to differentiate between the two just being able to hear a heartbeat is fab :thumbup:

hope you are all ok :) nothing new for us til consultant for thyroid in 1.5wks then 16wk scan on 28th :)
Maxxi- congrats on 14 weeks and congrats on second tri! :happydance:
I felt early flutters at 14 weeks but it was sparse, I know I was a bit early (I would also go days without feeling anything) but I also have a posterior placenta so maybe that allowed me to feel early :shrug:

MrsG- happy 16 weeks yeah!!!
when are you getting your gender scan? One thing I realized is it is the most shocking thing, especially if you have in your head you are having a certain gender :hugs:
okay since you have a girl vote, I will vote boy for you.

Ahbon- yes we are chatty which is awesome. Congrats on hearing the HB

I believe we have decided on a girl's name as we have already been calling her that (trying not to use it too much as I dont want to get sick of it before she comes)
but we have decided on.......
Piper Yvonne Marie
Piper because we love it, Yvonne after DH grandma and Marie after mine (both amazing french ladies)
Britt - that's an awesome name!

Rachelle - I'm always checking out size and veins. I think I'm still not believing this is real.

MrsG - I haven't felt anything and they say with twins things happen earlier. We'll see...

Mercy - Mine look like aliens honestly. My next scan is a week from today at 15 weeks so maybe things will look a little different.

Hi to everyone else!
finally got 5 mins where i can sit down and have a catch up!!!

M&N - 14 weeks!!! Good grief, that's gone quick!!!

DM - LOVE George!!! I think James goes well with Harry too.

Mercy - you had me on the floor!!! I wonder if the piccies have anything to do with how clear the ultra sound is? I was quite surprised how much detail you can see on this one - you can even make out his lips!!! i have a feeling he's gonna be a big bruiser.... OUCH!

britt - beautiful name hun :thumbup:

big shout out to everyone else too :) like the idea of changing the update to gender colours - is everyone else coolio with that? let me know and i'll do it over the weekend

mrs-g, i agree, it could be a wee bit early to feel and also, if your placenta is on the front, it'll be hard to feel beany. The doc confirmed my placenta is on the front wall, that's why i've not felt much at all. Although had a few big kicks yesterday night. to me, it feels like a bubble of wind popping, but without the gas ;) i think it can be anywhere from 16 - 24 weeks, but 16 is the real early end of the spectrum.

x x x x
I love it that we are so chatty but it can get very confusing trying to keep up especially with a baby brain so I give up trying to reply to everyone tonight but thanks for feedback.

Girls names I quite like Jessica (Jess), Abigail plus loads of others, really can't pick, boys name came much easier!!!

I can't wait till 11th March, I'm hoping it'll fly by, really busy at work and got a weeks hol first week in March. I want to know what flavour I'm having, I also want a big bump and a kicking baby, perhaps I should also wish for some patience!

I'm off swimming in 10 mins, it is such a pain in the arse at this time of night but when we get going we enjoy it, plus we're going for a chip butty after!!!! Hee Hee!

Gotta go and get changed, catch ya all 2 moz
I know what you mean, MrsG, I can't keep up either! Enjoy your swim -- and chip butty.

I've never had one (a chip butty) -- it's a sandwich with chips in it, right? Anything else holding it together? mayo, etc.? Next time I'm in London, I'm going to get one! Is a pub the best place for them? (I love the way the British are mad for sandwiches, so yummy)
No its a bread roll with chips in it, it wasn't very nice tonight, best place is a good old English fish and chip shop!!!!

Swimming was good again, 30 lengths tonight (it's a small pool)
Morning everyone, hope everyone is good!

I'm 6 wks today, last 2 wks have gone pretty fast, still not convinced about anything, scan next Tuesday so will see then. Been getting funny af type pains so am once again freaking out!

Love your baby name Britt, it's nice to use grandparents names

Mrs g, we also love the name Jessica, I love scarlet but Hubby doesn't like it at all, we've had a boys name chosen for ages, he'd be Joshua
mrs G for me the first flutters felt like someone waving a finger underwater. only tiny and for a fraction of a second but there. I found that bothering the baby helps too. Tiger is def more active when I've gone to bed (moving around soothes them to sleep apparently!) so i used to either lay on my front for a bit or on my back and press my hand on my tummy. And I think most people don't hear the HB til late - I didn't hear til the 16 week MW appointment. I saw it on the scans but they didn't listen to it. I just bought my own doppler! Although it's rubbish and broken.
also I think a chip butty is equally good with sliced bread, not just a bread roll. have to have salt and ketchup though - yummah!

oooh quite fancy a fish finger sandwich now....
maxxi - I'm also worried about carrying the twins and how it will make me feel later on, how long I'll be able to work and all that stuff. I should stay off the internet as I hear so many scare stories of women being housebound with enormous ankles and joint pain but then there are plenty of stories of women who carry with relatively little trouble too. I think we just have to know how to take care of ourselves and when to stop!

Megg - that's fantastic news!! Can't wait to see you here again *hugs*

Oh MrsF that scan pic is adorable!!! And I love the name Harry, it's one of my top names too along with Joshua, Sonny and Arthur.

Awww Britt, how lovely that hubby is starting to love the idea of having a daughter already and yay for feeling kicks! I think your name is beautiful, I really really love Piper and I love having family names included.

MrsG - I love the name Jack too but DHs brother has a dog and guinea pig both named Jack so its out for us! Will be really interesting t see if your gut feeling is right.

rachelle - my boobs haven't changed at all so far which is amazing given the amount of poking and prodding I have given them! (well you have to keep checking to make sure they hurt yanno?!) I found I was really bloated early on too which I guess is a hangover from the meds (tho I was IUI so lower dose than you IVF ladies), was so thankful when it shrank just a little, fast being replaced by cakes here too tho!

ahbon - boo for not getting a scan but glad to hear that they don't think your illness would have caused any problems

yay for 6 weeks MrsS and glad to hear that time is moving along OK for you. At least its nearly the weekend now and then Tuesday will be here before you know it! I love Joshua too and Jessica (my 9 month old niece is a Jessica and a redhead - it suits her so well!)

chip butty with sliced bread and loads of butter so that it all goes a bit soft and mushy! *drools*
I had, and am still having, horrible pains all morning like really sharp shooting pains going up through my pubic bone - enough to make me grunt out loud which is getting me some odd looks in the office!! Has anyone had anything like this? Is it just more stretching pain?

I know that everything should be OK as I got my doppler through this morning and dashed home a little while ago cos I was stressed with the pains and couldnt wait to try it out.... I found a heartbeat!!!! Was sooooooo amazing and such a relief. No idea if it was one baby or both but just to hear activity in there was amazing. Best ten quid I ever spent!! (would still love to know what the hell these pains are though?!!)

Happy Friday ladies!!
prob just the bones and joints in your pelvis softening hun xxx
OH MY WORD............ sooo much to catch up on!!!!

Been studying hard for exams euch.... but one down so having a break for a few days!!

Everyone sounds good ... lts going on here.... I see I came in at the Chip buttie point.... i remember it was DMs doughnuts last time.... must be drawn in by the food!!!

LOVE the name Britt.... really pretty.

Gosh lots of baby names flying around the forum.... we are totally stuck for a boys name... 3 girls ones lined up but just cannot agree on boys so any suggestions gratefully received!!! As we are staying team yellow we really need both options!

Mars how lovely you heard the HB....its amazing isn't it... I agree with DM about the pain....I am always getting odd twinges/ aches here and there and you have more reason with 2 in there xx

HOORAY its the weekend.... Since I have got out of first Tri I feel like I have my life back so busy weekend planned out at a work leaving do tonight( which will be fun seeing as for once I will remember everything!) seeing friends and some London stuff with OH on Sunday...

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend x
Good morning ladies, thank you so much for your replies and comments on the name. I know its a bit out there, but its so strong and cute at the same time and DH loves it so yeah we agreed on something. I cant believe her little legs are in the 97% percentile, :haha: thats so cute, hopefully she is nice and tall when she is older.

MrsS- happy 6 weeks!! It feels good doesnt it? the next thing you know you will be 12 weeks and then out of first tri!! I liked Scarlet too and hubby did not- actually the baby name books did say that Scarlet will likely date her :shrug:

DM- how are you doing? only a few more days until your scan!!! :happydance: I'm guessing your team pink along with me too

MrsG- I am learning about this chip butty from you lovely UK girls lol, it sounds kind of grouse but given the way everyone raves about it I am guessing its probably quit yummy.

Mars- yes I am very happy DH has come around :hugs: it didnt take him long at all. I cant believe your boobs havent changed, mine went up almost a size right in the beginning and then levelled off and then my preggo book said they will likely not get any bigger than what they are in first tri, what a joke that is :growlmad: they are huge, I cant even believe the size tbh....yikers!! and they hurt again especially in the morning and after I take off my bra.
I had and still get what you are referring to, like DM said its everything stretching and relaxing, getting ready for a bigger baby- it sure is scary though hey? but its a good thing :thumbup:

Hey Dilly- good to see you, yes we are a chatty bunch, I cant believe you are over 16 weeks already!! sounds like you have a great w/e planned.

hello Mercyme how are you doing?

well I will be off most of the day, talk to you lovely ladies soon
Oh I still have my cold, I have no voice this morning and I probably will still go to Toronto on Sunday for work :dohh:
I know, 3 more sleeps! So exciting... I will be astonished if it's a boy. I was right with Harry. But then this one I may have been swayed by the sheer volume of guesses and predictions that said girl. I really don't mind what I have after all the crap but pink would be nice from the point of view that I get to buy more stuff!
DM, looking forward to hearing the results of the gender scan!

I'm going in tomorrow for a private scan -- 3D/4D (not really all that sure what it means), and will be told the sex. Paul isn't able to go to the really good ultrasound (genetic counseling & Level III u/s) that I have scheduled on the 28th, so I gave him the option of our going private for this. It's kinda expensive ($100), considering the delivery part (NOT counting the hospital $$$) is only $250 with my insurance. But ... he's adorably disappointed not to see the good scan & has decided he doesn't want to wait til the next one (which would be about 6 wks away).

Britt, I'm a fan of the name -- and I'm sure your husband really feels connected to her, now that she's more of a person/reality.

Dilly, we're the same EDD (again!) -- tell me, does your uterus feel like it's got a rock in it? Actually, I wouldn't mind hearing from anyone! I keep reading about movements & flutters & bubbles . . . but my abdomen just feels heavy & sometimes it gets hard and feels like something's pressing from the inside out -- but that surely can't be the baby at 16 wks??

Thanks for all the answers to the chip butty! Sounds really tasty. If all goes as planned, I'll be taking another college group to London in December (went Dec 09/Jan 10, too) -- so, I'll have to find myself one of those!
mercy me thats actually quite well priced. $100 is about £65 I think and our 3d/4d scans are generally about £100+ so not too bad. Although we get 2d scans done for free on the NHS
@Britt I don't think the name is out there at all. It's not common but it's pretty and simple. Also I noticed her initials will be PYM which would be a cute pet name for her! My mum and dad used to randomly call me Polly when I was little. My name is Lindsay :rofl:

And of course I have my Dragon!

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