Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

MrsF - hope you're feeling better. I physically feel like an old lady every day and it affects how I feel mentally. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it sometimes.

I haven't done any shopping for anything excpet for maternity clothes. Too superstitious. I'm waiting for all my tests to be over.

Hope everyone has a great day!
I would imagine so - it looks pretty sturdy. Loving the M&P one as well actually. I have already got one of their strollers earmarked for Tiger for next year :blush:
:hugs: thankyou for your kind words ladies. Feeling a bit better today, been good being at work as you kinda go into autopilot and have distractions (although it has been a rather trying day!). 24 weeks though today, so only (!!!) 16 to go.

we have a pram / pushchair coming to us via a family member - haven't a clue what it is, but i know it's bright pink - hope my little man is in touch with his feminine side!

hope everyone's well.

catch you all laters x x x
1st day back at work today and can not believe how much stuff I've got to do, especially as I've put in my maternity letter today requesting my start date for maternity leave and my annual leave request for holidays which will allow me to work 3 days per week!

Question for uk ladies....I get 20 holidays plus stats, so I've calculated that I have 29 days this year to take before I start maternity leave, I'm sure this is right but it doesn't feel it, I.e I'll be having the bank holidays off while I'm on maternity, how can I then be entitled to take a day in lieu? It doesn't usually seem very much but when you try and fit it all in 6 months it's loads!

Also, little moan, why do midwives think all mums to be don't have jobs or commitments? I'd love to go to aquanatal classes but they on a Friday morning, my busiest day at work!!!!! Why do they not run evening or weekend courses? Also there is a yoga class at 5.45 on a Monday evening, who can leave work at 5.30 and get there in time? I work 30 mins away from class and have a job leaving by 6pm. grrrr I suppose I'll have to wait till I start maternity leave. I'm concerned at my weight gain though, I've put on 6kg since being weighed at Ivf clinic before we started, I know my boobs are heavier and my belly is bigger but I read that I should have gained 3-4 kg by this stage. Oops, really need to keep my hunger under control!

The cheeseburgers from mcd's did not help!
You can't take your bank holiday in lieu until the bank holiday has passed - you have to tag that on to the end. Well thats how it works at ours anyway!
My holiday year end is December and we can not carry holidays over, so I assume I can take them before, I think it's only august and Christmas, so 3 days.
like i say you can with AL but I am fairly sure you have to actually accrue the BHIL before you can take it.
Morning ladies! How are we all? Sorry I've missed so much, not even gonna try and catch up! I'm 14 weeks tomorrow so am officially celebrating making it to the second tri - whoop!

MrsF - glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, pregancy seems to be as much of a rollercoaster ride as ttc was!

Strollers - I have no clue! Twin buggies are such a nightmare and soooo expensive! I thought I had settled on the cosatta you2 which is a lightweight stroller suitable from birth as it is only really for taking out the car and carting them round town when I'm on my own but it is a side by side and am concerned about the width. the nightmare also living in Cornwall is that there are no nice big showrooms anywhere with a good range that I can go and try out, think I'll end up having to buy blind off the internet!

Really interesting to read about annual leave - I had no idea that I would accrue the bank hols as well?! I hear lots of twin mums that are just unable to work after about 30 weeks so my plan if I have to finish then is to take all my holiday in one go to cover the first month and then start maternity leave. Have to say though, the thought of being home for up to 8 or 9 weeks with nothing but daytime telly to keep me busy terrifies me!!

I hadn't thought of taking leave to go part time like you MrsG, definitely something I might think about as would love to have some leave on the other side so that I get some more time at home with my babies rather than just using it to be a lounge lizard!

Hugs to everyone!
congrats mars for the second tri :) x x x

haven't got a clue about mat leave ladies as it's different for us teaching folk.

i do have a question though - more for ladies a bit further on in pregnancy - and it's about our belly buttons :blush: mine's getting shallower by the day, and it's starting to turn inside out - and it's really creeping me out! how long after birth does it take to go back in again!!!! lol!!! i'm struggling to find suitable clothes that make me feel good, let alone having to worry about my belly button showing through the clothes!!! EEK! i know its a dumbass thing to get concerned over, but belly buttons have always given me the heebyjeebies!!!! so, how are your belly buttons?!!!!

mrs-g i hear you about classes / groups that take place during the day. But, i was told a gem of info - if you ring up the surestart centres (or whoever it is that runs them) they will tell you when their free classes are and you can attend. You can travel to them (so although there's one v near me, i can go to another centre for their classes) apparently you're suitable to go at around 30 weeks - maybe something to research? A few ladies i know travel to a saturday class a little way out of their normal catchment area. Am gonna enquire when i get back from hols.

hope everyone else is doing ok, much love ladies x x x
Well my boss seemed happy with my plans, give or take a bit of tweaking as and when needed so I officially have 8 weeks (Inc this week) left as a full timer, then I switch to part time, 3 days per week (4 day weekend) yeah yeah yeah! Soooo excited! No problems on public holidays but I get 20 days plus stats and minimal allowance now is 28 days so no argument really.

Baby is very active lately, listened to heartbeat this morning and it seems to be moving up a little, can't wait till scan to find out whether we're pink or blue.

I keep forgetting done of you are having twins, although exciting I bet your terrified, the finance, the logistics, I hope you're all organised!
Mrs f, I'm with you with the belly button thing, I've always said they cut my umbilical cord wrong at birth because I hate it being touched. I am scared mines gonna pop out and split open because it's scared from my lap and dye operation. Eeek
ooo mrs-g, now there's a thought - i have two scars on mine - one from where i've had two laps (they used the same scar the second time to go back in), and then a hooking one just under belly button from where they removed my gall bladder last year! When my bellybutton pops totally, the big gall bladder scar's gonna look like a smiley face underneath it!!!!! and i have my belly button pierced, so the hole above will look like a cyclops eye :dohh: attractive! (haven't worn a piercing for a while though - probably never will again....)

Thanks MrsF! No idea on the bellybutton thing but I always thought that the pregnant outy button looked quite cute! I took my belly piercing out last night bizarrely enough - a frantically moisturising the area now as I have heard stories about stretchmarks getting really bad around piercings!

MrsG - great news that they agree with you regarding going part time, deffo something to look forward to! You have given me food for thought in going part time if I am not coping but not quite ready to give up totally. You're spot on with the twin thing! It's lovely to be completing the family in one go and all that jazz but my biggest worry is childcare costs when it comes to going back to work - it's too much to ask of family to look after two but if they went full time to nursery the costs would be more than I earn!!
My belly button never popped. I think i'm too chubby! but it looks just as bad through clothes as its gone reverse and is now weirdly deep so I look like I have been shot :rofl:
oh and good luck with the moisturising. I did it religeously and ended up with the worst stretchmarks I have EVER seen! I looked like a purple and white striped deck chair! I think you just either get 'em or you don't. Apparently I am in the "get 'em" category!
:hugs:Hey girls, how are you? I have missed you all.
DM- one more day until we are 24 weeks!!! :happydance::happydance:

MrsG- congrats about the part time!! :thumbup: thats the way to go, my job is so busy and stressful and I am heading on yet another business trip tomorrow. Actually yesterday I overdid it, I felt short of breath, heart racing with palpitations and cramping on my left- I left my mtgs at 230pm and came home and sat on the bed and did computer work for 5 hours while resting, well wouldnt you know the cramping went away, so definitely dont push it girls its not worth it

DM- are you still on bed rest?

MrsF- actually I want an outie :blush: just to feel even more pregs I guess, but so far its just shallow and I dont think it will pop out
I am feeling pretty yucky lately too, I cant find any cute work clothes, they are either full on maternity clothes that look like moo moos or they are regular clothes that I will outgrow in a week.

so I was telling DH that this spot on my upper stomach hurt and then all of a sudden she started kicking me really hard there and then I felt some serious movement and now its not sore :haha::haha: ha ha little Piper, she is a mover and a shaker. It definitely is sore if they get a foot up in your ribs.

anyway, talk to you all soon
as for the twinny mommies, double the fun and even though its tough in the beginning it will be easier later because they will just play with eachother and you wont be stuck entertaining them like we will.
I also think the twin bond is so cool

OMG Britt i know! V day tomorrow! Am so excited.... Although I have instructed Baby that she's to stay put for at least another 10 weeks please. At least til I get back from hollibops!

Am still supposed to be on bed rest. Trying my best to get some housework done but I am finding the slighted exertion at the moment is bring on huge BH's and they are literally knocking the wind out of me! My lungs that is - nowhere more sinister or rude! we had our new bed delivered today. It's on it's side in 2 bits and I am ITCHING to get it set up but I think DH would take a rather dim view if he came home and I had been humping a king sized bed around.... funny that!
Oh and my wonderful employers have decided that as i have had so much time off sick, in order to keep me in work til my mat leave starts they have reduced my shifts from 9 hours to 6 hours. But I still get full pay. Huzzah! Suppose it's better for them having me there 6 hours on full pay than stuck at home on bed rest on full pay! The thought of going back to work isn't nearly so depressing now. My new shifts are 0800-1400 for an early, 12-00-1800 for a late and 1800-0000 for a night shift. They offered to let me ditch the nights all together but it's easier just to keep doing them than to find other days that I can work and have childcare covered.

Happy DM :D

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