Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

My amnio results came back and everything's ok thankfully! And it's definitely 2 boys. I told my husband. He's so freakin happy! Never knew that he had such strong feelings about girls. I've always thought I was pretty easy to live with :haha:

Yay, maxxi!!! That's so wonderful. :happydance::happydance:
Mrs G - congrats on pink!

Maxxi - congrats on the all clear and definately two boys!

not a big one from me today - am shattered after a long day at crufts yesterday.. :( but was fun :)
MrsG - Nightmare is pretty accurate :haha:

Hi and thanks Mercy and Ahbon!

How's everyone else?
congrats Maxxi on the twin boys, how lovely!! I saw 2 fraternal twin boys at the mall, they both looked so different and were so fricken cute! they were only about 2 yeras old and very well behaved, so not all boys are full of vinegar :)
i'm doing well, feeling great, went to a movie last night with a gf and it was super loud, Piper didnt like it she was kicking like crazy, I was trying to cover my stomach, I felt like a bad mom.
anyway, going to do some pilates than meeting some friends for lunch, ahhh I love weekends!
haha! We went to a football match (soccer to you over the pond) when I was about 21 weeks and Harry was leaping all over the place!

Maxx so glad everything came back ok. Twin boys - how gorgeous! My friend at work had twin boys last year and they are just scrumptious!
Mercy, your ticker scared me, I bloody cantaloupe inside us!!!!!!! How's that gonna get out!!!!!

I'm full of cold, :-( Snotty, tired and grumpy!

I was at work this morning and went shopping straight away, I've found a new buggy!!!! I've gone off the mama's & papa's skate, I thought the carrycot was included in the package... doh! Now I'm keen on the silver cross surf, I saw it in the shop today, the baby nest is soooooo soft and squidgy, it will be perfect for my ickle girl, and I love the colours, Chilli Red is my favourite, whats more they sell it at a shop I can get staff discount on so I can save around 20%, so def need to talk hubby into this one!

Baby is really active lately, all that fuss I made about not feeling anything, now it's all the time, OH said the other night when she was kicking..."I want one" bless him, he looked really disappointed that I was getting all the kicks and he wasn't getting anything, can't wait till he can feel her kick!

I was at work yesterday after my scan so couldn't say much but the scan was amazing, they looked at everything and said all looked ok, such a relief, I'm a little sad though that I'll not see her again till she is born, I really enjoyed the scan experience, watching her kick and move around, she is so sweet.

I got given the go ahead to shop but now I can't decide! I'd picked loads of boy clothes!!! I've bought a couple of outfits today but although they were just from Matalan, I can see that the cost will mount up and they're not in them more than a few weeks, I bought newborn today which is up to 10lb, so if you have a 8lb baby they'll soon outgrow them, I might look on ebay for some bundles going cheap.

Hope everyone else is ok, when do you go away Mrs F?
:flower: happy weekend ladies :)

Ahhhhh! congrats on team pink Mrs-g! And loving the name!!! x x x The comment about your DH being envious of your kicks made me chuckle! You could offer to kick him in the tummy lots ;) i put the remote on my belly yesterday so DH could see the small movements - was so funny - i was watching a movie, and at the same time as a flinchy bit came on, Harry booted me, remote fell off and it scared the crapout of me even more!

Maxxi - so very pleased you amnios came back clear hun!!! And double congrats on your twin boys!!! x x x

Mercy - good to see you - so sorry to hear about your new nephew - must've been a shock. Thoughts are with your family hun x x x

not too much to report this end - v swollen legs and ankles, v active bubba and MS appears to be making a comeback in the evenings :growlmad: so, my routines now are early mornings, and very early bedtime to avoid it. We go away in a few weeks Mrsg, v much looking forward to it! x x x

am gonna change the first page to team pink or blue - from what i can remember! If i've missed you it's cos i don't know (or can't remember due to hormones ;))

hi and much love to everyone else x x x x x
bugger! I fluffed up! Sorry to be a pain - but could you let me know your team please ladies!!! and if your due date has changed. I know we have sadly lost Megg (hurry back hun!!!) but ladies, would you mind letting me know if we have lost anyone else? Also, if there are any other twinnies on the forum x x x

Ignore the member's list for now x x x

cheers :) x x
ahh thats so cool about the remote being kicked off hee hee
So I am on team Pink MrsF and my due date is the same even though she is measuring ahead, thanks

anyone else going for a 3d scan? we go for ours on April 1st, we have to pay for it but well worth it in my opinion

Mrs F - My ODD is 29th July now, loving the pink!!!!!!

I now have a dilema, so help and opinions if possible.......

I have narrowed my pram choice to 2 (based on staff discount!!) and if I order by end of this week coming I get an extra 10% off (full price items only)

My choices are; (in Chilli Red)

or (Damson over £100 cheaper)

I really like the Surf but I'm concerned out the shopping basket being small and not very accessible, but it comes with a lovely baby nest so it's suitable from birth. The Skate on the otherhand has a larger, easily accessible space for shopping and a drinks holder for me!

I've got to make a decision and I just don't know..... any advice appreciated!
anyone else going for a 3d scan? we go for ours on April 1st, we have to pay for it but well worth it in my opinion


We're not going to at the minute but might look into it later, whats the latest you can have one?
MrsG- I really love the Silvercross but the other one is nice. I bought a Bugaboo stroller and it doesnt have a big basket at all either, I am hoping to use the handles ect..
also remember you can attach a generic cupholder onto any stroller. We bought our cup holders seperately for the bugaboo as well.

as for the 4D, you can get it done anytime up to 34 weeks, but to get the best facial pics and some baby movement you should probably get it done before 31 weeks. We are getting ours done at 27 weeks
Hi everyone! Really pissed off at my husband this past weekend. I told him the good news Friday and would have expected that he'd cancel the dinner plans he had so we could celebrate. When I said this to him he immediately said he'd cancel but I was like "too little too late" so I told him to just go to dinner. He left at 6 PM and apparently in his world dinner means wings and beer at the bar. He comes back almost 5 hrs later and is proud of himself because it was early and everyone else stayed out! I was livid. And he still thinks he did nothing wrong! To be continued....

I have another appt with my ob this week and an anatomy scan next week. I'm still not 100% sure that I feel anything yet :growlmad: Is it me?
you'll know when you do, Max. Won't be long. Sorry your DH is being an arse x
Sorry about your DH Maxxi, I think men tend to not understand us right now. Hope he makes it up to you
Do you know where your placenta is? Mine was posterior so I felt movement very early- but if your placenta is in the front, it could be quite awhile before you feel anything.
I felt flutters early, but I did not start feeling kicks until I think almost 21 weeks.
Max, I didn't feel anything that I could say was def baby until 18 weeks at least, now it's all the time. I kept trying to guess if it was her but now I know, you'll not be long!

I think I've decided on the silver cross, subject to oh approval!

I have been so poorly with this bloody cold, it's zapped all my energy and I'm feeling very sorry for myself :-( I got home from work at 6pm last night and went straight to bed, I'd phone in sick today if I wasn't expecting my nursery bedding to be delivered lol!

Britt, thanks for your advice, shop said you can't hang anything on handle bar but most people say you can .
MrsG - congrats on team pink - hurrah!! I love the name Jessica, my youngest neice is a Jessica and she suits it so well. It's funny but I can't pin my dh down to a name discussion wither, he keeps saying to wait until we know what they are but have a feeling he'll be just as hard to pin down then! yay for shopping! I can't help with prams I'm afraid but the advice I had was to make sure it's a good height for you and dh to push and that you can stride behind it without treading on the back axle! Hope you feel better soon! *hugs*

Maxxi - that's great news on the clear amnio and whoop for two boys!! Sad that your dh was a bit of an idiot but I honestly think men just don't get it and what this all means to us sometimes! I can't wait to feel my bubbas properly moving, sometimes at night I wonder if I can feel sosmething, it's like rolling around low down but its nothing i can definitely say is babies yet!

Hey mercy! Great news that your sis in law and baby are doing well despite the early delivery. Hope it continues and that they can come home soon.

Britt - I had thought about a 3d scan but with the twins we get extra scans after 20 weeks so hoping I won't feel like I need it! That is of course subject to change! :p

MrsF - thanks for keeping the list up to date, can you add me as a twin mummy? I love that the top is pink blue pink blue pink, I hope no one intends to upset the pretty pattern!! :p

AFM - had midwife appointment this morning and listened to both the heartbeats (well she said she could hear two, they sound the same to me!!). Found out that I am a strep B carrier which is a bit worrying but apparently fixable with a dose of IV antibiotics during labour so trying not to worry! Got my date for my 20 week scan too - 20th April - tick tock, tick tock!!
glad to hear that everything is going well, as long as they know you are a strep carrier than you are fine. So exciting you got to hear both heart beats :happydance:

how is everyone today?

My LO kept me up in the middle of the night. She decided that 4am to almost 6am was playtime! She is beyone cute little kicks now, she moves my entire stomach its hilarious! I think she was repositioning herself, I was litterally poking out everywhere, little monkey :winkwink:

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