Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

OMG Britt mine has been the same today! She's still head up though - MW appt today and MW showed me where her head is at the moment. This time last pregnancy H was already head down and my bump had a little bottom shape poking out the front which was really cute. i used to stroke his tiny baby bum and even now if he is distressed, stroking his bottom calms him right down. Isn't it funny?

But as I was saying before I rambled off on a tangent, Tiger has been kicking furiously all day. Is lovely! I was watching my tummy in the bath and it was giving loads of little jolts and shakes every time she kicked :cloud9:
I think my husband doesn't get it partially because he's an optimist and assumed we'd get to this point anyway. I on the other hand have been nervous for weeks. But it runs in his family. His mother harassed him daily asking if we knew what we were having as if I elected to do the fun little procedure known as an amnio to find out for sure what I'm having. We'll see how he fixes this. He's usually very good when it comes to saying sorry and working out solutions to problems which is why this is so mind boggling to me - he has yet to say sorry. I haven't actually seen him though since calling a truce on Monday as I work overnight on Mondays. Unfortunately there's no time to be too mad at him since there's so much to decide on and plan for these days.

I think sometimes I feel little movements but I'm never 100% sure. Maybe I'm expecting it to be something that it's not going to be. One of the placentas is anterior Britt (that was the reason my amnio got postponed a week). The other is apparently really big (great, like I'm not huge already) and posterior. I have an appt with my ob on Thurs so we'll see where everyone's at.

I looked at twin strollers the other day (I, by the way, have zero clue as to what I will need and am relying on my best friend to help me make a list) and like the Bumbleride Indie twin stroller. I don't know a thing about, I just like how it looked!
it does all start as split second wafts in your tummy. It felt like someone just waving a little finger in the tummy fluid. the kicks didn't start for another couple of weeks

Hope you sort things out with DH xxx
m and n - mine started with 'maybe' feeling something but wasn't sure then it was definately something doing something in there. Hopefully you'll feel it for sure soon :) Be warned it can be a little wierd! Still freaks me out! Hopefully your DH will realise how you feel soon x

Mrs G - how are feeling now? Hope your cold is going.

MM - as long as they've found this out now they can help - out of interest how did they find out you have this? Was it just a blood test or?

Britt and DM - so lucky bubs are making so much movement.

Mrs F - how are you?

:hugs: to all x

As far as me:
Being very careful as my back twanged yesterday whilst putting my bra on .... not too bad so far today (last time I ended up being carted off to A&E by ambulance). Still got pains in the top of my thighs not sure if it could be SPD or if I've pulled a muscle or something.

Big thing freaking me out is the way my belly suddenly goes hard in places then calms down - still makes me think something is trying to get out of there :(
Hey ahbon! careful with your back, i think us twin mummies need to be especially careful given the weight we're going to be carrying! Sounds like you could be having early braxton hicks in your tummy? They found the strep b in my last urine sample so I had a course of antibiotics but aparently it's one of those bacteria that is always in your system somewhere if you are a carrier. The midwife gave me this awful leaflet about how 1 in 10 babies die if they contract it as it leads to meningitis and septicaemia but some more research has shown that as long as they give the antibiotics during labour that it shouldn't be passed over. I'm not sure what difference a twin birth would make but am seeing the consultant for the first time this afternoon so plan to ask her about it then and see if see can settle my mind any further.

Hope everyone is well, it's a glorious spring day here so just sat outside and ate my lunch to get some vitamin d going!! Roll on summer! :D
Hello ladies!
Happy 25 weeks to us DM!! :thumbup:

Ahbon, careful with your back, ouch what is Spd?
that does sounds like a braxton hick, I didnt know what they were until my yoga class yesterday and she described it and I was like yup I have had that

Yes we are lucky in all the movement, it is a tad freaky at times when she moves your entire stomach. Also when you want to sleep they think its play time! She slept better last night or I was just too tired and ignored it :haha:

this may sound really cheesy but I am loving being pregnant. Some days are tough but what a wonderful experience
oh crap, just saw my siggy I guess 25 weeks is tomorrow! and later tonight for DM
getting ahead of myself!
haha nearly there!!1

ahbon yep thats BH's! Mine started at about 16 weeks and now they can knock the breath out of me!!

We had our private 3d scan today. It was magical! She is DEFINATELY a girl - 100% no doubt. We saw a fine potty shot!

And she was awake and active. Playing with her hands, yawning, sucking her thumb.... busy busy!

Anyway, here's my precious Sophie :cloud9:
DM those scan pics are amazing!!!!!!!

I'm feeling a little better this afternoon and evening, think cold is on its way out, thank god!

Had a bit of a stress this evening, me & OH was discussing baby and I suddenly realised that I'd not felt her for a few hours (we'd gone to the pub for some tea). I immediately went into stress and wanted to get home to check heartbeat and OH was dead calm, anyway we checked heartbeat and all was fine and now the little bugger is back to kicking all the time, why couldn't she have just given a little kick when I asked her!

Hope everyone else is ok, bit quiet on here lately, also looking at front page there appears to be a few people missing, hope they're are all ok.
DM- those pictures are absolutely amazing, Sophie is gorgeous!!
question for you- did you eat anything sugary get good pictures with her being active? you dont have to drink water an hour before once we are this far along right?

Oh and MrsG, our babies sure give us a scare dont they? I have had so many panic attacks of her not moving, once it was the entire day and I was freaking, I work in L&D's sometimes and was happening to be that day so they checked me out and all was fine. Glad your LO is good
They advise you to have a sweet drink or snack before you go in but i'd just had lunch and she was all over the place, bless her! no you don't have to drink water - empty bladder for this one thankfully!
DM - those pics are fabulous! Not sure we're going to do 4d as all our dosh has gone on my immune treatment :(

m and n - the main twin ones I keep hearing about are the i-candy twin (we don't like it as it's one in front of the other and means the one at the back doesn't get to see alot. It is also very very expensive. The one we like the look of so far is the Baby Jogger City Mini which is a side by side and quite light. These seems to be two of the main ones people seem to like at the moment in the UK. :hugs:

Britt - spd is a pelvic joint pain - where the pregnancy hormones make your ligaments relax and in this case maybe too much and become painful.

DM and Britt - congrats on 25wks! :happydance:

Mrs G - glad you're starting to feel better :) Am sure the little ones are making us worry a bit now in order to train us for later :haha:

mercyme - how's it going? :hugs:

Mrs F - how goes? looking forward to your hols?

MM - how did it go with your twin consultant yesterday pm?

re Braxton Hicks - my god did I worry when you all said that but now I've googled and read it can happen from first trimester but mostly we don't know there are happening until later *phew* back's a bit better today :happydance:

One of my mum's dogs had puppies on monday so I can't wait to be able to drive over and see them :happydance:

have a good one all :) x
thanks Ahbon for the congrats. Yeah DM 25 weeks!! :happydance:

I have heard great thing about the city joggers, just remember even though the tandem ones seem not as good for bubs, it will get you through a lot more spaces. Have a twin stroller side by side very much limits you where you can take them, forget shopping in small stores ect...something to think of if you are getting the side by side. I think that is why they call it a jogging stroller, meant for outside mostly not day to day
just some food for thought, ultimately you could make do with either

hello to the rest of the mommies :flower:
DM I noticed your update says our bubs are 9 inches tall, mine says 14 inches! lol and 2 lbs!! I think that is a bit higher than it is...I think my other update said 1.5 lbs

Hi again. Had my appt with my ob this morning. All she did was listen to the heartbeats and thankfully they were there! I have my 20 week anatomy scan next Friday and I'm nervous. Why can't I stop being nervous!?

Ahbon - what kind of dog does your mom have? If it's a dachshund send one of those puppies over to me! I'll look up that stroller you mentioned when I get a chance. My right hip hurts everyday :nope: My ob said that when I return to her office in 4 weeks I'd better not be wearing my heels. I'm sure they aren't helping.

DM - I can't see the pics from my computer at work. We get firewalled from alot tof things. I'll check when I get home.

Hi to everyone else!

My husband bought me a pregnancy pillow so all is good. We're now going back and forth with names. Somehow I thought he'd be more compliant with my requests but it's looking like he has opinions :haha:. I guess it's only fair if he gets to name one. I think I'm feeling some movement. I get confused because the movements are not going on all the time and sometimes if I'm not paying attention I'll miss it. I'm guessing whatever I'm feeling will start to happen more often shortly.
ahem.... consultant appointment today. i thought it was going to be a right waste of time as i have been told by all medical professionals that I have to have a c-sec due to complications (i've just posted the full excruciating story in my journal) so I thought it would be a case of just booking me in.

The consultant found my notes and told me she had good news....


omfg.... I was so excited I just burst into tears! DH not very happy (again see journal - it's a very long and tedious tale) but I think he'll come round. But I can have another go at childbirth! i feel like I have been given a gift. If I end up with a torn vajayjay that looks like a wizards sleeve I am going to be pissed....
Saw the pics DM - so sweet. She looks very peaceful in there. Congrats on getting the green light on the vaginal delivery. I'm hoping for a c-section myself. They can sedate me too.
congrats DM! hope you have a wonderful experience.
OMG Maxxi :rofl: I feel the same, boderline terrified of birth. It sounds painful and not pleasant! Even with an epidural, legs up in the air for hours for everyone to view my open vajay jay...oh my gosh :shock: and I work in the hospital L&D I am delivering at as I am a medical sales rep. They are my customers, so I have to be nice to them during it!
Yep Britt, no desire! I'll be perfectly fine with a c-section. With 2 they usually have you deliver in an OR in case they need to convert to a c-section. I'll recommend that they don't waste any time and just go straight to the C!

Anyone being told that they look small? I keep getting from people that they think I'm not as far as long as I am and these same people don't know that I have twins. I'm about 147 lbs so I've definitely gained (I'm usually 125) Makes me nervous but then again what doesn't.

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