Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

I feel down today too Britt! I think because I'm so big. It should be no surprise to me that I'm exploding but I'm over it already. If I stop now I'll be just fine. I'm really big :nope:
Maxxi you are having twins love, you are suppose to get really big.
I just have one and I am huge, I will do an updated bump photo this weekend. I got asked how many "weeks" I was due in lol
Yeah I need to do an new bump pic - not done one for over a month now!
I'm going to try to do a bump pic. The pics from my scan weren't good so hopefully in 2 weeks they'll have moved. People ask when I'm due and I say sometime in July and I usually get "you'll never make it that far".
Ahh Maxxi, you are watching your babies grow, its healthy hon even though its uncomfortable. I just watched my ass grow. And my hips. People would ask me how I was going and I'd say something facitious like "fine for 6 months preggo" and they would say "really, your pregnant" - and this is after I had already put on 25 pounds. Yup 25 pounds. I would have MUCH preferred to say hello to the bumps in the front than in the back (or on the sides, sigh). I have a bump now but am much smaller than most chickas on here - I have to not look at the pics somedays because they freak me out!!

So I am on countdown ladies - only 3.5 weeks until my possible induction (cervix condition depending), HOOORAAAYYYYYY. I must've slept 2 hours last night with LO moving around and spending most of her time in a transverse position. I read that around 34 weeks they are supposed to drop and stick head first, but she's a smaller baby so maybe she will run for the ribs for a little longer!

Hope you are feeling better this morning Maxxi - treat yourself to something nice like a pedicure :)
oh my goodness Zee Zee, I cant believe you are 34 weeks!! :happydance::happydance: how exciting, cant wait to be there. :hugs: so did you decide on a name for your little girl or are you going to name her when she is born?

I think we are all struggling with weight issues ladies, lets face it, its not easy. Either people think you are too small or your too big, its alarming to put on 20+ pounds in a short period of time, we were at the hospital the other day and the doc asked my weight and I was embarassed to say it out loud :blush: (yes we did go to the hospital because DH is paranoid and LO wasnt moving for awhile)

anyway, happy weekend ladies!!
I'm getting a bit bored of the "aren't you enormous" comments. I just carry really out front (opposite of you zz!!). I am actually a lot smaller than I was with Harry - my FH is bang on yet with Harry I was always 2 or 3cm over. And that was just water! I guess we just carry how we carry. I guess the good thing about THIS thread is that you know underneath our bitching, there's nobody on the forum that wanted their baby more than us!
Hi ladies.

Cautiously joining after a successful 2nd cycle. Still early days but really hopeful it all works out.

I see so many familiar ladies here :flower:
OMG Isi, congratulations!!!! :happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin::headspin:
that is the best news possible!!
so wonderful, you totally deserve it, how are you feeling?
is there a chance of 2 in there?

welcome to the thread, you will recognize a lot of ladies, great bunch we have on here
Thanks Britt!!

I'm 5 weeks tomorrow but strangely feel very normal. I've had 2 betas done: the 1st at 14dpo (111) and the second at 16dpo (340). As to how many could be in there, its anyone's guess, but I think the betas probably indicate just 1 :shrug:. We'll know at my scan next week. Can't wait!

Its so lovely to see how you all have progressed; Britt, Maxxi, DM, Mrs F, Mrs G....its awesome. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you ladies :flower:
zeezee - blimey not long to go! congrats!

Isi - congratulations :)

ladies - sorry lazy day here - no real news from me all going well with the girls making themselves felt inside and still hoping it'll be real kicks soon and hubby can feel it. Had to wear maternity jeans yesterday for first time (instead of just wearing a bigger size). Bump definately growing - hubby says he's been noticing it for about 4 or 6wks or so where as I kept saying I was just getting fat haha

Hope you are all ok :) x
Isi - congrats! I'm sure you'll be ok. A study done out of UCLA showed that 1st betas over 100 predicted viability/seeing a heartbeat in ivf girls. I know it's only one study but it always made me feel good to see the info.

Zeezee - when I first started popping out people would see my front and not say a word. They'd get behind me and say things like "you've really grown" or "I knew something was up with you because you were always so skinny". I had to assume since they were behind me that all those comments were prompted by my ass. You're almost done though! Yay!

Ahbon - No sympathy! I have been in maternity jeans forever and you and I are one week apart! When's your scan? My 2 are measuring in the 19th week.

Dragon - how's your sinus pain? I'm still sick. Better but still sick. And it's been 1 week too.

Hi to everyone else! Where's Mercy been?
sinus pain has gone. but was violently sick last night and threw up not just my dinner but my lunch as well (not to mention peeing on the bathroom floor - one of my great joys....) and today at work I suddenly came over very faint and sick (someone said they think I might be pregnant :rofl:). Went for a break and a lay in the sofa but I just felt worse so I came home and went to sleep for three hours. I have now woken up with a headache! FFS!!!!
DM - sorry you're feeling so bad - hope it's better soon!

maxxiandniko - I had my anomoly scan last monday (on 19wks exactly) both were fine, one measured 19+6 the other 18+3 or something like that. Was told not to worry re the sizes as they changed all the time - this is the first time there is this difference. Got the consultants tomorrow for thyroid and for twins and midwife again - saw mw last week too ........ next scan at 23wks....... how often you getting them now?

Was asked to do glucose tolerance test at 28wks (due to BMI) so gotta book in for that and a full blood count etc.

:hugs: to all x
yeah I have to have the gtt as well. My Mw has been on holiday so have to call her next week.
OMG Isi well done!!!!!! I'm so happy for you, I know you were gutted the first time, so glad you had the strength to have another go. Fingers crossed x

DM you're scan does look like Harry, that is amazing!

I went to a wedding yesterday, enjoyed myself but had a few comments that I'm not they big, with 4 months left I would hope I'm not that big but I'm happy with my bump, plenty of time to get bigger and uncomfortable!

Baby doesn't feel as wriggly today, hope I didn't upset her last night tapping her to music! Ooops!
Ahbon - I knew that about your scan. I'm so forgetful these days! Sorry. I go for another scan at 22 weeks to see if they're facing the right way so their hearts can be properly evaluated. Then I go at 23 weeks to my ob and start seeing her every 2 weeks until 3rd tri when I go every week. The perinatalogist is going to want to see me too but I won't know till next week how often.

I'm still congested, coughing and sneezing. Not as bad but this really isn't going anywhere!
:wave: ladies, lots of poorly people here!!

Mrs G... sounds like your little lady was up clubbing Saturday night and is now enjoying a well earned rest :thumbup:

Hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoyed the weather! we told some friends about the baby and it was so nice as it's been a very long time coming but then they all turned into baby bores and wouldn't talk about anything else (their pregnancies, labours, puschairs) for the rest of the evening so i left at 9.30 and went home to bed!! :rofl:

DH and i have decided not to find out bubba's sex either. We never thought we would get to the point where we finally got pregnant and so we have decided that we would actually quite like a nice suprise in October to end the journey! Can't wait! xx
rachelle - congrats on 12wks :) great milestone :)

all fab with consultants this am, my thyroid levels are good and I'm feeling fine so :) We've left the next scan for 3wks time then will see how the babies are growing to see when we need another i.e. before the 4wkly cycle or not. (hubby would like one a week!)

Britt - funnily enough we've had both mums say now they like one of our girls names but not the other.......... we've just said tough as we like it as it's our girls haha

hope all are well :)

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