Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Hello girls!!

congrats Mercy, that is fantastic news! :hugs: You know I felt much better after I had my 7 week scan, in my mind I thought if I make it to then with everything normal, than everything will be fine:hugs:
I was so nervous for my first scan and for Monday's I am a bit nervous but more excited
Congrats on graduating Mercy! You'll be 12 weeks before you know it. I'm still dreading going to the bathroom for fear of seeing something I don't want to see. When do you go in for your first ob appt?
Thanks, Britt. I'm still amazed that you got pg naturally right before trying IVF -- was hoping the same would happen to me, but no such luck. Still, it really wasn't that bad & it worked!

maxxi -- are you feeling too tentative to put up a ticker? I want to know where you're at! My first OB appt. is Jan 5. I hope that he's "the one" -- but I'm not assuming that he will be. I want someone who is all aboard the epidural/pain-killer train! I've been through so much (as we all have here) the past 15 months, I'm not interested in more pain. :wacko:
Mercyme, I have already bought a ticket and am ready to board the epidural train!!
I have actually worked in L&D departments for the last 7 years and I work closely with the educators and managers. I am not sure why so many women have a stigma on epidurals or thinks its best to be heros with no pain control. Epidurals have changed over the years, they control the meds much better so you are not completely frozen and it does not slow down labour. At our major hospitals in western Canada, there is about an 80% epidural rate- its just humane and they like to control the pain and not have women screaming up and down the halls. The other thing to consider is, if you do manage to go through the entire labour without pain control, great- but in 24 hours or less they are going to punt you out with your new born and as the manager said, you will be way too exhausted to take care of your infant. With an epidural, you have much more energy after.
anyway, its personal choice and I respect all choices. I know some women have a fear of needles in their spine (rightly so) but for me, I am not giving it a second thought

I'm with you britt!!!! My fil has just had a knee replacement with epidural so I'm sure labour with it will be fine x
Britt - who doesn't do epidurals these days?! I've only heard of one person recently who opted out. But then again she delivered at home and had them boil the placenta and made it into vitamin-like pills and took one every day until they were finished. True story. Hope no one's sick to their stomach after reading that!

Mercy - I am too nervous too change anything about my profile right now. It's total superstition because no matter what I do or don't do with things like my avatar the outcome's going to be what it is. I'm technically 6 weeks 2 days today and have my second sono on Tuesday. I had my first at 5 weeks after I had the bleeding and all they could see at that point was a gestational sac and yolk sac. I had a missed mc last year at 9 weeks. I went in for a routine appt at 7 weeks and they couldn't see a heartbeat so they had me come back 1 week later and still no heartbeat. They then did serial betas and found that although my levels were ok, they were falling. I was scheduled for a D&E the following week. My biggest fear at the moment is that the same thing will happen to me on Tuesday. I know that missed mcs are rarer than regular mcs so I keep trying to tell myself that the odds are in my favor but I'm still terrified. I find myself wishing it was Tuesday then getting nervous that it'll be here before I know it.
maxxi -- Oh. My. God. That's the first time I've come near to throwing up this pregnanc! :haha: That is horrifying, sounds like some sort of horror movie, like Silence of the Lambs. I showed that story to my husband -- he was equally disturbed.

I do understand your superstitions because I felt the same way until I heard the heartbeat. Now that I've heard it a second time & saw growth, I'm so much more relaxed. I've probably said this a hundred times, sorry for repeating, but I had spotting at 6+5 the last time I was pregnant -- two days before my first scheduled scan -- went in immediately & saw that the gestational sac was at 5 wks, no heartbeat, no visible embryo or anything -- miscarried over the next 3-4 days. It sucked, and I totally understand being cautious & protecting oneself. I hope that Tuesday brings you glad tidings of great joy! Looking forward to your update (and your ticker)!!

Britt & MrsG -- it's a relief to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks pain is something to manage/avoid! They really push "natural" childbirth in the States, it seems like. Or maybe that's just what people say? I hear a whole lot about avoiding epidurals, like it's a sign of weakness or poor maternal instincts.
heya ladies :)

mercyme :happydance: for scan news cherub! It's crazy how quick bean grows!!! No wonder we're always knackered!!! x x x

maxxi :hugs: tuesday will be here before you know it, and you'll be seeing that wee hb pulsating away :) x x x

how goes it Britt? x x x

hi mama and blue, hope you're both doing good x x x

are there only 6 of us on here?!

well, i stopped all my meds fri night, and OMG, what a difference! i can't begin to describe how much better I feel! for two nights now i've been able to sleep more soundly / longer, I was able to unload and stack the dishwasher yesterday, I boiled some spuds without up-chucking, and managed to pull off a gig til 1.30am without gagging!!! feel like a new woman!!! I listened to bean's hb this morning so i know all is well in there. clearly, very high doses of oestrogen and progesterone dont agree with me! my brain feels less "cloudy" too - maybe i can enjoy my pregnancy now!!!! I'm meeting the midwife in the morning, and i'm really looking forward to be able to go shopping for the first time in weeks without going green and wobbly!!! new clothes here we come!

hope you ladies are all good and looking forward to chilling over christmas :) x x x
heya ladies :)

mercyme :happydance: for scan news cherub! It's crazy how quick bean grows!!! No wonder we're always knackered!!! x x x

maxxi :hugs: tuesday will be here before you know it, and you'll be seeing that wee hb pulsating away :) x x x

how goes it Britt? x x x

hi mama and blue, hope you're both doing good x x x

are there only 6 of us on here?!

well, i stopped all my meds fri night, and OMG, what a difference! i can't begin to describe how much better I feel! for two nights now i've been able to sleep more soundly / longer, I was able to unload and stack the dishwasher yesterday, I boiled some spuds without up-chucking, and managed to pull off a gig til 1.30am without gagging!!! feel like a new woman!!! I listened to bean's hb this morning so i know all is well in there. clearly, very high doses of oestrogen and progesterone dont agree with me! my brain feels less "cloudy" too - maybe i can enjoy my pregnancy now!!!! I'm meeting the midwife in the morning, and i'm really looking forward to be able to go shopping for the first time in weeks without going green and wobbly!!! new clothes here we come!

hope you ladies are all good and looking forward to chilling over christmas :) x x x

I hope so MrsF! And I'm glad you're feeling better!
MrsF - That's great news!!! You must be so relieved...I'm glad it changed so quickly for you :)

Re: the epidural discussion. I don't know how anyone could or would want to attempt child birth with out one. All you ever see or hear about is people screaming as if they are about to die. It terrifies me. I will be taking whatever they offer me until I feel like I won't feel as much as the girls in the movies LOL. I'm sooooo scared to give birth. I don't know anyone that has done it without an's very common over here :)
It's on Wednesday - I can barely contain the excitement.
mama & maxxi, I'm thinking of you as you await your scans.. I know it's nerve-wracking! I felt faint & shaky with fear at my second scan. I can't wait to hear good news from both of you. :hugs: for mama :hugs: for maxxi.

MrsF -- what meds were you on? I'm glad to hear that you're feeling chipper! Perfect timing, too, with Christmas & New Year's coming up!
Hi ladies,
well its scan day today!! :happydance::happydance:
I am getting the Nuchal scan as well. I go in about 5 hours, can hardly wait.
I pray that the LO is doing well and everything is okay. I couldnt bare for anything to be wrong at this point. I got my blood work to go with it about 2 weeks ago.

will update you when I am back, so excited but also so nervous

Oooh, good luck Britt! What kind of scan is that?
thanks Mercy,
its a Nuchal scan where they look at the fluid behind the baby's neck and give you a risk assessment based on that and blood work for downs and other chromosomal abnormalities. Its pretty standard in Canada if you are over 30 years old, but women of all ages are offered it.
I hope little bean is fine

thanks Mercy,
its a Nuchal scan where they look at the fluid behind the baby's neck and give you a risk assessment based on that and blood work for downs and other chromosomal abnormalities. Its pretty standard in Canada if you are over 30 years old, but women of all ages are offered it.
I hope little bean is fine


I'm sure the bean is fine! How exciting! Wish I could say I'm excited for mine :nope:
ahh Maxxi, why arent you excited for yours? all has been okay right?
its in a few days right?
I am nervous too hon, I think its normal
Thx mercy!

Maxxi - try not to be nervous :) this is an exciting time.

Britt- good luck!!! I had no idea it was standard for moms over 30 in Canada to get that done. Do you find out right away?

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