Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Morning ladies!!

Congrats Isi on the twins doing so well, can't wait to hear about your next scan!

Goodness DM that sounds really scary! Are they bed resting you at all? Hope Sophie behaves and stays put for much longer yet!

Ahbon - what a bummer about not sleeping. I really dont do well without a lot of sleep (yes, I know!!!), luckily am doing OK so far but I love having you a few weeks ahead of me giving me warnings of what's coming! haha!

re weeing - I have been drinking gallons to try and ease the bit of constipation I've been getting so am weeing for England! Thing is, I'll be fine and then suddenly bam, *have* to go and end up doing that cross legged waddle run! Guess my pelvic floor isnt as strong as I thought it was - must remember to do my exercises!

Had a gorgeous weekend pottering in the garden with DH. Just hope that this doesnt mean we're getting all the good weather early again and that summer will be miserable! Have just realised too that the easter break will be our last time off together as just a couple! eek!

2 sleeps til scan! *dances*
oh my goodness DM how scary and awful for you. I am so glad Sophie is staying put and its a good thing you went in, I'm glad they stopped on their own. Make sure you take it easy hon

Have had a few sharp pains in my cervix today as well. H came out at 38 weeks which is classed as full term and suited me fine. I am hoping she hangs on til at least 36 weeks.... So another 6 weeks yet, Missy!!
MM no bed rest, although Harry was up all night with his asthma so I took a day off sick anyway to rest. Back to work in the morning mind you. Joy.... and it's full moon....
DM things are happening in your life lately aren't they! Hope she hangs in there! Don't want her coming too early!

Is everyone else doing ok? I had a lovely weekend but was paying for it yesterday at work, I was shattered and my bump was aching like mad. I've got a bump band on this morning in the hope it will give me a little support. I also feel a little more human. Only 8 more days at work till my holiday then I'm on my 3 day week, I can't wait although beginning to panic that 3 days a week when I'm 36 weeks pregnant may be a little too much! Ooops.
DM - hope she stays in there for a bit longer! x

Quickie update from me before popping out....... all well at 23wk scan :) Girls laying head down and side by side now instead of in their bunkbeds - can't get pics any more as they are too big :( Got one of the two heads lying though :thumbup: All was well, growing nicely - over a 1lb in weight now :) Bump can't be hidden now - active little wotnots too! Hubby also got to see the stomach move on it's own the other night - now feels more involved and kisses the girls good night - it's so sweet! Have had to add more pillows to sleep a b it more upright already - heartburn and nausea have been horrible :( Nearly at 24wks............... Bought our first baby thing yesterday - a disney cot projector..... so cute...... we just wanna get things done now but still scared at the amount of work with two after seeing neighbours one having attention for 3hrs solid at the w/e.

How is everyone? x
DM - glad you managed to get a little bit of rest after all that, even if it was looking after poorly Harry.

MrsG - I've been working in the garden a.k.a jungle a lot in all the nice weather and have hurt my tummy a couple of times! I think its just round ligament pain from getting up after squatting but damn does it hurt!

ahbon - fantastic news on the scan and how lovely that hubby is getting to see the movements now too. I'm so glad that these will be our first children because we cant have any preconceived ideas about what parenthood should be like - we'll just have to learn to cope in our own way and whatever happens will be our normal!

I love that whenever my dh watches one born every minute, he gets confused when they stop at one baby! Two babies has just become the total norm in his head now!

AND IT'S MY SCAN TOMORROW!!!! sorry for shouting but this is better than christmas! i am like a cat on a not tin roof, absolutely cannot wait!! Fingers crossed for two healthy little babies that arent shy about showing off their bits!

Can it be tomorrow nao plz????
Hi Ladies, yeah Mars for the scan tomorrow :thumbup::happydance: I remember how excited I was, I literally counted down the hours- its amazing to find out what you are carrying

Ahbon- sounds like things are going really well, how cute that they are side by side, ahh no wonder twins have an amazing bond for life. My little monkey is literally all over the place, dont think she could share the space with a brother or sister lol Yesterday I was at my gf's house visiting her new baby and Kitten decided she wanted to roll from side to side and produced big waves it was hilarious. She has been so active for the last 2 days, hopefully she gets some sleep soon

oh went out with my soccer team last night and they kept commenting how big my boobs are :wacko: yes its a co-ed team

anyway have a great day ladies
Good luck today mars with your scan!

Just a flying visit for me as struggled to get out if bed and now a little late for work, where has my motivation gone. My bump looks huge this morning, can't wait till photo day Friday to do the comparison.

Gotta go x have a good day x
hey ladies!! Just flying in as using the internet at work when I shouldn't be!

Scan went well and both babies healthy and all looking good! And we are on team......

PURPLE! We have one of each! :D :D :D
Thanks ladies! DH was over the moon at having one of each and had a little moment when he realised one was a girl, was so lovely.

The scan itself was soooo quick, she managed to do both babies in 15 minutes!! I think every pregnant woman wishes that she could get some really individual attention but I guess every sonographer just wants to get the job done as quickly as possible?! She sort of rambled a bit as she went through everything but did at least point out what she was seeing. The head and tummy measurments were slighlty behind the dates for both by a few days but they both had legs that were way ahead! She wasn't totally 100% on the gender of the little boy but seemed sure enough to at least say so we're going to take her word for it but leave the tags on anything we buy!!

My little girl is on my right side head down and my little boy is on my left breech, he was kicking his sister in the head at one point which was so funny to see! I love knowing the genders and where they are, yesterday when they were wriggling all afternoon, I could have a good guess at who it was that was up!:D

Soooo looking forward to a long easter break now!! Not back at work after today until May now and its our last holiday just the two of us so def going to make the most of it! Off to a big antiques fair and flea market tomorrow, really looking forward to that!

Hope all you lovely ladies and bumps are well and happy!! *hugs*

oooh, I'm a cantaloupe!! Wow, feels like I'm getting into the really big stuff now! :p
one of each is amazing Mars. My mother is a fraternal twin, her and my uncle have a very tight bond

Happy 30 weeks DM!!!!! omg isnt it nice to be in the 30's!!! :)
Mars that's amazing having one if each!!! I bet your well chuffed.

Britt and DM Congrats on 30 weeks, 30 weeks seems a lot closer doesn't it.... When your in your twenties it seems like there are months left but when you say 30 weeks it seems really real! Ooops, guess you've still got a couple of months though so let's not get too excited!

AFM I was so poorly this morning, 1st day I've had to ring in sick - well sort of, I don't really do sick days so I managed to get myself in for 11.30, just 2.5 hours late!

I was ok when I got up for a wee at midnight, then 2 and 4, and when I woke up at 5.30 but when the alarm went off at 6.30 oh told me to go for a wee I jumped out of bed but was so dizzy and felt so sick, went back to bed for an hour and tried again, same thing, then half hour later I needed the loo and it was a bit on the soft side (sorry tmi) then I had another half hour, still felt sick but thought I was hungry so I had some toast which I promptly nearly threw back up, then after another hour I got up and went to work, feel fine now. Very strange! Hopefully this is not the start of a new bout of morning sickness.
OMG Mars that is incredible news! One of each - just think how much crap you can buy!! I know any baby is a blessing, twins doubly so. But one of each in one go? That's the "perfect family" in one bash! Took me two goes to get there! :rofl:

Britt I know! Sooo excited to be in the 30's. Feels a lot "safer" somehow. like the goal is in sight. How's your baby been moving? Sophie has been MENTAL for the last few weeks. I can feel so much more movement and sometimes it makes me feel a bit giddy! I think as well as I had soooo much water with Harry, I couldn't feel as much whereas Sophie has a lot less room to move about in. Waiting for my cousin to come and paint all the woodwork in her room so that I can finish it off in there. I have put the curtains and lampshade up so that it now looks like her room, not Harry's old room. And I have made a start at putting all her bits away. Need to get some drawer dividers I think for all her odds and sods. Shoes, socks, mitts, tights, hats etc....
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