Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

CB this is exactly why i am a dog person.... :rofl:

MM thats a good idea. I had in mine that I wanted a water birth with gas and air but I wanted epidural on standby in case I wasn't dealing with it. mine was all entirely manageable till the pushing bit (and i am a total pansy) so you might be fine without but put on there that you want your progress closely monitored so you know how youre getting on and you don't leave it too late for the epi if you need one.

Obviously I never got anywhere near the birthing pool as I wasn't closely monitored and they assumed I was in the early stages (hence badger them to check you if you think theyre wrong) when actually i was in transition and 9cm by the time I was asking for the epi. Had I known I would have asked for it earlier.

On the basis of that as well, instruct your hubby that everything you say is right and they are to be your personal champion. My DH was great but both of us just assumed the MW's know best but theyre busy and you've only done it once whereas they will have a certain degree of complacency (as anyone would in any job) so follow your instincts and make sure DH is right behind you fighting for you. Mummy knows best :D
MrsF *hugs* don't worry I think we're all a bit worried if honest - just think at least you don't have two to push out! haha Am sure all will be fine :)

MM - congrats on 28wks!

DM, Britt and MrsG - not long for you now either!

DM - fantasic pics of your little one! so cute!

cranberry - how's it going?

Anyone heard any more re M&N's twins?

sorry just a short one from me - now have this obstetric cholestasis and having lots of tests done etc Not feeling too good - still getting acid sickness and this itching so .. :( Love having the babies inside but now I can't wait to meet them - I am also totally scared of the birth bit but then I was petrified of injecting myself too and that worked out fine in the end (even better since I stopped clexane injections at 31wks :) )

I'm really busy at work hence the lack of posting, sorry, it's not that I'm not reading them, I'm just soooo tired.

Mrs F - I'm petrified of giving birth!!!! I am dealing with it by not even letting the thoughts enter my head, I guess when I get to your stage it'll be harder to ignore!

My office is now full of hazards, paint fumes, trips on stairs, absolute nightmare, I really hope the fumes don't hurt baby at this stage, does anyone know???? I also wore my work shoes today for first time in 2 weeks, been in casual dress cos of move, my feet are killing me!!!!

Oh and I got a parking ticket today!!!!! Grrrrrrr
I wouldn't think the fumes would do much by now as long as you're not huffing lighter fuel :haha: boo for hurty shoes and parking ticket. Write the day off and start again tmw I reckon
All good here. Feel massive this week. Tummy is different shape definitely and if I wear a maternity dress I look proper preggo

Gonna have a super early night as I'm in stinky London tmw so up at 7. Not used to it nowadays
:hugs: thankyou ladies x x x had another meltdown yesterday. this was triggered by family and dh talking bout when they're coming to visit - and i really really dont want hospital visitors purely for the fact that i'm so nervous about everything, i have no idea how i'm gonna feel. i know people want to meet him, but i feel so pulled and pressured into stuff, its really getting to me. the grandparent-meeting race is clearly on between inlaws and my mum, my sister has said she doesnt want my friends meeting him first, and then there's ensuring that when the inlaws drop the dog back home when i come out of hosp, they dont hang around - i want to introduce the baby to my dog very calmly and properly. everytime i try and tell people how i feel, i just get "stop being so stupid" or "we're not coming to see you".:cry: i wish we'd never told family the induction date, its just all getting too much now x x

i have done my birth plan, and epi is on it pretty early on. was tempted to put heavy sedation.....

anyway, apologies for the downer post, hopefully its just hormonal x x x hope youre all wellx x x
Hmm. Can you write them a letter/ email explaining how you feel. Might feel a bit formal but ppl will read it all. When you have a conversation they cut you off early sometimes. Say it might seem silly but that's what I need and I know you'd want to be as supportive as possible. Rly lay it on thick :p

This train smells of coffee which I hated pre pregnancy. And now it makes me feel actually sick. Stuffing crackers down to try not to puke. I complain but don't rly mind. Its a nice reminder of being preggo. Once I have tummy kicks the sickness can go, I'll allow it. Also feel like I'm dressed to go to a party in a dress for work rather than a suit or something. Oh well. Back to crackers!

Have a good day all
thanks CB - it crossed my mind to write it down. We're having a big family dinner on Sunday (my mum and IL's) and i think after DH saw my meltdown yesterday, it's prob best if it's raised again. that way, both parents get the info without thinking the other is being let off (if that makes sense). Thing that gets me is that all i needed to do was mention it to my Dad and he was as good as gold, totally understood, and was not the remotest bit offended! i'm even thinking of "forgetting" my mobile phone charger in hospital.....if no-one can get hold of me, then no-on can visit. terrible isn't it. Been reading the thread in third tri and i c an totally see where the ladies are coming from - was quite comforting to read i'm not the only one feeling under pressure (cos i did start to wonder if it was me being totally unreasonable)... x x x
Sounds like a good idea to bring it up there with both sets of parents. They won't be able to fight about who's first as I bet they are too embarrassed so they might be more willing to understand. Even so they might think it only applies to the other set iykwim. So you might have to address them specifically. Like mum thanks for taking the dog but could you drop him off quickly and not stay at all if you don't mind. And mil we would love to see you but need a little bit of time alone first

It'll get sorted tho. At the very least just don't let em in!
cranberry - yay for baby bump starting to take shape - show off and be proud! :D Hope work goes quickly for you

ahbon - getting 2 out is a pretty terrifying prospect isnt it??! Sorry that you are still suffering with the OC and sickness, have they given you any meds to try and help?

MrsG - I have spent most of the last couple of months with a paint brush in my hand and my two dont seem to have been bothered at all so I dont think paint fumes cause any harm! Not long now before you can get out anyway! Boo for the parking ticket though!

DM - thanks for the tips on the birth plan and prepping DH. To be fair he always gets really cross if he doesnt think I'm being treated properly so I think he'll be a good advocate for me!

MrsF - you poor thing *hugs* It's probably a lot of stress and hormones making everything seem so huge at the moment but your parents need to understand that! The thing with induction though is that it could still take a while for things to happen and if the birth goes smoothly you probably wont be in hopsital for that long afterwards anyway. I would just try and make a statement that your DH will phone them when and if it is OK for them to come along. I would also point out that as your first child, you and your DH would like some time alone with baby after the birth, I know I wouldnt like anyone butting in our special moment! Hope you get it worked out so that you can relax *hugs*

AFM - scan yesterday was wonderful, the best one yet! Got such an amazing view of little boy's face, it was like a 3d scan! His eyes were moving around and he was putting his hands up to his face and 'smiling' - I am so besotted! Little girl had her face buried away but did get to see her kicking her brother in the head - you could see the membrane stretching between them, totally amazing! Everything is looking perfect and they are absolutely bang on average which is reassuring. Little girl currently at 2lb 8oz and little boy at 2lb 10oz

Enjoy your day everyone!
good point. i think DH is far more in tune with how i'm feeling now after the past couple of meltdowns and will be a good advocate if i wibble x
Have got a great pic of little boy but they couldnt get to little girls face so her's doesnt really look like anything! Will try and upload later when I am at home, probably about time I shared some nursery pics too!

Ordered my buggy last night too! So relieved to have finally made a decision and taken the plunge! Have gone for the baby jogger city mini, boots had a good deal online so overall I am pretty happy!
Aw MM thats so fantastic! So jealous you have twins! Not that I would change my little Sophie Doodle for anything but twins is something pretty special isn't it?
On my way home. Have had a v hot and sweaty day. Compounded by the fact that I was standing under a massive billion watt light all day.... On train now with loads to moan about which would be rly boring so I won't bother :p can't wait to get into bed tonight. No more London for me!
Hey girls, will do a proper read later but wanted to say hello and see how you were doing.
OMG, the twin bond and looking at them in scans would be truly amazing, I think that would be the coolest thing ever. Same thing I wouldnt trade my little girl for anything, but a little envious what you twin mommies are experiencing. although you deserve it, I hear its a tough pregnancy.

Cran- I think you have pictures so i will scroll back to see them when I log back on!

MrsF- any signs? thinking of you

happy 38 weeks DM!! :thumbup::happydance:can you believe it? when is your C section?
MM - hehe you bought the same as me :)

Britt and DM - happy 38wks - blimey for us that's the maximum with twins - the guidelines are 37-38wks max :)

hiya all x

trying to get thru another day without puking :) Got tablets for thyroid, tablets for acid, tablets for liver bile, tablets for blood clotting (funny after i've only just stopped the blood thinner injections!) - I daren't jump up and down or I'll rattle ad this is before I take my pregnancy vits! haha
Britt - 11 days now! A week on Monday! Health Visitor coming over on Monday, pre-op appointment on Thursday then she'll be here the following Monday! OMG....
omg, have you got a big calendar with big red crosses to put on every day?! If not then make one!! exciting stuff.

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