Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

No but Dragon has it marked on his calendar and likes to know how many sleeps to go!
oh thats too cute DM, 11 days I am sooo jealous. Had my dr's apt and baby is still pretty high and not engaged, I think she must have been for that one day and then got herself back out as I dont have that pelvic pain anymore.
oh and didnt grow any since last week, still measuring 36cm and I am 38 weeks :(
That's fine hun. It's normal to be a few cm either way. Especially if she's very engaged or you don't have much water or if she's snuggled into your innards!!

Thought I'd celebrate being my most pregnant EVER (i had H at 38 weeks) with a new photo.

I don't want it to end. I genuinely feel my most feminine and pretty when I am pregnant. I love my big round tummy!
ace piccy DM :thumbup: bless little dragon on the count down :) when i came home from hospital as a baby, my folks showed me to my sister, and she went "Hmmm. can i go play now....

britt - don't worry bout size hun, bubb's couldve been curled up a bit more tighter than normal, or you could have been having a slim day ;)

i had my last mw appt weds and it's crazy to think the next time i see her, bubbs will be on the outside!!! feeling abit more confident today, i watched the USA OBEM last night and it restored my faith - well, kinda! i have 3 more days of being pregnant, and i'm totally opposite to you DM! I can't wait to not be pregnant!! I've been daydreaming of getting back into the exercise regime! cant wait to be able to take the bubbs out with the dog.

well, with 3 days left, still no strechies or sticky-outtie belly button, so i'm v thankful for that.

mm and abhon - hello lovelies, hope you're well x x x

is it just me neing forgetful or have we thinned abit on the thread?

is anyone else sending photos or taking bubbs into the clinic where you had your treatment? we're sending a gift and a piccie as the clinic is a bit far away just to nip to. I'm proud to be able to be part of their success stories, i know when i was going for treatment i loved reading about them.

x x x x
I agree lush pic. I love being Preg too. Can show off my curves rather than try and hide em finally! Boobs are amazing too hehe

I'm not sure I'd send anything to my fs as he didn't seem too fussed tbh. His assistant just said congrats and that was it. It was private tho so maybe it would be different at his nhs practice. They didn't have a board of baby pics or anything tho in the clinic so i dunno what he'd even do with it
DM - I do feel special to have twins and after the infertility struggles it is nice to have two at once! I have been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy so far and I think that's probably my only regret having two at once as I wont get to be pregnant again - like you I love it soooo much! I really can't imagine that one day they wont be in there. I can't see your pic here but will have a look later, the countdown must be really exciting now!

Britt - I can't wait to see how they will grow up together and I am sure they are conscious of each other in there - already squabbling with her kicking him in the head and him sitting on her head!! I love that you and DM are watermelons, all I can think is "I carried a watermelon?!" :p

Ahbon - the babyjogger just had the least compromises in the end! I wish I could have afforded the elite as my only wish would be for bigger wheels being down here in the country and with very long gravel path to the house but overall I'm really pleased with the choice! WOW, you are properly dosed up!! Hope that they all do the trick though and that some of your symptoms start easing up a bit.

MrsF - glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I watched the US OBEM every minute too, thought the ladies all did so well whether natural or medicated! I will be taking pics down to the clinic, it is the same building as the maternity ward tho so pretty easy for me!

I made a pair of fully lined curtains all by myself last night so feeling rather pleased with myself! One more pair to make and then our bedroom is prety much done! Just one more cupboard to paint after that and I think I can finally put away the DIY tools!! Phew!
It must be a weight off your mind knowing youve got two lovely kiddies and don't have to go through the struggles again. My perfect combo would be one then twins so I get three! Dh only wants two so he wouldnt get a say in it that way :p

Good job in the curtains. I rly need to go in a sewing machine course. Mine is just going to waste in the back bedroom :(
I'm still here, I keep thinking of DD when I see that you're carrying a water melon, that and how the f**k am I gonna get THAT out!!!!!

Just 5.5 days left at work now, gonna go in this afternoon instead of next Saturday! Was gonna go to aquanatal but it clashes with work but I'd rather do this afternoon as my mum and dad are planning on visiting next weekend!

Starting yoga Monday! Can only do one week though then have 2 weeks off before I can then go every week (well last 3) unless baby has other plans!

Mrs f, the clinic told me it's a must to take baby in! It feels a bit strange though considering I only had 1 round of ivf, didn't really get to know them and them me, so it'll be like walking in to strangers and saying look at my beautiful baby girl! I'm gonna take thank you card and chocolates too, unless she's kept me awake all night, then I might not be in the grateful mood!!!!

Anyone know when I need to start raspberry leaf tea?

Also has anyone hired a tens machine?

I must pack my hospital bag, going to go to town before I go to work, got to try and get a fathers day card from bump and my nighties from primark, think I need some more cheap knickers too, only bought 4 pairs!

Can't wait to see scan pics, I'm a bit jealous that I don't get to see baby again till outside, but also glad, I decided against the 3d scan incase it picked up problems, I'm a bit paranoid and would rather not know at this point, being oblivious is a lovely place to be!

DM I too love being pregnant although I'm struggling a bit now it's getting warmer, but only at work really, just hot, bothered and achy! Still should be able to put that to bed soon, although I've got soooo much to do! Grr

Ooops pressed wrong button!

Britt is it your last day today? Hope they give you a good send off!!!

My work asked about my collection yesterday, they asked what I wanted but tbh I've got everything so I asked for vouchers!!!! I also asked for tesco or asda!!!!! Weird I know but the cost of clothing in mothercare and mamas and papas is ridiculous, I really like the clothes in tesco and asda and if there's nothing I fancy I can trade in for cash and use my vouchers for everyday stuff! They also suggested one of these photo shoot packages but I think they're a bit pricey!

Well breakfast time then I think a bit of ironing is in order! Doh
Thought I'd take the plunge and post my bump!!!!


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cranberry - I got my sewing machine for Christmas from DH and I have really enjoyed playing with it! I am certainly no seamstress but straight lines are great for cushions and curtains! I used to make lots of dresses and hats many moons ago so may try that again during maternity leave if I feel up to it!

DM - glad my random quote wasn't entirely lost! Still giggling!

MrsG - wow, not long at work for you at all! Re the raspberry leaf tea, I have no idea but I would of thought not before 37 weeks? Your bump is lovely and so neat!! (I wonder why I can see some pics from work and not others??)
MrsG, fantastic bump, you look gorgeous!! :thumbup:
yes this IS my last day of work although I have a brief conf call on Monday lol :wacko:
yeah for the yoga, I was taking it weekly and swimming but since training the new girl, I just havent had time, thats changing next week though!
I would say no on the 3D scan, I would never do it again. The babies hate it, it scares them, its like 4 times the strength of a normal one and sounds like a helicopter to them, mine was so flippin scared I felt like such a bad mom.

DM- how is your appetite? I literally have none and have to force myself to eat the last few days. Especially that I am 2cm small I want to eat more..

Mars- yeah for the sewing machine, I want one eventually

hope everyone is well, MrsF looking forward to your update
Britt mine has been like that for WEEKS now suddenly I cannot get enough food down my throat. Am ALWAYS starving!

G lovely bump! I always want to blow raspberries on other people's bumps :haha:
10 days, woo.

Finished work early and am having a laze on the sofa. I reckon I deserve it after yday and I also think I deserved the White chocolate Magnum as.. well, I just do!

Lovely bump too!
Thanks for your comments. DM my oh always blows raspberrys on my bump!

My appetite has gone a bit, last couple if nights I've been getting shocking indigestion from about 4 o'clock onwards!

I bought my nightdresses so can finally pack my hospital bag this weekend!

Went shopping earlier, only for an hour, it really took it out of me, hot, bothered, tired and frustrated, I'll not be doing that in a hurry again! Glad I was organised earlier on in pregnancy when I had a higher tolerance level! Cranberry, you want to get all shopped out while you still can!

Mrs f - you ok today hun?

Anyone heard from maxi? Or anyone else for that matter? Did anyone follow how Megg got on with her second round?
Going to two nct sales this weekend. Seems early but there's none in July/aug and sept seems rly late to start. One with sil who's great and has two kids already so won't need much and one with friend who's 22w but not rly fussed so i reckon I can grab the swag. Anything we both want I think I'll let her have tho as she's further along

Have indigestion tonight. Raw onions for dinner... I did go to sleep at 9pm tho so have had 5 broken hrs. So boring waiting til morning tho.
Oooo cranberry thanks for the reminder, there's one in town today, just don't know what time it starts! What do you reckon 11ish?

Think I'll go and play ispy in coop too before I get to actually pick buggy up on Monday x

Shocking night last night, woke every two hours for a wee, at 2.30 I was still awake at 3.30 so went in spare room and got 2 hours then woke again and got back in bed! I know it's gonna be much worse when baby is here but this is getting a bit daft!
have a look at the nct website, google nct nns and you can search for your local one

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