Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

DM - thanks for the HV/midwife info - guess its another one of those random things that just vary from area to area! The video and pics of Sophie and harry are tooooooo cute! Absolutely adorable!

Isi - congrats on the 2 girls! You know they were gonna get spoilt rotten though whatever they turned out to be! ;)

Yomo - wow, we can only dream of a labour like that, sounds fabulous - well done you! Hope you're all settling in at home and enjoying each other.

Britt - great size of kitten at the ultrasound! Hope that your quietness means that something is happening by now!

Ahbon - bless you for suffering through everything so much, really hope that you get a date you can work towards today *hugs*

MrsF - it all sounds so blissfull! You make me even more excited to have these guys out and at home!

MrsG - fantastic haul for the boot sale! Well done! Hope you find something interesting to keep you going today!

Starting my last week at work this week which feels strange! Am worried I'm going to be sooo bored in my time off before bubs arrive - I've never been off work that long without being sick! Still totally blessed to not be having any problems and still loving being pregnant so much! I am definitely developing a comedy bump though, it seems to grow on a daily basis which is just phenomenal but hopefully it means the babies are growing well! DH away this week on his last work trip before they arrive (It better be his last anyway, he has been threatened within an inch of his life!!) so really feel like we can get started making preparations soon, 5 or 6 weeks ish to go!!! :D
all went ok today - girls both grown, estimated at 5lbs 11 and 4lbs 10 today - back for monitoring on thurs and monday again.... c-section date: just waiting for confirmation if 22nd or 27th now....doc trying to fit me in at 36+4 rather than 37+2 as I'm starting to suffer...... should know later or tomorrow.... :)

MM - happy last week at work - you'll find things to do when you've finished don't worry!

Mrs G - any news?

Britt? has kitten arrived?

DM, Mrs F and Yomo - how are your cuties? - did you find everything came naturally or ....?

Isis - congrats on two girls too :) Wait til you start buying clothes for them - sooooooooo cute!

right gotta run (well power waddle as my cousin calls it now!) gotta do some invoices for hubby and sort out my maternity allowance form... feeling a bit better at the moment so gotta profit on......
Oooo ahbon, you'll beat me either way!!! Unless baby comes early like I've been thinking, now it's close though I think she'll wait till august!

Not done a great deal today but enjoyed every minute of it, can't believe how lazy I am!
G be as lazy as you can get away with! No point in knocking your bollocks out when you're pregnant and are on the way to giving birth!

Ahbon I have to say it's easier the second time round - I'm not putting myself under any pressure to be some manner of wonderwoman super mum this time. Breastfeeding is going well because I know formula is ok and if she has to have it, its not a big deal. So I'm not killing myself with worry that shes doing it wrong, not getting enough, not latching properly. Shes sleeping well because Im not desperate to get her into a routine by 4 weeks, like I did with H and see so many trying to do on here. I just swaddle her at 9pm and put her in her basket. When she wakes I change and feed her thenstick her back in. I unswaddle her at 7am. I think the more chilled I am, the more chilled she is. I guess thats the thing with being a mum.You only know what to do by trial and error!

I know I will come up against some crap with her and with Harry but at least I know now that it's generally just a phase and it will pass in a few days or weeks or months!

Hope everyone else is doing ok.... :hugs:
Ah DM you're doing so well, thanks for the advice!

I guess Britt must have had kitten by now. Has anyone heard anything?
ahbon - great weights on the girls, that's fantastic! Hope they can sort the earlier date for you, either way it's so close now!!

MrsG - lazy days are good!! I do get fed up of people going on now though that 'you have to make the most of this, you wont get any of that when the babies are here' Hello?? I know but that is exactly what I wanted for 3 bloody years, I'm ready!!

DM - I would love to say that I'll learn by your example but I know I'm gonna be a wibbling paranoid mess when I'm left in charge of two newborn babies!!

Hoping that Britt is a mummy by now!!

Got midwife and scan today so really looking forward to that! Doesnt seem like 4 weeks since I've last seen them, time is going so fast now! Have been getting a really large lump sticking out low down on my right hand side so am interested to see if little girl has turned or if she is still head down. Will be nice to get an idea of what size they are now too!

Good days everyone!
oh my just had the phone call - booked in for c-section next wednesday 20th July! oh boy it's starting to feel a bit realer now! Ok gotta admit my stomach has just gone and my heart is racing....... EEEEEEEEKS scared!

MM - good luck with scan etc today

Britt hope all is ok

everyone *hugs*
Oh my god ahbon, next week?????????

I've been for midwife appointment and she wasn't happy with baby's positioning, last time she was 3/5's engaged, now she couldn't even confirm baby wasn't breach so I've gotto go for a scan so just waiting for an appointment to come through. Tbh her movements have changed today and I'm getting wriggling a lot lower down, does anyone know what this means? Do I automatically get a c section if she is breach or will they try and turn her? I wanted a c section anyway!

Plus i've got White cells and glucose in my wee again, not sure what that means either!
oooh ahbon, how exciting!! Nothing like an actual date to bring it all home though hey! I'm sure by next week you'll have got your head round it all!

MrsG - I hope that bubs turns out to be head down, unless that's not what you want! I think if she is breech they will offer you an ecv to turn her, I think whether they can naturally deliver depends on the type of breech i.e. feet first or bum first but if the ecv didnt work, I think they'd probably go with an elective c-sec? They can change position quite late on though! Not sure about the white cells and glucose in the wee, did the midwife shed any light?

Just got back from scan and babies are doing really well! Girl is now 4lb 4oz and boy is 4lb 3oz, both bang on the 50th percentile for dates so feeling really chuffed! both had their heads turned towards my back so no good face shots today but was just lovely to know that they are both doing alright. Little girl who's in the lead is still head down too so I am still on for a natural birth (but not thinking about that yet!!)
I'm glad all is well mars. I'm glad I'm getting a scan cos I'm curious about her weight. I think I've got a tiny bump, everyone comments at how small I am so i asked midwife today and she days my bump isn't small at all and there is no way I've got my 6lb baby that I was wanting! I'm measuring bang on my dates still so who knows, as long as the scan doesn't reveal a 10lber!

Tbh I think I'd rather have a c section, I know the recovery is a lot harder but I hate not being in control, the thought of my waters randomly breaking and just not knowing when, I'd much rather know when it's going to happen.

I played some music near my cervix and there was a lot of movement and I'm sure her bums back above my belly button but who knows!
oooh thats good MM. Sophie was 4lbs 6oz at 32 weeks so theyre not far off. Can't imagine having TWO Sophies in there!

G, Sophie loved music. I go to choir practice every thursday and she was always kicking like a mad thing during the whole rehearsal!
Hi everyone. I'm sorry that I'm not going to be able to go through the whole thread to find out what's going on but congrats to everyone who deserves it and I will start going through the posts shortly. Ian came home this past Thursday. He's doing really well. Aidan is still in the NICU but only because he needs to get his feeding in order. He's got a really strong suck and will take in too much milk and has had choking episodes because of it. Otherwise he's doing really well too. I'm totally in love with them and we're truly blessed. So much could have gone wrong and thankfully it didn't. I'm still traumatized by the whole thing but I'm sure that will get better with time. I'll be back and will go over all the posts.

PS - I really should take my ticker down huh?!
Maxi that's great!!!! Plus, having one at home first will let you get into a routine so that you're organised for aiden, I'm so glad everything's turned out well, I've been worried about you.
Just text midwife to see if she's remembered to book my scan and she has booked it for Friday at 1145hrs.

Has anyone had a late scan (I'll be 38 weeks) will I be able to see much of her?
awww maxxi, it's so great to hear from you, we have all been thinking of you! How wonderful that Ian is at home with you now. I can't imagine what a tough time it must have been having them in NICU all that time but so happy that they are both doing so well!

MrsG - You'll probably see just a bit at a time but if she's facing the right way, you might just get a shot of her face! At 32 weeks mine were pretty much filling the screen with each bit they were looking at, maybe ahbon will be able to help though as she has had later scans... Fingers crossed that things turn out to be the way round you want! :p

DM - I know, it's weird knowing I am basically carrying a full term weights worth of babies! The sonographer made me laugh when I said how pleased I was that they were average and he said 'you wont be saying that if they still are at term!!'

32 weeks for me today and so so pleased! That was the biggest milestone I wanted to reach, anything after this is just gravy! Can't see any reason why I wont go on a good while longer yet so 36 weeks will be my next target! Being taken out to lunch today by my colleagues in honour of my last few days at work so looking forward to that! Just wish I didn't have quite so much to do to get my work ready for someone else to take over!
Max Sophie has a strong suck too - she's often gutsing it down the wrong hole! Soooo glad the boys are doing well xxxx

G I think it really depends on how baby is lying. A girl in my bump group had one at 36 or 37 weeks and had lovely pictures!
Dm, thanks, with regards to your c section, how difficult is the recovery? I've got it in my head that I'd prefer a c section, I know it's a major operation but I was planning an epidural anyway as I am absolutely petrified of giving birth. How long is it before you're up and about and can manage baby and how long before you can drive etc? I know I'm jumping the gun a bit especially as I think baby is now head down, just so my brain has all the facts.
Oh oh, just been to loo and got some stuff on my panty liner, looked a bit like ewcm but with a tinge of brown, is this my plug starting to come away?
Oooh sounds like it!

OK re c-sections its difficult to give you an accurate picture as mine were both so different and circumstances directly affected my recovery. (they are very unlikely to let you have one without good medical reason btw - and birth ain't so bad. Get an epidural in you and youll be laughing!)

OK so my first csec. I was dilated and had delivered harrys feet. I was pushing but he was in distress. So I had a general anaesthetic and what's classed as a category 1 emergency section. The most serious. basically it was a slash and grab. No care was taken to avoid muscles or nerves when the incision was made. That was not a priority, they just cut. Plus I was stapled together which doesnt happen any more. Both of those I think made my recovery a lot slower.

I was on morphine regularly for my entire hosptial stay (4 days) and couldn't sit up in bed (to feed, pick up Harry etc) without a considerable amount of pain. you're not allowed to drive for 6 weeks, which doesnt sound long but I'm just hittign week three and I'#m climbing the walls!. I was on strong painkillers til week 4 and what they don't tell you is that when you have a csec, you get an apron of tummy that hangs over your girl bits as the skin gets tightly stitched! Fetching.

This time the experience was better. because of the slash n grab technique used last time, I have absolutely no feeling around the scar at all. So siting up, moving around is no problem. Unfortunately this means I have no physical warning that i am doing too much so thesodding thing is infected now!

Worth bearing in mind that I experienced both normal labour (barring the last 10 minutes!!) with just gas and air (was too late for an epidural) and I am a total wimp, and a csec. and this time round I wanted a vbac. Its really only the end bit that hurts majorly, the rest is like a bad period. And if you have an epi you wont feel it. That being said, my second csec was a dream. It was still classed as an emergency csec but this time was a category 3 so not too different to elective, just less waiting about!

Thanks dm, your advice is really appreciated, I'm sure I'll cope either way and I guess she'll be making the decision as to which way she's coming and I'll find out tomorrow, not had anymore gunk apart from normal discharge I think so maybe it's a bit of wishful thinking, I really don't want to go overdue, saying that I'm sat typing this and am now thinking I've got some period pains! My god this is like the two week wait with symptom spotting galore! It's only started today once I'd seen that gunky stuff.

Still no news from Britt? I hope everything's ok.

Is everyone else doing ok?

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