Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

I didn't think I would cope either - I was shitting my pants, both with Harry at the thought of labour, and Sophie at the thought of an operation. What we need is Harry Potter world and a MW with a magic wand! There ain't no good option.
:sleep::sleep::sleep: evening ladies x x x x just a quick visit before i nod off....:sleep:

maxi - :hugs: so pleased Ian has made it home :) that's really good news, and i hope the other wee man makes it home soon to you :) good to hear from you x x

big love to you lovely ladies :hugs: any news on Miss Britt? Am guessing kitten has made an appearance - cant wait for the news :)

aw crap - i've just read the thread and i cant remember who updated with what!!! i think that's my cue for bed and i'll come back tomorrow hopefully abit more with it!!!

we're all good this end - just struggling with the tiredness - dh is now back at work so it's just me and the wee man - loving that i get to steal all the cuddles :) am also becoming a pro at doing things with one hand!!!! havent quite worked out the showering and getting ready before 3pm, but small steps!!! we're both still alive and that's my benchmark!!! am also on day 2 without painkillers which is good, but still swollen and im not liking the numb sensation around my scar - feels v bizarre.

anyway, my eyes are drying out so im gonna catch me some zzzzz's - apologies for not doing individual catch ups, but am thinking of you. much love x x x
wow dm that's great information. I know that I want to try natural birth if its possible, just don't like the idea of a major op. But I am also hoping for an epidural at the earliest opportunity - I'm not looking for any bravery awards!!

MrsF - great to hear from you! Hope that Harry lets you get a few hours rest! *hugs*

MrsG - good liuck for your scan tomorrow, hope she plays ball and that you get some nice pictures! (I know that's not what it's about but it's one of the perks!)

Thought I'd try and post some nursery pics...

and my bump at 31 weeks although it has grown again massively since then!
Lovely nursery mars, and great bump pic.

I've now Written three updates only to lose all three!!!!! Grrrr

In brief, waters broke at ten past ten, been scanned at hospital and baby not breech so been sent home to await things progressing, if they don't progress naturally then booked in for induction 8pm!
MM lovely pics! We've not got a nursery yet - hopefully I'll get hubby on to it when he finishes the other room......... *sigh*

MRsG - fingers crossed all goes easy for you x

Mrs F - glad all is going well even if tired! x

hope everyone is ok

am so fed up now - just want them out - another night of chucking up is getting to me! Got a client arriving at 9 and feel sick - just hope she doesn't stay long! (she likes to chat! :( )
oooooohhhhhh MrsG How EXCITING!!! I really hope things get going naturally for you now and that yuo don't need to be induced but you're going to be a mummy either way soooo soon!! *hugs* The mummies outnumber us preggos now!!

Ahbon - oh my goodness, I think I'd be panicking a bit now if things weren't pretty much done already! Although I guess they'll be in with us for a while so it probably wouldnt have mattered too much but it is a lovely place to just go and stand and touch stuff! get your dh on to it!! So sorry that you're still upchucking, that must be totally grim but only a few more sleeps now and you'll have your body all back to yourself again *hugs*

Last day at work for me today!! Feels kinda strange really, guess it will take a while to make the transition from being a worker to being a mummy.
Wow good luck G. I had Harry at bang on 38 weeks as well. I hope you get the birth you want hun. Best of luck, here's to another healthy AC baby!!

MM gorgeous nursery, I love it! And love the bump pic. It doesn't look like a twin bump! Very neat. X
Morning guys!!!!!!!!

Baby Isobel arrived at 6.20pm last night.

After my waters broke, the scan confirmed she was in correct position so we were sent home, from midnight I was contracting between 6 and 14 mins apart and lasting approx. 1 min -ouch!!!!! I had blood loss so went to hospital at atound 10am and they didn't believe I was regular enough, between 3 and 7 minute apart. They monitored baby and eventually did an internal and I was 4cm dilated. Oh asked for some pain relief for me and made it clear I was wanting an epidural, they said it would take an hour but would give me some pethidene in the meantime. I was moved to delivery room and then when I asked about pethidene they said I could have epidural straight away.

The epidural was fantastic!!!!! I numbed all my left side but my right didn't take as well meaning I could just feel contractions in my lower back but no actual pain. I was fully dilated by 3.30 when I was checked and was told I could start pushing at 4.30 and would have baby by 5.30!

When 5.30 came still no baby and midwife swapped to a head clip to monitor heartbeat. Baby's heartrate had fallen to 53 so emergency button was pressed and room filled with staff, she picked up though but dr's established she was looking wrong way in birth canal and wasn't sure if my pushing would turn her as I was knackered, it went on for another hour and a half with me pushing and we were just about to ask for suction when I found an almighty strength and pushed her out.

It was the most amazing feeling in the world, oh watched her come and cut the cord, we both sobbed our hearts out, she was tiny at 6lb, 5oz.

Finally got moved to. Bed just gone midnight, she's woken twice last night but only fed once. It's now 5.45 and she's fast on which is where I should be!!!!!!!

Take care all x
OMG congratulations! birth sounds fantastic, well done you. Can't wait to see pictures of her. :hugs:
Thank you x

Things going well, Isobel is making great progress, feeding well, night times are a bit horrendous though although midwife says only normal, seems to be feeding constantly, getting around 3 hours sleep but no regrets x

Take care everyone x
the constant feeding does stop. It reappears for growth spurts (we're having one now - :dohh:) but otherwise Soph got into the pattern of having 3 hours sleep between each feed. We had 5 hours once! So dont worry, its just cluster feeding to get your supply nice and generous. xxx
:hugs::happydance: many congratulations mrs-g!!!! and welcome Isobel x x x so pleased for you hun :) x x x keep the updates coming as and when you can gal x x x

mm- loving the nursery!! to see two cots in there melts my heart!!! bet you cant wait to get in there and start using it!!! x x x

hello abhon, dm and isi - hope you're all well x x x x

still not totally used to the sleep deprivation, but certainly seeing the little man's face everyday certainly helps!!! my back is suffering though - feels ever so tender still where i had the epidural, and i can tell im stooping alot as by bedtime, my back and hip ache. still getting visitors through which is nice, but dh is on nights next week which will be fun!!!

anyone else suffering with the inlaws?? am having real issues with mine - hopefully its just a readjustment phase, but everything i do is commented on, everything "good" about harry is from my dh's side (for example his chilledness, his alertness, his hair, his strength) and its really starting to knob me off. i've had to say a few things (it was commented on he was getting fat ---- ffs!!!!) and he's being compared to their other grandkid - its like i was just an incubator!!! theres loads more too. i have mentioned to dh but (and i see it to a degree) he says his mum i just excited and proud - ffs, she even told me to "mind his head" the other day as i rescued him from slipping through her arms!!! :growlmad:

eek, sorry, bit of a rant there....blame it on lack of zzzzzz's!!!

catch you laters crazy cats and yummy mummys ;) x x x
Oh F my MIL is driving me effing crackers. For starters she has horrendous halitosis and keeps breathing over me when I am holding her - she actually made me gag while I was pregnant - I actually heaved! And she keeps kissing and stroking the baby - while I'm feeding her! Then FIL has to suck it up and do the same to prove what a modern man he is and how cool he is with me breastfeeding. I DON'T WANT YOU KISSING MY DAUGHTER WHILE SHES ON MY BOOB FFS!!!! And she knows I dont like calling kids "princess" or "prince". Whats the first thing she buys Sophie? a "little princess" balloon. She calls her princess all the time and when Isaid I'd rather buy her a party dress for dressing up than one of those god awful polyester Disney princess costumes, she's all "oh don't worry, Sophie - Nanny get you one". She was on about Sophie having bloody piano lessons (yes - my newborn!) and I said only if she wants them (I was forced into them as a child) and again "Nanny get it for you." Yeah well Nanny can buy the bloody piano!

Sorry, I rather opened a can of worms there! :rofl:

Those of you BF'ing, how are you getting on? The girls in my bump group are all really struggling, it seems normal now on both sides of the atlantic to get mums to supplement BF with formula. Surely that would limit the milk supply further? Most of them are already exclusively FF and are all super depressed about it. Such a shame :(
Hi. Inlaws ......... Enough said!

I'm breastfeeding and loving it. milk has come in now and she is satisfied. I'm doing about 15 mins, burp, nappy then 15 on the other.

I'm def not being encouraged to ff.

The only thing I'm struggling with is when shes not ready to feed at the 3-4 hour point so i'm having to strip her for skin to skin contact. This is only one or two feeds out of the ten or so I'm doing!

She's just let me have a couple of hours sleep so hopefully after this one. She'll go a couple more. as she's having a good feed I'll set my alarm at 4 hours, I might be lucky!
Sorry if I'm posting in bursts. Doing left handed on phone while bf'ing!

Mrs f my back hurts too but only in bed! My bed suddenly seems to soft to support me anymore.

Tomorrow is our first day after my 48hour visitor ban! Inlaws coming at 11 and having lunch, told oh to make it clear that a couple of hours is long enough, he says he has but I'm not sure, we'll see! Mil says she'll do my ironing, cos Isobel came early I had a pile ready as oh was working all weekend! I didn't want to leave it all for het, (she'd have been here all day lol) so I've done the bulk of it today. I did it sat down and it was fine.

You c section ladies coping with recovery ok? I'm glad I didn't have one in end, I'm sore enough with my stitches. Ouch - got witch Hazel now to put on which helps so we'll see how that goes, going to attempt a little walk tomorrow, hopefully the sun will come out, Isobel was a little jaundice today so midwife suggested some sunshine. First trip in buggy.

Well looks like we're full so I'll speak to you guys later!
mrsg can't remember if i've congratulated you or not but CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of baby Isobel!!! lovely to hear you are all settling in

afm i came into hospital this morning for some monitoring after having a bit of a show when i woke up and had aa positive ffn test so they are keeping me in and giving me steroid jabs just in case. was really hoping to enjoy a bit more maternity leave yet having only just finished work so keeping my legs crossed that they stay put!! really dont want them to come for a few weeks yet so just really hoping its a false alarm!
Thanks mars and hope they stay put till your ready for them!

Ahbon - have I beaten you or is your quietness due to you having your handsful?

Afm - I'm knackered and it's only the start of the night shift! Made the stupid mistake of not having a nap today!!! So we're on for a long night, especially if she doesn't stay in her 2 hour routine like last night.
I must get on the laptop and upload some images. I also need to update my tickers.

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