Aug / Sept IVF UPDATED ROLE CALL (9.19.12 - AM)

No, I had to mix it right before injection. The gonal f pen was refrigerated, but you let that come to room temp before injecting. I didn't ice the area first, but I know some folks do. To be honest, I didn't find that even menopur hurt that much. I only noticed it stung because the others didn't. It may just be b/c you're injecting more liquid. 20 units of lupron is .2cc and my menopur instructions were to use 1cc of diluent, so it was 5x the lupron shot. Its not thick like PIO, though.
Welcome Sunshine! Are you stimming with Follistim or is that n addition to something else?

Afm, cd28 today, had my appt with RE - he did an u/s and said everything looks perfect! Now if AF would rear her ugly head... They did bloodwork and my estrogen level was at 25.1, which is on the low side so AF should be starting soon! Can't wait! My RE also walked us through how to do Menopur! The needle is pretty big, so not looking forward to that! But I am sure it will be fine!!

tlm, I did a round of follistim last month but only 100 units. I only had 3 follies, 1 on my good side & the other two on my blocked side. This cycle RE wants me on 225 units so hopefully I'll have more follies. So I'm only using follistim...hopefully it wil be enough.

Hope AF shows up soon so oh can get started
Hi Ladies :hi:

I’m new to IVF and new to forums. I’ve been reading this one for the last couple of weeks and hoping I would be able to join you. Ill start with my story of how I’ve ended up here.

My DH was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer in June 2010 and had to under go intensive chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. One of the side affects to this treatment was infertility and there was a 90% chance of this happening. He did freeze some sperm prior to the treatment since we had no children previously. He has since got the all clear and was put into remission in March 2012 where we found out that the treatment had made him sterile. Good job we got those frozen! We then put things on hold as we where getting married in the April 2012. We have since been to the fertility clinic to start the ball rolling. We had an appointment in July to get me tested to make sure I was functioning correctly to proceed. We had an appointment at the clinic yesterday to confirm the results. To my relief everything was more than fine and have got high hopes of everything going well with IVF treatment. The next thing I know, after getting the good news that I was ok they then asked when we would like to start and we replied with as soon as possible. I had it in my head that I would have to end up waiting a month or so before they could start the ball rolling, but they came back with starting the injection on Tuesday with the intention of collecting on 24th Sept. So all is looking good and going in full steam head. :happydance:

It’s all exciting and scary at the same time and know that from reading all of your posts over the last couple of weeks it has helped me understand the process a lot better. Looking forward to joining you all with the cycle. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as total novice at all this.
Welcome Sandy! Looks like our EC will be around the same time (mine is Sept21!) I'm a total noob to all of this as well:hugs:
Thats good to know ive got someone going through it at the same time. FX
Welcome Sandy! Sounds like you and DH have had quite the ride the last couple I years! Glad that he is in remission and you can get the ball rolling!

What drug will you be using for stimming?
Unsure on what drug i will be using, will get all that information on Monday when i go for my prescription and my needle teach. Also will get definite results on my AMH as was a problem with the original test. I know they mention some thing about a drug starting with the letter B but can not for the life of me remeber the name.:shrug:
Hey ladies how are you all getting on?

I have been for my check up and follies are coming on well I'm up to 14/15 mm back on monday to check they have reached 17mm then I can do trigger on Monday and ER on Wednesday.
Sounds good Dancing!! Let us know how Monday goes!

Afm, I did my first Menopur shots last night and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated! Yay!! I made dh do all of the mixing and changing of needles without me so I didn't freak it anymore! Lol!! I go in Wednesday for my first check.

How many days did you girls stim for? I have 36 vials, so that would be 9 days. Just wondering as I thought I had seen that you could respond quicker and maybe or have as many days?! Does that ever happen?
Dancing, how are you feeling? Bloated?? Any pain / tenderness in ovary area??
Tlm- I will have my dh to all the mixing...I said "you are in charge of the purchase and dispensing of the meds! LOL!
Lilly, dh said last night that he liked mixing and loading everything up. It felt like a science experiment! Which I guess could be taken a couple different ways! :) I thought it was cute and at least he is taking an active role in the process.
Hey ladies, yeah I'm feeling really bloated and starting to get really tender around my ovaries, I ve been stimming for 8 days so far and I have tomorrow to go as well so I will prob end up stimming for 9days as well. Yeah starting to get excited that everything looks good on Monday and I get the ok to go for egg collection on Wednesday.
Hey ladies, just back from hospital got my scan my follies are ranging from 14-18mm so got my trigger tonight and EC on Wednesday.

How are you all getting on?
Yay Dancing!! That is so awesome!! How many follies did they count?

Afm, day 3 of stimming yesterday. The shots are going well, but I am sore today. I dont feel like anything ismhappening in there just uet! Lol! When did you start to feel something?I go back to RE on Wednesday for an u/s and bw to see what's going on! Yay!

How is everyone else?!
I never really started feeling anything until about 7days into stimming. I had 14 follies 8 on left 6 on right.
Congratulations Dancing thats great news about your Follies! :happydance:

Well i did my first injection this morning, wasnt as bad as i was expecting just keeping fingers crossed i dont get bad side effects from it.
Got schedule for treatment yesterday and looking like i will start Menopur on 14th sept then looking to do EC on 27th thats if all goes to plan which ive heard never really happens.

Being new to all this IVF im wondering if anyone can advise on the advantages to going to a 5 day blastocyst instead of the 3 day transfer????:shrug:

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