Aug / Sept IVF UPDATED ROLE CALL (9.19.12 - AM)

Lilly & Sandy, how are you doing with your injections?

Diliapickle, what cycle day are you? How was your doc appt?

kchope, don't worry about only having 4. I stimmed for 10 days & at day 3 I only had 4, by day 6 I had 6 follies. Right before ER I had 16 & 12 at ER. Your doc will regulate your meds to keep them growing & allowing any little ones to catch up.

tlm, how you feeling? Has it settled in yet that you're pregnant?!?! Have you & DH decided when you're going to share the news with your family & friends? When's your next doc appt? Did your doc say anything about how high your beta is? Multiples?

SunUp, 14! That's great! GL & keep up the good work :thumbup:

seh, good luck tomorrow! :dust:

afm, I just can't believe the time has come. In 12 hrs I'll be sitting in the docs office waiting to get blood drawn. Luckily, DH is off work tomorrow so we'll spend the day together. Who knows where or what we'll be doing when we get the call. DH brought up testing tonight which really surprised me because he's afraid of getting a false negative or anything different then what the BW & either get us really upset or really excited for nothing. I'm just worry about how we'll be if it's negative. On the positive side we have 6 :cold: for next time. If this one doesn't take we'll try again next month. It's crazy to think that this time tomorrow we'll know. It's so much easier to cheer you girls on then finding out if I'm pregnant or not. As for symptoms, been having cramps above my belly button...doesn't feel like my usual AF cramps but who knows. Also, heartburn is driving me crazy. I've taken 3 tums & drank a cup of milk in hopes of some relief. This morning I was feeling really nauseous & gagging. Sorry for the tmi. Just one more sleep & this 1st IVF journey that started in the beginning of July will go beyond the TWW.

Thank you girls for all your support! :hugs:

:dust: to all of us

Good luck! Hope you get your BFP tomorrow!
Yes. When all is said and done I have absolutely no idea what the result is going to be tomorrow. No blood test so I have to assume the hpt is accurate. If it is a bfp i will be over the moon and will start obsessing about the first trimester. If it isn't I will be contacting the fertility clinic and making arrangements for our next attempt(and figuring out how to pay for it). Hope you ladies all have a good weekend. I will post tomorrow when I have done the test. Xxx

Good luck tomorrow! Hope you get your BFP!
Well I did an hpt this morning and it was negative. I am 15p3dt so that is it for this cycle. I suppose I should stop taking the Progestorone now. There is an irrational part of me that wants to carry on pretending it's ok for a while longer but I know that is ridiculous really.
Hope you have a better result today sunshine xxx
Well I did an hpt this morning and it was negative. I am 15p3dt so that is it for this cycle. I suppose I should stop taking the Progestorone now. There is an irrational part of me that wants to carry on pretending it's ok for a while longer but I know that is ridiculous really.
Hope you have a better result today sunshine xxx

So sorry! :hugs: I know how your feeling! My 1st one didn't work either! :hugs: :hugs::hugs:
:cry: Seh I am so sorry to hear this. I think it is good that you have a plan in place of how you are going to move forward.:hugs:
Hi ladies,
How are you doing?

seh, I'm sorry. I also figured if this didn't happen that I'd move on to the next cycle. :hugs:

afm, well last night DH asked me if I wanted to POS...again it caught me off guard & I wasn't mentally prepared to see the results so soon. We went back & forth & decided to test. We were in complete shock when the test read 'pregnant' I couldn't believe it & needed BW confirmation. When I was having blood drawn the girl asked if I had tested & apparently I had a huge smile on my face so she said, well I can tell you tested & by the look on your face it's positive. That was the beginning of the congratulations. It just seems so surreal. DH & I were in the car when the call came in, which was great cause it came over the speakers. The nurse said congratulations! We cheered & cried at the same time. The next step was deciding when to tell our family. We told them tonight & shared some more tears. We're not going to announce it to anyone else till I'm 12 weeks.

Thank you again for all your support.
Awesome Sunshine!!! We can be bump buddies!! :)
Congratulations sunshine! That is great news. I'll go to bed with a smile for you.
Seh - Im so so sorry to hear your news,:nope: FX'd for you and your next cycle. Sending you lots of hugs :hugs:

Sunshine - That's great news about your :bfp:, i bet you cant believe it :hugs:

AFM - Day 3 of stims still no side effects not even any burning sensation after injecting so thats good, thursday cant come soon enough when i find out how im getting on and when ER will be. :kiss:

Lilly how you getting on with your stims? xx
Sunshine! What wonderful news and a wonderful story to go with it! I am so happy for you!

AFM, Sort of freaking out right now. I have completed day2 of stims and when I went to the bathroom this morning I wiped brown discharge/cm??? I have my e2 bloodwork to take at the clinic in an hour but I have no nurses or doctors to discuss this with. Have any of you had this?

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