Aug / Sept IVF UPDATED ROLE CALL (9.19.12 - AM)

Snowbunny- you will do great!! And then dh will wait on you hand and foot! :) We will be thinking of you tomorrow!!
Girls - I know the role call needs to be updated with information, I am planning in doing it tomorrow morning!
Snow - you will do great tomorrow! Good luck! Will send good thoughts your way tomorrow :)
Snowbunny - Good luck for today. Thinking of you xx
Thank you for all the positive vibes :thumbup:

Sandy, that's great that you're not having any side effects. Will Thursday be the last day of stims?

Lilly, I remember the doc told me that after bcp that my period would come back. It could either be light or a little heavy. I'm not sure how long it lasted by not really that long. Glad your levels came back good.

How is everyone else? Good luck with stimming! Is anyone almost up to ER.

No thursday is just a scan to make sure injections are working, they want me on stims for 10 to 12 days so sometime next week hopefully to stop stims and have ER. Thats feels really weird to be saying i will have ER next week :happydance:
Lilly - How you getting on anymore signs of spotting? xx
I know how you feel Sandy - it is weird to think I could be having ER by Sunday!

edit- no spotting today Sandy, thanks! How are you feeling on your stim?
Glad to hear spotting has stopped!!!

Im doing ok day 4 now and looking good no side effects apart from feeling bloated on an evening and a few tingles thats it. How about you any side effects? xx
I feel GREAT compared to how I felt while downregging on Lupron. Like you, mostly tingling at night in my ovaries, al little achy on each side. I will take that as a good sign that it is working. I take my 4th round of stims tonight. It is really unbelievable we are almost there!:hugs:
Yeah im taking it as a good sign as well. :thumbup:

Yeah not long to go now. :happydance: Im back on thursday for scan, when is your next appt?
Next appt is tomorrow morning (day 5 stims). They have me coming in every other day from now on for bloodwork and u/s. They are very concerned about ohss with their patients so they are extra careful. I am glad I get so many appointments, because I love getting as much info as possible about what's happening! GL on Thursday! Can't wait to compare notes and numbers :)
God i wish i got that many appt's think its just how the NHS works. Good luck for tomorrow:kiss:

Any advice ladies of what information i should be finding out on thursday and what questions i should be asking? I will be on day 7 of stims :shrug:
I would ask:
1- how many follicles in your Right ovary, how many in your Left
2- what are their measurements.
3- what is your e2 (etradiol) level.

Finally ask them if you are where you should be, for day 7. Are your responding well, and how many eggs they expect to get :)

Then if you are like me you will go home with the information and Google the heck out of it:haha:
Snowbunny, good luck! It will be over before you know it!

Sandy, at first those 10-12 days of stim feel like an eternity. I remember the first day that I didn't have to stim I felt like I was forgetting something. Yay for ER next week!

Lily, glad the spotting has stopped :) It's great that they setup so may appts. My doc had me in everyday towards the end of my stims. I thought it was so they could make extra money but after hear about different OHS I'm glad they keep a close eye on us.

I'm excited for you girls! :dust:

tlm, how are you feeling? Has it set in yet?

So DH & I laughed & even cried when we watched 'what to expect when your expecting' I also didn't want to watch it till we got BFP. I'm at the docs office right now waiting to get BW. Hope my levels are where they need to be. My next app is on the 27th for a sono!
oooooh exciting Sunshine about the sono! GL with your bloodwork!
Snowbunny, good luck! It will be over before you know it!

Sandy, at first those 10-12 days of stim feel like an eternity. I remember the first day that I didn't have to stim I felt like I was forgetting something. Yay for ER next week!

Lily, glad the spotting has stopped :) It's great that they setup so may appts. My doc had me in everyday towards the end of my stims. I thought it was so they could make extra money but after hear about different OHS I'm glad they keep a close eye on us.

I'm excited for you girls! :dust:

tlm, how are you feeling? Has it set in yet?

So DH & I laughed & even cried when we watched 'what to expect when your expecting' I also didn't want to watch it till we got BFP. I'm at the docs office right now waiting to get BW. Hope my levels are where they need to be. My next app is on the 27th for a sono!

Has it sunk in yet that you are actually pregnant?????? Good luck with your BW today im sure everything will be fine. Cant wait to hear about your sono on 27th :hugs:
I would ask:
1- how many follicles in your Right ovary, how many in your Left
2- what are their measurements.
3- what is your e2 (etradiol) level.

Finally ask them if you are where you should be, for day 7. Are your responding well, and how many eggs they expect to get :)

Then if you are like me you will go home with the information and Google the heck out of it:haha:

Thanks for this just with only having this appt want to make sure im asking all the right questions as dont want to get home and think crap i should have asked that!!!!!! :shrug:

I know what you mean about looking things up on google i do it all the time, it is good to know ive got you ladies who are going through the same thing to ask and reassure me :kiss:
Sunshine - So excited for you! I am sure your BW will be great! :)

Sandy & Lilly - I am right there with you, I am on day 6 of stims! And Lilly I am planning to take those questions you said with me tomorrow and not leave till I have an answer :)
2 blasts transferred!! Yay!! Waiting for frostie report :) hoping for 2. We have 5 morulas still looking good.

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