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Aug / Sept IVF UPDATED ROLE CALL (9.19.12 - AM)

That sounds about right, maybe a tad late. Mine was 13dp3dt.
Yeah, I think my clinic just likes a little longer before beta. I think I will test the weekend before since I think it should show on HPT by then... but won't be testing before that.
I was told to come back in 2 weeks...so 14dp3dt.

Sunup congrats on the transfer.

Lilly awesome report...soon you'll be joining the 2ww.
Lilly - Congrats on 10!! That is awesome! :)

Sun Up - yay for being PUPO!! Hope the TTW goes quickly and you see a bfp at the end! :happydance:

Sandy - 14 is great! Hope you are feeling ok as I know you were concerned about OHSS! Make sure to have lots of Gatorade! :thumbup:

Surrender - Hope everything went well today!

AFM - I am just anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor to see how many embabies we still have and how they are progressing!
Hi ladies!

Sandy way to go on your 14 eggs, hopefully there are a bunch that are excellent and strong!:flower:

Sunup, Good luck wishing you a BFP!!:baby:

Lily congrats!!! 10 is amazing!! wow! best of luck!:thumbup:

Dillapickle, All went well, they got 16 eggs, hoping there are some winners in there. The doctor told us that because I am 41, we should consider putting back 4 embryos, provided we have 4 that fertilize, he said for my age he will be happy if 5 make it. He made it sound like my chances are not great because of my age even though I have a dd who is 21yrs old and 4 pregnancies which were terminated by choice ( I was too young and stupid). Trying not to focus on that and staying positive. Is anyone else over 40? :dust::dust: to us all!
Surrender - Wow what a great response! You have responded better than some women half your age! I will be 37 in October so we are the over- 35's in the group I think. You doctor was being cautious I am sure but if you have 5 left at the end at blast or even 4 if you will transfer 4 that would be ideal. I think at this stage of the game I will be thankful if we have 2 to transfer and a couple to freeze.

Are you worried about transferring 4? I would think with your response there would be good quality eggs in there!:hugs:
Lilly - Congrats on 10!! That is awesome! :)

Sun Up - yay for being PUPO!! Hope the TTW goes quickly and you see a bfp at the end! :happydance:

Sandy - 14 is great! Hope you are feeling ok as I know you were concerned about OHSS! Make sure to have lots of Gatorade! :thumbup:

Surrender - Hope everything went well today!

AFM - I am just anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor to see how many embabies we still have and how they are progressing!

Dilia - what day post retrieval are you? Yesterday we were 3dpr and 8 out our 10 eggs were developing on track.

Sandy how are you feeling? Hope you are comfortable!

SunUp I will be joining you on Sunday!
Hi ladies!

Sandy way to go on your 14 eggs, hopefully there are a bunch that are excellent and strong!:flower:

Sunup, Good luck wishing you a BFP!!:baby:

Lily congrats!!! 10 is amazing!! wow! best of luck!:thumbup:

Dillapickle, All went well, they got 16 eggs, hoping there are some winners in there. The doctor told us that because I am 41, we should consider putting back 4 embryos, provided we have 4 that fertilize, he said for my age he will be happy if 5 make it. He made it sound like my chances are not great because of my age even though I have a dd who is 21yrs old and 4 pregnancies which were terminated by choice ( I was too young and stupid). Trying not to focus on that and staying positive. Is anyone else over 40? :dust::dust: to us all!

Surrender - I am 36.5...lol, who's counting ;). I haven't heard many people put four back, is the doctor going to want to see quality first?
Surrender - wow great response! 16 thats awesome! I an sure you will have at least 5 at the end of this!

Lilly- I am 5 days past retrieval now. A bit sad cuz today was supposed to be transfer day. Instead I am waiting for call to see how many made it to blast and will be frozen. I had a dream last night it was 8!

Hope everyone is doing well! :) :dust:
GOING IN FOR MY 5 DAY TRANSFER TOMORROW....EEEK!! I hope we have at least 2 good to transfer. The embryologist couldn't give me an update because apparently they don't check them on day 4 at my clinic. I have no idea what we will be walking in to tomorrow but saying a lot of[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

Wish me luck girls...hope everyone is doing well.

Thinking of you dilia...your time is coming.:hugs:
Good luck Lilly!!! Enjoy it is a cool process...can't wait for the report.
Dillapickle, Thanks, and i hope you are right! Sorry you ave to wait.:coffee: Praying for your embabies to be strong and 8 would be an awesome number! Good luck!:thumbup:

Lilly, Good luck with the transfer! Thanks for your reply! If all goes well my transfer will be on Wednesday. Just spoke the doc he said 13 eggs were mature out of which 10 are being fertilized and looking well so far!! I hope we have some winners in there! I am not sure if 4 is the right number to transfer seems like a lot. I am confused:wacko:

Snowbunny, I am sure the doc will consider the quality but he seems to think transferring 4 at my age is better. I have no idea:shrug: I guess we just have to wait till we have more info on the embabies and then take it from there.

Sandy how are you feeling? I have terrible gas, bloating and cramps . Hope you are doing well:flower:

Sunup, Wishing you a :bfp:!!!

Praying for us all!:hugs::dust::dust:
GL Lil!!

Surrender - hoping all goes well and you have some great embies!

Sunshine - how are you feeling? Has it sunk in yet??

AFM - 3dp5dt. About 1 week until beta, crazy! I have been feeling pretty rotten the past few days and definitely had the WEIRDEST dream of my life, maybe thats good? Too soon to tell here, trying to stay busy but its hard when I get tired so quickly, these meds have thrown me through a loop!
Surrender- check out my journal... we had the same amount! I have 13 eggs, 12 mature and 10 fertilized.

Just got back from my transfer and we had 2 good blasts and 6 morulas that were still growing so they will wait a day or two and see if there are any to freeze.

Before the transfer the doctor came in and showed us a graph with the statistics of the pregnancy rate for our graded embryos. I think that will be helpful in terms of how many to transfer!
hi ladies

Sorry for going quiet had a busy weekend.

Lilly glad to here you have went for transfer today hope everything went well for you and you are putting your feet up and relaxing! You are PUPO now yay!!!! :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. :kiss:

AFM - Been a bit achy and sore since ER as my right ovary was behind my womb so have to but pressure on to move it into a more accessible position but feeling better now. On friday we got a call from the clinic to say we had 11 mature eggs of which 10 had fertilised. YAY! :happydance:
Just had a call this morning to say they want to take then to 5dt :happydance::happydance::happydance:and that they have 2 top quality eggs and 2 good eggs so looking good so far.
Doesnt look like ive got OHSS at the moment just bloated.
How everyone doing with there ER or ET? :kiss:
Sandy - congrats! On 10 and for a 5 day transfer! :)

Lilly - Congrats on being pupo! Glad it went well! :)

Thanks for asking sun up, I ended up with only 3 from the 41 they retrieved. All 3 were frozen and I am praying AF gets here soon so I can start FET process and pray they thaw ok!

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