• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Aug / Sept IVF UPDATED ROLE CALL (9.19.12 - AM)

D- I know you will get your July baby! It is all meant to be :)

Sandy- Wow lots of lucky number 10s on this thread!!! Great news...so glad that you are not experiencing ohss! Yay for 5 day....can't wait for your transfer!

Fx'd SunUP
Sunup, what are you doing to keep yourself busy during TWW? It still hasn't really sunk in yet. I am experiencing ms all throughout the day and nausea. Today we were out shopping for clothes cause believe it or not my pre-pregnancy clothes are really snug. While we were out I had to pee (which is something I am doing all the time now) & the smell of the public bathroom made me so nauseous I was gagging the whole time. :\ I keep looking at our pics of the US & I'm still surprised to see it labeled a & b. Its amazing & yet crazy that I have twins in my belly. I'm in love!

Lily, how many did you transfer? How are you feeling? Congrats on PUPO!!!

Sandy, congrats on 10!!! Thats great! When is ET?

Dilipickle, hope AF comes & goes quickly so you can get those :cold: transferred! How many do you think you'll transfer?
Hey gang - it looks like I'm out. I've had some pretty strong cramping yesterday and today, and tonight I've had some spotting with red. I'm going to call the clinic to see if I can get the in early to do the beta and get off the suppositories.
Snow - I'm so sorry! :hugs:

Sunshine - thanks! Hopefully we transfer 2!
So sorry snow:cry: I hope you can get in soon for beta so you can have confirmation and move on to FET quickly. I'm glad that you have some frosties waiting for you :hugs:
Snowbunny - So sorry to hear you are cramping and spotting. Its still not totally over til you get your beta. Thinking of you x

Hope everyone who is PUPO is doing well, i will be joing you tomorrow yay!!!
How you feeling lilly any advice for the transfer? xx
The only advice I was given was to keep my thighs really relaxed during the procedure.

The advice I would give is this. Our appointment was at 11AM from 9:45am- 10:30am I drank a 32 oz gatorade (drank 3/4 of it). And I drank it leisurely through a straw (I hate gulping). It gave me just enough time and I had quite the full bladder for the transfer. I took a valium an hour before transfer (per doctors orders) which really helped me to relax. It all goes by very fast. Your bladder is so full it feels like it is going to burst but the fuller the better for transfer!


edit: I am doing fine just resting in bed with my little bed laptop desk that dh bought for me. Plan on watching so movies and eating pineapple core and just relaxing :) Today is the last day of official bedrest but the I will be taking off Tuesday and Wednesday from work as well :)
Thanks for the advice lilly, hope you enjoy your bed rest xx
Lilly - DH is so sweet. I'm happy you can keep us updated from the comfort of your bed.

My bleeding only got worse today. The clinic told me to come in tomorrow to do my beta so I can stop the progesterone. I'm pretty brokenhearted but trying to look forward to our fet.
Hey ladies!

Snow, so sorry, you are lucky you have frosties, wishing you the best:hugs:

Lily congrats on the transfer and thanks for the tips I go in for my transfer tomorrow! Wishing you a:bfp:

Sandy good luck with the transfer, you and I are on the same timeline it seems. Sending you tons of :hug:

Dillapickle best of luck with FET and please keep us posted. :hugs:
Mo, how are you feeling?

Phantom how are you feeling?

Yesterday I went to see doc to make sure I wasn't hyperstimulating and thank God I am not. The latest report as of yesterday is that out of the 10 embryos that fertilized so far 5 didn't make it leaving us with 5. Praying we don't lose more by tomorrow, lets see what God's plan is for us, also we are leaning toward put back 3, that is if we even have 3 by tomorrow. fingers and toes xed!!:baby::baby::coffee:

SUNUP, congrats on your transfer!!! wishing you a quick 2ww that results in a :bfp::dust::dust:
Surrender - Good luck with your ET today. It does seem like we are on the same timelines. Yay! Look forward to seeing how many you transfer xx
:dust:Have a great transfer day SANDY!!!:dust:
Can't wait to hear your update!

TLM Where are you????
Hi ladies! Sorry, this ms is really getting me down! I got sick for the first time yesterday. Boo! I have been reading when I can.

Lilly, sounds like you have a good plan! You will get plenty of rest this week and can loo forward to a nice trip with dh!! Can't wait until you test!!!

Surrender, good luck!! I only had three eggs at ER and they all fertilized and made it for 3dt so we put all 3 back! Try not to worry, I know that's easier said than done! :) It onky takes one!!!

Sandy, how are you feeling? Good luck with ET!!! How many are you transferring?

Snow, I am so sorry this cycle didn't work! What advice does your doctor have! So glad you have frosties available!!!!

Good luck to everyone else. Sorry if I missed you!!
Surrender: actually I feel like crap. Not physically but mentally and I feel like a failure....everyone seems to have cute pg tickers and I want one. But it is what it is. Don't know what I was expecting after two already failed cycles. I'm ready to get on with my 4 frozens.... If those dont result in bfp I've decided I need a new clinic. Maybe I will feel better after my consult on the 18th. I'm just kinda exhausted at this point. But thank for asking.

Tlm sorry about the ms but its a good sign of healthy pg! Hope it gets better soon. Can the dr give you something??

Gl w/ those who transferred and those doing it soon!! Fx four bfps!!!
Hey everyone! Hope October is treating everyone well!!!

I got the call yesterday that we have EIGHT snow babies!!! Woa!!

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