August loss support thread - update on page 55

Hi ladies hope you are all well x

Amytrisha when I went for my scan last week I had 2cm piece retained and she also said to watch out for infection. She said the signs would be offensive smell and / or funny colour discharge. I think u would know if u got an infection hun I have been watching out for one and don't have one thank goodness! Sorry for tmi but I just have what appears to be EWCM and loads of it but it is always pink very odd. I still have the tiniest of a squinter on a pg test but my opk is only getting a tiny bit of colour. I have no idea what's going on and I'm hoping that I will just get af to clear everything out and reset cycle. Have you got spotting still hun?

Hope everyone is ok xx
Hi ladies hope you are all well x

Amytrisha when I went for my scan last week I had 2cm piece retained and she also said to watch out for infection. She said the signs would be offensive smell and / or funny colour discharge. I think u would know if u got an infection hun I have been watching out for one and don't have one thank goodness! Sorry for tmi but I just have what appears to be EWCM and loads of it but it is always pink very odd. I still have the tiniest of a squinter on a pg test but my opk is only getting a tiny bit of colour. I have no idea what's going on and I'm hoping that I will just get af to clear everything out and reset cycle. Have you got spotting still hun?

Hope everyone is ok xx

I was getting brown tinged ewcm for a few days but no positive opk. It then went and a few days later I got more ewcm but clear (no blood) and then positive Opk. Sounds like ovulation isn't far off for you x
Hey ladies, hope you're all doing ok!

Amytrisha, I had an infection after DS and it was painful, clotting and smelled foul/metallic. You should also keep an eye out for infection.

I think if it's 4cm there's a good chance you could pass it during AF. Did you ever use raspberry leaf tea when pg? It can apparently stimulate uterine contractions so could help?

Bubbles - sorry your friends are being so insensitive. I have a fair few of those too! :hugs:

Lora - hope the TWW isn't too anxious. Can't actually believe some of us are there already! Good luck, be lovely to have some nice news :winks:

Aayla - glad you're feeling a bit more positive now. Hopefully you can start TTC soon!

Afm, I've been a bit crampy/twingy feeling the last few days but don't think I've ovulated. Probably going to be in it for the long haul 😩

I'm going to start agnus castus again next week though once I've had plenty of milk thistle to clear the old hormones out. Hopefully that'll kick start things xx
Thanks Lora x at least that gives me some idea of what might be going on! I was feeling a bit defeated thinking I wasn't going to O this month but maybe I will..... How are you hun? Any update on Edens funeral? Hope ur ok xxx

MrsMac did u have ur follow up scan? Was it this week hun? Btw what does the milk whistle do is it good for ttc hun?
I've not heard anything since last Wednesday! They said they'd be in touch with a day and time but no word. Think I'll call tomorrow, I need the closure Nd want to get the writing sorted.

I think we are going to get the bottom of Eves kerbs engraved.

Was thinking something simple

Baby Eden Allonby
Born Sleeping 17.8.15
So little, so loved (or so small, so loved- can't decide?)

I don't even know if she's still at hospital or funeral directors. I just want her with her brother and sister 💖💙💖 this is their grave hope nobody minds me sharing x


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So little, so loved .. Sounds beautiful Lora :hugs:

Thanks for the advice ladies!
I've attached a picture of the test ( I think ) .. I'm still slightly spotting brown discharge but that's about it. Hoping test is either negative next week or bloods say my HCG is low enough for a period .. Fingers crossed x


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Lora thanks for sharing your pic, lovely tribute to your angels. Agree with so little so loved too for Eden. Hope you get some news soon.

Nice to see some of you in or near the TWW, things are going to be looking up in here soon ladies, we could do with some lovely news in here ASAP!

I had my follow up scan this morning, as expected it wasn't good news. Didn't come as a shock at all that they confirmed a miscarriage, but still found myself suddenly very tearful when I thought I was handling it ok as I knew what was coming. I think it's all the worry of the unknown still, no idea how long it will take to get my cycle back which is weird enough at the best of times, no idea how long we will have to TTC this time, and no idea if we will have to go through all this again. I ended up having to have an internal this time which wasn't particularly pleasant, and has left me feeling a bit sore tonight. HPTs were still showing faint lines today, very faint and hardly noticeable on the cheapies, and definitely there on the FRER but should hopefully be back to negative soon.

Still feeling quite annoyed about my friend, she's obviously forgotten about my scan and has text today about how her son is missing my daughter and wants to come round with her birthday present at the weekend. I've not even answered it, don't know what to say to her and I really don't feel like seeing her at the moment, but I don't want to end up pushing her away, it's not her fault she's pregnant still and I'm not.

The nurse at the EPU today said we should wait until my next cycle before TTC again, but couldn't give us any straight answers why. My DD is proof enough for us that we don't need to wait, and my cycles are too long and unpredictable for me to miss any chances at all. I've no idea at all whereabouts in my cycle I am now, getting a strange mixture of what looks like pink or brown tinged EWCM some days, which disappears, so fingers crossed that may be a good sign things are heading in the right direction. My first loss was 2nd December and I conceived DD on the 22nd so would love things to work like that again if we could be that lucky. I've been doing OPKs for the last few days now, even though I'm probably still a couple of weeks off at least.
Thanks ladies

Amytrisha I reckon that'll be negative before this weeks out!

Bubbles I'm sorry to hear that everything was confirmed- guess in a way it was a relief too? You always hold on to that tiny bit of hope. How has hubby taken it?

Your friend sounds very insensitive 😞 think I'd have to gently remind her!

As for trying again- I did hear to wait 1 cycke as anything left over can be flushed out with Af- but To me if your body ovukated then your body is ready? So no, we didn't wait either. X
It probably makes sense to wait, I just can't shake off the thought that we conceived DD straight after the first loss because of the whole being more fertile thing, and don't want to miss that again if it's true. It worked with her and she was a healthy baby at the end of a problem free pregnancy, if I'm going to have a loss I'm obviously going to have one anyway as the others have randomly happened, so I think there's more chance of things going ok next time round than not. Well I hope anyway! I would probably be more likely to wait if my loss was much further along or if my cycles were more 26-28 days rather than 5-6 weeks! I'm actually convinced my stupid long cycles are to blame, but I'm back on the Vitex now which helped regulate them with DD.

DH took it quite well, I think I managed to convince him in the end before we got there that it really wasn't likely to be good news, as he started saying it was catch 22 and even if the baby was ok at the scan there was obviously something wrong so that might not even be good news for long. He was obviously still a bit hopeful and was disappointed, and think he felt a bit useless when I kept getting upset.

Yeah my friend does seem quite insensitive at the moment, I don't think she means to be or even realises what she's doing. I just don't want to see her at all at the moment but know it's going to be awkward whenever I do see her next and don't want to push her away. I think I'm just so hurt that our chance to share what should've been a happy experience together has been snatched away. People go on about how it's ok as you'll get another baby soon, but I'm never going to have this one that was due on my mum's birthday and at the same time as my friend, who we should've been able to share the news of in a few weeks time. Now I'm not even back to square one as I have no idea where I am in my cycle so I feel like square one would actually be an improvement! It's like my body still thinks it's pregnant in some ways even though the baby is gone.

Sorry for my rants on here girls, they always seem to get more ranty and longer than I intended, hopefully my normal service will resume shortly. Guess I just don't have anywhere else I feel I can unload all these feelings and I know you guys understand when no one else does.
It gives me hope that you conceived first time after your loss.

I can also have really iffy cycles (didn't have one for over 3 months at one point) so if I'm ovulating, I'm on it, lol! Really hope your cycles return to some sort of normal soon.

I totally get how you feel with the friend because I'm in a similar position although we aren't as close as we used to be which makes it a little easier. Xx
Lora - that's so beautiful 😢 I hope you get Eden back soon hun x

Amytrisha - fingers and toes crossed you get AF soon and you can start to move on x

Sunshine - thanks hun, yeah it was Tuesday and confirmed all cleared so just waiting to see if my daft body gets the message and starts to get back into decent cycles with decent quality eggs! If not, I will take the agnus castus again to help regulate hormones, it was brilliant last time and was what helped me ovulate enough to get pregnant with DS and the mc. Milk thistle helps your liver clear toxins from your body, including excess hormones. Carrots also bind estrogen so if like me you have estrogen dominance, it helps the body flush too much out so you can start to produce proper levels of progesterone x

Bubbles - so sorry it was the news you were expecting, doesn't matter how long you've 'known' for, it's still upsetting. I cried my eyes out when they confirmed it after four other scans. I think it was more the relief in my case! Re waiting til you've had one cycle, it's only for dating purposes is all. I had the same convo with EPU and they said there's nothing stopping us but it helps for dating purposes of you conceive straight away. That's never going to happen in our case - took us 10 months to get to a mc and that was with a tonne of help from herbs and diet! But I'm not really actively trying yet if you know what I mean? As soon as I know things are back on an even keel, that's when we will try properly. I'd feel better if I knew my body was doing what it needed to do first because I think that definitely contributed to the mc. The herbalist told me I would be best to give myself six months of regular cycles and optimum diet before TTC but I didn't listen. She said I'd be more likely to mc and she was right!

Incidentally, if anyone is interested in talking to the herbalist I use, I'd be happy to pass on her details. It cost be about £100 initially with 2 phone consultations and 2 bottles of different herbs but they last about 2/3 months. She's a bit overly enthusiastic about it, which I find a bit cheesy! But she clearly knows what she's on about as i wasn't even ovulating for about a year on my own! X
So I am getting some weird symptoms. Well not weird but identical to what I had after I ovulated and egg was fertilized. I went back over my tww symptoms I recorded on countdown to pregnancy. Identical.
We dtd 3 days ago so I am not expecting anything but this has me curious.
I can't even get to a store to get a test to see if my levels are next to zero.
But is it possible to O so soon (I am about 3 days away from "regular" O day) or even possible for me to O without femara?
So my friend got me a frer. I can't remember when I peed last but it was not 4 hours ago lol. Probably within the last hour. But I really have to go right now. I am testing to check levels to make sure they are gone and hope for BFN. Would it matter at what time. If I get BFN now would a bfp show up with fmu?
If a BFN came now I could test again in a couple of days and probably go to the doc to get my other tests done early and then I won't miss my first true cycle.
Not sure what to do.
Caved and took it and holy crap!! It is darker than any test i have ever taken. Pee hold was maybe an hour at best. I had 2 cups of water which is why I had to go so bad. The line showed in less than 30 seconds and it got darker as time passed.

My level exactly 7 days ago was 31. I don't think the test should be this dark. Should it? I would expect that now that I have passed everything I dropped from 365 to 31 in less than a week that it would have continued to drop this past week. When I tested at 16dpo my level would have been around the same (it was 43) and it was not this dark.

First pic is before 3 min, second pick is after 5. It just gets darker and darker.


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Caved and took it and holy crap!! It is darker than any test i have ever taken. Pee hold was maybe an hour at best. I had 2 cups of water which is why I had to go so bad. The line showed in less than 30 seconds and it got darker as time passed.

My level exactly 7 days ago was 31. I don't think the test should be this dark. Should it? I would expect that now that I have passed everything I dropped from 365 to 31 in less than a week that it would have continued to drop this past week. When I tested at 16dpo my level would have been around the same (it was 43) and it was not this dark.

First pic is before 3 min, second pick is after 5. It just gets darker and darker.

Wow, those are pretty dark lines. Did you check when your levels were 31.Fx for you.
Hi everyone. How is eveybody doing?

Just an update from my side. Finally, lines are fading away. There is a squinter but, I am sure it will go away soon. Sad but, happy to have my body and mind finally back to myself. And yes, after almost month we dtd. It was much needed thing to get us close after whatwe have been through. I almost convinced hub to try but, gave up in middle and told him to pullout as, I am scared that if my body isn't ready I might miscarry again. I had a good chance I am about to ovulate (confirmed by scan on Thursday)but, don't know why just backed out. Feeling kinda weird for doing it though.
Aayla those are really dark lines for those hcg numbers- how strange?!

Sweety, it was just the right thing for you to do at the time, you'll know when the right time is to try again x
Is it possible, no matter how remote, that an hpt could pick up on ovulation? I have all the signs that I recently ovulated and fertilized just like the first time. They are identical. It's sort of eerie. And it was exactly 2 days after we dtd just like before. Which was 4 days ago.
Nope impossible, hpt puck up hcg only.
Is it possible you have ovulated earlier than you thought?
It is possible but we haven't dtd in the last 2 weeks except for 4 days ago. My hcg would have been too high to ovulate any sooner. I assume. Unless I am some freak that can do that. Haha.

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