Hey ladies, hope you're all ok!
Kandl are you going to give OPKs a go? I buy them on eBay, packs of 50 for £5. That sounds like a lot but I must've used half of them since my mc until I got my positive, I normally only need to use a few as I know from charting for so long when I'm likely to get my positive. If your cycle is regular 28 days you probably ovulate on day 14, give or take a couple of days. Might be worth giving OPKs a go if you want to narrow it down, otherwise just need to BD plenty between around CD8-18!
Lora I know what you mean about not wanting to test early, I used to be so strict about not testing until AF is late, but it's so difficult to wait! Especially now I have a massive stash of cheapie HPTs. I spent a ridiculous amount on FRERs and Clearblue digis last month, and that was once I already had my BFP I just end up obsessing over tests trying to check things are progressing ok. I really don't want to end up spending so much again next time, but not sure how else to get any kind of reassurance until my scan. They also helped me realise I was having a mc before anyone would confirm it for me which was kind of a good thing rather than have my hopes too high. I found someone on eBay who sells packs of 2 FRERs for £5.50 though which doesn't help the habit! Makes it slightly more affordable though! I have no idea how they can sell them so cheap when they're so expensive in the shop.
Hope you girls with AF are doing ok, excited for you all for TTC time!
I'm not 100% sure now if my OPK was positive yesterday or just very close, when I look at the dried test it's confusing! Today is definitely positive though. I'm already worried our BD timing wasn't so good, we got two in back to back two nights running which never happens, so I was proud of our efforts but think they were too early dammit. I keep reading about O-2 being the day with the highest chance of conceiving, and I think it will work out as the one we missed being that day. I've actually had what I think are ovulation pains yesterday and today, I've never had them before and started to panic it was maybe part of my loss not quite finished, but when I turned to Dr Google it seems to be really common to get ovulation pains after a loss, for some reason, so think that's what it is seeing as I've got other fertile signs it would make sense. Would be handy if I always had them to know when to BD!