unapologetik - how long are your cycles usually? Are you doing opk's? I am hoping I will still ovulate, they dont think I will but I hope it is just later in my cycle.
Well, they've been very erratic since November. My AF started and then didn't stop until February. I had a couple weeks no bleeding, then a 8 day bleed, then no period again until 62 days later. It was very strange, and I did see some doctors about it, but nothing was ever concluded. My last cycle was 38 days long, I temped and OPK'd, and got a positive and crosshairs, which seems to indicate that I actually did ovulate last cycle, on CD26. My LH phase was only 12 days long, since AF came on CD38 or so.
I took soy isoflavones last cycle and this cycle, and so I think that helped me ovulate. I was hoping that it would also help me ovulate early this cycle, and shorten my cycle, but that hasn't happened this time. I'm not complaining - I'm just thrilled that I actually am ovulating, for perhaps the first time since before November, and that my cycle is being somewhat regular. If I didn't catch the egg this time and AF comes on CD38 or so, it will be something to celebrate for me, since it means that there's some kind of regularity.
So, for me, it is very normal to ovulate late in the cycle - last time on CD26, and I think I did this time on CD24 (I'm not 100% sure, I ran out of OPKS
and didn't temp this cycle).. which is usually when most girls are getting ready for AF to come on! But the short luteal phase helps, means the 2ww is not as long!