B vits gals!

Hi Gals

Tinks sorry to hear about the spotting, I'm sure everything is fine though. Let us know how the scan goes.

Hey Lisa, when we lived in South Africa it would also get to below freezing but houses there don't have central heating. It was freezing! I think London feels warmer because of the fact that indoors it's not bad at all. But then again we don't get much sunshine so catch 22!

Anyway update from my side, I've been getting breathless alot lately and had headaches caused by low blood pressure so went to the doc and had some bloods done. They were fine apart from an inflammation marker? Doc said this should be around 20 and it's 42. So he said that just to be safe he wants to organize that test where they take an ultrasound of your heart. He said that the extreme shortness of breath is not normal this early in the pregnancy and he would rather just check it out. Said that there is a condition that some woman suffer from during pregnancy where the pregnancy puts strain on the heart and if I have this I will need to be closely monitored. But he said that the tests could all come back fine, but better to make sure. So I need to wait for the call from the hospital or doc for the appointment.

But now I have another cold, started yesterday :( And the snow here is not helping - miserable outside.

Anyway hope your aches and pains get better soon ladies.
Crissie - sorry to hear you've got this worry added to your plate right now. :(
I have heard that our hearts beat faster in general while pregnant, and I always heard shortness of breath was common regardless of what stage you are on. BUT, I'm very glad to hear your doctor is checking you out because its better to rule things out than assume its all normal. I hope its all ok!

I do think we'd be much worse off here if we didn't get the sun to warm things up again. There are newer houses that they insulate well because of energy efficiency requirements... I'm SO jealous, lol. I hate living in an old house :(
Its funny but we had a record high temp here back in the 1800s.. it was one of those desert wind things (it was measured by a government/scientific boat that was in the harbor when this happened so its legit). The wind blew in and the temp went up to 133F!!! Well lots of animals died from that (this lasted for 1 afternoon I think) but the people were ok because they all lived in adobe-style houses back then. When I read about it, I know we'd be SCREWED if it happened again because we don't build as well, lol!!!
Hi all!!

Have been missing in action as have had horrible cold (still have it lol) and general laziness in doing anything. Had my 16 week apt with mw, she found hb pretty much straight away but baby kept moving and she kept losing it, she said s/hes a naughty one! And heres me telling bubs not to listen to the naughty little buggers at the nursery I work at :haha:

But apart from nightmare constipation,gross I know, which resulted in tummy aches which resulted in me panicking as usual, everything is all good. I'm taking fybogel but isn't helping much, any suggestions?

Tinks hope your scan went ok, I've had teeny amount of spotting too but mw said not to worry as so sporadic and seems usual for me. anyway, hope you're ok.

Lisa, chrissie and merry, am jealous you're all further along than me, have seen you mention a few health issues so hope you are coping and looking after yourselves.
Lisa, is it like a trapped nerve you have? I have sciatica in my back and thats how it feels except in a different place. But its v painful, so I hope they can do something for you.

Am chuffed that my MIL has managed to get a second hand mamas and papas pram for me thats pretty much unused. It looks like an old fashioned pram which is what I really wanted. Unfortunately its between £600 and £700 in the shop but she got it for 30 quid!! Bargain! The top comes off to be used as a kind of carrycot for sleeping in and she got all the raincovers too.

We haven't actually brought anything oursleves yet, we have such a small flat we're waiting til we're a bit more organized spacewise. How much have you all bought?
Well I bought my stroller!!! Very excited about it! And I have my travel crib. But almost nothing else! We have plenty of space but its all so cluttered we have to go through and clean/organize it all before we get too much baby stuff in here. Come to think of it, we better get some stuff started this weekend!
We're getting a bunch of stuff for free at christmas and will need room for it.

My hip thing feels like a nerve issue, the pelvis thing is something else entirely. Both of the pains come and go... some days are bad and some are better.

However, I think I've noticed the pelvic pain moving forward more, so it might just be baby's weight... it started on my pelvis around the vagina opening (I think it did anyway)... now its much more forward... so maybe once my belly pops a bit, the pressure will be off my pelvis... at least until the 3rd trimester :rofl:

tick - I had some very minor spotting and haven't been too worried about it... only a couple of times though.
That pram sounds wonderful and a total steal!!! I'm pretty jealous, lol!!!! I love mine, but it cost quite a bit of money and I don't have the basinette attachment!
Hi gals, sorry I took so long to write back - the scan went fine- they were really pleased with their growth and said they are nearly symmetrical so they are doing great. I asked about the sex and they said the one looks like a girl so as there identical that would mean two girlies! :pink::pink:They did say not to run out buying pink yet though so will get them to check again at my scan next week.

The spotting is still happening but not every day and its only such a little bit in the morning usually that I think its probably harmless - Im wondering if its due to growing so fast as Im getting loads of stretching pains mainly in the evening, in my hips,groin, back everywhere!

Ticktock - what a great bargain!:thumbup: Its good to get a pushchair so cheap as thats your main purchase really. I had a bugaboo for Skye which Im planning to put on ebay in the new year and I will put the cash towards a twin pushchair. She is just in a stroller at the moment as they are easy to get out of the car.

If it is girls then I will be able to use her maxicosi car seat (pink) and just buy a matching one. Things like the steriliser, bath etc can all be used again and I have loads of vests and babygrows - I havent bought anything yet but will need to get started after new year - I will probably buy some clothes in the January sales - two of everything!

Crisssie - sorry to hear youre having problems with that but its great your doctor is being so thorough and its better to be safe than sorry. Hope the tests go ok.

Lisa - Im not sure where all these aches and pains are coming from! Like you they seem to come on and off. Im going to an Osteopath next week so I will let you know if she has any ideas about reducing them. I have heard of the support belts and think I may need one as Im only 5ft3 and quite petite - Ive put on a stone already!

Hope youre all doing ok and that these aches and pains magically disappear for us all!!:winkwink:
OMG I cant believe Im an orange!! It seemed so far away before!! :haha:
Hey ladies, sorry to hear about your aches, pains and spottings. Hope that they get cleared up soon. Glad the scan went well, twin girls would be lovely! Crissie I hope your heart is ok, I've been a bit breathless but nothing major. My ms is lessening now, thank God. Feeling a bit sick in the mornings but no actual throwing up:) did have a cold over the weekend but feeling better now.

My sister-in-law has offered me lots of her babies old things so that's good. We have out travel system and will be getting our cot over the next few weeks:) I have felt the baby move a bit and I love the feeling, can't wait till the husband can feel it too!
I'm still waiting to feel movement that is definitely movement :dohh:

Tick- Glad to hear you had a good scan, the spotting must suck though! :(
Do you know what kind of twin chair you want yet?

AFM - pain is progressively getting worse with some respites in between. I just don't understand why my body is protesting so much! :( I haven't gained more than a pound or two and I'm not showing yet, so my body really isn't being pulled funny yet. I'm not sure how a support belt would help me - I'm also not sure they'd have my size :dohh: Since i am NOT petite! :haha:
I was waddling like a penquin yesterday... and I'm really hating that I don't have a bump because I got dirty looks when I took forever to cross the street yesterday and of course they have no idea why, just probably think I'm fat and lazy, lol!

Merry - glad to hear the ms is fading! :hugs: I can't believe you've had it for so long!!!
Hi guys

I have been so ill!:( This cold is driving me nuts.

Anyway I still haven't felt any movement :cry: not even little stuff. I hope everything is still ok in there. I have my 20 week scan next week Thursday and I can't wait, I'm so impatient. Do you think I could have an Anterior Placenta and this could be the reason for not feeling anything yet? I'm a little worried...

Anyway Lisa hope your pain improves. It must be your body responding to all the hormones, everything relaxing and stretching... The joys... but def ask at your next app!

Merry, glad to hear the MS is improving. You so lucky to be feeling baby! :)

Ticktock, I so know what you are going through on the cold front, it's awful not to be able to take decongestants etc isn't it!? Sucks... I also had major constipation and I found if you stay away from stodge like white bread etc and eat loads of fruit and veg regularly (like everyday) and drink loads of water, it got better.

Tinks it's so exciting! 2 of everything, how does your DH feel, is he excited? Was he hoping for boys?

Anyway I still haven't been contacted about my heart/breathlessness by the doc. Just waiting. But I've been so busy trying to fight off this cold I can't tell if I can't breathe cause my nose is so blocked or if there is anything else wrong :)

Chat soon

I'm sure everything is fine Chrissie, I think movement is harder to spot for first time mums, I haven't had anything either.

Unfortunately my ms has returned this week, just being sick in the mornings and gradually feeling better throughout the day. I've still got no appetite and have only put on 3 pounds so far. The ms stopped about 2 and a half weeks ago so am not enjoying having it back again ugh

Any news on the pain front Lisa? Hope you been coping with it ok.

An twin girls would be lovely, although I am biased being one myself :haha: whens your next scan Tink?
Sorry you've been sick Crissie. I guess with all the stuff I have to complain about, I'm lucky that I haven't caught any colds etc yet!

Pain is still bad! :( I can minimize the pelvic pain by doing the stuff everyone tells me to about keeping my knees together. But NOTHING is helping the hip pain... it gets better if I don't move at all... but as I start to move around it comes back, gets worse etc. I'm limping around the office.

I'm not feeling ANYTHING yet either!!! It actually helped a LOT to hear you have the same worries Crissie! I thought I was feeling something at 17 weeks, but if it was movement, it should have gotten more regular/obvious, not disappeared!! I can't help but worry even though everything is probably fine.
My scan is next Wednesday.. so I feel like we're totally in the same boat on this! :hugs:

I'm still not showing at all or gaining weight. I know thats kind of a good thing, but makes me more paranoid :dohh:

Tick - I thought my ms was finally gone... then opened my front door, got greeted by a horrible skunk stench, and threw up on my front doorstep :haha: I'm not sure it will go away completely for me! :(
I'm fairly sure the movements I've had are the baby as they feel different to gas and the like, they only happen every so often but are quite faint.

I'm sorry your pain is worse Lisa, it is hopefully just your insides making room for the baby. I've had a few pains by my hips but they go away quite quickly. Everyone at work has colds, I've just got rid of one and don't want another.

My scan is on 23rd, can't wait to see my baby again.
are you finding out the sex then Merry?
Awww you so lucky Merry! I also want to feel babe moving... Sometimes I think I feel something but then it's just gas :haha:

Lisa when is your scan next week? Mines on Thursday - can't wait to find out the sex and if Blobie/Blobina is ok :)

We have our Annual office Christmas party this evening and I'm not looking forward to it! I organize it every year and it's a very formal affair. So I have to be on call all night till the very end and I just managed to squeeze into a dress I wore a few years back - but I look like a sausage. :haha: I didn't want to have to spend any money when I probably won't wear it again. But the dress I'm wearing is a strapless dress to the knee and I'm going to freeze my ass off! :dohh: Hope I don't get another cold. I'm just starting to get over this one...

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Crissie - my scan is next Wednesday!!! :)

I wish my work would do a Christmas party this year... it looks like we're not going to have it because one of our investors will be in town and he would frown on it (he's very very ... um... tight with money, lol... might be a cultural thing since he's from another country)
Its not called off for sure, but the person planning it was told to not make any definite plans yet :dohh: umm... getting a bit late for that, don't you think? :haha:

Glad I'm not the only one not feeling movements!! :thumbup: Well, it would be nice if we both could feel it... but at least I'm not alone!
I keep 'thinking' I feel it but then go 'nah, that can't be it' ... i figure when its real, I'll have no doubt about it!
Lisa sounds like your Christmas party isn’t going to happen at that rate!

Ours went well on Friday but by 11pm I was finished. My feet were aching from my Heels and I organized a chocolate fountain as an extra and pigged out (my dress also ate quite a bit :haha:). I left early even thought as the organizer I should technically stay till the end but I just couldn’t anymore. It was only an hour before it ended though. Had to tube home and would have taken the bus from the station but ended up getting a taxi. I couldn't sleep I was over tired and when I woke up I felt like I had a hangover! lol

Anyway last night we made 'Gu' Chocolate soufflés for desert (it was super sweet and rich) and about 20min after that I could swear I felt 2 little taps from the inside. But again I doubt myself as I've been a bit constipated (TMI :blush:) so could have been wind...? :shrug: If it was Blobie, I hope he/she kicks a little harder next time so I know it's him/her! :winkwink:

I finally went shopping for maternity clothes over the weekend as I just couldn’t take being uncomfortable anymore. So I got 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of Work trousers, 2 tops, 2 cardigans, 2 pairs of leggings and a dress for only £128! from New Look. I went to loads of store and the clothes at New Look fit me best. Obviously they are not the most stylish, somehow they think pregnant woman should dress in frumpy old clothes but hey they are comfy and fit!

Only 3 more sleeps till my scan! Whoohoo :wohoo:. Lisa only 2 more for you - lucky! Merry when is yours?
Yay!!! my scan is SO soon!!!!
Time is FLYING!!
I had a regular doctor's appointment this morning... everything is great, heartbeat, uterus is up to my belly button now. They're so happy with my minimal weight gain.. haven't put on any since my last appointment 4 weeks ago.

I was also surprised at how high up the baby's hb was location-wise... compared to being RIGHT at/above my pubic bone les than 4 weeks ago, this time it was halfway up to my belly button!

So here was the scary part about time flying by... I scheduled my next 2 appointments... for 4 weeks from now and 8 weeks from now... and after that? I see them every 2 weeks!!!!! OMG!!!

I should probably get a pair of dress pants for maternity wear, but I'm just so comfy in the jeans, lol! I still have to wear my bella band to keep them up though! But my regular jeans were just digging in too much!

We ARE going to get our christmas party/lunch, lol... so thats good news.

I keep THINKING I'm feeling movement, but still doubting it! :(
I had some AMAZING cupcakes last night, lol.... the best one was called a Waffleicious... cinnamon flavoring in the cake, maple flavoring in the icing... OMG... just perfection!
Hey Lisa did you ask the doc about movement and when you would feel some full blown?

I thinking I have an anterior placenta - that MUST be the reason why! Which would suck! :(

Anyway I can't wait to find out what everyone is having. Lisa do you have a feeling for what yours is?

I love cupcakes! Wish you could email me one...

What do you guys think of this bedding set for the cot? - https://www.kiddies-kingdom.com/ProductsDetails.aspx?item_id=3254&pID=74#

I can't seem to find one I really like...
ooooh, I'm about 90% certain I just felt a kick! A full karate kick to the front!
I don't know what else it could have been... now I'm just bummed I wasn't paying full attention :rofl: I was typing on here and was in the middle of a sentence and went 'whoah, what was that?!'

The doctor had said I was right on the cusp of feeling movement, lol! I got all bummed reading one of my pregnancy books last night when it kept mentioning feeling movement starting at 16 weeks :dohh: It did say by 22 weeks you should feel it even with an anterior placenta.

I had a dream last night that my doctor told me it was a girl and I had to decide if I was going to tell my husband I found out before he did, or if I was going to pretend and act surprised at our ultrasound tomorrow :haha: We'll get to see if I'm right soon!

I like the design on that bedding Crissie - Thing is though, I don't really like any of the bedding sets you guys have in the UK :haha: Its so weird to me how different your choices are... most of yours are white or pastel with a little design... we have tons that are full-blown, strong colors which are my preference.
This is one of my favorites right now... we're thinking of doing a Dr. Seuss theme or at least Dr. Seuss-inspired stuff :)
Ha, I also felt a jab on the way home last night. I think it was baby, it was really low down.

So can't wait to feel something regularly. Lisa you are probably fast asleep now :sleep: but good luck for the scan tomorrow and please send us an update when you find out, I can't wait to know. What do you think it is? girl or boy?

I love your bedding choice! You’re so right, in the UK it is very bland. But all the bright colors are normally Pink or Blue and I want to try to keep the bedding neutral so that if we have another I can use it again. Yours is neutral and bright, wish we found stuff like that here.

Just one more sleep for me. I hope baby co-operates! How disappointing would it be if they are unable to see anything! And in the UK they're not thrilled about telling you. We have signs up in the hospital saying that the 20 week scan's primary purpose is not to tell you the sex. And if you want to know you should ask the Sonographer upfront and they will see if they are able to tell whilst doing the scan. I'll be so annoyed if I don't find out :( I'll so book a private scan ASAP!

Anyway really exciting week, Merry please let us know how your scan goes.

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