B vits gals!

I can't believe how fast time is flying! Its crazy!
Hi everyone!

Just had my '12 week' scan but as the midwife didn't listen to me when booked it, I'm obviously too early so gotta go back next week again lol

Was nice to have another scan though, baby is 4.4cm long and moved around alot which was reassuring. The pic which I'm gonna try put on later is bit scary as baby flipped over and kinda looks abit ghoulish :haha:

Hows everyones ms doing? Mine has kinda come back but only in aves now and then and not been sick which is v good! Am really struggling with tiredness at the moment I really have no life to speak of! Just work and bed!
Glad your scan was ok:)

I booked into my anti natal classes today, 8 classes about childbirth, breast feeding and baby raising.

I'm wearing my bump band at work and every body seems to know now that I'm expecting!
lol, nobody noticed my bump band at work here, lol.

Glad you had a good scan! Wow I can't believe how fast time is moving now!
Hi Ticktock, glad the scan all went well - I thought that they were able to do the scan between 10 and 14 weeks now? Ive heard of loads of people on here who went earlier than 12 weeks :shrug:

I have mine on Friday anyway and I will only be 10+6 so hope it isnt too early , it will just be lovely to see them both :)

Im still having little waves of ms but nothing major - so tired though!!

The belly buds sound cool, Im always talking to my daughter so they should be able to recognise my voice - they are probably thinking whats all that noise, give it a rest!! :haha:
Hi Ticktock, glad the scan all went well - I thought that they were able to do the scan between 10 and 14 weeks now? Ive heard of loads of people on here who went earlier than 12 weeks :shrug:

I have mine on Friday anyway and I will only be 10+6 so hope it isnt too early , it will just be lovely to see them both :)

Im still having little waves of ms but nothing major - so tired though!!

The belly buds sound cool, Im always talking to my daughter so they should be able to recognise my voice - they are probably thinking whats all that noise, give it a rest!! :haha:

I know, I was hoping it would be ok but she said just a couple of more mm would have helped! Plus they couldn't do the nuchal fold test thingy either. I hope your scan goes well!!
Hi guys

Cograts on your scan ticktock, hope you get another though closer to 6 weeks?

Good luck for yours Tinks, can't wait to see the 'twins' - still can't believe it! :)

Hey Merry are you doing NTC classes?

Lisa, I know!... time really flies but now it must just hurry along till my next scan so I can know if we're having a boy or girl. Can't wait to find out, fingers crossed for a boy! Murphy’s law it's a girl. Oh well as long as it's healthy.

I got one of those books baby record books and in the front there in a page for a letter from mom and a page for a letter from Dad. I have no idea what to write here! :help:

Anyway, I'm getting huge! I can't figure out if it's fat, bloat or baby. But it's not going down in the mornings anymore and my clothes are really tight. My tum is really round, but not low down. So not sure what's going on. I'm taking a pic on Sat and I'll post a series to show you guys. I got a pic at 5 weeks then one at 10 and this one will be 14 weeks. I'm sure baby shouldn’t be showing yet? I heard that if it's your first most woman only start showing (officially baby, not fat or bloat) from about 20 weeks?
I'm not sure what is going on with your bump Crissie, but I noticed the same thing with me today.. my upper belly is sticking out more. I think baby is rearranging things and shoving stuff upward maybe?
I don't want to take a picture, lol.. I don't feel like there is anything showing but because I was fat to begin with, i look like I'm 23 weeks :haha:

OOOH you're a lemon today!!

I'm feeling sicker and sicker and I'm just SOOO Tired of it :(
Mood swings have gotten worse too :( Poor DH! :haha:
Lisa I was just looking at our Tickers and I'm now one day ahead of you? I changed mine to reflect the scan's EDD. I asked the sonographer which date they will use and he said the scan date. Then I asked if this would change at the next scan and he said no because the 12 week scan is the most accurate dating scan cause most babies are around the same size. But that after that babies grow at different rates. So I thought since that's the date the midwife would be working towards then I best just get that date in my head. It's only 3 days difference from my original date. so now I'm due on the 4th may but I was due on the 7th according to my LMP, I have a feeling it will be closer to the 7th but who knows it could be anything from 2 weeks either side.

I got the letter back from the hospital on the combined Nuchal scan and blood test results and apparently I have a 1:13000 chance of a Downs baby what results did you get Merry? They say I test negative i.e. the risk is very low but wonder how it compares to others?

Anyway, hope everyones MS goes away soon!
Hi Crissie:) it's good your risk is so low:) Must be a relief for you, mine was 1 in 21,000 chance but once you get into the thousands then it's all low:)

I've booked in for my NCT course as they can fill up really quick, but don't start till Feb. It's a five week course with 8 classes, should be interesting:)

a girl at work has offered to give me a scan on the US we have here, but too scared to do it in case some thing shows up wrong. My curisoity might get the better of me though!

I hope you have a good second scan though it's a pain is nice to see the baby twice:)

I feel huge nowbut every one else thinks there is nothing there. Guess it's just so different from how I used to be. I'm sure it's the same with you guys:)

I'm so sleepy at the moment, hoping fire works won't go off at all hours over the weekend, I normally love bonfire night but this year might give it a miss in favour if an early night.
Hi everyone, my bump is really showing already - the moms at my daughters playgroup couldn't believe how much Ive popped in 2 weeks!!

Im about the same size as I was at 5 months with my DD! It started off early as bloating but now its gone lower and firmer -
I think if its still there in the morning Crissie its more baby! :winkwink:
Your results are fine , as long as its in the thousands its low risk.

Going to a bonfire party tonight - should be fun - Im not sure if my daughter will like the fireworks though!
Really looking forward to seeing them tomorrow :)
Crissie - Those downs results are awesome!
Just convert it to a percentage and it kind of puts it in perspective.
Even a 'high' risk of 1:200 is only 0.5%
The standard risk for a woman under 35 is 1:1000 (meaning if no tests are done and you just wait and see how many babies have a trisomy defect)

I WAS wondering how you jumped a day ahead of me! :haha: Here, they don't change your due date unless its 5 days off from your LMP date.
My LMP EDD is actually May 4th... my ticker DD of May 5th was based on fertility friend's pick for my ovulation date. I measured 4 days ahead on my 12 week scan.. so that would make me May 1st.
I'm starting to use May 4th since all my doctors stuff will go by my LMP here and thats what I'm telling people... but I'm keeping May 5th in mind... I don't want to jump ahead because it will just make me more anxious if/when I'm overdue, you know?

My friend had an EDD of Sept 14th, then they changed it to Sept 8th... her hospital wouldn't recognize the Sept 8th date so they wouldn't induce her until Sept 15th which totally upset her. (she's also the one who had the membrane sweep, went into labor on Sept 6th and I think she pushed it and did it all too early to be honest)
I just don't want to get my heart set on an earlier date...
so i'm sort of doing the thing where you set your clock ahead so you're never late anywhere, lol!
My EDD from the hospital is 2 days before the date I calculated but haven't changed my ticker as I think my date is more accurate:)

My mum is coming for the weekend, the first time since I shared the news with her. I think a lot of crazy parenting advice is heading my way. She tells me I'm nor very maternal for a pregnant woman, not really sure what that means but does any one feel maternal?
I thought I'd change my ticker cause everything from now on it going to be calculated on my scan date. Although I'm not expecting to have this little blob till at least the 7th (which was my original LMP), unless for some reason he/she is early. I definitely don't want to be induced! I heard that is often more painful than going into labor naturally. They say that if you are 2 weeks over due they recommend it as it's not good for baby cause the amniotic fluid reduces. So I think if I have to be induced I will only allow it 2 weeks after my original LMP date. (if the baby is not under stress that is...) My 20 week scan is booked for 20+1 according to my scan EED.

Anyway aren't we due some scan pics from everyone! Common...

Merry I'm not feeling very maternal at all I think I have baby jitters, I'm feeling nervous about baby arriving, things will change :( not sure how but it ain't going to be the same anymore. But then again I can't wait to feel blob move and know if it's a girl or boy! :shrug: Anyway with the sever MS you suffered I couldn't imagine feeling anything but sick!:haha: Good luck for the visit.

If I was offered a free scan I'd go for it - you so lucky. Will she able to tell if it's a girl or boy yet?

Anyway I'm doing the NCT classes, they're too expensive, in my area they are over £300 for the whole set. I'd love to do them if I could, also cause you get to meet other moms in your area that are expecting around the same time as you and you often meet up after the babies are born for tea and stuff. I've just signed up for the classes the hospital offers for free, but it's only two nights (2 hours each) for Moms & Dads. But that will only be closer to my due date.
Hey girls. Just had my first prenatal appointment with my regular OB. She got another scan for me.
The first words out of her mouth were 'big baby' :dohh:
Though I'm 14 weeks and I think she usually does scans much earlier than that so thats all I think it is :haha: Or so I keep telling myself.

I asked her if she could get a hint at the sex and she poked around a bit and said she had a guess but didn't want to tell me because she didn't want to be wrong.
Of course now I'm thinking she would only have a guess this early if it was a boy.. which DH is teasing me about horribly but I want it to be a girl so bad, lol.
Hi guys, well the scan was awesome, we are still on a high! :happydance:

They were both wriggling about and kicking a lot, you can see on the picture the one is actually kicking the other one and woke them up!!

They werent able to do the nuchal test so I have to book in for another one next week (think it was because the sonographer was only qualified to do the dating scan). I also have an appointment with the Consultant on Thursday and they have booked me in for 16 and 18 wk scans as they will be done by the consultant. So its all go round here - I feel a lot happier now everything is in motion.

They are mono-di twins which means they are identical and will share a placenta but have their own amniotic water. They're both measuring at 11 weeks so were really pleased. It was the most amazing experience and were feeling really overwhelmed - my DH even got a bit teary last night talking about it! :cry: So sweet!

Lisa - I bet you cant wait to find out - do you know when they can tell for sure ? Im hoping we will find out at the 16 week scan


  • twins 11 weeks.jpg
    twins 11 weeks.jpg
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Wow!!! Love the scan picture! I can't believe there are 2 of them!!!!! Crazy!!

I don't think they are good at seeing the gender at 16 weeks... its possible but they don't normally tell you here until you are 18-20 weeks.
What wonderful Scans guys. Lisa wow he/she is big! they zoomed in to a close up hey!

And Tinks they are too cute! And so nice that they're identical. Are you going to find out the sex?

ok, here are the bloat/fat/bump pics, let me know what you think...

5 Weeks

10 Weeks

And now...14 Weeks!
wow!! That is definitely a bump forming!! Right now I just feel like baby is pushing all my fat upwards and outwards... my upper belly is sticking out more than before, lol... but there's not baby behind it yet! :rofl:
Hey all glad you're all doing well! love the bump and scan pics everyone

Had my proper 12 weeks scan today, all is ok and even got put forward a few days! My mum came with me which she really enjoyed. Have broken the news on fb at last lol is sooo nice to be able to tell everyone!

But my ms has come back , being sick and feeling sick all day. Is worse now than ever been, how does that work?!

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